Exercises in english phrasal verbs with “up”

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  1. 1 The cost of the thing you want to buy can have a lot by the time you have EXERCISES IN ENGLISH PHRASAL VERBS WITH “UP” saved enough to pay for it. A. Increasing and Improving ~ Part 1 built up gone up brought up back up bring up brush up build up 2. Their demands for independence w cheer up do up dress up go up backed up brushed up cheered up 1. The more bills you can include to back up 1 your claim, the happier the finance 3. His organizational knowledge and personal reputation has the business department will be. cheered up done up built up 2. I brought up two children alone. 4. Why don’t we buy some flowers to the place a bit? 3. I need to brush up my English: I haven't used it for seven years. build up cheer up dress up 4. We helped to build up the wealth of this country. 5. We’re going to buy a small cottage in the country to when we retire. 5. Herfriends tried to cheer her up, telling her she wasn't missing much. do up build up go up 6. They wanted payment in cash for doing up 1 the kitchen of one of his cottages. 6. I can’t be bothered to this evening. 7. Rather than sit at home, they all get dressed up and go out. cheer up dress up brush up 8. The price of petrol and oil related products will go up steadily 7. I’ve got a four-year-old son to on my own. Notes. build up bring up brush up 1 Support means almost the same as back up. 8. I would like to my zoology. There is also a noun: dress up brush up back up - the tremendous computer back-up which each mission required. III. Write the correct form of the appropriate phrasal verb in the space provided. 2 Renovate is a more formal word for do up. 1. You can make quite a lot of money old properties. 2. These were the children who had been properly without parental lies and I. Match the sentences and phrases on the left with those on the right. lectures. 1. Body temperature doesn’t stay fixed at 98.4 F. 3. When you go shopping all you hear is how everything has 2. If too much pressure builds up, 4. She helped them to their French. 3. Another mistake. 5. This claim is by the fact that every year more and more money is 4. She bought strawberries being spent on arms. 5. We should back up the system everyevening, 6 We're trying to a collection of herbs and spices. 6. Fathers are beginning to play a bigger role 7. I never get when I’m invited somewhere, I always go as I am. 7. The theatre was horrible, 8. ! It’s not the end of the world, you know. 8. She was glad that she was all dressed up A. in bringing up children, with benefits to everyone. II. Increasing and Improving ~ Part 2 B. You need to brush up your shorthand, grow up pick up push up save up C. to cheer herself up. speak up speed up stir up D. It is always going up and down a little, depending on the 1. Children should grow up with a fond attitude towards all humanity. time of day. 2. The economy is picking up 1. E. and had done her hair that morning. 3. The Rank of Japan rightly judged that it was too early to push up interest rates to F. done up as cheaply as possible. defend the yen. G. if not we risk losing a lot of data. 4. They’re saving up money for a holiday. H. it will explode. 5. Could you please speak up. We can’t hear you at the back. 6. Never befrightened of speaking up foryour beliefs. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 7. 8. 7. Bad housing and poverty speed up 2 the breakdown of family life. II. Choose the best alternative from the phrasal verbs given to fill in the space 8. He was prevented from speaking on the grounds that it would stir up 3 trouble. provided. Notes. 1 Look up means almost the same as pick up, but it is more informal. TQT PHRASAL VERBS WITH “UP” .
