Bài ôn tập môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 (Global Success) - Unit 1: Family life

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Nội dung text: Bài ôn tập môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 (Global Success) - Unit 1: Family life

  1. UNIT 1: FAMILY LIFE Vocabulary GETTING STARTED 1. sports field /'spɔːts fi:ld/(n/p): sõn chơi thể thao 2. prepare /prɪˈpeə(r)/(v): chuẩn bị 3. study for exams (v.p): học cho kỡ thi 4. divide /dɪˈvaɪd/(v): phõn chia, phõn cụng 5. housework /'haʊswɜːk/ (n): việc nhà . 6. household chores (n.p): việc nhà 7. homemaker /'həʊmmeɪkə(r)/ (n): nội trợ 8. breadwinner /'bredwɪnə(r)/ (n): trụ cột tài chớnh 9. equally /'i:kwəli/ (adv): cụng bằng, bỡnh đẳng 10. shop for groceries (v.p): mua thực phẩm 11. grocery /'ɡrəʊsəri/ (n): thực phẩm 12. heavy-lifting /'hevi 'lɪftɪŋ/ (n): cụng việc mang vỏc nặng 13. do the cooking (v.p): nấu ăn 14. do the heavy lifting (v.p): làm cụng việc mang vỏc nặng 15. do the laundry /du:/ /ðə/ /'lɔːndri/ (v.p): làm cụng việc giặt giũ 16. do the washing up (v.p): rửa chộn/ bỏt 17. put out the rubbish (v.p): vứt rỏc LANGUAGE 18. support /sə'pɔːt/(v): ủng hộ, hỗ trợ 19. look after /lʊk 'ɑːftə(r)/(phr.v): chăm súc = take care of /teɪk keə(r) 20. tidy up /'taɪdi/ /ʌp/ (v.phr): dọn dẹp READING 21. responsibility /rɪˌspɒnsə'bɪləti/ (n): trỏch nhiệm 22. husband /'hʌzbənd/ (n): chồng 23. wife /waɪf/(n): vợ 24. life skill /laɪf skɪl/(n.phr): kỹ năng sống 25. gratitude /;ɡrổtɪtju:d/(n): lũng biết ơn 26. appreciate /ə'pri:ʃieɪt/(v): đỏnh giỏ cao, đề cao 27. strengthen /'streŋkθn/(v): tăng cường 28. bond /bɒnd/(n): sự gắn kết 29. benefit /'benɪfɪt/(n): lợi ớch 30. character /'kổrəktə(r)/(n): tớnh cỏch 31. encourage /ɪn'kʌrɪdʒ/ (v): khuyến khớch 32. share /ʃeə(r)/(v): chia sẻ SPEAKING 33. damage /'dổmɪdʒ/ (v): phỏ hủy 34. playtime /pleɪtaɪm/ (n): thời gian vui chơi
  2. 35. grow up /ɡrəʊ ʌp/ (phr.v): phỏt triển 36. routine /ru:'ti:n/ (n): sinh hoạt thường ngày 37. cheer someone up /tʃɪə(r) 'sʌmwʌn ʌp /(v.phr): cổ vũ 38. trust /trʌst/(n): niềm tin 39. carry on (phr.v): tiếp tục 40. achieve success /ə'tʃi:v sək'ses/(v.phr): đạt thành tựu WRITING 41. have a picnic /hổv ə 'pɪknɪk/(v.phr): đi dó ngoại 42. celebrate /'selɪbreɪt/ (v): tổ chức, kỉ niệm 43. experience /ɪk'spɪəriəns/' (n): trải nghiệm 44. spotlessly /'spɒtləsli/(adv): khụng tỡ vết 45. exchange opinions /ɪks'tʃeɪndʒ ə'pɪnjən/(v.phr): trao đổi ý kiến COMMUNICATION & CULTURE 46. get into top university /ɡet 'ɪntu: tɒp ,ju:nɪˈvɜːsəti/(v.phr) đỗ vào trường đại học hàng đầu 47. family value /'fổməli 'vổlju:/(n.phr): giỏ trị gia đỡnh 48. pass on /pɑːs ɒn/(phr.v): lưu truyền 49. traditional /trə'd ɪʃənl/(adv): truyền thống 50. respectr ɪˈspekt/(n, v): sự tụn trọng / tụn trọng 51. wealth of something /welθ/(n) sự giàu cú / nhiều 52. table manners /'teɪbl mổnəz/(n.phr): quy tắc ứng xử trờn bàn ăn 53. respectively /rɪˈspektɪvli/(adv): lần lượt là LOOKING BACK 54. run a washing machine /rʌn ə 'wɒʃɪŋ məʃi/:n/(v.phr) vận hành mỏy giặt 55. regularly /'reɡjələli/ (adv): một cỏch thường xuyờn 56. be away on business /bi ə:weɪ ɒn'bɪznəs/(phrase): đi cụng tỏc xa Grammar: Thỡ SIMPLE