Đề kiểm tra giữa học kì 1 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 (Friends Global) - Trường THPT Trần Hưng Đạo

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  1. TRAN HUNG DAO HIGH SCHOOL ENGLISH TEST (Friends Global 10) Unit 1-2 (15’) Name : Class : Exercise 1. Choose a word in each group with the different sound of the -ed ending from the others. 1. A. exhausted B. frustrated C. interested D. relaxed 2. A. amused B. shocked C. satisfied D. ashamed 3. A. embarrassed B. depressed C. bored D. relaxed 4. A. confused B. interested C. fascinated D. disappointed 5. A. astonished B. convinced C. confused D. touched Exercise 2. Choose the word in each group that has the different stress from the rest. 1. A. guilty B. confused C. injured D. frightened 2. A. envious B. embarrassed C. suspicious D. unusual 3. A. emotions B. graduation C. refuse D. collector 4. A. moving B. embarrass C. medical D. holiday 5. A. danger B. medical C. condition D. ankle Exercise 3. Choose the best answer 1. The waiter was really rude to me when I asked for a glass of water. I was a bit a. excited b. exciting c. shocking d. shocked. 2. I got a new smartphone for my birthday. I was a. delighted b.envious c. upset d.embarrassed 3. Playing volleyball is fun, but it’s a. confusing b. confused c. tiring d. tired 4. This new computer game is ! a. amazed b. amazing c.shocked d. cross 5. ‘This milk has got black bits in it.’ ‘How___!’ a. disgusting b. boring c. upsetting d. ashamed 6. We all cried at the end of the film - it was so___! a. boring b. bored c. moved d. moving 7. A : I got 95% in my French exam. B : a. Really? I'm so envious! b. That’s a shame! c. what a diaster d. how boring 8. My dad maths at university when he was a student. a. study b. studied c. was studying d. studies 9. We live in Oxford. We here five years ago. a. move b. was moving c. didn’t move d. moved 10. Maria felt sorry for playing a to Mark on his birthday. a. joke b. prank c.game d.guitar 11. Robert’s reactions on the stage were difficult for us to understand. a. confusing b. cross c. suspect d. tiring
  2. 12. We ___ the roof for Mrs. Smith, an elderly childless woman, when it ___ with rain. a. were mending - was pouring b. mended - poured c. were mending - poured d. mended - was pouring 13. When we were on a voluntary tour, we ___ to public places to collect rubbish every day. a. were going b. went c. had gone d. have gone 14. While the Cambridge boat ___ under a bridge, it ___ another boat. a. went - was hitting b. went - hit c. was going - hit d. was going - was hitting 15. My cousin / I / play/on / computer there / / power cut. a. My cousin and I were playing on the computer when there was a power cut. b. When ny cousin and I was playing on the computer , there was a power cut. c. My cousin and I were playing on the computer as there was a power cut. d. My cousin and I were playing on the computer while there was a power cut. 16. I feel bored when I learn Maths because I don’t find it a. moving b. disgusting c. interesting d. tiring 17. is a place where water flows over the edge of a cliff, rock, or other steep place onto another level below. a.cave b. waterfall c. oceance d. rock 18. Mark / have / bad fall / as / he / mend / ceiling. a. Mark had a bad fall when he mended the ceiling. b. Mark had a bad fall while he mended the ceiling. c. Mark had a bad fall while he was mending the ceiling. d. When Mark had a bad fall, he was mending the ceiling. 19. A : I have learned a new song on the piano. B : a.What a disaster! b. Really? Poor you c.What a cool thing to do. d. That’s worrying! 20. He bumped his head into the wall and had a bad purple over his eye. a. brain b. blood c. bruise d. signal Exercise 4. Complete the sentences with the words below. bumped survived injured scratched broke twisted rescued escaped 1. Sue ___ her ankle and now it’s very swollen. 2. Nam fell out of a tree and ___ his arm. 3. Only two people ___ the plane crash. 4. The tree crashed to the ground and ___ a man walking a dog. 5. The man jumped into the pool and ___ the drowning girl. 6. Luckily, the family ___ from the fire.
