Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 4 Sách Global Success - Tuần 1 (Bản 2 cột)

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  1. Primary School English 4 Week 1 Preparing date: September , 2023 Period 1 Teaching date: September , 2023 INTRODUCTION THE ENGLISH 4 PROGRAME AND TEXTBOOK A. OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: 1. Knowledge: - use the allocation in their study (at school + at home) and basic classroom language. - Skills: speaking and listening 2. Competences: - Be self-study, communicative and interative skill. - Co-operation: ready to help friends in pair work/ group work. 3. Attitude/ Qualities: -Actively participate in activities with their classmates in pairs, groups or class. Educate Ss to become studious and obedient students, love learning English. - Honesty, patience and friendliness. B. TEACHING AIDS: - Teacher: Posters, laptop, pictures, textbook, lesson plan, TV or projector. - Students: Textbooks, notebooks, workbooks, school things. C. PROCEDURES: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1.Warm- up: (5’) *Aims: to create a friendly and active atmosphere in the class to beginning the lesson. *Procedure: - Greet the class and introduce yourself, - Greet and introduce saying: Hello. I’m Ms Huong. - Encourage Ss to say their names - Ss greet and say their names Teacher: School year: .
  2. Primary School English 4 - Sing a song - Listen, sing and dance the song in chorus 2.Presentation (10’) Activity 1. *Aims: Ss will be able to know about the English 3 progamme and textbook. *Procedure: - Introduce about subject +“English 4” has 3 books. (two student - Listen to the teacher books and one exercise book) - Introduce the student’s book and workbook. - Listen to the teacher - Say the main contents There are 20 Units, each Unit has 3 lessons Lesson 1: 1. Look, listen and repeat 2. Listen, point and say 3. Let’s talk 4. Listen and circle/ tick/ number 5. Look, complete/ match and read 6. Let’s sing / play Lesson 2: 1. Look, listen and repeat 2. Listen, point and say 3. Let’s talk 4. Listen and number/ tick 5. Look, complete and read. 6. Let’s sing/ play Lesson 3: 1. Listen and repeat Teacher: School year: .
  3. Primary School English 4 2. Listen and circle/ tick 3. Let’s chant 4. Read and match/ circle/ compete/ write the answer/tick True/ False. 5. Let’s write 6. Project After 5 Units has a Review and extension activities. 3.Practice: (10’) Activity 2. *Aims: Ss will be able to know and do action about classroom languages. *Procedure: - Say and model some classroom languages + Open/ close your books, please! + Stand up/ Sit down, please! + Be quiet/ Don’t talk, please! - Listen to the teacher + Pick up your pen - Look and do action + Put your pen down + Raise your hands + Go to the board + Look + Complete + Let’s play + Ask/ answer the question + Work in pairs/groups + . 4.Production (8’) Activity 3 *Aims: Ss will be able to sing and dance a Teacher: School year: .
  4. Primary School English 4 song. *Procedure: - Sing and model the “Hello” song Hello! Hello, hello, hello, how are you? Hello, hello, hello, how are you? I’m good. I’m great! I’m wonderful! I’m good. - Listen to the song through the tape. I’m great! - Listen and repeat sentence by sentence I’m wonderful! link the action. Hello, hello, hello, how are you? - Sing all the text link the action in the Hello, hello, hello, how are you? chorus. I’m tired. - Work in groups (two groups) to sing I’m hungry. I’m not so good. I’m tired. I’m hungry. I’m not so good. Hello, hello, hello, how are you? Hello, hello, hello, how are you? Hello, hello, hello, how are you? Hello, hello, hello, how are you? 5. Homework. (2’) - Practice more at home. - Listen to the teacher. - Prepare for “Starter” D. ADJUSTMENTS (if necessary): . . Teacher: School year: .