PRESENT PRESENT CONTINUOUS Dạng (Hiện Tại đơn) (Hiện Tại tiếp diễn) Khẳng định S + V [-s/es] S + am / is / are + V-ing Phủ định S + don’t / doesn’t + V(inf) S + am not / isn’t / aren’t + V-ing Nghi vấn Do / Does + S + V(inf) ? Am / Is / Are + S + V-ing ? - always, usually, often, - now, right now, just now, at present, at the sometimes, seldom, moment, ,- Sau cõu mệnh lệnh : - every : every day, every Keep silent! The baby is sleeping. year Look at the little girl! She is holding your Nhận biết Mr. Nam always goes to bed late doll. in the evening. *be, like, dislike, hate, want, love, prefer, Water freezes at zero degree know, admire, look, seem, smell, forget, Centigrade. understand, remember, see, believe,
  3. UNIT 1: FAMILY LIFE Put the verbs into the correct form (present simple tense). 1. Mr. Nam often (teach) ___the dogs new tricks. 2. We always (throw) ___our litter in the bin. 3. The referee usually (stop) ___the game after 90 minutes. 4. The children (hurry) ___to open their gifts. 5. He (speak) ___ English well. Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verbs in the box. wake(s) up - open(s) - speak(s) - take(s) -do(es)- cause(s) - live(s) - play(s) - close(s) - live(s) - drink(s) 6. Nick ___baseball very well. 7. I never ___ coffee. 8. The swimming pool ___ at 8.00 in the morning. 9. It ___at 9.00 in the evening. 10. Bad driving ___ many accidents. 11. My parents ___ in a very small house. 12. The Olympic Games ___place every four years. 13. They are good students. They always ___ their homework. 14. My students ___ a little French. 15. I always ___early in the morning. Put the verbs in the present continuous tense. 16. He (read) ___ a book about American history at the moment. 17. Why ___you (laugh) ___? What’s so funny? 18. I can’t help you now. I (work) ___ 19. Oh no! It (rain) ___again. 20. ___ you (watch) ___ the TV or can I turn it off? 21. Bill (learn) ___to drive at the moment. His father (teach) ___him. 22. Listen! The neighbors (have) ___an argument again. 23. Sally (wear) ___her new T-shirt today. 24. Robert! What ___you (do) ___ here? 25. I (not sleep) ___very well at the moment. Choose the correct answer in the bracket. 26. Marie isn’t a Canadian. I (believe/ am believing) she comes from France. 27. Look! Bin (jumps/ is jumping) into the water. 28. I (think/ am thinking) you’re crazy! 29. Don’t give Jenny any cheese. She (hates/ is hating) it! 30. I (go/ am going) to New York next Thursday. Do you want to come? 31. Once a week, I (go/ am going) to an English class at the college. 32. I (have/ am having) lunch in the cafeteria every day. 33. David is rich – he (drives/ is driving) a Mercedes. 34. You won’t find Tom at home right now. He (studies/ is studying) in the library. 35. It (snows/ is snowing) quite hard - perhaps we shouldn’t go out tonight. Choose the correct answer in the bracket. 36. I have to change my shoes. These (are killing/ kill) me. I’m sure I have a blister. 37. I feel lost. I’ve just finished a really good novel and now I (do not read/ am not reading) anything. 38. Coming to London for Christmas was a great idea. I (love/ am loving) it here.
