Đề kiểm tra giữa học kì 1 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 (Friends Global) - Trường THPT Trần Phú

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  1. TRAN PHU HIGH SCHOOL ENGLISH TEST (Friends Global 10) Unit 1-2 (15’) Name : Class : I. Choose a word in each group with the different sound of the -ed ending from the others. 1. A. famousB. anotherC. aboutD. appear 2. A. beachB. reachC. headD. dream 3. A. studentB. usuallyC. curlyD. during 4. A. braveB. dangerousC. caseD. adventure 5. A. someB. comeC. lostD. done 6. A. heavy B. alreadyC. leavingD. head 7.A. mutualB. untidyC. universityD. uniform 8. A. embarrassedB. delighted C. excitedD. interested II. Choose the word in each group that has the different stress from the rest. 9. A. parentB. momentC. packingD. agree 10. A. dangerousB. impressiveC. adventureD. develop 11. A. station B. anxious C. smartphone D. upset 12. A. important B. difficult C. suspicious D. amazing III. Choose the best answer 6. While her brother was in the army, Sarah ___ to him twice a week. A. was writing B. wrote C. has written D. had written 7. The Titanic ___ the Atlantic when it ___ an iceberg. A. was crossing / struck B. had crossed / was striking C. crossed / had struck D. is crossing / strikes 8. Her father ___ when she was a small girl. A. dies B. died C. has died D. had died 9. Almost everyone ___ for home after they completed their tasks. A. leave B. left C. leaves D. had left 10. I will contact you as soon as I ___the information. A. will get B. get C. got D. had got 11. I am reading this novel. By the time you come back from work I ___ it. A. will finish B. will have finished C. have finished D. had finished 12. I ___ English at the moment. A. am not learning B. learn C. was learning D. learned 13. People who can’t feel pain just don’t realize they’re ___. A. out of risk B. in danger C. out of control D. in question 14. Twenty-three years later, she was ___ to get a reply from someone in the Netherlands. A. disappointed B. amazed C. irritated D. upset 15. Teenagers who go on adventures should be proud of their ___. A. accomplished B. accomplish C. accomplishment D. accomplishments 16. She is still coming to terms with the ___ of her marriage. A. failure B. fail C. failed D. failing 17. She suffered from severe ___ after losing her job. A. pleasure B. surprise C. cross D. depression
  2. 18. A fixed idea or image that many people have of a particular type of person or thing, but which is often not true in reality is ___. A. foreground B. dingy C. stereotype D. disorder 19. We use a ___ as an important tool to go white-water rafting. A. safety harness B. rope C. boots D. paddle 20. Let’s ___ two different water sports: jet-skiing and kite surfing. A. try B. go C. take D. make 21. Mike Perham ___ the world alone by boat at the age of seventeen. A. came B. went C. traveled D. circumnavigated 22. It is ___ that eating chocolate is good for your body whenever you feel sad. A. surprising B. confusing C. delightful D. proud 23. It ___ heavily last August. A. is rain B. was raining C. rained D. rain 24. What ___ when I phoned yesterday? A. were you doing B. do you do C. did you do D. do you did 25. Every morning, I often sit in my garden and___ to my nightingale sing. A. listening B. listen C. listened D. listens 26. She ___school when she was six. A. start B. started C. has started D. are starting 27. ___he playing football now? A. Will B. Does C. Was D. Is 28. This record-shop___ be a book-shop a few years ago. A. used to B. use C. used D. used 29. I couldn't come to the party because I ___go to work. A. have B. had to C. have got D. had 30. Geordie Stewart, a twenty-year-old university student, set off for Everest to be the youngest Briton to ___ the “Seven Summits” challenge - climbing the highest mountain on each continent. A. achiever B. achievement C. achieve D. achievable 31. The company can offer a number of opportunities for career ___ A. development B. develop C. developing D. developed 32. Once, she ___ her ankle but she didn’t stop running. A. sprained B. tripped over C. fell D. slipped 33. The robber was carrying a gun and wearing the mask of a clown. He was ___ A. embarrassed B. excited C. amazed D. terrified 34. She was very ___ with him for not telling her the truth. A. annoyed B. annoying C. confusing D. confused 35. This year, all the presents that I got for Christmas were very ___ A. disappointed B. disappointing C. relieved D. relieving 36. It will be ___ if someone finds a bottle with a message.
