TIếng Anh 12 - Practice test 36

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  1. PRACTICE TEST 36 Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. Question 01: A. hooks B.turns C. joins D. spends Question 02: A. A. kitty B. kiwi C. library D. liquid Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of the primary stress in each of the following questions. Question 3. A. private B. provide C. arrange D. advise Question 4. A. particular B. significant C. satisfaction D. collaborate Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. Question 05: Mrs. Marry is a widow, ___? A. is she B. isn’t she C. doesn’t she D. does she Question 06: ___ State Bank of Viet Nam (SBV) has warned commercial banks about rising bad debts and loans from large corporate customers whose credit values top VNĐ500 billion (US$21.5 million) each. A. a B. the C. an D. no article Question 07: This is the first time I ___ the experiment on plant breeding. A. have done B. do C. would do D. did Question 08: Susan has achieved great ___ in her career thanks to her hard work. A. successfully. B. successful. C. succeed D. success. Question 09: If I had known her address, I___ her to my birthday party last week. A. would have invited B. would have invite C. will invite D. would invite Question 10: You must not ___any step in the process; otherwise, you would not be able to cook the dish properly. A. leave. B. quit. C. skip. D. hide. Question 11: He is a very intelligent boy; ___, he sometimes gets bad marks. A. otherwise B. thus C. so D. however Question 12: I’ve been waiting for hours. You ___ to tell me you would come late. A. needn’t have phoned. B. must have phoned. C. oughtn’t to have phoned. D. should have phoned. Question 13:The students___ for the school bus over there are gifted ones. A. waited B. waiting C. which is waiting D. to wait Question 14: All people entering Viet Nam by commercial flights ___ under quarantine according to three different groups, with each group subject to different COVID-19 testing regulations. A. will put B. will be putted C. will putting D. will be put Question 15: Many parents tend to make their children study hard in the belief that good education will enable them to ___ in the future. A. get on. B. turn up. C. turn away. D. get out. Question 16: Carelessness and impatience___ many traffic accidents. A. cause B. result C. occur D. happen Question 17: After a momentary ___ of concentration, Simon managed to regain his focus and completed the test. A. failure. B. lapse. C. fault. D. error. Question 18: People usually look through travel___ to decide on their holiday destinations. A. catalogues B. brochures C. handbooks D. lists Question 19: The teacher criticized me___ making too many stupid mistakes in the essay. A. on B. for C. about D. by Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. Question 20: Dark clouds began to spread out across the sky, so we rushed to the house as fast as possible. A. shrink B.diminish C.lessen D.extend Question 21: I’m sorry I can’t go to the movies with you this weekend - I’m up to my ears in work. A.very busy B.very bored C.very scared D.very idle Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments – Cô Nhung Anh
  2. Question 22: People nationwide have acted without hesitation to provide aids for the victims in the disaster-stricken areas. A. awareness. B. uncertainty. C. reluctance. D. willingness. Question 23: Joe's been walking with a spring in his step ever since he found out he was getting a promotion. A. a happy and excited mood B.a joyful and energetic mood C.a worried and depressed moon D.a bad and sorrow mood Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best completes each of the following exchanges. Question 24: David is talking to Linda after a party. - David: “Would you like me to give you a ride home?” - Linda: “___” A. That’s be great, thanks. B. Sorry, you’re not my type. C. Yes, I’m riding home now D. No, thanks. I don’t like riding. Question 25: Linda and Janet are talking about family living under one roof. - Minh: “I think it’s a good idea to have three or four generations living under one roof. They can help one another.” - Hoa: “___. Many old-aged parents like to lead independent life in a nursing home.” A. It’s nice to hear that B. Me, too. C. I agree with you completely D. That’s not true Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each the numbered blanks. Culture has a strong influence on non-verbal communication. Even the simple act of looking someone in the eye is not at all that simple. In the USA, Americans are (26)___ to look directly at people when speaking to them. It shows interest in what they are saying and is thought to carry a (27)___ of honesty. Meanwhile, in Japan and Korea, people avoid long periods of eye contact. It is considered more polite to look to the side during a conversation. The Lebanese, (28)___, stand close together and look intensely into each other's eyes. The action shows sincerity and gives people a better sense of what their counterparts want. Given such differences with even the most common expressions, people (29)___ travel or work abroad have a real need to learn the other culture's body language. People tend to be unaware of the messages they are sending to others. So, it is useful to consider your own body language before dealing (30)___ people from other cultures. Knowing about the body language of friends, clients, and colleagues can be very helpful in improving understanding and avoiding miscommunication. ( Question 26: A. encouraged B. assisted C. forbidden D. opposed Question 27: A. taste B. sense C. sound D. touch Question 28: A. therefore B. in addition C. in contrast D. moreover Question 29: A. who B. where C. which D. whose Question 30: A. of B. with C. from D. over Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the answer to each of the question. It is hard to get any agreement on the precise meaning of the term "social class". In everyday life, people tend to have a different approach to those they consider their equals from which they assume with people they consider higher or lower than themselves in social scale. The