  4. 39. The company (is moving/ moves) its offices to a bigger building next month. 40. John (gives/ is giving) a lecture on social media at university every Wednesday. You should come. 41. Sally (always interrupts/ is always interrupting) me when I speak. It’s so irritating. 42. Can you help me with this exercise or (are you being busy/ are you busy)? 43. I (hate/ am hating) people who never really listen to what you saỵ. Complete the sentences using the Present Simple or the Present Continuous. 44. I (leave) ___ home at 7 o'clock every morning. 45. She (work) ___in the Sales Department in London, but at the moment she (do) ___a training course in Bristol. 46. Linda (clean) ___her house every weekend. 47. He (try) ___very hard in every game that he (play) ___. 48. Excuse me. I think that you (sit) ___in my seat. 49. ___you, listen) ___to the radio very often? 50. Don't talk to me now. I (write) ___an important letter. 51. Why (they, drive) ___on the left in Britain? 52. It usually (rain) ___here a lot, but it (not rain) ___now. 53. What are you doing? - I (bake) ___a cake at the moment. Fill in the blank with only ONE suitable word. Mr. John gets up very early (1) ___ day. He washes his face and takes a quick shower (2) ___the mornings. His best friend, Bobby, also wakes up very early. Mr. John (3) ___the breakfast for both. They both (4) ___ like drinking milk but they love eating meat. Then, Mr. John (5) ___Bobby out to the park. Mr. John (6) ___ a graphic designer. He (7) ___ an office worker. He (8) ___ from home. He designs beautiful images for an advertising company. He (9) ___lunch (10) ___ half past twelve. Then he (11) ___ start work immediately. He (12) ___ with Bobby instead. After Bobby’s favorite time, he starts work again and (13) ___ in the evening. They both (14) ___meat for dinner and rest in the front of the TV. He always (15) ___ his favorite TV show after dinner. He never misses it. They both go to bed late (16) ___ night. Fill in the blank with only ONE suitable word. Lisa and her friends (17)___studying for their final exams. They are very excited for this exam as it’ll be the last exam of the term. They are studying Maths right (18) ___. Mary (19) ___helping the others. She is the top student in the class. She is really good at Maths. Emily is also good at Maths. She (20) ___ studying Maths. She is (21) ___a book. They (22) ___ talking loudly, because they are at the library at the (23) ___. Sally is (24) ___the net for extra exercises. They are (25) ___to solve her exercises. They are all (26) ___ each other to pass the class with high marks. Put the verb in brackets in the correct form (present simple or present continuous). Next week, my friends and I (27. go) ___ camping in the woods. I (28. organize) ___ the food, because I (29. like) ___cooking. Tom (30. have) ___ a big car with a trailer, so he (31. plan) ___ the transportation. Sam (32. bring) ___ the tent. He (33. go) ___ camping every year, so he (34. have) ___ a great tent and lots of other equipment. My wife (35. think) ___ we’re crazy. She likes holidays in comfortable hotels, so she (36. take) ___ a trip to Paris instead.
