Đề kiểm tra giữa học kì 2 Tiếng Anh 12 Sách Mới - Năm học 2022-2023 - Trường THPT Chu Văn An - Mã đề 135

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  1. SỞ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO KIỂM TRA GIỮA HỌC KÌ II - Năm học: 2022-2023 AN GIANG MÔN TIẾNG ANH - LỚP 12 Trường THPT Chu Văn An Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút (Thí sinh làm bài trên phiếu trả lời; Đề thi có 04 trang) ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC MÃ ĐỀ: 135 Họ và tên thí sinh: SBD: . Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of the primary STRESS in each of the following question. Question 1: A. wildlife B. robotC. struggle D. design Question 2: A. understand B. recommend C. entertain D. compliment Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in PRONUNCIATION in each of the following questions. Question 3: A. sign B. fine C. give D. child Question 4: A. highway B. humanC. honest D. hopeful Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer in each of the following question. Question 5: I lost the match because I was playing very badly. It was even___than the last game. A. the worstB. badly C. worstD. worse Question 6: Students who complete the program receive a skills ___ along with their high school diploma. A. degree B. certificate C. syllabus D. curriculum Question 7: What will happen when we ___ oil? A. run out ofB. get on with C. put up with D. drop in on Question 8: John denied ___ the tablet despite the fact he was the only one in the room at that time. A. break B. breaking C. to break D. broken Question 9: She quickly worked her ___ up to vice president after just two years. A. weight B. job C. way D. time Question 10: The health declaration app NCOVI, ___ by the Ministries of Information and communications and Health, is very popular with Vietnamese people A. to createB. created C. creatingD. which created Question 11: ___ his machine, he took it to the desert to test its functions. A. As soon as James finishesB. After James had finished C. Before James finishes D. When James was finishing Question 12: She ___ an effort to change the subject of the conversation but failed. A. did B. took C. said D. made Question 13: An exhibition is going to be hold in the district’s cultural center, ___? A. does it?B. doesn’t it? C. is it?D. isn’t it? Question 14: When Ronald entered the hall, he suddenly ___ a familiar face from a long time ago. A. sees B. saw C. had seenD. was seeing Question 15: Local people’s awareness has been greatly raised since the campaign ___. A. launchedB. was launched C. will launch D. have launched Trang 1- Mã 135
  2. Question 16: Chat GPT is capable ___ taking written inputs from users and producing human-like responses. A. of B. on C. with D. in Question 17: Motorcyclists must wear ___ helmets. A. protectB. protection C. protective D. protectively Question 18: In the film A.I, the mother agrees to ___David, a robotic boy capable of human emotions. A. activateB. celebrateC. accelerateD. illustrate Question 19: She is___ eldest in her house, so she has to look after her brothers when her parents go out. A. the B. a C. an D. Ø (no article) Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best completes each of the following exchanges. Question 20: Kate is talking to Jimmy about modern robots. - Kate: “I believe that modern robots will be more intelligent and replace humans in many dangerous jobs.” - Jimmy: “ ___.” A. That's just what I think of course. B. That sounds interesting. C. That's a good idea.D. Why not? Believe me! Question 21: Donald and Joe is talking about environmental issues. - Joe: “In my experience, stricter measures must be taken to stop global warming.” - Donal: “___ . Global warming is just a fairy tale!” A. Not necessarily B. It’s nice of you to say so C. You’re rightD. I couldn’t agree with you more Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s). Question 22: I believe that Sue is back on her feet after her eye operation last month. A. gets betterB. feels disappointedC. feels tiredD. becomes angry Question 23: The grief she felt over her young brother’s death was almost unbearable. A. sadness B. happinessC. luckD. excitement Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s). Question 24: Many women prefer to use cosmetics to enhance their beauty and make them look younger. A. improveB. maximizeC. worsenD. enrich Question 25: Regular exercises and good eating habits are crucial for your health and well- being. A. disobedientB. inaccurate C. unimportantD. impolite Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks. Personalized learning, (26) ___ for specific students’ interests, abilities, knowledge levels, and talents, provides deeper involvement. Thus helping students stay motivated and be more successful and empowering their voices and choices. That is why personalized learning is one of the biggest (27) ___ in education. With artificial intelligence, students now have a personalized approach to learning programs based on their unique experiences and preferences. (28) ___, students with special needs can get more with personalized AI-based recommendations. AI is giving them more Trang 2- Mã 135
