Đề kiểm tra giữa học kì 1 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 (Global Success)

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Nội dung text: Đề kiểm tra giữa học kì 1 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 (Global Success)

  1. LISTENING UNIT 2 Welcome to our club meeting. As you know, we are organising a Go Green Weekend event next Sunday. Before presenting the event schedule, let me briefly tell you about the teams and activities. There will be three teams. Each team will take care of one specific task. The Clean-up Team will be responsible for cleaning the central park in our town. They will pick up rubbish, bottles, plastic bags, anything that's lying around. They will also water small trees and flowers in the park. The Donation Team will collect used items from local people. Then they will have to sort and put them into the correct bags. This will make delivery much easier and will also help reach the people who need these items quickly. The Media Team will be responsible for reporting on the event. They will take photos of the activities during the event and post them on the club's website. They will also write a report which will summarise the results of the event and make suggestions for other club activities in the future. TRUE/ FALSE 1. At the club meeting, the speaker only talks about the teams and activities. 2. The Clean-up Team will pick up rubbish in the central market. 3. Both students and local people will take part in the event. 4. A report of the event will be produced by the Media Team. 5. A Go Green Weekend event is being organized next Sunday. 6. There will be three teams at the club meeting. 7.The Donation Team will be responsible for cleaning the central park in our town 8.The Clean-up Team will pick up rubbish, bottles, plastic bags, anything that's lying around. 9.The Media Team will take photos of the activities during the event and post them on the club's website. 10.The Donation Team will collect used items,sort and put them into the incorrect bags. LISTENING UNIT 3 Tam: Hi, this is Tam at the site of the second International Youth Music Festival. There are just two days to go before the festival opens on Sunday. As you can hear in the background it's very busy here. I'm with Jack, one of the festival organisers. So, Jack, how's it all going? Jack: Hi, we're very busy. We're still setting up the main stage and there's still a lot to do, but we want to get it ready by tomorrow so that the bands can start to practise. Tam: I heard that there are some changes to the festival this year. Can you tell us about them? Jack: Well, last year the festival was on the beach and it was free of charge. We didn't know it would be so popular and we had problems with overcrowding. This year we have sold the tickets in advance so that we know how many people are coming. What's more important, we've decided to move the festival to this country park. Tam: Why the country park? Isn't it a bit too far from the town centre? Jack: Yeah, that's why we've chosen it. This location is better for everybody because TRUE/ FALSE 1. This is the first International Youth Music Festival. 2. The organisers have finished preparations for the festival. 3. Last year, the festival was held on the beach. 4. They are selling tickets for the festival at the park gates. 5. The country park is far from the town centre. 6.International Youth Music Festival will happen tomorrow. 7.International Youth Music Festival will happen on Sunday. 8. To know how many people are coming, they we have sold the tickets in advance. EXERCISE 1. She didn’t want to stay there for the weekend. They made 2. The teacher allowed me to stay at home to finish the assignment. The teacher let 3. He didn’t want to learn Math. His mother made 4. The policeman told the thief to empty his pockets. The policeman made 5. May be the school will ask me to pay some extra money. Do you think the school will make
  2. 6. We want to go home early. Do you think our teacher let 7. I didn’t want to get up early. My mother made . 8. Her child wanted to go out alone Her mother let 9. My parents ask me to have breakfast at home. My parents make 10. Sue wanted to decide on her own. Her parents let 11. Her mother allows her to use smartphone in her free time. Her mother lets 12. Some people let their kids do whatever they like. = Some people allow . 