  5. Match the phrases with the correct pictures. a. do the washing up b. do the laundry c. put out the rubbish d. do the heavy lifting e. do the cooking f. lay the table g. clean the house h. shop for groceries Complete the following sentences using the given phrases. There are two phrases that you don't need. bathing the baby mop the house folding the clothes watering the houseplants doing the laundry doing the shopping take out the garbage doing the cooking feeding the cats do the washing-up 54. My mother is not ___ because we are eating out today. 55. My grandfather is not ___He'd better stay home since he's sick. 56. She is visiting her grandparents in the countryside tomorrow, so she is ___ and packing her stuff. 57. It's wet in the living room. My brother is ___. 58. Susan would like to have a washing machine. She's tired of ___every day. 59. Sometimes, guests are expected to help ___after parties. 60. It smells awful in the kitchen. Don't you ___ 61. It's dirty in your house. Why don't you ___ Choose the sentence that best describes the picture. 62.A. Bathing a newborn baby is never an easy task as it requires skill and experience. B. Mrs. Laura and her ten-year-old daughter go to the swimming pool every day. C. Shaking a baby is believed to have bad impacts on his/her development. 63.A. The man is taking out the rubbish. B. Rubbish should be thrown away every day or it may cause awful smell. C. The child is setting the table for dinner.
  6. 64.A. The girl is ironing her clothes. B. Clothes are being folded neatly. C. Susan is putting clothes in an airing cupboard. 65.A. Mopping the garden path is David's favourite activity. B. Though David has a lot of spare time, he hardly helps his parents do the gardening. C. At the weekend, David usually helps his grandmother mow the lawn. 66.A. Many children are too lazy to help their parents with housework. B. The girl is doing some cleaning with her mother. C. The girl is doing the cooking while her mother is sweeping the kitchen floor. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs given. Use negative form if necessary. You can use a word twice. have take out take split prepare shop do 67. I usually ___ the bus to school, but this morning I'm walking. 68. My mom is not at home. She ___ for groceries now. 69. I'm very busy, so I only ___ the laundry every Saturday morning. 70. They ___ housework among members in Ann's family. She has to do all the chores. 71. Kate always ___ her dog fed by her neighbor every time she goes on business trips. 72. I always cook, but today is Women's Day, so my husband ___ dinner in the kitchen. 73. The residents in my neighborhood ___ the garbage at 5 p.m. every day when the bin lorry comes. 74. Mary's wrist was broken once, so now she rarely ___ the heavy lifting Complete the sentences using the words or phrases in the box. life skills respect encourage family values supportive honest support family bonds 75. Doing chores as a family will help strengthen ___. 76. Preparing and cooking meals are some of the essential ___ for teens. 77. Instead of giving me answers to questions, my parents always ___ to me to think for myself. 78. The kids deeply ___ their grandfather for his great knowledge about the world. 79. Sarah is a(n) ___girl. She never cheats in exams. 80. His parents give him full ___ for his choice of school. 81. Kindness and responsibility are two ___that many parents want to teach to their children. 82. I’m lucky to have such a(n) ___ brother who always gives me help when I need it.