  2. 2 Accelerate is a more formal word for speed up. 2. The new procedures are designed to the processing of insurance claims. 3 Provoke and incite are more formal words for stir up. 3. Business should after the election. 4. She needed someone to for her. I. Match the sentences and phrases on the left with those on the right. 5. It’ll take me at least a year to for a new guitar. 1. The players themselves should speak up 6 a crazy scheme to corner the champagne market with a view to 2. Second, the institutions have been accused of the price and making a huge profit. 3. You can do some slower movements, 7. I’ve lived in London for seven years, but I in Newcastle. 4. She was one of those people 8. Being back in the hospital unpleasant memories. 5. The relatives will save up B. Preparing 6. What do you want to be draw up fix up set up soften up warm up 7. Retail demand for diamonds has 1. The committee dretv up 1 a five-point plan to revive the economy. 8. If you don’t speak up, 2. Have you done anything about fixing up 2 a meeting place? A. then speed them up a bit. 3. The first thing to do in a crisis is to set up a committee. B. when you grow up? 4. I wondered if there was any hope of softening him up 3? C. picked up in recent weeks. 5. Shall we have a game straight away, or would you rather warm up 4 first? D. in favour of non-racial cricket. Notes. E. pushing up land prices. 1 Formulate is a formal word for draw up. F. they won’t be able to hear you. 2 Arrange is a more formal word for fix up; line up means almost the same. G. who likes stirring things up. 3 Butter up and sweeten up mean almost the same as soften up. H. to put a child through secondary school. 4 Limber up and loosen up mean almost the same as warm up. There is also a noun and an adjective: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6 7. 8. - During the warm-up exercises, I was still shaking. II. Choose the best alternative from the phrasal verbs given to fill in the spaee provided. I. Write the correct phrasal verb to complete the following definitions. 1. They’re a long way ahead of us ! 1. If you something , you make the arrangements that are necessary to Speed up Save up Go up achieve it. 2. Why do they not for themselves? 2. When you a document, list, or plan, you prepare it and write it out. pick up push up speak up 3. If you someone , you praise them or try to please them because you 3. They in the early days of television. want to ask them to do something for you which they do not really want to do. grew up pushed up picked up 4. If you something , you make the arrangements and preparations 4. A rally was called to popular support for nuclear disarmament. that are necessary for it to start. grow up stir up speak up II. Match the sentences and phrases on the left with those on the right. 5. If you want to buy something that expensive, you have to 1. Could you draw up a list stir up pick up save up 2. You can ask Jane 6. techniques which the temperature to 200'c. 3. She is warming up on another court, pick up speak up push up 4. The school used to lack formal links with industry. 7. You have to , to project your voice to the back of the room. 5. The Ambassador is also trying to soften up Velasco stir up speak up speed up A. to fix up a taxi for you. 8. People like her arc waiting for trade to B. on the Cuban problem. pick up grow up save up C. Now we have set them up at every level. D. of what we need to buy next year? III. Write the correct form of the appropriate phrasal verb in the space provided. E. preparing for the most important match 1. We seem to have a bad line. Could you , please? of her career. TQT PHRASAL VERBS WITH “UP” .
  3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 3. If you’re absent for two weeks, III. Choose the best alternative from the phrasal verbs given to fill in the space 4. The only question is this: provided. 5. The child soon comes up against 1. It took a long time to the experiment. A. you’re going to have to work very hard to catch up. draw up warm up set up B. but he faced up to it. 2. The holiday is all you’ll be pleased to hear. C. can he live up to their expectations of him? fixed up drawn up warmed up D. and he doesn’t seem to have any trouble keeping up. 3. We’ll have to him first, before we ask for a new computer. E a whole system of prohibitions fix up soften up draw up 4. A charter was , setting out their policies. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. warmed up softened up drawn up III. Choose the best alternative from the phrasal verbs given to fill in the space 5. I always spend ten minutes before a race. provided. drawing up softening up warming up 1. Fortunately both surgeon and anaesthetist the high standards of care IV. Write the correct form of the appropriate phrasal verb in the space provided. expected of them. 1 They had been trained in a special school by Brigadier James Gavin. came up against lived up to caught up 2 We’ll a nice meal for the three of us. 2. We may as well the fact that it isn’t going to work. 3 The plan of action for the forthcoming election had been months in face up to live up to come up against advance. 3. Simon tried to the others. 4 They jogged around the track twice to catch up with come up against live up to 5 She’s me for something: I wish I knew what it was 4. Everyone discrimination sooner or later. lives up to catches up comes up against C. Approaching 5. Congratulations and the good work! catch up come up against face up to live up to catch up with face up to keep up 1. She stood still, allowing him to catch her up. IV. Write the correct form of the appropriate phrasal verb in the space provided. 