13. My mum only let me watch three hours of television a week. = My mum only allowed 14. They don't let visitors take photos in the museum. = They don't allow 15. My mother allows me to go swimming tomorrow My mother lets 16. The manager allowed us to leave work earlier than yesterday. = The manager let Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 1. Linh can’t go out with us to see a movie now because she’s ___ meal. A. preparing B. making C. arranging D. keeping 2.You’d better ___ an umbrella. A. take B. to take C. taking D. to be taken 3.Wouldn’t you rather ___? A. succeed B. to succeed C. succeeding D. succeeded 4.He made me ___it all over again. A. done B. do C. to do D. doing 5.I had the boy ___ a letter yesterday. A. posting B. to post C. post D. posted 6.You must ___ a lot of people. A. to know B. know C. knowing D. known 7. I’m responsible for cooking dinner as my mother usually works ___. A. lately B. early C. later D. late 8. I usually ___ my younger sisters when my parents are away on business. A. pick up B. take care of C. look for D. take charge of 9. Ms. Mai asked me how she could ___ household chores equally in her family. A. make B. divide C. give D. contribute 10. In my family, my father always takes charge of doing the ___ lifting. A. strong B. hard C. heavy D. huge 11. My mother told me to do the ___ yesterday but I forgot about it since I had much homework to finish. A. wash-up B. laundry C. childcare D. exercises 12. ___ the rubbish in the early morning is a part of my daily routine. A. Taking out B. Coming out C. Pulling out D. Bringing out 13.My father doesn’t let me ___ out at night. A. going B. to go C. go D. gone 14.Let’s ___ an English song. A. singing B. sing C. to sing D. sang 15.Why don’t you ___ for a job? A. applying B. applied C. to apply D. apply 16.I am planning ___ Da Lat next week.A. Visit B. visiting C. visited D. to visit 17.I must go now. I promised ___ late A. not being B. not to be C. not being D. won’t be
  3. 18. My wife is going on her business next week so I have to ___ most of the chores around the house. A. distribute B. hold C. take D. handle 19. ___ is a person who works at home and takes care of the house and family. A. Breadwinner B. Homemaker C. Servant D. Houseman 20. When his wife gave birth to a baby boy, Mr. Nam became the sole ___. A. housemaid B. housekeeper C. father D. breadwinner 21. My mother and I often go to the supermarket to shop for ___ at weekends. A. cook B. groceries C. heavy lifting D. the chores 22.It was late, so we decided ___ a taxi home. A. to take B. taken C. taking D. take 23.How old were you when you learnt ___? A. how to drive B. how drive C. how driving D. how driven 24.She always encourages her son ___ harder. A. to study B. studied C. study D. studying 25.Don’t forget ___ the letter I gave you. A. to post B. posting C. post D. posted 26. After eating dinner, I have to do the ___ and then do my homework every day. A. washing-up B. wash-up C. washing-ups D. washings-up 27. She does two jobs at the same time as she is the main ___ of the family. A. breadwinner B. homemaker C. housewife D. bread maker 28. She’s such a good wife. She’s ___ her husband through difficult times. A. taught B. left C. supported D. provided 29. He ___ to the theatre tonight. He has got a free ticket. A. goes B. is going C. went D. will go 30. I ___ my parents at the weekend. I already bought a train ticket. A. visit B. am going to visit C. visited D. will visit 31. It’s not easy for some tenth-graders to get into high school ___. A. works B. routines C. times D. responsibilities 32.I got my father ___ my bike. A. Repair B. to repair C. repairing D. repaired 33.The fire isn’t hot enough ___ a kettle. A. Boiling B. to boil C. boil D. boiled 34.It is too cold for us ___. A. went out B. go out C. to go out D. going out 35.I have some letters ___. A. to write B. writing C. wrote D. write 36.It takes me ten minutes ___to school every day. A. walking B. to walk C. walk D. walked 37. Jim’s main ___ in his home is to keep the house clean. A. right B. honour C. part D. responsibility 38. Family ___ are important because they teach children what is right or wrong in life. A. bonds B.values C. holidays D. connections 39. Doing housework brings great ___ to children as it helps them develop necessary life skills. A. benefits B. hard work C. results D. practices 40. He’s a man of strong ___. He always fights for what is right and you can rely on him. A. health B. character C. hands D. influence 41. When all members of the family share housework, the family ___ will become stronger. A. joys B. happiness C. life D. bonds 42. While my aunt is the breadwinner, my uncle is the___. A. housekeeper B. housemother C. homeowner D. homemaker 43.We expect him ___ tomorrow. Arrive B. arriving C. to arrive D. will arrive 44.Would you like ___to my birthday party? A. Coming B. come C. came D. to come 45.I tried ___the bus, but I missed it. A. catch B. catching C. to catch D. caught
