Bài tập Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 (Chương trình mới) - Bài 11: Traveling in the future - Năm học 2022-2023 (Có đáp án)

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  1. Unit TRAVELING IN THE FUTURE 11 PART 1: GRAMMAR REVIEW We use the simple future tense with “will” To make predictions or general statements about the future. In the next century the world will run out of oil. This medicine won’t do you any good. To express a decision made at the moment of speaking. A: The television’s very loud. B: OK. I’ll turn it down. In the main clause of the first conditional. If you drink this, you’ll feel better. We use first conditionals to predict the effects of a real or probable action or event. If you lie in the sun so long, you’ll get sun burnt. We won’t go out if it rains. PART 2: EXERCISES A. PHONETICS I. Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part. 1. A. dear B. heart C. hear D. fear 2. A. stupid B. studio C. study D. student 3. A. brother B. thick C. they D. that 4. A. cheer B. parachute C. champagne D. machine 5. A. doctor B. hospital C. pollution D. tomorrow B. VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR I. Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part. 1. A. scholar B. aching C. chemist D. approach 2. A. thought B. laugh C. eight D. height 3. A. valentine B. imagine C. discipline D. magazine 4. A. promise B. despite C. economize D. enterprise 5. A. decided B. engaged C. expected D. attracted
  2. III. Complete the chart with the correct form of the word. Noun Verb Noun Adjective death die death dead waste honesty belief variety advertisement madness promise mystery feeling beauty advice wealth description success invention comfort government peace III. Choose the correct answer. 1. I have to revise tonight because we are having/ will have an exam tomorrow. 2. I am remembering/ will remember this day for the rest of my life! 3. Do you go/ Are you going to Australia next Christmas? 4. I’m sure you are passing/ will pass your driving test. Don’t worry. 5. If you want me to. I will complain/ am going to complain to the manager about it. 6. Oscar says he is doing/ will do the washing-up after dinner. 7. I’m a bit scared because I am seeing/ will see the dentist this afternoon. 8. What are you going to do/ do you do this evening? 9. Shall you tell/ Will you tell Paul I’m sorry about yesterday? 10. My dad will grow/ is going to grow a beard, but my mum doesn’t like the idea. IV. Choose the best one which fits the space to complete the sentence. 1. It isn’t hat. It’s . (mine, her) 2. books are here. are there. (ours, their) 3. These are shoes. Those are . (your, his) 4. This is sister. That’s . (his, my) 5. pen is red. is blue. (hers, your) V. Circle the sentence or question that has similar meaning to the first one. 1. I want to visit a beautiful beach in Viet Nam. Could you suggest one? A. Do you mind if you suggested one beautiful beach in Viet Nam? B. Would you mind if you suggest one beautiful beach in Viet Nam? C. Do you mind suggesting one beautiful beach in Viet Nam? D. Could you suggested one beautiful beach in Viet Nam? 2. Could you help me to send this letter to my boss? A. Would you mind to send this letter to my boss? B. Do you mind send this letter to my boss?
  3. C. Would you mind send this letter to my boss? D. Would you mind sending this letter to my boss? 3. Yesterday we decided to paddle around West Lake in a canoe. A. We decided to ride around West lake in a canoe yesterday. B. We decided to walk around West lake in a canoe yesterday. C. We decided to run around West lake in a canoe yesterday. D. We decided to go around West lake in a canoe yesterday. 4. Mary went to Viet Nam last year and it was her second time. A. That was the first time Mary went to Viet Nam. B. That wasn’t the first time Mary went to Viet Nam. C. That was the second time Mary went to Viet Nam. D. That was the last time Mary went to Viet Nam. 5. There are many places worth seeing in London. A. There are many places of interest in London. B. There are not many places of interest in London. C. There are no places of interest in London. D. There are many places which interesting in London. VI. Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions to complete the sentences. 1. If you have a problem, ask help. 2. Can I speak you for a minute? 3. My children are afraid dogs. 4. This guide book is full useful information. 5. I agree you about most things, but not politics. 6. Don’t worry about the baby. I’ll look her while you’re out. 7. She fell her horse and hurt her wrist. 8. Don’t forget to turn the lights when you go to bed. 9. Put your warm coat. It’s cold today. 10. Could I try these shoes, please? Size nine. C. READING I. Read the text and fill in the blanks, use the words in the box. journey passengers make successful already carry will from Martin Halstead is only 20 but he (1) owns an airline company. Alpha One Airways (2) make its first flight on 14 December this year. The plane will fly (3) the Isle of Man (an island between England and Ireland) to Edinburg, the capital of Scotland. It won’t (4) a lot of passengers because it is a small plane. The (5) will take about 45 minutes. Tickets will be cheap and (6) won’t get any food or drink on the flight. Will the company (7) money? Nobody knows – but most people think that Martin Halstead will be (8) one day.