  5. Primary School English 4 Week 1 Preparing date: September ., 2023 Period 2 Teaching date: September , 2023 STARTER A. Hello again! A. OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to revise some competences learnt in Grade 3: 1. Knowledge: - greeting, introducing themselves and introducing each other. - talking about activities in the classroom. - talking about outdoor activities. - Vocabulary: Review - Skills: speaking and listening 2. Competences: - Oral communication: introduce themselves - Co-operation: ready to help friends in pair work/ group work. - Sociability: Talk to each other, say good words to others. 3. Attitude/ Qualities: - Kindness: Help partners to complete learning tasks. - Honesty: tell the truth about feelings and emotions. B. TEACHING AIDS: - Teacher: Teacher’s guide Pages 10-11, audio Tracks 1,2, website, posters, laptop, pictures, textbook, lesson plan, TV or projector. - Students: Pupil’s book Page 7, notebooks, workbooks, school things. C. PROCEDURES: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1.Warm- up: (3’) Sing a song: Hello song *Aims: to create a friendly and active atmosphere in the class to beginning the lesson. *Procedure: - Show the song on the screen. Teacher: School year: .
  6. Primary School English 4 - Sing and dance the song in chorus. 3bWH8 - Ask pupils to listen, sing and dance the - Ss listen and open their books. song. - Say “Open your book page 7” and look at “Starter, Hello again!”. 2. Practice (30’) Activity 1. Let’s sing *Aims: Ss will be able to sing the song “Hello. How are you?” with the correct pronunciation, rhythm and melody. *Procedure: - Draw pupils’ attention to the lyric of the -Look at the board and listen. song. - Have pupils read the verses of the lyrics. -Ss listen and read. - Have pupils listen to the verses, check comprehension, drawing their attention to -Ss listen and and answer the pronunciation, rhythm and melody. + Minh meets and greets Lucy on the first day of school. + Nam introduces Mary and Mai. - Listen to and practise singing the song, -Ss listen again and repeat. line by line, while clapping their hands. - Ask pupils to listen to and sing the whole -Ss listen and sing whole song. song while clapping their hands. - Invite a few groups to the front of the -Ss sing in front of the class. class to sing the song. Activity 2. Listen and tick: *Aims: Ss will be able to listen and understand a short text in which Ms Hoa greets the characters in the classroom and tick the correct pictures. Teacher: School year: .
  7. Primary School English 4 *Procedure: - Draw pupils’ attention to the characters and check comprehension. -Look at the screen and listen. + Who is he/she? + Where is he/she? - Ss look, listen and answer. - Play the recording all the way through. -Ss listen to the tape and tick - Play the recording and tick the pictures. -Ss listen again and check themselves - Tell pupils to swap their books with their - Ss swap their books with their partners, then check answers together as a partners and check answers. class. - Have Ss to listen and repeat in chorus, - Ss listen and repeat in chorus sentence by sentence. Correct their pronunciation where necessary. Key: f (Minh); b (Ben); a (Linh); c (Lucy) Activity 3. Let’s play *Aims: Ss will be able to spell some words learnt in Grade 3 by playing the game “Spelling bee”. *Procedure: - Before playing the game, have pupils look -Ss look and sing a song. at the English alphabet and sing The Alphabet song or spell the letters of the song. - Tell pupils that they are going to spell -Ss listen and note. some words they have learnt. - Explain how to play the game. Check -Ss listen and remember comprehension and give feedback. - Write the words on a piece of paper or on Teacher: School year: .
  8. Primary School English 4 the board. - Call a group of four pupils to the front of -Ss listen the class. - Give the piece of paper to one of group -Ss go the board and play the game. members and ask him/her to say on word (ex: friend). The other members spell the - Ss play the game word (ex: F-R-I-E-N-D). The pupil who correctly spells the word first gets one point or star. - The pupil who has the most points or stars -Ss get the point or star. at the end of the game wins. *Consolidation *Aims: Ss will be able consolidate and wrap up the content of the lesson. *Procedure: - T asks ss to answer the following - Ss listen and answer. questions: + What have you learnt from the lesson today? - T review the song. 3. Homework. (2’) - Learn the song. -Ss listen and pay attention. - Prepare the new lesson: B.Classroom activities. D. ADJUSTMENTS (if necessary): . . . Teacher: School year: .
