Bài tập môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 (Global Success) - Unit 1: Family life

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  1. Unit 1: Family life Noun 1 Housework /ˈhaʊswɜːk/ Việc nhà 2 Housewife /ˈhaʊswaɪf/ Bà nội trợ 3 Benefit /ˈbenɪfɪt/ Lợi ớch 4 Task /tɑːsk/ Nhiệm vụ, việc phải làm 5 Bond /bɒnd/ Sự gắn kết 6 Value /ˈvổljuː/ Giỏ trị Verb 1 Divide /dɪˈvaɪd/ Phõn chia 2 Look after /lʊk ˈɑːftə(r)/ Chăm súc 3 Tidy up /ˈtaɪdi ʌp/ Dọn dẹp 4 Strengthen /ˈstreŋkθn/ Tăng cường, củng cố 5 Develop /dɪˈveləp/ Phỏt triển 6 Damage /ˈdổmɪdʒ/ Phỏ hủy, làm hỏng 7 Grow up /ɡrəʊ ʌp/ Lớn lờn 8 Celebrate /ˈselɪbreɪt/ Tổ chức, kỉ niệm Adjective 2
  2. 1 Traditional /trəˈdɪʃənl/ Thuộc về truyền thống 2 Proud /praʊd/ Tự hào Phrases 1 household chores /ˈhaʊshəʊld tʃɔː(r)z/ Việc nhà 2 homemaker /ˈhəʊmmeɪkə(r)/ Người nội trợ 3 breadwinner /ˈbredwɪnə(r)/ Trụ cột gia đỡnh 4 Earn money /ɜːn ˈmʌni/ Kiếm tiền 5 do the heavy lifting /duː ðə ˈhevi lɪftɪŋ/ Làm việc nặng 6 do the laundry /duː ðə ˈlɔːndri/ Giặt là 7 study for exams /ˈstʌdi fə(r) ɪɡˈzổmz/ Học ụn thi 8 Life skill /laɪf skɪl/ Kĩ năng sống 9 Take responsibility /teɪk rɪspɒnsəˈbɪləti/ Cú trỏch nhiệm 10 Take care of /teɪk keə(r) əv/ Chăm súc 11 routine task /ruːˈtiːn tɑːsk/ Cụng việc hàng ngày 12 Do the washing-up /duː ðəˈwɒʃɪŋʌp/ Rửa chộn, bỏt Ex I: Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. 1. A. football B. cooking C.good D. food 2. A. afraid B. mountain C. laid D. maid 3. A. prepare B. compare C. careful D. 4. A. housework B. wrong C. whenever family 5. A. exams B. sisters C. cleaners D. wonderful 6. A. today B. mother C. money C. D. attracts D. divide brother D. 7. A. interesting B. mistake C.heavy practise D. 8. A. cycling B. usually 3 laundry
  3. 9. A. rubbish B. funny C. hungry D. cucumber 10. A. chore B. children C. Christmas D. champion Ex II: Choose a word that has a different stress pattern from others. 1. A. equally B. family C. important D. benefit 2. A. busy B. routine C. later D. English 3. A. enough B. market C. answer D. visit 4. A. celebrate B. national C. opinion D. century 5. A. value B. support C. moment D. programme 6. A. special B. people C. picnic D. correct 7. A. together B. personal C. evening D. favourite 8. A. complete B. breakfast C. second D. august 9. A. lesson B. finger C. exchange D. business 10. A. Sunday B. believe C. modern D. idol Ex III: Write the words below in the correct column. breakfast, crocodile, tractor, brick, ice cream, triangle, brilliant, traveller, brown, control, crazy, trousers, brave, truck, brandnew, crayon, tree, branch, trainer, crown, trumpet, bring, crash, treasure, crab, brush /br/ /kr/ /tr/ 4
  4. Ex IV: Label the picture with a correct phrase given. Lift heavy things Do the cooking Clean the house Do the laundry Repair the water Put out the Shop for Water the plants pipes rubbish groceries Prepare the Arrange flowers Wash the dishes Study for exams meals 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 5
  5. Ex V: Say the words out loud and odd one out. 1. A. cousin B. children C. project D. relative 2. A. discuss B. busy C. tiring D. useful 3. A. today B. century C. tomorrow D. routine 4. A. develop B. important C. strengthen D. divide 5. A. parent B. bond C. teenager D. adult 6. A. college B. university C. school D. supermarket 7. A. similar B. respect C. helpful D. intelligent 8. A. remember B. complete C. fantastic D. understand 9. A. newspaper B. magazine C. novel D. experience 10. A. prepare B. ice cream C. vegetable D. hamburger Ex VI: Match. 1. prepare a. a lot of money 2. do b. responsibility 3. earn c. the heavy lifting d. favorite TV 4. clean programs 5. put out e. the house 6. answer f. the laundry 7. divide g. birthday 8. wash h. the phone 9. do i. the household chore equally 10. watch j. dinner for the family 11. take k. the rubbish 12. celebrate l. dirty clothes