  4. II. Read the email. Choose the correct answers. Dear Peter, My name is Helen and I want to be (1) pen-pal. I am seven years old and I am from England. My parents are doctors. I (2) brothers. They are students at the University of London. Have (3) got any brothers or sisters? In my free time, I go to the cinema with my brothers or hang out with my friends. My best friend (4) Laura; (5) mother is from Thailand and her father is from Australia. Please write soon and tell (6) all about your family and friends. Best wishes, HELEN 1. A. you B. your C. yours D. yourself 2. A. have got B. do C. be D. can 3. A. your B. yourself C. yours D. you 4 A. am B. are C. is D. were 5. A. Her B. hers C. herself D. she 6. A. I B. my C. mine D. me D. WRITING I. Rewrite the sentences so that they have the same meaning as the original ones. 1. We will use renewable energy in the future. Renewable energy 2. This is our school. This school is 3. What is the distance between Vinh and Ha Noi city? How 4. I often walked to school when I was a student. I used 5. Although they are short, they still love playing sports. In spite of 6. They will use solar energy to protect the environment. Solar energy 7. Although she eats lots of food, she is still very slim. In spite of 8. What is the distance between Hanoi and HCM city? How far 9. I find English interesting. I am 10. Our roof will be fixed tomorrow. They II. Rewrite the sentences so that the meaning stays the same to the first. 1. The café has a lot of tables. There
  5. 2. Theatre programmes usually have lots of information. There is 3. London has more than thirty theaters. There are 4. The garden has a swimming pool. There 5. The system has both private and state schools. There 6. I accomplished this task in three months. It took 7. Jane spent three hours a week sorting out stamps. Sorting out her stamps 8. The pictures that are taken will have to travel for three minutes before they reach the earth. The pictures will take 9. She wrote the letter in thirty minutes. It took 10. John finished his essay in two hours. It took PART 3: test yourself I. Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part. 1. A. flood B. typhoon C. groom D. balloon 2. A. hobby B. hour C. humor D. hole 3. A. dynamite B. terrify C. deny D. symbol 4. A. thunder B. earthquake C. gather D. healthy 5. A dump B. nuclear C. bulb D. plumber II. Find which word does not belong to each group. 1. A. automatic B. driverless C. pilotless D. man 2. A. ship B. sailor C. boat D. train 3. A. drive B. pedal C. ride D. sail 4. A. helicopter B. plane C. flying D. aeroplane 5. A. ocean B. taxi C. sea D. beach III. Match (1-6) with (a-f). 1. Bye for now! Don’t worry, I won’t forget. 2. Give me that piece of cake! b. I’ll bring it tomorrow, I promise. 3. Where’s your homework? c. No, I won’t! It’s mine. a.