  3. attention than teachers can provide, (29) ___ is a win-win scenario. Personalized use of AI is probably one of the most significant (30) ___ in education as learning is more comfortable, smoother, and cut across personal knowledge. Question 26: A. tailored B. decreasedC. limitedD. prevented Question 27: A. professions B. plans C. servicesD. trends Question 28: A. Although B. Moreover C. HoweverD. Because Question 29: A. that B. which C. whoD. where Question 30: A. habbitsB. failuresC. achievementsD. organizations Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. Kahoot! is a free game-based learning platform that offers learning games that are easy to create, share, and play in minutes. As users can design new quizzes from scratch, there’s plenty of room for creativity. Teachers can adapt the difficulty of quizzes to match the level of the students. In the basic version, Kahoot! offers multiple-choice questions and answers, to which images and videos can be added to generate more excitement. Kahoot! quizzes are often played in a group setting. To join a quiz, players need a PIN, which is unique to each quiz. The host of the game will need a big screen to show the questions. Players read the questions shown on the shared screen and answer on their devices. Besides live games, teachers can also send Kahoot! quizzes to students to complete at their convenience. This is especially helpful in the case of remote education. In addition, teachers can also see the quiz results and run analytics from game reports to assess how much progress has been made by each student in the class. One plus for Kahoot! is that it works on nearly any device as long as it has a browser. Kahoot! apps are available on iOS and Android. This tool is a great way to engage students and make learning a fun and exciting experience. Question 31: According to the passage, what is TRUE about Kahoot!? A. Kahoot! apps have not been put to use yet B. Users don’t have to pay. C. Users cannot add images or videos to questions. D. The PIN number is the same for all quizzes. Question 32: The word “adapt” is CLOSEST in meaning to ___ . A. lowerB. increaseC. adoptD. change Question 33: What does each player need to join a quiz? A. a big screenB. a PIN numberC. a groupD. Kahoot! application Question 34: The word “it” refers to ___ . A. a deviceB. a reportC. Kahoot!D. a quiz result Question 35: What can be inferred from the passage? A. Kahoot! users are creative people. B. Kahoot! quizzes are difficult to design. C. Kahoot! apps are becoming more and more popular. D. Kahoot! players can do quizzes by themselves. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. Volunteering offers many of the same social benefits, with the added bonus of helping others and developing useful skills to put on your CV. Plus, students are in a unique position to help, suggests Tom Fox. "They can take their enthusiasm and excitement for opportunities and share their passions, subject knowledge and experience with people." The idea of giving up time Trang 3- Mã 135
  4. for nothing might seem impractical at first, especially once the pressures of study and coursework or exams begin to mount up. However, Michelle Wright, CEO of charity support organization Cause4, suggests seeing volunteering as a two-way street. "I think it is fine for undergraduates to approach volunteering as a symbiotic relationship where doing good is just one part of the motivation for reaching personal and professional goals." Katerina Rudiger, head of skills and policy campaigns at the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), says: "Volunteering can be a valuable way of gaining that experience, as well as building confidence, broadening your horizons, becoming a better team player and developing those all- important 'employability skills' such as communication and decision making." Amanda Haig, graduate HR manager, agrees that volunteering can help your employment prospects. "Volunteering can demonstrate positive personality traits and skill sets, such as proactivity, and teamwork," she says. A positive side-effect of volunteering is improving your time at university by getting involved in the local community. Leaving the student bubble can make your time as an undergraduate much more varied. At Bath Spa University, more than 1,000 students volunteered over the past year, doing everything from working on local environmental projects to helping in schools or assisting the elderly. ”Quite often there can be a divide between students and permanent residents," says students' union president Amy