  9. Primary School English 4 Week 1 Preparing date: September , 2023 Period 3 Teaching date: September , 2023 STARTER B. Classroom activities A. OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to revise some competences learnt in Grade 3: 1. Knowledge: - greeting, introducing themselves and introducing each other. - talking about activities in the classroom. - talking about outdoor activities. - Vocabulary: Review - Skills: speaking and listening 2. Competences: - Critical thinking: read the clasroom activities. - Oral communication: practice speaking - Co-operation: ready to help friends in pair work/ group work. 3. Attitude/ Qualities: - Kindness: Help partners to complete learning tasks. - Leadership: collaborate with teachers to enhance language skills. B. TEACHING AIDS: - Teacher: Teacher’s guide Page 12,13, audio Track 3,4,5, website, posters, laptop, pictures, textbook, lesson plan, TV or projector. - Students: Pupil’s book Page 8, notebooks, workbooks, school things. C. PROCEDURES: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1.Warm- up: (3’) Sing a song: Stand up sit down *Aims: to create a friendly and active atmosphere in the class to beginning the lesson. *Procedure: - Show the song on the screen. Teacher: School year: .
  10. Primary School English 4 - Sing and dance the song in chorus. ZJi_2NU - Ss listen and open their books. - Ask pupils to listen, sing and dance the song. - Say “Open your book page 8” and look at “Starter, Classroom activites”. 2. Practice (30’) Activity 1. Let’s chant: *Aims: Ss will be able to say the chant with the correct rhythm and pronunciation *Procedure: - Have pupils read the chant and elicit its meaning. Check comprehension. -Look at the chant and read. - Play the recording for pupils to listen to and repeat the chant, line by line. -Ss listen and repeat. - Draw their attention to the rhythm and pronunciation. -Ss listen and pay attention - Play the recording all the way through for pupils to chant and clap. -Ss listen and repeat - Invite a few groups of pupils to listen to and repeat the chant in front of the class. -Ss sing and perform the chant in front - Praise them to encourage their of the class performance. - Ss listen. Activity 2: Listen and number *Aims: Ss will be able to listen to and understand four sentences describing what the characters are doing in the classroom at break time and number the correct Teacher: School year: .
  11. Primary School English 4 pictures. *Procedure: - Draw pupils’ attention to the pictures -Look at the pictures and answer and ask and answer the questions: +Who are they? +What are they doing? - Play the recording all the way through -Ss listen to the tape for pupils to listen and familiarise themslves with the speaker’s voice. - Play the recording again for pupils to - Ss listen again and write the number listen and number the pictures. - Get pupils to swap books with a partner -Ss swap books with the partner and to check their answers before checking as check. a class. - Check the correct answer and give -Ss check the answer together. feedback. - Play the recording, sentence by sentence, - Ss listen and repeat, sentence by for pupils to listen and repeat in chorus. sentence. Key: 1.a 2.c 3.d 4.b Activity 3. Listen and act out *Aims: Ss will be able to listen and understand a chant with seven sentences describing what the characters usually do in the classroom, and act out the chant. *Procedure: - Draw pupils’ attention to the picture and answer the question: -Ss listen and answer +Who are they? Teacher: School year: .
  12. Primary School English 4 + What are they doing? - Play the recording all the way through for pupils to listen and familiarise -Ss listen and pay attention themselves with the speaker’s voice. - Play the recording again for pupils to listen and point at the pictures -Ss listen again and point at the - Give pupils listen to the recording, line pictures by line, and act out. -Ss listen again and act out. - Invite a group to listen and act out in front of the class. -Ss listen and act out in front of the - Play the recording, line by line, for pupils class to listen and repeat in chorus. -Ss listen and repeat. *Consolidation *Aims: Ss will be able consolidate and wrap up the content of the lesson. *Procedure: - T asks ss to answer the following -Ss answer the questions questions: + What have you learnt from the lesson today? - Ss listen - T review the classroom activites. 4. Homework. (2’) - Learn the classroom activites. - Prepare the new lesson: C.Outdoor -Ss listen activites D. ADJUSTMENTS (if necessary): . Teacher: School year: .