2. The first time I did this I came up against 1 an unforeseen problem. 1. Most leaders were obsessed with with the West. 3. Issues like these simply cannot be ignored; the problems have to be faced up to. 2. If you any problems, give me a call. 4. Penny tended to work through her lunch hour in an effort to keep up with her work 3. She succeeded, to my mind, in her extraordinary reputation. 5. Thefilm didn’t live up to 2 my expectations 4. The scale of change everyone needs to is that over the last five Notes. years the Sotheby’s Index has shown art prices rising by 150%. 1 Run up against means almost the same as come up against. 5. It is important to a certain standard of dress and be consistent. 2 Measure up to and match up to mean almost the same as live up to D. Disrupting and Damaging I. Write the correct phrasal verb to complete the following definitions. blow up break up hold up mess up mix up slip up 1. If you a difficult situation, you accept it and deal with it. 1. They now have enough nuclear weapons to blow themselves up many limes over. 2. If someone or something people’s expectations, they are as 2. The Soviet Union has broken up. good as they are expected to be. 3. The European Community threatened to hold up 1the negotiations. 3. If you , you work at the necessary speed so that you do as well as 4. If she got caught with me now it would mess up 2 the rest of her life. other people or get all your work done in the required time. 5. I have somehow mixed up two events. 4. If you a problem or difficulty, you arc faced with it and have to 6. We must have slipped up 3 somewhere deal with it. II. Match the phrases on the left with those on the right. Notes. 1. His marks are fine 1 Delay means almost the same as hold up. 2. His situation was desperate, TQT PHRASAL VERBS WITH “UP” .
  4. 2 This is an informal use. Screw up means almost the same as mess up, but is very A. and I didn’t want him to. informal. B. He burnt his lips on the exhaust pipe. 3 This is an informal expression. There is also a noun: C. ‘Don’t you mean hold-up?’ said the cashier. - A similar slip-up occurred later in the week. 'No, mess-up - I forgot my gun.’ I. Match the sentences and phrases on the left with those on the right 1. This is an update, 1. 2. 3. 2. Well, gentlemen, any other business? E. Completing and Finishing ~ Part 1 3. How can anyone do such a bad job? check up clear up cover up do up 4. He said he’d been held up. drink up end up follow up 5. One of the submarines blew up 1. The council had checked up on her and decided that she was unsuitablefor 6. She’s slipped up in the calculations; employment. A. She’s really messed it up this time. 2. Inspector Standish was trying to clear up 1 a tiresome problem. B. He might be a minute or two late. 3. I’m going back till this weather clears up. C. If not, we’ll break up the meeting and have a drink. 4. He alleged that the President knew about Watergate and tried to cover it up 2. D. I don’t think it can be as much as that. 5. I can’t do my top button up 3 . E. don’t mix it up with the other version. 6. Drink up. Here comes another bottle of wine. F. and sank 7. If we go on in this way, we shall end up 4 with millions and millions of unemployed. 5 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6 8. It’s an idea which has been followed up by the local council II. Choose the best alternative from the phrasal verbs given to fill in the space Notes. 1 provided. Sort out means almost the same as clear up. 2 1. He tried to the Houses of Parliament. Conceal and suppress arc more formal words for cover up. slip up blow up hold up There is also a noun: 2. That will the whole analysis. - He denied that he took any part in the cover-up. 3 blow up slip up mess up Fasten up means almost the same as do up. Belt up, button up, tick up and zip up 3. The whole thing was about half an hour.blown up broken up held up are all similar but are more specific. 4 4. His committee into rival groups. Finish up and wind up mean almost the same as end up. 5 blew up held up broke up Investigate is a more formal word for follow up. 5. I got and forgot which interview I’d gone to first. blown up mixed up slipped up 1 Match the phrases on the left with those on the right. 6. Someone’s again, they’ve sent the wrong cassette. 1. They think there is a security leak slipped up held up broken up 2. I’m assuming that the misunderstanding III. Write the correct form of the appropriate phrasal verb in the space provided. 3. Look, it’s cleared up now, 1. If there’s any delay, it’ll the rest of our plans. 4. Sylvia ended up with no money, no husband 2. Headquarters has again: the letter wasn’t sent. 5. Drink your mi\k up 3. The battleship Maine has been in Havana Harbour. 6. He started to do up his boots, 4. Their marriage is 7. I’d like you to follow up this information 5. People even us and greet us by each other’s names. 8. It has to be covered up: 6. The amount of animal research being carried out is probably progress A. pulling fiercely at the laces. rather than increasing it. B. and then you can go out and play. IV. Find the logical ending for each of the jokes beginning on the left. C. and no house and a two-year-old child 1. Did you hear about the stupid terrorist who tried to blow up a bus? D. if the public find out, we’re finished. 2. A man rushed into a bank and pointed his finger at the cashier. 'This is a mess-up!’ E. we received on scanners. 3. My boyfriend and I broke up. He wanted to get married, F. will be cleared up soon. TQT PHRASAL VERBS WITH “UP” .