  4. 46.Remember ___Lan a present because today is her birthday. A. send B. sending C. to send D. sent 47.We were allowed ___ photographs in this room. A. sell B. to sell C. selling D. sold 48.A ___ is a person who manages a home and raises children instead of earning money. A. breadwinner B. homemaker C. farmer D. husband 49.Kindness and responsibility are two ___ that many parents want to teach to their children. A. family values B. customs C. cultures D. ideas 50.My mother often ___ in the early morning because she wants to choose the freshest and healthiest ingredients for the meals. A. does the cooking B. shops for groceries C. do the grocery shopping D. cooks 51.To have chance to enter the final round, you have to ___ lots of competitors. A. encourage B. damage C. eliminate D. reach 52.My husband and I both go out to work so we ___ the household chores equally. A. pay B. share C. make D. take 53.We buy __ food at the farmers' market. It costs a little bit more, but we think it's better for our health. A. organic B. non-organic C. healthy D. wealthy 54.Environmentalists are furious with the American Government for delaying measures which will reduce greenhouse gas ___. exhaust fumes B. smokes C. wastes D. emissions 55 The photos in a London studio last week. A. were taken B. have taken C. was taken D. have been taken 56 The car by my father yesterday. A. were washed B. was washed C. washed D. has been washed 57. The new motorway and built last year. A. planned B. was planned C. was planning D. had planned 58.Remember to turn off your ___ when they are not used. A. household chores B. household appliances C. household finance D. invitations 59.Small changes in your daily habits can help reduce the ___ you produce. A. carbon footprint B. footsteps C. issues D. trouble 60 Hoa usually ___ charge of doing the washing-up in her family. A. takes B. is taking C. take D. will take 61. Our friends ___ for the fashion show now. A. is preparing B. are preparing C.prepares D. prepare 62. All staff in this restaurant ___ an urgent meeting right now. A. are attending B. is attending C. attends D. attend 63.Can you play any ___? - Yes. I can play the flute and the guitar. A. musical tools B. pieces of music C. musical instruments D. musical devices 64.In this round, the have to form pairs and choose a song to perform with their partners. A. supporters B. participants C. writers D. audiences 65 Listen! There's someone at the door. I ___ the door for you. A. am going to open B. am opening C. open D. will open 66. “Look at those dark clouds!“ - “Yes, it ___ in some minutes.” A. will rain B. is going to rain C. are going to rain D. is raining 67.Our music teacher has been invited to be a ___ in many music competitions and talent shows. A. singer B. competitor C. contestant D. judge 68.In the UK, poor air quality is responsible ___ some 40,000 deaths each year. A. to B. for C. in D. with 69.You should cut down ___ electricity usage to reduce your carbon footprint. A. in B. on C. to D. for 70.Judges travel all round America ___ search of the best singers and bring them to Hollywood. A. on B. in C. at D. for 71.In my family, we work together on household chores. We share the housework ___ A. equality B. equal C. equally D. unequally 72. They refuse ___ the donation from the government. A. receiving B. to receive C. receive
  5. 73. His father gave him a very expensive cell phone on his last birthday. A. He is given a very expensive cell phone on his last birthday. B. He was given a very expensive cell phone on his last birthday. C. He had been given a very expensive cell phone on his last birthday. D. He has been given a very expensive cell phone on his last birthday. 74. They are building a new zoo near my village. A. A new zoo is being built near my village. B. A new zoo will be built near my village. C. A new zoo is built near my village. D. A new zoo is being building near my village. 75. The Bakers hire a young man ___ on their farm during the harvest. A. work B. to work C. working 76. I heard someone ___ outside when I was watching TV. A. to fall B. fall C. fell 77. The boy was able ___ the piano when he was small. A. play B. playing C. to play 78. He advises Julia ___ to the dentist. A. to go B. go C. going 79. My neighbour is a talented artist who is very good ___ playing the guitar. A. by B. with C. at D. for 81. My family usually ___ away at weekends. A. have gone B. goes C. am going D. go 82. His new friend ___ from Ha Noi, the capital of Viet Nam. A. comes B. came C. is coming D. will come 83. I ___ two hours browsing the web every day. A. have spent B. spent C. spend D. spending 84.It’s 7.00 p.m. now and we ___ meal together. We usually ___ dinner at that time. A. have - eat B. have - are eating C. are having - eat D. are having - are eating 85. I ___ a bike to school every day