criteria we use to 'place' a new acquaintance, however, are a complex mixture of factors. Dress, way of speaking, area of residence in a given city or province, education and manners all play a part. In ancient civilizations, the Sumerian, for example, which flourished in the lower Euphrates valley from 2000 to 5000 B.C. social differences were based on birth, status or rank, rather than on wealth. Four main classes were recognized. These were the rulers, the priestly administrators, the freemen (such as craftsmen, merchants or farmers) and the slaves. In Greece, after the sixth-century B.C., there was a growing conflict between the peasants and the aristocrats, and a gradual decrease in the power of the aristocracy when a kind of 'middle class' of traders and skilled workers grew up. The population of Athens, for example, was divided into three main classes which were politically and legally distinct. About one-third of the total population was slaves, who did not count politically at all, a fact often forgotten by those who praise Athens as the nursery of democracy. The next main group consisted of resident foreigners, the, 'metics' who were freemen, though they too were allowed no share in political life. The third group was the powerful body Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments – Cô Nhung Anh
  3. of 'citizens", who were themselves divided into sub-classes. In the later Middle Ages, however, the development of a money economy and the growth of cities and trade led to the rise of another class, the 'burghers' or city merchants and mayors. These were the predecessors of the modern middle classes. Gradually high office and occupation assumed importance in determining social position, as it became more and more possible for a person born to one station in life to move to another. This change affected the towns more than the country areas, where remnants of feudalism lasted much longer. Question 31: According to the passage, we evaluate other people's social position by___. A. questioning them in great details B. their dress, manners, area of residence and other factors C. finding out how much their salary is D. the kind of job they do Question 32: The word "criteria" in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to ___ . A. characteristics B. words C. standards of judgment D. criticisms Question 33: The decline of the Greek aristocracy's power in the sixth century B.C ___ . A. caused international conflicts in the area B. coincided with the rise of a new "middle class" of traders and peasants C. was assisted by a rise in the number of slaves D. lasted for only a short time Question 34: Athens is often praised as the nursery of democracy___. A. even though slaves were allowed to vote B. because its three main classes were politically and legally distinct. C. in spite of its heavy dependence on slave labor D. because even very young children could vote Question 35: The passage is mainly about___. A. the human history B. the modern society C. the division of social classes in the ancient world D. the social life in ancient Greece Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the answer to each of the question. English teenagers are to receive compulsory cooking lessons in schools. The idea is to encourage healthy eating to fight the country’s increasing obesity rate. It’s feared that basic cooking and food preparation skills are being lost as parents turn to pre-prepared convenience foods. Cooking was once regarded as an important part of education in England - even if it was mainly aimed at girls. In recent decades cooking has progressively become a minor activity in schools. In many cases the schools themselves have given up cooking meals in kitchens in the schools. But the rising level of obesity has led to a rethink about the food that children are given and the skills they should be taught. “What I want is to teach young people how to do basic, simple recipes like a tomato sauce, abolognaise, a simple curry, a stir-fry - which they can use now at home and then in their later life”, said Ed Balls, the minister responsible for schools. The new lessons are due to start in September, but some schools without kitchens will be given longer to adapt. There is also likely to be a shortage of teachers with the right skills, since the trend has been to teach food technology rather than practical cooking. Also, the compulsory lessons for hands on cooking will only be one hour a week for one term. But the well-known cookery writer, Pru Leith, believes it will be worth it. “If we’d done this thirty years ago, we might not have the crisis we have got now about obesity and lack of knowledge about food and so on. Every child should know how to cook, not just so that they’ll be healthy, but because it’s a life skill which is a real pleasure”. The renewed interest in cooking is primarily a response to the level of obesity in Britain which is among the highest in Europe, and according to government figures half of all Britons will be obese in 25 years if current trends are not stopped. (www.bbc.co.uk › Learning English › News English) Question 36: The passage mainly talks about___. A. the lost cooking skills B. the healthy eating C. the reason for obesity D. the compulsory cooking classes Question 37: Which of the following is NOT the purpose for English teenagers to receive cooking lessons? A. To encourage teenagers to eat healthy food. B. To reduce the country’s increasing obesity rate. Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments – Cô Nhung Anh