  5. G. and are trying to check up 1. Aren’t there any more cassettes? H. we could go for our walk. 2. Next time they thought of committing a crime 3. Sugar? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6 7. 8. 4. Ten to fifteen black-and-white police cars II. Choose the best alternative from the phrasal verbs given to fill in the space 5. To sum all this up, provided. 6. They wound up the evening 1. Well, I’m glad we managed to that little problem. 7. Tidy everything up do up clear up drink up A. and put it away in my locker. 2. He would undo a window cord, it again and walk back. B. had pulled up in front of the office. check up do up end up C. No, I gave it up during the war. 3. We taking a taxi there. D. No, we’ve used them all up. followed up ended up did up E. by watching a video of their last holiday. 4. . It’s time to go. E. what we need is a reform of the grantaid system. Drink up End up Do up G. they would weigh it up and think, ‘Well it just isn’t 5. He had been aware that they would be on him. worth it.’ covering up checking up clearing up 6. It’s an idea which has been by a group of researchers at Birmingham. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6 7. followed up done up ended up 7. If the weather tomorrow, we’ll go up into the mountains. II. Choose the best alternative from the phrasal verbs given to fill in the space follows up clears up covers up provided. 8. She tried to for Willie. 1. Eva was after lunch. cover up do up end up tidying up using up weighing up III. Write the correct form of the appropriate phrasal verb in the space provided. 2. I don’t have any intention of politics. 1. I an advertisement for a second-hand Volkswagen. giving up pulling up summing up 2. Many of their friends in prison for terrorist activities. 3. You have to in your mind whether to pursue the matter or not. 3. He his shoelaces give up wind up weigh up 4. The two of them a whole bottle of gin. 4. At the end of the discussion, he , and added a few points. 5. Let’s hope the weather for Joanna’s birthday party. weighed up used up summed up 6. We have a lot of work to before the end of the year. 5. He saw the two men in black behind his car and get out to watch 7. The police are on his story. the streets. 8. She hoped to anything unpleasant that might be said. weigh up pull up tidy up E. Completing and Finishing 6. He his talk by showing us a model of the proposed extension. give up pull up sum up tidy up use up weigh up wind up used up weighed up wound up 1. I’ll never be able to give up smoking. 7. She did a tremendous amount of energy. 2. The rain stopped as we pulled up to the hotel. pull up use up weigh up 3. I can’t sum up his whole philosophy in one sentence. III. Write the correct form of the appropriate phrasal verb in the space provided. 4. He went back to the studio and tidied it up1. 1. She never completely hope. 5. He used up all the coins he had. 2. I am the pros and the cons. 6. Having weighed everything up 2 he must have decided it was the right thing to do. 3. Eventually, I signalled that it was time to the game. 7. When my turn came to wind up the debate, I felt very nervous. 4. If we go on spending like this, we’ll all our money. Notes. 5. She was searching for the words that would it 1 Clear up means almost the same as tidy up. 6. A van approaches and has to 2 Size up means almost the same as weigh up. 7. I started to the drawers. TQT PHRASAL VERBS WITH “UP” .
