Đề thi cuối kì 2 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 5 - Năm học 2021-2022

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  1. Thi học kì II PART I. LISTENING Question 1: Listen and tick (1pt)
  2. Question 2: Listen and number (1p Question 3: Listen and complete (2pt) The story of Mai An Tiem King Hung ordered Mai An Tiem and his family to live on an island. The ___ was very far away. One day, An Tiem found some black seeds and he grew them. The seeds gave ___. An Tiem’s family exchanged the watermelons for food and ___. King Hung heard about the story and he let An Tiem and his family ___ home. PART II. READING AND WRITING Question 5: Read and choose the best answer. (1pt) Hello, My name’s Nguyen. I live in the capital of Vietnam. It’s has a lot of people and high buildings. It’s noisy, but I enjoy living here because life is exciting. In summer, I don’t go to school so I often come to my hometown to stay with my grandmother in Ha Nam. It’s much quieter than Ha Noi. There are not so many people there. Things are cheaper. I like Ha Nam because the people are vary friendly. 1. Where does Nguyen live? A. Hanoi B. Ha Nam C. Vietnam 2. Where does she go for summer holiday? A. Hanoi B. Ha Nam C. Vietnam 3. Why does she enjoy living in Hanoi?- Because it’s___. A. Comfortable B. exciting C. Peaceful 4. Which is quieter, Hanoi or Ha Nam? A. Hanoi is
  3. B. Ha Nam is C. both of them Question 6: Read and fill each blank a suitable word. (1pt) Hi, I’m Tom. In my free time, I often (1)___ with my friends because I like sports (thể thao) very much. My father likes sports, too. He (2)___. Twice a week. My mother doesn’t like sports, she likes shopping. She often (3)___ at weekend. And my sister likes music. She (4)___. Every day. Question 7: Write the correct words with pictorial hints. Question 8: Put the words in order to make correct sentences. 1. Where/ my/ bookshop/ is/ ?/ => 2. many/ seasons/ are/ How/ there/ Vietnam/ in/?/ => . 3. theatre/ pharmacy/ The/ the/ next to/ is/./ => 4. touch/ Don’t/ stove/ the/./ => Đáp án đề kiểm tra tiếng Anh lớp 5 cuối học kì 2 có file nghe
  4. Part I. LISTENING Question 1: Listen and tick (1pt): 1. B 2. B 3.C 4. B Question 2: Listen and number (1pt) 1. b 2. a 3. d 4. a Question 3: Listen and match (1pt) 1. a 2. d 3. c 4. b Question 4: Listen and complete (2pt) 1. island 2. watermelon 3. drink 4. go back PART II. READING AND WRITING Question 5: Read and choose the best answer. (1pt) 1 - A; 2 - B: 3 - B; 4 - B; Question 6: Read and fill each blank a suitable word. (1pt) 1 - play; 2 - plays; 3 - go shopping/ stops; 4 - listens/ listens to music; Question 7: Write the correct words with pictorial hints. 1 - police; 2 - cloudy; 3 - pagoda; 4 - chocolate; Question 8: Put the words in order to make correct sentences. 1. Where is my bookshop? 2. How many seasons are there in Viet Nam? 3. The pharmacy is next to the theatre. 4. Don’t touch the stove.
  5. 1. Đề thi tiếng Anh cuối kì 2 lớp 5 năm 2022 I. LISTENING Task 1. Listen and match. There is one example (0). 0 – E Task 2. Listen and tick (V) A, B or C. There is one example. Example: V A. It’s chicken. B. It’s milk. C. It’s mineral water. 1. A. I’d like some milk. B. I like to eat. C. I’d like some noodles. 2. A. I like to drink. B. I’d like some lemonade.
  6. C. I’d like some chicken. 3. A. Three. B. Three, please. C. Three glasses. 4. A. Two grams. B. Two pieces. C. Two glasses. 5. A. Three bowls. B. Three glasses. C. Three bottles. Task 3. Listen and tick the correct pictures. There is one example.