  4. C. To stop parents from turning to pre-prepared convenience foods. D. To prevent basic cooking and food preparation skills from being lost. Question 38: The underlined word “progressively” in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to___. A. little by little B. all of a sudden C. more than ever D. in contrast Question 39: The underlined phrase “a bolognaise” in the passage probably means___. A. a skill B. a cooker C. a dish D. a cooking class Question 40: The well-known cookery writer, Pru Leith, thinks it___ to offer compulsory cooking lessons in schools. A. timely B. funny C. difficult D. necessary Question 41: The underlined word “which” in the last paragraph refers to___. A. Britain B. the renewed interest C. a response D. the level of obesity in Britain Question 42. It can be inferred from the passage that___. A. the students will pay a lot of money to the school for the cooking lessons B. cooking has always been an important part of school education in England C. English teenagers will have their cooking lessons twice a week for one year D. the obesity rate in Britain has been rapidly growing in recent decades Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions. Question 43:What I told her a few days ago were not the solution to most of her problems. A.What I told her B. were C. to D. most of Question 44: We admire Lucy for her intelligence, cheerful disposition and she is honest. A. for B.intelligence C. disposition D. she is honest Question 45: In order to get a work as a computer analyst, you need a degree in computer science. A. In order B. a work C. a degree D. computer science Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions. Question 46: She can speak English better than her friend. A.Her friend can’t speak English as well as her. B.Her friend can speak English more badly than her. C.Her friend can’t speak English good as her. D.Her friend can’t speak English weller than her. Question 47:“He is talking to your sister”, Lan said to me. A.Lan told me he was talking to your sister. B.Lan told to me he was talking to my sister. C.Lan told me he was taking to my sister . D. Lan told me she was talking to her sister. Question 48: Difficult though the exam was, he still passed it with flying colours. A. Because the exam was difficult, he passed it with flying colours. B. No matter how difficult the exam was, he still passed it with very high marks. C. Although the exam was difficult, but he still passed it with flying colours. D. The exam was not too difficult, so he could pass it with flying colours. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions. Question 49: They didn’t have breakfast. That’s why they are hungry now. A. If they had breakfast, they wouldn’t be hungry now. B. If they had had breakfast, they wouldn’t be hungry now. C. If they had had breakfast, they wouldn’t have been hungry now. D. If they had breakfast, they would have been hungry now. Question 50: We arrived at the cinema. Then we realized our tickets were still at home. A. No sooner had we realized that our tickets were still at home than we arrived at the cinema. B. Not until we arrived at the cinema that we realized that our tickets were still athome C. Only after we arrived at the cinema did we realize that our tickets were athome. D. Hardly had we arrived at the cinema than we realized that our tickets were still athome. Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments – Cô Nhung Anh
  5. BAI TAP NGU PHAP TANG CUONG. ERROR IDENTIFICATION Question 01. I’d prefer to do it on myself, because other people make me nervous. A. I’d prefer B. on myself C. other D. make Question 02. The continental shelves in the shallow area of the ocean floor is closest to the continents. A. shelves B. of C. ocean floor D. closest to Question 03. The average adult get two to five colds each year. A. The B. get C. to D. colds Question 04. The gifts were given the flood victims timely with the help of a helicopter. A. timely B. a C. The D. given Question 05. The volunteer group members are helpful, exciting, and creativity. A. are B. exciting C. creativity D. volunteer Question 06. The children are excited for the excursion to Ha Long bay next Sunday. A. next Sunday B. to C. are D. for Question 07. New laws should be introduced to reduce the number of traffic in the city center. A. laws B. introduced C. number D. city center Question 08. It was suggested that Pedro studies more be fore attempting to pass the exam. A. studies B. more C. attempting D. to pass Question 09. Jack London was a very famous novelist whoworks have been widely read. A. a very famous B. who C. works D. widely read Question 10. It is said that the accident seemed to have destroyed completely his confidence. A. is said B. the C. seemed D. destroyed completely Question 11.As soon as Mary will graduate next month, she will return to her home town. A. soon as B. will graduate C. return D. home town Question 12. It was a six-hours journey; we were completely exhausted when we arrived. A. a six-hours B. completely C. exhausted D. we arrived Question 13. The result of that test must beinformbefore August. A. result B. must be C. inform D. before Question 14. The highly you are qualified for the job, the more likely you will succeed in your career. A. The highly B. qualified for C. more likely D. will succeed in Question 15. We are going to spend a week to preparing for our concert. A. We B. spend a C. to preparing D. our concert Question 16. Shortly before the Allied invasion of Normandy, Ernest Hemingway has gone to London as a war correspondent. A. Shortly B. invasion C. has gone D. correspondent Question 17. After the work from hospital, my mother goes home and water usually rose flowers twice a day. A. the work B. goes C. water usually D. twice Question 18. How many people know that the Brooklyn Bridge, built in 1883, were the world's first suspension bridge? A. the Brooklyn B. built in C. were D. suspension bridge Question 19. Today’s lunar and solar eclipses can predict to within seconds of their occurrence, and interest in them is scientific as well as aesthetic. A. can predict B. seconds C. their D. as well as Question 20. Weather and geography conditions may determine the type of transportation used in a region. A. Weather B. geography C. type D. used Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments – Cô Nhung Anh
  6. ___HẾT___ ĐÁP ÁN 01. A 02. B 03. D 04. C 05. B 06. B 07. A 08. B 09. A 10. A 11. D 12. C 13. B 14. C 15. A 16. A 17. C 18. B 19. A 20. D 21. A 22. D 23. D 24. A 25. D 26. A 27. B 28. C 29. A 30. B 31. B 32. A 33. B 34. C 35. B 36. D 37. C 38. A 39. C 40. D 41. D 42. D 43. B 44. D 45. B 46. A 47. C 48. C 49. B 50. C Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments – Cô Nhung Anh