  6. IV. Find the logical ending for each of the jokes beginning on the left. 5. The missing book turned up 1. Why did your uncle give up being a taxi driver? 6. Whenever she brought up the topic of money, 2. Did you hear the rumour about the watchmaker? 7. I didn’t know you could play the guitar, 3. The way his horses ran could be summed up in a word. 8. ‘Some suggestion.’ Calderwood snorted. 4. What did one dragon say to the other dragon? A. bargains in basement sales. 5. Why did the doctor tell you to give up golf? Are you sick? B. he tended to become evasive. A No, he saw my score card. C. you can always get me on the phone. B I keep trying to give up smoking, can’t. D where did you pick it up. C. He’s just wound up his business. E. and making up stories about where he had been. D . He drove all his customers away. F. a system which was infallible. E .Last. G. three weeks later in the stationer cupboard. H. ‘Did you think this up all by yourself?’ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. F. Happening and Creating 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6 7. 8. bring up come up come up with make up pick up think up turn up III. Choose the best alternative from the phrasal verbs given to fill in the space 1. I advised her to bring the matter up 1 at the next meeting. provided. 2. I can’t see you tonight. Something’s come up 2. 1. Sometimes a case of stealing is at the General School Meeting. 3. The European Community commission came up with a compromise. thought up come up with brought up 4. He was a good storyteller, and used to make up tales about animals. 2. Something pretty urgent seems to have , and she’d like you to ring her 5. Didyou pick up any Turkish while you were in Turkey? up this afternoon. 6. I may pick up a couple of useful ideasfor my book. brought up picked up come up 7. I kept thinking up 3 ways I could murder him without getting caught. 3. She told herself, ‘Don’t be stupid; you’re things ’ 8. Protein turns up in almost every food. making up bringing up coming up Notes. 4. Lo had had ample time to the rudiments of driving. 1 Raise means almost the same as bring up. make up pick up bring up 2 Crop up means almost the same as come up. 5. some kind of food poisoning that they at dinner. 3 Dream up means almost the same as think up. turned up picked up brought up 6. It didn’t take her long to a very convincing example. I. Write the correct phrasal verb to complete the following definitions. turn tip come up with pick up 1. If you a skill or habit, you learn it without making any effort. 7. You must be willing to take a job as soon as one 2. When you a particular subject, you mention it or introduce it into a comes up with makes up turns up discussion or conversation. 8. He informed me of a new financial agreement he had 3. If you a plan, idea, or solution, you think of it and suggest thought up come up brought up it. IV. Write the correct form of the appropriate phrasal verb in the space provided. 4. If you a clever idea, you use your imagination or intelligence to create 1. A rather delicate assignment has it. 2. Babics can easily thrush, a mild fungus infection. 5. If you Old something such as a story, you invent it, sometimes in order 3. Whoever this idea needs his head examined. to deceive people. 4. The kids it really fast but lose it just as quickly. II. Match the sentences and phrases on the left with those on the right. 5. You don’t need to jump on a child for stories occasionally, or make him 1. He was always boasting feel guilty. 2. Yet no one had come up with 6. I am sorry to the subject of politics yet again. 3. If anything urgent comes up 7. The odds against such a ratio by chance must be astronomical. 4. Her mother had liked to pick up 8. I hope to some of the answers. TQT PHRASAL VERBS WITH “UP” .