  3. 7. Tom ___ his leg on some of rose bushes. 8. Ken ___ his head on a branch. Exercise 5. Choose the correct adjectives. 1. I worked hard last term, but my exam results were disappointed/ disappointing. 2. It was an exhausted/ exhausting tennis match, but he won in the end. 3. I’ll be surprised/ surprising if Viet Nam win the World Cup. 4. I don’t like this film. It’s bored/ boring. 5. This TV programme is very interested/ interesting. 6. I forgot her name. It was really embarrassed/ embarrassing. 7. I’m really annoyed/ annoying because I can’t find my mobile phone. 8. I love parties. They’re really excited/ exciting. 9. We really enjoyed the film. It was very entertained/ entertaining. 10. Mai had studied hard for her exams and her results were very satisfied/ satisfying. 11. The children were fascinated/ fascinating by the clown’s performance. 12. This weather is very depressed/ depressing. It really gets me down. Exercise 6. Choose the correct words. 1. When I got home, there was a burglar in the kitchen. What/ How a shock! 2. I failed all of my exams. What/ How a disaster! 3. Why don’t we have a party at the end of term? What/ How a great idea! 4. My dad is going to buy me a new phone. What/ How wonderful! 5. My brother fell asleep in the middle of an interview. What/ How funny! 6. He got lost in the centre of Bangkok. What/ How a nightmare! 7. My uncle’s house burned down in a fire. What/ How terrible! 8. I keep getting text messages from somebody I don’t know. What/ How strange! Exercise 7. Complete the sentences with the -ed or -ing form of the verbs in brackets. 1. She’s very ___ with her new laptop. (please) 2. He was very ___ when his best friend didn’t give him a birthday present. (disappoint) 3. The weather’s really ___. It’s raining today and it rained yesterday, too. (depress) 4. That film is really ___. I laughed all the way through it. (amuse) 5. It’s Sunday afternoon and Sue’s got nothing to do. She’s really ___. (bore) 6. That maths question was really ___. (confuse) 7. He’s ___. He passed his driving test this morning. (delight) 8. They’re going to watch their favourite group at a concert tonight. They’re very ___. (excite) 9. My friend’s ___ was due to the death of her grandfather. (sad) 10. Robert accepted the offer without ___. (hesitate) 11. Having just seen a short film about poor children in Vietnam, they are so ___. (move). 12. He lost a lot of ___ in the accident. (bleed) 13. The athlete wore his medal with ___. (proud) 14. They thanked Ann for her ___. (kind) 15. This is the most ___ experience of my life. (frighten) 16. I get ___ out of dancing. (enjoy)
  4. 17. Children normally feel a lot of ___ about their first day at school. (anxious) 18. The man hid his face to cover his ___. (embarrass) 19. The idea was slow to find general ___. (accept) 20. Will you join me in wishing the bride and groom every ___? (happy) 21. She felt ___ about undressing in front of the doctor. (embarrass) 22. There seems to be some ___ over the exam dates. (confuse) 23. Some youths commit acts of vandalism out of ___. (bored) 24. He was forced to make several ___ to his speech. (revise) 25. The restaurant turned out to be ___ cheap. (surprise) 26. They don't seem particularly ___ about the situation. (worry) 27. The doctor told me that I had a serious ___ problem that I hadn’t realized. (medicine) 28. The little boy got ___ because the journey was too long and tiring. (bore) 29. When I was walking on the beach, I was ___ to find a big bottle in the sand. (surprise) 30. My little sister feels very proud of herself because she won a singing ___ yesterday. (compete) 31. Newspapers and TV stations became ___ in that famous singer’s private life. (interest) 32. Look! The kitchen is in a ___ state when she left. (disgust) 33. The child felt ___ because it was dark in the house and she was with no one else. (frighten) Exercise 8. Rewrite the sentences. Use the words in bracket 1. I don’t like spiders. (afraid) → I’m ___ 2. He knew he shouldn’t have stolen it. (guilty) → He felt ___ 3. Did your exam results please you? (satisfied) → Were you ___ 4. What don’t you understand? (confused) → What are you ___ 5. They’re annoying him. (irritated) → He’s getting___ 6. I fell happy that I got good exam results. (pleased) → I’m ___ 7. They didn’t like the bad weather. (fed up) → They were ___ 8. She doesn’t like her sister. (jealous) → She’s ___ 9. Why are you sad? (depressed) → What are ___ 10. Did the zombies frighten you? (scared) → Were you ___