but today I ___ to school by bus because it was stolen yesterday. A. rode - went B. ride - am going C. ride - go D. is riding - am going 86. Hoang and Phong ___ football as they’re having class now. A. don’t play B. are playing C. doesn’t play D. aren’t playing 87. He normally reads all the Harry Potter books, but right now he ___ something else. A. reads B. is reading C. read D. has read 88. Be quiet! Your dad ___ to the news. A. listens B. will listen C. is reading D. listened 89. Tom promises ___ his room every day. A. to clean B. clean C. cleaning D. cleaned 90. More people ___ a green lifestyle because it is good for the environment. A. compose B. create C. adopt D. conclude 91. After the party, the friends who live nearby stay to help clean ___ the mess. A. out B. up C. off D. in 92. ___ car models always attract great attention at exhibitions. A. Portable B. Wealthy C. Passionate D. Eco – friendly 93. ___ to you yet? A. Have the books been given back B. Have the book been give back C. Have the book been gave back D. Have the book being given back 94.It took me a very long time recovering from the shock of her death. A B C D 95.Remember taking off your shoes when you are in a Japanese house. A B C D 96.My parents permitted me going out at weekends. A B C D 97.Money is used to buying food and clothes. A B C D 98.He often lets me to use his mobile phone. A B C D
  6. 99. These mechanics are going to repair our car this afternoon. A. Our car are going to be repaired by these mechanics this afternoon. B. Our car is going to repair these mechanics this afternoon. C. We are going to get these mechanics repair our car this afternoon. D. We are going to get our car repaired by these mechanics this afternoon 100. Small changes in your daily habits can help reduce the ___you produce. A. trouble B. issues C. carbon footprint D. footsteps 101. My mom ___ to the supermarket every Sunday for shopping. A. goes B. go C. is going D. are going 102. On Sunday at 8 o‘clock I ___ my friend. A. will be meeting B. will meet C. meet D. am going to meet 103. I ___ a bike to school every day but today I ___ to school by bus because it was stolen yesterday. A. ride - go B. ride - am going C. rode - went D. is riding - am going 104. My responsibility is to put ___ the garbage. A. out B. on C. off D. up 105. I ___ my sister in April as planned. A. see B. have seen C. will see D. am going to see 106. ___ such as cooking, cleaning or taking care of other are important for all children when they grow up. A. Social skills B. Hard skills C. Organizational Skills D. Life skills 107. My dad ___ a list of all the household chores and gives it to me. A. do B. take C. makes D. has 108. Hoang ___ his email four times a week in order not to miss anything important. A. checks B. will check C. is checking D. check 109.Nowadays, people ___ social networks with more and more caution. A. uses B. are using C. used D. use 110.At the moment, my sister ___ her homework, my brother ___ games. A. is making - is playing B. is doing - is playing C. does - plays D. makes - is playing 111. ___are ideas or beliefs that give great importance to the traditional family of a mother, a father, and children all living together. A. Moral values B. Personal values C. Social values D. Family values 112. We’ll organise more activities to raise local people’s awareness of ___ issues. A. environment B. environmental C. environmentalist D. environmentally 113.Linda doesn’t like to drive, ___ she takes the bus everywhere. A. but B. yet C. so D. because 114. I was on time, ___ everyone else was late. A. so B. but C. or D. for 115. He does not seem ___ passion for this job. A. have B. having C. to have 116. Would you like ___ with music? A. dance B. to dance C. dancing 117. Sam wanted me ___ there early in the morning. A. come B. coming C. to come 118. The teacher asked all her students___ the music performance A. attend B. attending C. attended D. to attend 119. Our neighbourhood looks beautiful as more flowers___ in many places A. are planted B. plant C. will be planted D. will plant 120. Have you ever expected ___ an astronaut? A. to become B. become C. becoming Complete the sentences using the correct form of the words in brackets. 1. There are many (talent) ___ participants in this show. 2. We are really looking forward to her (perform) ___ this Sunday. 3. She dreams of becoming a famous rock (sing) ___. 4. The piano is a great (music) ___ instrument for beginners. 5. I love reading books about famous (art) ___. 6. My friend and I were so (excite) ___ to go to the Youth Music Festival. 7. She decided to make an audio (record) ___ for her first song. 8. Everybody can send text messages or vote online to choose the (win) ___ of the show.