  7. Give the correct form of the words in CAPITAL to complete the sentences. 83. He treated them with ___. (GENEROUS) 84. There are many people living in ___now in the world. (POOR) 85. My new car is more ___ than the one I had before. (ECONOMY) 86. How many ___ entered the race? (COMPETE) 87. Housework has ___ been regarded as women's work. (TRADITION) Use the given words to write sentences in present simple or present continuous tense. Remember to capitalize the initial letter of each sentence. 88. I/ usually/ walk,/ but/ I/ travel/ bus/ this week. ___ 89. The sun/ shine. Let/ do/ laundry. ___ 90. Vietnam/ an extended family/ usually consist/ three or four/ generations. ___ 91. Every day/ I/ leave/ my flat/ eight/ walk/ my university. ___ Use the verbs in their correct forms and add some words where necessary to make meaningful sentences. 92. Mr. Thanh / hate / do / housework / but / he still / clean / the house / once / week. ___ 93. It / be / important / children / learn / some life skills / home. ___ 94. Parents / have / teach/ their children / be honest and show respect to older people / an early age. ___ ___ 95. Doing housework/help/ children / learn / take care / themselves. ___ Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. 96.A. choreB. work C. moreD. divorce 97.A. trashedB. talked C. reachedD. loved 98.A. prepareB. help C. tennisD. tell 99.A. husbandB. mum C. contributeD. vulnerable 100.A. cleanedB. shared C. calledD. visited Choose the best answers to complete the sentences. 101. She does two jobs at the same time as she is the main ___ of the family. A. breadwinner B. homemaker C. housewife D. bread maker 102. She’s such a good wife. She’s ___ her husband through difficult times. A. taught B. left C. supported D. provided 103. It’s not easy for some tenth-graders to get into high school ___. A. works B. routines C. times D. responsibilities 104. Jim’s main ___ in his home is to keep the house clean. A. right B. honour C. part D. responsibility 105. Family ___ are important because they teach children what is right or wrong in life. A. bonds B. values C. holidays D. connections 106. He’s a man of strong ___. He always fights for what is right and you can rely on him. A. health B. character C. hands D. influence
  8. 107. Doing housework brings great ___ to children as it helps them develop necessary life skills. A. benefits B. hard work C. results D. practices 108. When all members of the family share housework, the family __will become stronger. A. joys B. happiness C. life D. bonds 109. Hoang ___ his email four times a week in order not to miss anything important. A. checksB. will checkC. is checking D. check 110. Nowadays, people ___ social networks with more and more caution. A. usesB. are usingC. used D. use 111. At the moment, my sister ___ her homework, my brother ___ games. A. is making - is playingB. is doing - is playing C. does - playsD. makes - is playing 112. It’s 7.00 p.m. now and we ___ meal together. We usually ___ dinner at that time. A. have - eatB. have - are eating C. are having - eatD. are having - are eating 113. I ___ a bike to school every day but today I ___ to school by bus because it was stolen yesterday. A. rode - wentB. ride - am going C. ride - goD. is riding - am going 114. That Hoa ___ in class affects other students around. A. always talkB. is always talkingC. always talks D. always talking 115. Hoang and Phong ___ football as they’re having class now. A. don’t playB. are playingC. doesn’t play D. aren’t playing 116. Hoa usually ___ charge of doing the washing-up in her family. A. takesB. is takingC. take D. will take 117. Our friends ___ for the fashion show now. A. is preparingB. are preparingC. prepares D. prepare 118. All staff in this restaurant ___ an urgent meeting right now. A. are attendingB. is attendingC. attends D. attend Complete the conversations by circling the best answers. Then practise reading them. 119. Lan: Nam, do you think family routines are necessary? Nam: Yes. ___ each family should have some routines to help build strong family bonds. A. I'm not sure that B. I strongly believe thatC. I agree thatD. I hope that 120. Lan: What do you think about the British family value of being truthful and honest? Nam: ___, it's one of the first things parents should teach their children. A. In their opinion B. In a nutshellC. In my own wayD. In my opinion 121. Lan: Nam, do you think parents should help their children do their homework? Nam: Well, ___ parents should let their children do their homework by themselves so they can become independent. A. I don't think B. I wish thatC. I believe thatD. I hope that 122. Lan: Do you think teens should learn how to cook? Nam: Well, ___ they can learn it when they start their own families. As teens, they should spend all their time on study. A. I suppose thatB. I hope thatC. I doubt thatD. I agree that Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. 123. In spite of poverty, we manage to raise our children properly. A. give upB. go upC. make upD. bring up