  3. A. interesting B. annoying C. interested D. annoyed 37. Test showed that Ashlyn had very unusual medical ___ she couldn’t feel any pain. A. skill B. drug C. pain D. condition IV. Choose to indicate the sentence that is CLOSEST in meaning to each of the following questions. 1. The train was moving to Sheffield when it was caught in a snowstorm. A. The train to Sheffield could not start because of a snowstorm. B. The snowstorm could not prevent the train to Sheffield. C. The train could come to Sheffield though it was caught in a snowstorm. D. A snowstorm came as the train was on the way to Sheffield. 2. Many teenagers wish to become singers, but not many of them have good knowledge of this career. A. Many teenagers would like to become singers without having good knowledge of what the career is. B. Though not many teenagers wish to become singers, all of them have good knowledge of this career. C. Singing is a career with good knowledge which many teenagers do not wish to know. D. Many teenagers would like to have more knowledge of singing before they wish to become singers. 3. Ann Davison, who was the first woman to sail solo across the Atlantic, had a strong love for adventures. A. Ann Davison, who had a strong love for the Atlantic, was the first woman to sail solo across it in her adventures. B. Ann Davison with her strong love for adventures became the first woman to sail solo across the Atlantic. C. Ann Davison had a strong love for sailing solo across the Atlantic, so she became the first woman to do it as an adventure. D. Ann Davison was among the first women to sail solo across the Atlantic with their strong love for adventures. 4. The weather was too bad. We could not go mountain biking. A. As the weather is too bad, we cannot go mountain biking. B. Our mountain biking plan failed because the weather was too bad. C. As we were going mountain biking, the weather became too bad. D. Before we went mountain biking, the weather was bad. 5. Tina is young. She is experienced enough. A. Having enough experience, Tina is young. Tina is experienced, but she is not young enough. Tina is young, and she is experienced enough. Although Tina is young, she is experienced enough. V. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. 17. Lori is a good singer, but she always gets embarrassed if we ask her to sing. A. shy B. optional C. angry D. sorrowful 18. Jeb has always thought Bob was a disgusting little man. A. noisy B. awful C. beautiful D. wonderful 19. The brilliant boy could answer most of the questions given by the judges. A. slow B. quick C. smart D. witty 20. We all love to have Robert at parties because he can tell hilarious jokes. A. funny B. serious C. confusing D. pleasant VI. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. 21. Gibson met a clever classmate who had built his own radio transmitter. A. thoughtful B. diligent C. harmful D. foolish
  4. 22. It is important that everyone should understand the risks involved in this plan. A. respective B. optional C. insignificant D. agreeable 23. The insect has tiny eyes which look like two specks. A. simple B. strange C. uninteresting D. huge 24. The tiger went without food for 2 weeks and it was starving. A. hungry B. strong C. weak D. full VII. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1. We need to provide some ___ (entertain) for the people at the party. 2. It was a very big volcanic ___ (erupt), and it lasted for days. 3. Sam has no ___ (motivate), so he never does his homework. 4. My name isn’t Eda – it’s Eva. You've ___ (spell) it. 5. A burger with bananas – that’s ___ (disgust)! 6. When I climbed the mountain, it felt like a great ___ (achieve). 7. We have to do a lot of ___ (prepare) before our camping trip in the forest. 8. Kayaking across the lake was ___ (exhaust). 9. I've read your essay, but it isn’t very clear – you need to ___ (write) it. 10. Gemma was very ___ (surprise) when we gave her the flowers. 11. (lucky) ___, the plane didn’t make it. 13. Their sleeping bag was warm and (comfort) ___, so they all slept (sound) ___ 14. We shouldn’t look down on the (deep) ___ of the sea. 15. There were no ___ left after the accident. (survive) 16. She had a sneaking ___ that he was laughing at her (suspicious) 17. "What's going on?" I asked ___. (surprise) 18. "What's going on?" I asked with a ___. (cautiously) 19. We felt a jealous sensation of ___ for the winning people. (envious) 20. Yesterday he did something really bad and now he can’t not only get over it but he also has to face everyone with ___. (shameful) 21. ___ struck the family when their son fell off a cliff. (tragic) 22. To become an (explore) ___, you must have good (healthy) ___ condition. 23. Kayaking along the river without paddles is an ___ goal. (achieve). 24. Only excellent ___ are qualified for the climbing competition. (compete) 25. I’ve never received such a nice ___ as you. (recommend) 26. There’ll be an ___ tomorrow, all the ___ will be revised by two ___. (examine) 27. In order to stop ___, ___ should be recuited by ___. (employ) 28. Tanya was jet-skiing ___, which put her life in ___. (danger) 29. Because of his late ___, everyone felt cross. (arrive) 30. Pain ___ do not reach her brain due to her genetic disorder. (sign) VIII. Read the passage and find the mistake in the underline sentence, then write the mistake in the blank. All children hurt themselves from time to time. But when thirteen-year-old Ashlyn Blocker gets injured, she doesn’t realise it. Once, when she burned herself, she only knew about it when she looked at her skin. (1) There was always something different about Ashlyn. (2) As a baby, she wasn’t cry. When she was eight months old, her parents noticed there was some blood in her eye, so they took her to see a doctor. (3) The doctor found a serious cut in her eye and was shocking. Why didn’t the baby cry? Tests showed that Ashlyn had a very unusual medical condition: she couldn’t feel any
  5. pain. This condition is very rare: many people who have it die of it. Pain is a natural warning that you’re ill or injured. People who can’t feel pain just don’t realise they’re in danger. (4) The first few years of Ashlyn’s life was very difficult. She often tripped and injured herself. Once, she broke her ankle but she didn’t stop running. During school breaks, one teacher watched Ashlyn all the time in the playground and they had to search for cuts, bruises or other injuries. When she was five, Ashlyn’s story appeared in newspapers and on TV. Scientists studied her condition and found she has a genetic disorder that means pain signals do not reach her brain. Unfortunately, at the moment, there is no hope of a cure. (5) And, as Ashlyn knows, a life without pain is both difficult and danger. 1. The mistake is: ___ 2. The mistake is: ___ 3. The mistake is: ___ 4. The mistake is: ___ 5. The mistake is: ___ IX. Rewrite the following sentences, using the suggestions. 1. Do you fancy abseiling with us tomorrow? => What ___? 2. Adventures are a great way to develop personal skills. (DEVELOPMENT) => Adventures ___ 3. I was walking home when it started to rain. => While I ___ 4. It last rained five weeks ago. ⇒ The last time ___ 5. I haven’t played soccer since I was in the USA. ⇒ The last time ___ 6. Linh’s birthday party was the last time I really enjoyed myself. ⇒ The last time ___ 7. My brother haven’t swum since when he was in Vietnam. ⇒ The last time ___ 8. It last rained 5 months ago. ⇒ The last time ___ 9. When did you last drive a car alone? => When was the last time ___ 10. My brother hasn’t gone out since the quarantine started. => The last time ___ 11. I’m studying. Please stop talking! => Do you mind ___ while ___?