Tiếng Anh 6 - Peroid 19 - Unit 3: My friends - Lesson 4: Communication

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Nội dung text: Tiếng Anh 6 - Peroid 19 - Unit 3: My friends - Lesson 4: Communication

  1. Date of planning: Peroid 19 : UNIT 3 : MY FRIENDS Date of teaching: Lesson 4: COMMUNICATION WEEK: . THIS UNIT INCLUDES: Vocabulary Skills: - Body parts and appearance - Reading about friends and summer camps - Personality adjectives - Talking about friends and summer camps Pronunciation: - Listening about best friends. Pronunciation: Sounds: /b/ and /p/ - Writing a diary entry about best friends. Grammar Everyday English - Present continuous Asking about appearance and personality I. OBJECTIVES: 1. Knowledge: - This section aims at helping students use everyday English phrases and expressions and develop their language skills, as well as learn about Vietnamese culture and other cultures. Students learn how to ask about appearance and personality; practice asking about appearance and personality + Vocabulary: - use the words related to the topic My friends - To pronounce the final sounds /b/ and /p/ correctly; + Grammar:- use the present continuous tense to talk about things happening now; - Ask about appearance and personality; 2. Competence: By the end of the lesson students will be able to learn how to ask about appearance and personality; practice asking about appearance and personality 3. Quality/ behavior : The good behavior toward his friends. The friendship in daily life . Having the good attitude to working in groups, individual work, pairwork, cooperative learning. II. TEACHING AIDS: - Teacher: Text book, laptop, louspeaker, projector - Students : Text books, . - Method;: T-WC; group works; individual III. PROCEDURE: 1. WARM UP & INTRODUCTION (5’) Aims: - Students use everyday English phrases and expressions and develop the language skills. To ask and answer about appearance and personality. * Content: Having some warm-up activities to creat a friendly and relaxed atmostphere to inspire Ss to warm up to the new lesson. * Outcome: Having a chance to speak English. * Organisation : Teacher’s instructions Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content + Greeting + Greeting + Chatting + Chatting
  2. - Teacher (T) asks Ss some questions about them - Students (Ss) listen and answer the teacher’s or and class. friend’s questions - Ask Ss to open their book and introduce what - Open their book and write the tittle of the they are going to study . lesson . - T leads in the lesson. 2. PRESENTATION/ NEW LESSON (12’) ACTIVITY 1 + 2: Aims: To introduce how to to ask about appearance and personality; - To help Ss practise asking about appearance and personality. * Content: Listen and read the dialogue paying attention to words related to appearance and personality; * Outcome: Learning and using the words related to appearance and personality correctly. * Organisation : Teacher’s instructions Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content 1. Listen and read the dialogue bwtween 1. Listen and read the dialogue bwtween Linda Nad Mi. Pay attention to the Linda Nad Mi. Pay attention to the highlighted questions highlighted questions - T_ Ss + Students (Ss) listen to the instructions *) Pre- teach vocabulary: carefully and learn how to do the tasks. - Teacher uses different techniques to teach * Vocabulary: vocabulary (situation, realia, translation ) - appearance/ personality + Follow the steps to teach vocabulary - long hair (c/n) tóc dài - Repeat in chorus and individually - bright (adj) sáng sủa + Check Vocabulary - draw (v) vẽ - Copy all the words - confident (adj) tự tin . - Ss work in groups. 1. Play the recording for Ss to listen and read the dialgue between Linda Nad Mi at the same time. Audio script: Ask Ss to pay attention to the highlighted Linda: What does your best friend look like? questions. Elicit the structure to ask about Mi: She’s short with long black hair. She has appearance (What does your best friend look bright brown eyes. like?) and the structure to ask about personality Linda: What’s she like? (What’s she like?) as well as the language used Mi: She’s very kind and creative to answer these two questions. Have Ss practise 2. Work with a classmate. Ask him / her the dialogue in pairs.Call on some pairs to about his / her best friend. Remember to use practice the dialgue in front of the class the two questions highlighted in 1. + Ask Ss to work in pairs to make similar - Ask Ss to work in pairs to practice speaking, dialogues about their best friend, using the using the structures. questions learnt 2. Work with a classmate. Ask him / her about his / her best friend. Remember to use - Work in pairs the two questions highlighted in 1. + Ss do the tasks - Have Ss practise speaking - Call on some pairs to do it. - Observe and help when and where necessary,
  3. and correct Ss'pronunciation and intonation. - Move around to observe and provide help. - Call on some groups to practise in front of the class. - Comment on their pertormance. 3. PRACTICE (15’) ACTIVITY 3: Date of birth and personality Aim: To provide Ss with some input and set the scene for other activities. * Content: Read about these students to know more words relating to personality * Outcome: Learn how to pronounce and use the words relating to personality * Organisation : Teacher’s instructions . Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content 3. Read about these students in 4Teen 3. Read about these students in 4Teen magazine. Use one or two adjectives to magazine. Use one or two adjectives to describe them. describe them. *) Pre- teach vocabulary: - T_ Ss - Teacher uses different techniques to teach vocabulary (situation, realia, translation ) + Follow the steps to teach vocabulary if have . * Vocabulary: - Introduce the two friends Vinh and John to Ss. - Ask them to read about the students and discuss with their classmates to choose one or two adjectives to describe them. - Tell them to underline the words that help them decide which adjectives to use for each friend. - If there is not much time, ask Ss to work in groups. Each group reads about one friend only. - Have Ss give their answers and give the reasons for their answers. - Write their answers on the board to prepare for activity 4. - Encourage Ss to say full sentences. - Move around to observe and provide help. - Ss work individually - Observe and help when and where necessary, and correct Ss'pronunciation and intonation. Suggested answer: - Ask Ss to work in pairs to ask and tick the - Vinh : clever, hard- working. questions. - John : creative, kind. - Do the tasks if possible - Confirm the correct answers. ACTIVITY 4: Aims: To introduce the concept of star sign to Ss.
  4. * Content: Read the descriptions to understand more words about different personalities * Outcome: Using the words about different personalities correctly. * Organisation : Teacher’s instructions 4. We may have di¤erent personalities 4. We may have di¤erent personalities because we have di¤erent birthdays. because we have di¤erent birthdays. Read the descriptions below. Do you think Read the descriptions below. Do you think they match the friends in 3? they match the friends in 3? - Tell Ss that each person has a star sign, depending on his / her birthday, and the star sign may decide a person’s personality. Ask Ss to read the descriptions and check if they match the friends in 3. Ss can refer to the answers to activity 3 that have been written on the board. All of the adjectives have been introduced to Ss in Vocabulary, A closer look 1. It can be seen that the descriptions - T_ Ss match the friends in 3. - Do the tasks - Check and confirm the correct answers 4. FURTHER PRACTICE (8’) ACTIVITY 5: Aim: To help Ss compare themselves with the descriptions in the previous activity. * Content: Read and compare the descriptions. * Outcome: Improving speaking skills. * Organisation : Teacher’s instructions Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content 5. Read the descriptions in 4. Share your 5. Read the descriptions in 4. Share your opinion with the class opinion with the class - Ss work individually and read the descriptions in 4. - Work in pairs - Work in groups to share their answers. - Invite some Ss to share their opinion with the My birthday is . class. It’s true that . - Choose some Ss to give a presentation to the It isn’t true that . class. 5. WRAP-UP & HOME WORK (2’) - Summarise the main points. - Have Ss tell what they have learnt in the lesson. * HOME WORK - Practice asking about appearance and personality - Do more exercises in workbook ===