  9. 124. We always split the housework equally - my mom cooks, my dad cleans the house and I do the washing-up. A. joinB. breakC. shareD. pick up 125. She decided to find a job to earn money instead of just living at home and being a housekeeper. A. lendB. makeC. borrowD. raise 126. It is advisable that everyone in family shares the household duties. A. viewsB. ideasC. jobsD. chores 127. In the 20th century, most of the traditional attitudes to remarriage are changing. A. conventionalB. contemporaryC. latestD. new Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. 128. From my point of view, parental divorce can cause lasting negative consequences for children. A. beginning of a marriageB. the situation of not marrying C. single personD. ending of a marriage 129. It is important to create a daily routine so as to improve your work-life balance today. A. a situation in which two or more things are not treated the same B. a state that things are of equal weight or force C. a state that things are of importance D. a situation that things change frequently in amount 130. In my view, husbands should contribute to the household duties in order to reduce burden on their wives. A. minimiseB. lowerC. decreaseD. increase 131. We try to create an atmosphere of comfort and security for our children. A. safetyB. harmonyC. dangerD. shelter 132. My husband willingly helps me do the chores at weekends so that I can have more time to relax. A. eagerlyB. reluctantlyC. agreeablyD. readily Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct response to each of the following exchanges. 133. “How fashionable a pair of trainers you have!” - “___ A. Do you want to know where I bought them?B. Thanks for your compliment. C. I know it’s fashionable.D. Yes, of course. 134. “What can I do for you?” - “___” A. No need to help.B. Thank you. C. Thanks, I’m just looking.D. Sorry for not buying anything. 135. “How was the game show last night?” - “___” A. It showed at 8 o'clock. B. Just talking about it. C. I think it wasn't a good game. D. Great. I gained more knowledge about biology. 136. “What did the meeting discuss? I didn’t attend it because of traffic jam.” - “ ___” A. I didn’t, either.B. That was great. C. You missed the meeting.D. I’m sorry, I can’t. 137. “I've called many times but the plumber hasn’t come yet.” - “ ___” A. Wait a minute, please.B. We do apologise for this matter. We’ll fix it soon. C. He's maybe busy now.D. The problem has been fixed already.
  10. 138. “ Would you like to have a picnic with us on the weekend?” - “ ___” A. Yes, I'd love to.B. You’re welcome. C. Of course not.D. It’s my pleasure. 139. “Have a good day, Peter!” - “___” A. Thanks. The same to you.B. It’s really a good day. C. The weather is fine.D. Just a little bit cold. Choose the best options to complete the following sentences. 140. As a homemaker, ___. A. she does a lot of online jobs at home to earn money B. she spends most of her time taking care of her family C. she doesn't have time to look after her children 141. She is overworked, ___. A. so she doesn't earn enough money to support her family B. so she doesn't have time to take care of her home C. so she spends a lot of time with her children 142. Sweetie, get yourself prepared for dinner. ___. A. You are cooking dinner today. B. You should help me cook dinner. C. Wash your hands carefully before eating. 143. Let's lay the table. ___. A. It's time for lunch. B. We should call to reserve a table. C. We should do the washing-up before we leave. 144. Look! It's raining. Hurry and ___. A. put away the clothes B. fold the clothesC. iron the clothes 145. As the breadwinner of the family, ___. A. Sarah quitted her job to take care of her home B. Sarah works hard to support her family C. Sarah stays at home to educate her children 146. There is chore equity in Mr. and Mrs. Brown's family. ___. A. They share the equal amount of housework. B. Mr. Brown is the breadwinner and Mrs. Brown is the homemaker. C. Mrs. Brown does more housework than Mr. Brown. 147. Husbands should help do the heavy lifting such as ___. A. helping the children with Math problems. B. repairing the roof of the house C. cooking and watering houseplants Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions. 148. I look for Daniel. He isn’t in the company. A B C D 149. Mommy, someone are calling me from unknown number. I won’t answer it. A B C D 150. My alarm rings at 6 o’clock every morning. Therefore, I always went to school on time. A B C D 151. What are you search for, Lan? You look so nervous. A B C D 152. We can’t play golf. It rains outside. A B C D