  6. 4. What would you like to eat? d. I’ll have a sandwich, please. 5. Where are we going to meet? e. Bye, I’ll see you later. 6. Please remember to call me. f. I’ll see you outside the cinema. IV. Complete the sentences. Use the correct possessive adjective or possessive pronoun. 1. Look at my hat. This hat is . 2. Peter has got a cat. That’s cat. 3. My brothers have got bikes. The bikes are . 4. You and Robbie have got scarves. These are scarves. 5. Paul has got a kite. The kite is . 6. Mum has got a new bag. That’s bag. 7. My friends and I have got sweets. The sweets are . 8. I’ve got I watch. This is watch. V. Supply the correct form of the word to complete the sentence. 1. We want to buy that will save money. (product) 2. These will conserve the earth’s resources. (innovate) 3. D.E Huges was the of microphone. (invent) 4. The price of has gone up again. (electric) 5. People in the countryside is . (friend) 6. If it doesn’t rain soon, there’ll be a great of water. (short) 7. Environmental is every body’s responsibility. (protect) 8. Taxi drivers have to have good on the street names. (know) 9. In the future, many buildings will be by solar energy. (hot) 10. My brother can repair electric very well. (apply) VI. Choose the correct answers. 1. I think we have electric taxis very soon. A. may B. might C. will D. would 2. With teleportation, you disappear at a place, and then in another place seconds later. A. appears B. appeared C. reappear D. reappears 3. Every day over 1,000 new cars add to the city and the city of over 20 million people is getting more and more . A. expensive B. famous C. difficult D. gridlocked 4. My brother and I often come to school foot. A. at B.in C. by D. on 5. Skycycling tubes will be easy . A. drive B. to drive C. ride D. to ride 6. The white cat is Helen’s, and the black cat is . A. my B. I C. mine D. of mine 7. We try to make the future green by using vehicles or kinds of energy that are A. environmentally friendly B. environment friendly
  7. C. environmentally friendship D. environmental friendly 8. This is Linda’s hat, and those shoes are , too. A. her B. hers C. our D. their 9. It will be to ride a jet pack in bad weather because it doesn’t have a roof. A. enjoyable B. pleasant C. unpleasant D. comfortable 10. A sky safety system can help cars to traffic jams and crashes. A. prevent B. have C. use D. take 11. People won’t use flying cars the year 2050. A. before B. after C. during D. until 12. Is the most serious problem? A. pollution B. polluted C. pollute D. pollutant 13. We believe that urban transport pods can travel around 30kph. A. with B. at G. in D. on 14. Do you think the price will increase next month? A. fossil fuels B. gases C. fuel D. natural gases 15. We will use more energy in the future. A. solar B. sunny C. sun D. sunlight 16. A jet pack doesn’t a lot of space. A. have B. bring C. take D. occur 17. Which of transport do you think will be used in the future? A. mean B. meaning C. meanings D. means 18. We are looking for types of vehicles that help us to avoid . A. traffic B. traffic jams C. rush hours D. walking 19. The Segway, which is a vehicle, will be a success. A. two-wheels B. two wheels C. two wheel D. two-wheel 20. With the Segway, the driver pulls the handle to go back or pushes it to go . A. forward B. backward C. round D. fly VII. Choose the correct completion in the brackets. 1. A: Mary, (your/ yours) spaghetti sauce is delicious! B: Thank you, but it’s not as good as (your/ yours) . A: Oh, no. (Your/Yours) is much better. It tastes as good as Anna’s. B: Do you like Anna’s spaghetti sauce? I think (her/ hers) is too salty. A: Maybe. (My/ Mine) mother makes good spaghetti sauce too. (Her/ Hers) is thick and rick. B: In truth, making spaghetti sauce is easy, but everyone’s sauce is just a little different. 2. A: Nick really likes (his/ him) new bicycle. It is very light and fast. How do you like (your/ yours) ? B: (My/ Mine) is cheap, but it’s very reliable. 3. A: Excuse me. Is this (your/ yours) umbrella? B: I don't have an umbrella. Ask Ken. Perhaps it is (him/ his) .