  7. IV. Find the logical ending for each of the jokes beginning on the left. H. Other meanings 1. What he lacks in intelligence, look up make up for put up with take up turn up 2. Did you hear about the secretary who was a miracle? 1. He consulted his dictionary to look up the meaning of the word ‘apotheosis’. 3. My son has taken up meditation - 2. She asked me questions about my interest in mathematics, as if to make up for 4. Do you think my son should take up the piano as a career? excluding me from the conversation. A. No, I think he should put down the lid s a favour. 3. I’m prepared to put up with 1 it for the time being. B. at least it’s better than sitting doing nothing. 4. She decided to take up 2 medicine as a career. C. It was a miracle if she turned up to work on time. 5. If it’s a boring game the crowds won’t turn up 2 next time D .he makes up for in stupidity Notes. 1 Endure is a more formal word for put up with. 1. 2. 3. 4. 2 Go in for means almost the same as take up. 3 Show up means almost the same as turn up. REVISION Choose the best alternative from the phrasal verbs given to fill in the space I. Write the correct phrasal verb to complete the following definitions. provided. I.To something that is damaged, lost, or missing means to replace it 1. My marriage in 1967, leaving me with three small children. or compensate for it. went up broke up warmed up stirred up 2. If you a piece of information in a book, or on a timetable or map, 2. In Africa and the Indian subcontinent women about a third of the workforce. you look there to find the information. cheer up make up use up push up 3. If you an activity or job, you start doing it. 3. But I thought he’d asked Janet to on that. 4. If someone they arrive somewhere. mix up blow up think up follow up 5. If you something or someone, you tolerate or accept them, even 4. I wish that people would after themselves. though you find it difficult or unpleasant. tidy up take up weigh up dress up II. Match the phrases on the left with those on the right. 5. If she wishes to work rather than to stay at home and her children, she should 1. Religion disciplined US and gave us the strength be entirely free to do so. 2. And why, at the age of thirty, grow up push up warm up bring up 3. Lally said it would help me with my geography 6. I went to the matter with him. 4. But most of those who had attended in the morning use up clear up catch up back up 5. Massive reductions in other areas would be required 7. There are hundreds of huge old houses in the south east that people are A. he took up architecture, is not clear. building up coming up against holding up doing up B. if I went and looked it up on a map. 8. It was South Africa’s isolation that was forcing President de Klerk to the need C. to put up with things. for changes. D. turned up again for the afternoon session. face up to fix up turn up put up E. to make up for the expected shortfall in revenues 9. He never reached the mountain. After the third day he exhausted. brushed up gave up grew up used up 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 10. ‘Girls,’ he said, ‘a really bad thing has Bad for me, I mean, not for you. III. Write the correct form of the appropriate phrasal verb in the space provided. Fine for you. 1. You have to these inconveniences as best you can. brought up slipped up come up picked up 2. Why don’t you the address in the directory? 11. A pharmaceutical researcher told me of being for three or four hours by 3. At Summerhill, three boys, inspired by jazz bands, musical instruments. border guards. 4. I’m not late, I haven’t failed to I’m here and I’m hungry. turned up held up speeded up covered up 5. McEnroe is asking his talent alone to a shortage of match practice. 12. He this with a few horrifying anecdotes. backed up came up made up for spoke up TQT PHRASAL VERBS WITH “UP” .