Dawson, "but if students invest a little time now, they will be giving something back to the local community and will reap the benefits in the future." “You might also find that volunteering helps your studies if you choose the right program. At Lancaster, volunteering is linked into academic modules in some cases", explains Fox. "This has multiple wins. Students get to apply their learning in the classroom and share their interests with children in local schools or community organizations, while schools gain skilled students with a passion for a subject that enthuses their pupils." Question 36: What is the most suitable title for this reading? A. Volunteering at university B. Volunteering helps employment prospects C. Students should take part in extracurricular activities to put it on CV D. The virtues of volunteering Question 37: Which of the following information is NOT mentioned in paragraph 1? A. Many social benefits are provided by volunteering. B. Students are likely to be enthusiastic for chances and share their interests with people. C. Volunteering might increase the pressures of study and coursework or exam. D. Michelle Wright recommends seeing volunteering as a two-way street. Question 38: The word “gaining” in paragraph 2 can be replaced by___. A. gettingB. makingC. lackingD. taking Question 39: Personality traits and skill sets include___. A. communication and decision – makingB. proactivity and collaboration C. proactivity and confidence D. passions, subject knowledge and experience. Question 40: What does the word “side-effect” mean? A. additional result that you did not expect or want B. an extra good result C. another side of a street D. a two-way street Question 41: What does the word "they" refer to in paragraph 3? A. projectsB. residentsC. studentsD. benefits Question 42: Which of the following most accurately reflects Fox’s explanation in the last paragraph? Trang 4- Mã 135
  5. A. Students at universities must join at least one activity in volunteer campaign at local schools. B. Students at universities should join as many activities in volunteer campaign at local schools as possible. C. Students at universities who join volunteer work will gain a lot of purposes for the community only. D. Students at universities who join volunteer work will gain a lot of purposes for not only themselves but also the community. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs CORECTION in each of the following Questions. Question 43: A large number of entries were updated in the latest edition of the encyclopedia recently. A B C D Question 44: The dishes served at this restaurant have received favorable reviews by food A B critics since it is flavorful and authentic. C D Question 45: Susan said that she didn’t know what her father was alike because he died when A B C D she was still young. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions. Question 46: It’s obligatory for teachers to change their teaching methods. A. Teachers should change their teaching methods. B. Teachers may change their teaching methods. C. Teachers must change their teaching methods. D. Teachers need to change their teaching methods. Question 47: Jenny said, “The contest took place in the city stadium last month.” A. Jenny said that the contest took place in the city stadium last month. B. Jenny said that the contest took place in the city stadium the month after. C. Jenny said that the contest had taken place in the city stadium the last month. D. Jenny said that the contest had taken place in the city stadium the previous month. Question 48: Jim started to write the essay one hour ago and he is still working on it now. A. The last time Jim started to write the essay was one hour ago. B. Jim has never started to write the essay before like he is doing now. C. Jim has been writing the essay for one hour. D. It was not until one hour ago that Jim wrote the essay. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions. Question 49: I did not know much about the company. That’s why I failed the job interview. A. I would not have failed the job interview if I had known more about the company. B. If I had known more about the company, I would have failed the job interview. C. I would not fail the job interview if I knew much about the company. D. If I knew less about the company, I would not fail the job interview. Câu 50: Lana were amazed at the power of advandced A.I. She felt that after she had tried a Chat GPT account. A. Not until Lana tried a Chat GPT account did she feel amazed at the power of advandced A.I. B. Without the power of advandced A.I., Lana could not try a Chat GPT account. Trang 5- Mã 135
  6. C. No sooner had Lana been amazed at the power of advandced A.I. than she tried a Chat GPT account. D. By the time Lana tried a Chat GPT account, she had been amazed at the power of advandced A.I. -THE END- Trang 6- Mã 135