  6. Ex VII: Circle the best word. 1. Jane can’t make/do the cooking because she is studying for her exams at the moment. 2. A homemaker is a person who doesn’t go out to work but stays at home to take/look after the family. 3. Why don’t many parents make/ask their kids do the housework? 4. There are some reasons why/which children should do the housework. 5. Your great ideas are really helpful/useful for my project, Susan. 6. She is proud that she can run/organize the dishwasher. 7. Peter’s father is responsible for making/doing the heavy lifting and repairing the water pipes. 8. Family time is when all family members do things together/another. 9. What do think about the family value of being true/truthful and honest? 10. Children should do their homework by themselves so that they can become dependent/independent. Ex VIII: Match the words in the box with their meanings. 1. bond 5. entertainment 2. routine 6. chore 3. grow up 7. homemaker 4. responsibility 8. benefit a. a task that you do regularly b. to develop into an adult c. the normal order and way in which you regularly do things d. a person, especially a woman who manages a home and takes care of the house and family e. an advantage that something gives you f. films, music, etc used to entertain people 7
  7. g. a duty to take care of somebody or something so that you may be blamed if something goes wrong h. something that forms a connection between people or groups Ex IX: Put the verbs/phrasal verbs in the correct row. visit, tidy up, put out, prepare, do, follow, take care of 1. small children 2. the rubbish 3. the household chores 4 the house 5 meals for the family 6. grandparents in the countryside 7 traditional family values Ex X: Choose the best answer. 1.They ask the children in their family to the housework every day. A. make B. do C. take D. prepare 2. They watch their favourite program on TV every Saturday evening. A. together B. another C. both D. other 3. Strong family values can children to have a happy life later. A. make B. bring C. prepare D. provide 4. I’m .I can’t go with you because I’m studying for my exams tomorrow. A. pity B. sad C. bored D. afraid 5. Husbands and wives should .the household chores equally in the family 8
  8. A. divide B. do C. take D. make 6. Taking out rubbish is a .task for Jim every afternoon. A. simple B. easy C. proud D. enormous 7. Children can responsible people when doing the housework. A. turn B. become C. take D. change 8. Can she the laundry when I prepare the dinner tonight? A. wash B. take C. make D. do 9. My dad sometimes cooks a good for the whole family. A. food B. meal C. dish D. plate 10. Parents should teach their children to be and show respect to older people. A. true B. right C. honest D. good Ex XI: Fill in the gap with a suitable word given in the box. skills routines important daily encourage stronger strengthen breadwinner common necessary 1. Although Jack is the of the family, he still helps his wife with the housework whenever he has time. 2. Children who do housework can develop important life .that they will need for the rest of their lives. 3. Parents should children to share the housework for their own benefits and the benefits of the whole family. 4. Some life skills such as cooking the meals, cleaning the house are really .for the children when they grow up. 5. Their family .help them spend great time together every week. 6. Dinners are important for use because we usually share experiences and talk about the lastest news. 9
  9. 7. Family members can sit together to discuss issues and make the right decisions or just have casual chats. 8. The most activities family members can do together include playing games outdoor, watching movies or visiting grandparents. 9. Today is an important day as it reminds us to express our love to our parents and helps our family bonds. 10. Family time is important as it helps make the bonds between family members . Ex XII: Complete the sentence with the correct form of the word provided. 1. Most people think that house work is boring and it is the of wives and mothers only. (RESPONSIBLE) 2. Studies show that . household chores is good for children. (DO) 3. Sharing houswork is a good way to teach children to take (RESPONSIBLE) 4. Doing housework together helps family bonds and creates special moments between children and parents. (STRONG) 5. .is a quality that makes him different from other students in class. (HONEST) 6. How can parents help their kids achieve great in their study? (SUCCESSFUL) 7. Some values are still important in our society nowadays. (TRADITION) 8. Being honest and respecting older peple are on top of the list of values. (IMPORTANCE) 9. The baby cries because her brother doesn’t divide the cake (EQUAL) 10. In what ways can parents contribute to the of their children? (EDUCATE)