  7. Task 4. Listen and write R for Right or W for Wrong. There is one example (0). 0. Hoa lives in a big town. ___W___ 1. There are two seasons in her town. ___ 2. Her favourite season is summer. ___ 3. It is usually rainy and windy in summer. ___ 4. She often travels with her parents. ___ 5. She would like to visit Ha Long Bay. ___ B. READING Task 1. Look and write the correct words. There is one example.
  8. Market/ bridge/ pagoda/ park/ island/ theatre Example: We build it to cross a river. bridge 1. It’s a place, often in the countryside, for people buy and sell things. ___ 2. It is land surrounded by water. ___ 3. People go to this green place to relax or do morning exercise. ___ 4. It’s a place for people to visit and see the image of Buddha. ___ 5. It’s a place where you can watch plays and other types of entertainment. ___ Task 2. Read and tick True or False. There is one example (0). My name is David. I live in an apartment in Canberra, the capital of Australia. It is a big city with a lot of buildings, banks, supermarkets and shops. There are trafic jams during rush hour. It is very noisy and things are expensive. At the weekend, I usually visit my grandparents in a village, far from the city. They live in a large house with a garden. The village has not many buildings, shops and things are much cheaper. There are a lot of sheep on the farms. The villagers are very friendly. I prefer living here because life in the village is more peaceful than life in the city. True False 0. David lives in an apartment in Canberra, Australia. V 1. There are a lot of buildings, banks, supermarkets and shops in the city. 2. The capital city is busy with people and vehicles all day and night. 3. David’s grandparents live in a small house in a village, near the capital city. 4. The villagers raise many sheep on the farms. 5. David likes living in the village because life here is more peaceful than in the city. Task 3. Read and number the sentences in the correct order. The conversation begins with 0. A Mai: Which place would you like to visit, Thao Cam Vien or Ben Thanh Market? B Mai: You can walk there for twenty minutes. It’s not far from here. C Tony: I’d like to visit Thao Cam Vien. How can I get there? 0. D Mai: Where are you going this Sunday, Tony? E Tony: Really? Thank you, Mai. F Tony: I’m going to the city centre. Task 4. Read and fill each gap with one word from the box. Write the word next to the number. There is one word that you do not need. There is one example (0). City/ supermarket/ river/ plane/ boats/ fine/ markets .
  9. Can Tho is a big (0) city in the South of Viet Nam. People often go there by coach or by (1) ___. Can Tho Bridge is a beautiful place to look down the wide and long (2) ___ and the landscape on the banks. There are beautiful floating (3) ___on the rivers in Can Tho. People sell fruits, vegetables, meat or fish from their (4) ___. Can Tho is a beautiful city, and the weather is always (5) ___. In the rainy season, it can be quite wet. III. WRITING Task 1. Look at the pictures and the example. Read the story and write the word(s) for each gap. There is one example (0). This is my house. The address is 12 Hang Bai (0) Street. My house is between a (1) ___ shop and a restaurant. There is a (2) ___ near my house. In the evening, I often go there for a (3) ___. At weekends, I often go to the (4) ___ with my Mum. It’s opposite my house. Sometimes, I go to the big (5) ___ in Trang Tien Street. Task 2. Order the words. There is one example. Example: feel/ very/ I/ don’t/ today/ well I don’t feel very well today. 1. you/ the/ what’s/ with/ matter ___? 2. have/ a/ I/ throat/ sore
  10. ___. 3. should/ see/ you/ doctor/ the ___. 4. shouldn’t/ carry/ you/ things/ heavy ___. 5. a/ I/ bad/ have/ cough ___. Task 3. Read the questions. Write about your city or village. There is one example (0). 0. What is your name? 1. Where do you live? 2. What is your city/village like? 3. How many seasons are there in your city/village? 4. What are they like? 5. What do you think of the life in you city/village? Hi. My name is (0) X. I live in (1) ___. It is (2) ___. There are (3) ___. (4) ___. I think (5) ___.