  11. 153. Bats usually sleep during the day and they play and eating at night. A B C D 154. She suggests that a coffee is tasting good after a meal. A B C D 155. I am not mind if you turn on the air-conditioner. A B C D 156. Quiet, my baby sleeps. Don’t wake her up. A B C D 157. Bach is funny right now. He keep telling me jokes. A B C D Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions. 158. I am the youngest son in the family. I didn’t have to do much housework. A. Being the youngest son in the family, I didn’t have to do much housework. B. If I was the youngest son in the family, I wouldn't have done much housework. C. Although I am the youngest son in the family, I wouldn’t have done much housework. D. Despite the fact that I am the youngest son in the family, I did not have to do much housework. 159. We need to share the tasks. The burden on each member will be more tolerable. A. Although the burden on each member will be more tolerable, we still need to share the tasks. B. We need to share the tasks so the burden on each member will be more tolerable. C. Unless we share the tasks, the burden on each member will be more tolerable. D. It is essential to share the tasks, otherwise, the burden on each member will be more tolerable. 160. Dan saw all the paintings. He left right after. A. Dan left right after to see all the paintings. B. Dan left all the paintings after seeing them. C. Right after seeing all the paintings, Dan left. D. He left and then saw the paintings right after. Read the text and choose the best answers. Family time is when family members do things (161) ___. Ways of spending family time are different for different families, from taking a family (162) ___ in a nice place every year, or planning a family movie night every week, to having one (163) ___ together every day. Some families spend time together just by having regular family meetings. Family members can sit together to (164) ___ important issues and make decisions, or just have casual chats. Some people may think it is (165) ___ for everyone in the family to get together. However, in many case, parents as well as children have to adjust their own timetables to make (166) ___ to be with their family. Family time is important as it helps make the bonds between family members (167) ___and creates fond memories of happy experiences. 161.A. together B. differently C. similarly D. for others 162.A. course B. vacation C. photo D. responsibility 163.A. lunch B. dinner C. breakfast D. meal 164.A. discuss B. argue C. laugh at D. enjoy 165.A. simple B. interesting C. hard D. funny 166.A. excuses B. friends C. time D. money 167.A. special B. stronger C. weaker D. natural
  12. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. Lorna: I might retire early. I don’t know. I'm 55 and my husband retired last year. He spends most of his time in the garden. I’d really like to be there with him though I am not quite fond of the tasks. I'm definitely going to learn a new language. I hale going abroad and speaking English. Cass: I’m only 26, so I’m not going to retire soon! In fact I want to have more chances to earn our living. Jamie and I are going to have a baby next year and we're really excited about that. We want to have a big family and live in a big house. Then, when I retire my children and grandchildren will all be able to stay. Sue: Well, Roger and I don't agree about retiring. I love work and I don't want to retire! I know I won’t have anything to do. Roger: I asked my boss at work recently and I might be able to retire next year. I might buy a house in France and spend the time that my family deserved to have with me long before. I'd love to have my first long-awaited visit to Paris with my wife one day. Linda: I want to retire as soon as possible. I have three sons and now I don’t even have time to play with them. They will become mature very soon and don’t want to spend quality time with me. I can't stand the thought. 168. The reason Lorna looks forward to her retirement is because ___. A. she likes doing gardeningB. her husband has already retired C. she hates travelling abroadD. she likes to learn English 169. Which of the following is NOT true about Cass? A. He wants to earn more money.B. He wants his family to live in a big house. C. He wants to retire soon.D. His baby is born the following year. 170. Who does NOT want to retire shortly? A. LindaB. SueC. RogerD. Lorna 171. Roger ___. A. doesn’t want to go to ParisB. has spent enough time with his family already C. has never been to Paris beforeD. will ask his boss for retirement next year 172. The word “mature” in the passage is closest in meaning to ___. A. oldB. grown-upC. childishD. young Write a paragraph (120 – 150 words) about one of your family routines. Use the following questions as cues for your writing. - What is the routine? - How often / When do you do it? - What are the activities? What does each family member do? - How do you feel about the routine? ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