  13. Primary School English 4 Week 1 Preparing date: September , 2023 Period 4 Teaching date: September , 2023 STARTER C. Outdoor activites A. OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to revise some competences learnt in Grade 3: 1. Knowledge: - greeting, introducing themselves and introducing each other. - talking about activities in the classroom. - talking about outdoor activities. - Vocabulary: Review - Skills: listening, speaking and reading. 2. Competences: - Oral communication: let’s play and say. - Sociability: talk to each other, say good words to others. 3. Attitude/ Qualities: - Honesty: tell the truth about feelings and emotions. - Responsibility: appreciate kindness B. TEACHING AIDS: - Teacher: Teacher’s guide Page 14, 15, website, posters, laptop, pictures, textbook, lesson plan, TV or projector. - Students: Pupil’s book Page 9, notebooks, workbooks, school things. C. PROCEDURES: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1.Warm- up: (3’) Sing a song: What are you doing? *Aims: to create a friendly and active atmosphere in the class to beginning the lesson. *Procedure: - Show the song on the screen. - Ss listen Teacher: School year: .
  14. Primary School English 4 q8xJiU4 - Sing and dance the song in chorus. - Ask pupils to listen, sing and dance the song. - Say “Open your book page 9” and look - Ss listen and open their books. at “Starter, Outdoor activites”. 2. Practice (30’) Activity 1. Let’s play *Aims: Ss will be able to practise the names of outdoor activites by playing “Miming game” *Procedure: - Elicit the language that pupils need to - Ss listen and answer talk about break time activites. + Ex: What are they doing? They’re (swimming, running, singing, skating, skipping). - Explain how the game is played: -Ss listen and pay attention + Two pupils mime the action of an activity. + One pupil ask What are they doing? + And the other pupils guess the action and answer. - Divide class into groups of five to play -Ss play the game the game. - The team that guesses the correct answer first gets one point or star. -Ss play the game - The team with the most points or stars is -Ss listen Teacher: School year: .
  15. Primary School English 4 the winner. Activity 2 Follow the lines and say *Aims: Ss will be able to match the pupils with the pictures ans talk about their hobbies. *Procedure: - Tell pupils the goal of the activity and -Ss look and pay attention explain that they should follow the lines to match the pupils with the pictures, point to the pupils and say what their hobbies are. - Do the first picture as an example: + First, have pupils look at Minh and the -Ss look at the picture and the line the line to Picture b (a swimsuit). + Then have them say: “Look at Minh. His -Ss look and say hobby is swimming”. - Set a time limit for pupils to do the -Ss do the tak activity independently. Go around the classroom and offer help if necessary. - Get pupils to swap books with a partner -Ss swap books together and check their answer. - Check the answer together. - Ss check the answer - Invite some pupils to look at the task -Ss say about the pictures they have done and talk about pupils’ hobbies in front of the class. Teacher: School year: .
  16. Primary School English 4 Activity 3: Read and act out: *Aims: Ss will be able to read the chant aloud and act out with the help of the lyrics and picture cues. *Procedure: - Have pupils look at the first picture to identify the meaning of the first two lines. -Ss look t the picture and answer. - Get pupils to read aloud the first line and - Ss read and act out jump up. Then have them read the second line aloud and jump up high. - Give pupils a time limit to read the first -Ss read and act out in pairs verse and act out in pairs or groups. - Go around the classroom and give further - Ss work in pairs support to pupils who find it difficult to do the task. -Ss listen and repeat - Repeat with the second and third verses of the chant. - When pupils are familiar with the verses -Ss read and act out the whole chant and actions, ask them to read the whole chant aloud and act out. -Ss say the chant and act out in font of - Invite a few groups to the front of the the class. class to say the chant and act out. *Consolidation *Aims: Ss will be able consolidate and wrap up the content of the lesson. *Procedure: - T asks ss to answer the following -Ss answer the questions questions: Teacher: School year: .
  17. Primary School English 4 + What have you learnt from the lesson today? - T review the outdoor activities. - Ss listen 3. Homework. (2’) - Learn the outdoor activities by heart - Prepare the new lesson: Unit 1: My -Ss listen friends- Lesson 1. D. ADJUSTMENTS (if necessary): . . . Teacher: School year: .