  11. Đáp án I. LISTENING Task 1. Listen and match. There is one example (0). 1 - F; 2 - A; 3 - B; 4 - D; 5 - C; Task 2. Listen and tick A, B or C. There is one example. 1 - C; 2 - B; 3 - A; 4 - C; 5 - A; Task 3. Listen and tick the correct pictures. There is one example. 1 - A; 2 - C; 3 - C; 4 - A; 5 - B; Task 4. Listen and write R for Right or W for Wrong. There is one example (0). 1 - W; 2 - R; 3 - W; 4 - W; 5 - R; II. READING Task 1. Look and write the correct words. There is one example. 1. market 2. island 3. park 4. pagoda 5. theatre Task 2. Read and tick True or False. There is one example (0). 1. True 2. False 3. False 4. True 5. True Hướng dẫn dịch Tên tôi là David. Tôi sống trong một căn hộ ở Canberra, thủ đô của Úc. Đó là một thành phố lớn với rất nhiều tòa nhà, ngân hàng, siêu thị và cửa hàng. Có kẹt xe trong giờ cao điểm. Nó rất ồn ào và những thứ đắt tiền. Cuối tuần, tôi thường về thăm ông bà ngoại ở một làng quê, xa thành phố. Họ sống trong một ngôi nhà lớn với một khu vườn. Ngôi làng không có nhiều tòa nhà, cửa hàng và mọi thứ rẻ hơn nhiều. Có rất nhiều cừu trong các trang trại. Dân làng rất thân thiện. Tôi thích sống ở đây hơn vì cuộc sống trong làng yên bình hơn cuộc sống ở thành phố. Task 3. Read and number the sentences in the correct order. The conversation begins with 0.
  12. 1. F 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. E Task 4. Read and fill each gap with one word from the box. Write the word next to the number. There is one word that you do not need. There is one example (0). 1. plane 2. river 3. markets 4. boats 5. fine Hướng dẫn dịch Cần Thơ là một thành phố lớn ở miền Nam Việt Nam. Mọi người thường đến đó bằng xe khách hoặc máy bay. Cầu Cần Thơ là một địa điểm đẹp để nhìn xuống sông dài, rộng và cảnh vật đôi bờ. Có chợ nổi trên sông ở Cần Thơ rất đẹp. Mọi người bán trái cây, rau, thịt hoặc cá từ thuyền của họ. Cần Thơ là một thành phố xinh đẹp, và thời tiết luôn tốt. Vào mùa mưa, trời có thể khá ẩm ướt. III. WRITING Task 1. Look at the pictures and the example. Read the story and write the word(s) for each gap. There is one example (0). Key: 1. souvenir 2. lake 3. walk 4. supermarket 5. bookshop Task 2. Order the words. There is one example. 1. What’s the matter with you? 2. I have a sore throat. 3. You should see the doctor. 4. You shouldn’t carry heavy things. 5. I have a bad cough. Task 3. Read the questions. Write about your city or village. There is one example (0). Student’s answers vary with correct grammar Gợi ý 1 I live in Hanoi City. It's a big and noisy city. There are a lot of houses, shops and schools here. The people here are very friendly. They always busy with their work. But
  13. sometimes they are so very noisy and I don't like that. The environment is clean. Hanoi has specially is nuggets, Trang Tien ice cream. I love my city very much because it is my home town. Hướng dẫn dịch Tôi đang sống tại thành phố Hà Nội. Đó là một thành phố lớn và ồn ào. Ở đây có rất nhiều nhà ở, cửa hàng và trường học. Người dân ở đây rất thân thiện. Họ luôn bận rộn với công việc của mình. Nhưng đôi khi họ rất ồn ào và tôi không thích điều đó. Môi trường sạch sẽ. Hà Nội có đặc sản cốm, kem Tràng Tiền. Tôi yêu thành phố của tôi rất nhiều vì đó là quê hương của tôi. Gợi ý 2 My name is My Le. I am living in Thai Binh province. It is a small and beautiful countryside. There are four seasons in my hometown. They are spring, summer, fall and winter. People in here are very friendly and helpful. My countryside is quite and peaceful. I like my hometown very much. Hướng dẫn dịch Tôi tên là Mỹ Lệ. Tôi đang sống tại tỉnh Thái Bình. Đó là một vùng quê nhỏ và xinh đẹp. Quê tôi có bốn mùa. Đó là mùa xuân, mùa hạ, mùa thu và mùa thu. Mọi người ở đây rất thân thiện và hữu ích. Vùng quê tôi khá yên bình. Tôi rất thích quê hương của mình.