  13. We follow a few rituals in my family, one of which is eating breakfast together. We awaken each morning at 6:00. My sister and I assist my mother in making breakfast. For breakfast, my mother frequently prepares rice, meat or fish, and veggies. We occasionally substitute bread, eggs, and butter. She claims that eating a substantial breakfast will make it easier for us to work or study during the day. My father rises a little later and assists with setting the table. We all sit down and eat the dinner together at around 6:45. We discuss about our own plans for the day during breakfast. My parents occasionally provide us suggestions on what to do at school. We all depart for work or school at 7:30 a.m. Every morning, eating breakfast with my parents, sister, and other family members helps me feel more connected to them and better equipped for the day. Write a paragraph about doing household chores. Nowadays when the society develops day by day, people have no time in doing chores, especially women. Not only do they have full-time of job, but they also take care of children and do the housework. In my opinion, family members should share housework together. One reason is that sharing housework can connect family members. Adult members do labors like laundry and cooking, children just do simple chores like watering garden or making their bed. Sharing housework makes us feel less tired and equal. Another reason is that doing housework brings knowledge organization of things, especially children. They will know how to keep their belongings tidied and everything kept clean as well. In addition, we will feel responsible for our family. In conclusion, we should share housework to improve family life. Complete the email with the phrases or clauses in the box. A. are very close and supportive of each other B. the wife is the homemaker C. which include grandparents, parents, children and sometimes great grandparents D. really hope this helps E. and let me know how it goes F. listen to their instructions and follow their advice G. but live with their parents H. to hear from you Hi Stacy, It's good (1) ___. Yes, of course, I can help with your homework project on family in Viet Nam. You know, family plays an important role in the life of Vietnamese people, and family bonds are usually strong. Extended families, (2) ___, are popular in Viet Nam. Three or even four generations live under one roof to take care of each other. Young people don't move out when they reach the age of 18, (3) ___ even after they get married. And it's not common for old people to live alone or in a nursing home. Household chores are shared by everyone in the family, but the husband is usually the breadwinner and (4) ___ . Children are taught to show respect to their grandparents, (5) ___ . Parents often spend their free time helping their children with their homework or giving them advice on behaviour. So you can see that family members in Viet Nam (6) ___. Above is some information about Vietnamese families. I (7) ___ . Good luck with your project. Write soon (8) ___. Nam.
  14. Talk about your family life. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ I am very happy to be born into a very close-knit family. There are four people in my family: my parents, my youngest sister and me. My mother is 45 years old. She works as a nurse in a big hospital. She is a caring person. My father is a teacher. He works in a school near our house. He seems to be strict, but we all know he loves us very much. Although they are very busy with their work, they always try to spend as much time for us as possible. My mother runs the house, does the shopping and cooks very good meals at weekends. My father’s responsibility is mending things around the house and sometimes he cleans the house, too. To help them with the house chores, my sister and I take turn preparing usual meals, washing dishes and taking out the garbage. We enjoy the evening when all the members of the family gather, sharing with one another what have happened to us. I always feel happy and secure in my family. It is a base from which I can go into the world with confidence. Talk about why children should or should not do housework. Use the ideas in the boxes and add your own. You can start the talk with the sentences below. - develop life skills - need time to study - learn to take responsibility - break or damage things - ___ -___ -___ -___ “I think children should/ should not do house work for a number of reasons. First, ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ I believe that kids should help with housework for a variety of reasons. First, helping around the house teaches kids valuable life skills like doing the dishes, cleaning the house, and taking care of others. When they establish their own families in the future, they will undoubtedly require such talents. Second, by helping out around the house, kids can develop responsibility. Despite the fact that they dislike doing it, they are aware that they must take action. Therefore, I think that kids should do their share of cleaning because it is very beneficial to them.