  8. 13. I can’t it , there must be something caught in the zip. blow up do up drink up mix up ANSWER KEY 14. The newspaper correctly reported that the government had a committee. A. Increasing and 6. pushing up 4. face up to set up drawn up summed up checked up Improving ~ Part 1 7. grew' up 5. keep up 15. The visitors any amount of boredom. I. 1D 2H 3B 4C 5G 6A 7F 8E 8. pick up D. Disrupting and come up with put up with bring up look up II. B. Preparing Damaging 16. If you it again, you’ll be looking for a new job. 1. gone up I. I. 1E 2C 3A 4B 5F 6D speak up end up slip up mess up 2. backed up 1. fix up II. 17. Japan successfully a modern capitalist society. 3. built up 2. draw up 1. blow' up did up built up turned up put up 4. cheer up 3. soften up 2. mess up 18. the address of the nearest children’s clinic. 5. do up 4. set up 3. held up Use up Cheer up Look up Sum up 6. dress up II. ID 2A 3E 4C 5B 4. broke up 19. By the time we the conversation, I knew that I would not be going to 7. bring up III. 5. mixed up Geneva. 8. brush up 1. set up 6. slipped softened up wound up came up against kept up III. 2. fixed up III. 20. Leaders had not their duties, failed to curb extremists andMhad inflamed the 1. doing up 3. soften up 1. mess up situation. 2. brought up 4. drawn up 2. slipped up come up against looked up held up lived up to 3. gone up 5. warming up 3. blown up 21. Trade should just before Christmas and drop off in February. 4. brush up IV. 4. breaking up fix up pick up take up on draw up 5. backed up 1. set up 5. mix up 22. It took me a year to for a new coat. 6. build up 2. fix up 6. holding up pick up save up take up build up 7. dressed up 3. drawn up IV. 1B 2C 3A 23. Children with or without parental guidance. 8. Cheer up 4. warm up E. Completing and grow up weigh up bring up go up A. ncreasing and 5. softening Finishing ~ Part 1 24. He was in New York, on his image as an expert in foreign affairs. Improving ~ Part 2 C. Approaching I. 1G 2F 3H 4C 513 softening up cheering up brushing up turning up I. 1D 2E 3A 4G 5H 6B 7C 8F I. 6A 7E 8D 25.a list of all the problems we’ve been having with the new computers. II. 1. face up to II. Set up Draw up Weigh Up Wind up 1. Speed up 2. lives up to 1. clear up 26. A Danish journalist to interview the old guy. 2. speak up 3. keep up 2. do up turned up made up took up thought up 3. grew' up 4. come up against 3. ended up 27. You have to the options very carefully before taking a decision. 4. stir up II. ID 2B 3A 4C 5E 4. Drink up end up weigh up stir up mix up 5. save up III. 5. checking up 28. They had to conform to a way of life to appearances. 6. push up 1. lived up to 6. followed up catch up turn up cheer up keep up 7. speak up 2. face up to 7. clears up 8. pick up 3. catch up with 8. cover up III 4. comes up against III. 1. speak up 5. keep up 1. follow'ed up 2. speed up IV. 2. ended up 3. pick up 1. catching up, keeping 3. did up 4. speak up up 4. drank u 5. save up 2. come up against 5. clears u 3. living up to TQT PHRASAL VERBS WITH “UP” .
  9. 6. clear up 6. come up with III. 7. checking up 7. turns up 1. put up with SOME GOOD BOOKS ARE AVAILABLE AT THIS LINK 8. cover up 8. thought up 2. look up E. Completing and IV. 3. took up Finishing ~ Part 2 1. come up, turned up 4. turn up I. 2. pick up 5. make up for 1D 2G 3C 4B 5F 6E 7A 3. thought up IV. 1D 2C 3B 4A II. 4. pick up REVISION 1. tidying up 5. making up 1. broke up 2. giving up 6. bring up 2. make up 3. weigh up 7. turning up 3. follow up 4. summed up 8. come up with 4. tidy up 5. pull up G. Collecting and Being 5. bring up 6. wound up together 6. clear up 7. use up I. 7. doing up III. 1. look up 8. face up to 1. gave up 2. take up on 9. gave up 2. weighing up 3. puts up 10. come up 3. wind up 4. make up 11. held up 4. use up 5. pick up 12. backed up 5. sum up II. IC 2D 3B 4E 5A 13. do up 6. pull up III. 14. set up 7. tidy up 1. make up 15. put up with IV. ID 2C 3E 4B 5A 2. put up 16. mess up F. Happening and 3. took up on 17. built up Creating 4. look up 18. Look up I. 5. pick up 19. wound up 1. pick up IV. 20. lived up to 2. bring up 1. made up 21. pick up 3. come up with 2. take up on 22. save up 4. think up 3. look up 23. grow up 5. make up 4. put up 24. brushing up II. 1E 2F 3C 4A 5G 6B 5. pick up 25. Draw up 7D 8H G. Other meanings 26. turned up III. I. 27. weigh up 1. brought up 1 make up for 28. keep up 2. come up 2 look up 3. making up 3 take up 4. pick up 4 turns up 5. picked up 5 put up with II. 1C 2A 3B 4D 5F TQT PHRASAL VERBS WITH “UP” .