  8. 4. A: When do (your/ yours) classes begin? B: September 2nd. How about (your/ yours) ? When do (your/ yours) begin? A: (My/ Mine) begin on August 23rd. VIII. Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions. 1. Life a big city is not so quiet as the country. 2. Most them are fond fiction books. 3. He’s familiar his topic. 4. Let’s get bookshop and have a look the section picture books. 5. It’s difficult walk the busy streets. 6. I’m afraid riding in busy streets. 7. I intend to buy something our house. 8. It’s very kind you to help me. 9. What are you doing? - Oh, I’m looking my pen. 10. These boys always laugh the newcomers. IX. Read the text, and then fill in the blanks with the correct words. Use the words in the box. will won’t than from ready expensive plane called takes fly will worit than from ready expensive plane called takes fly It is a computer drawing of the (1) of the future. British engineers and scientists have published plans for a new hypersonic plane (2) the A2. It will be very fast. At the moment, a flight from London in the UK to Sydney in Australia (3) about twenty-one hours but with the A2 the same flight will take about four hours. The flight will (4) at 4,5000 kilometres per hour and will fly at an altitude of over 10,000 metres. It will carry 300 passengers but it (5) have any windows because scientists haven’t found glass that is strong enough. It (6) be better for the environment (7) other planes because the engines won’t produce gases that cause pollution. In the future, will people travel (8) London to Australia for the Weekend? - It’s possible! But how much will a ticket cost? The planners say that it won’t be very (9) - about £2,000. The A2 will be (10) for its first flight in 2020. X. Find and correct the mistakes to complete the sentences. 1. London is a expensive city. 2. He is a most intelligent student in our class. 3. The party was such boring that I decided to leave early.
  9. 4. My father’s office are on the second floor. 5. Peter earned many money last year. 6. Your new car is more cheaper than John’s. 7. Why does Suzie and Guy feel tired? 8. He left college when he is 17. 9. How long does it take you getting to school? 10. Craig starts work at eight o’clock yesterday. ĐÁP ÁN PART 2: EXERCISES A. PHONETICS I. 1. B 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. C B. VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR I. 1. D 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. B II. Noun Verb Noun Adjective death die death dead waste waste honesty honest belief believe variety various advertisement advertise madness mad promise promise mystery mysterious feeling feel beauty beautiful advice advise wealth wealthy description describe success successful invention invent comfort comfortable government govern peace peaceful III. 1. are having 2. will remember 3. Are you going 4. will pass 5. will complain 6. will do
  10. 7. am seeing 8. are you going to do 9. Will you tell 10. is going to grow IV. 1. her – mine 2.Their – Ours 3. your – his 4.his – mine 5. Her - Yours V. 1. B 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. A VI. 1. for 2. to 3. of 4. of 5. with 6. after 7. off 8. off 9. on 10. on C. READING I. 1. already 2. will 3. from 4. carry 5. journey 6. passengers 7. make 8. successful II. 1. B 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. A 6. D D. WRITING I. 1. Renewable energy will be used in the future. 2. This school is ours. 3. How far is it from Vinh to Hanoi city? 4. I used to walk to school when I was a student. 5. In spite of being short, they still love playing sports. 6. Solar energy will be used to protect the environment. 7. In spite of eating lots of food, she is still very slim. 8. How far is it from Hanoi to HCM city? 9. I am interested in English. 10. They will fix our roof tomorrow. II. 1. There are a lot of tables in the café. 2. There is much information in the theatre programmes. 3. There are more than thirty theatres in London. 4. There is a swimming pool in the garden. 5. There are both private and state schools in the system. 6. It took me 3 months to accomplish this task. 7. Sorting out her stamps took Jane 3 hours a week. 8. The pictures will take 3 minutes to reach the earth. 9. It took her 30 minutes to write the letter. 10. It took him 2 hours to finish his essay. PART 3: TEST YOURSELF I. 1. A 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. B
  11. II. 1. D 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. B III. 1. e 2. c 3. b 4. d 5. f 6. a IV. 1. mine 2. his 3. theirs 4. your 5. his 6. her 7. ours 8. my V. 1. products 2. innovations 3. inventor 4. electricity 5. friendly 6. shortage 7. protection 8. knowledge 9. heated 10. appliances VI. 1. C 2. C 3. D 4. D 5. B 6. C 7. A 8. B 9. C 10. A 11. D 12. A 13. B 14. C 15. A 16. C 17. D 18. B 19. D 20. A VII. 1. your – yours – Yours – hers – My – Hers 2. his – yours – Mine 3. your – his 4. your – yours – yours – Mine VIII. 1. in/ in 2. of/ of 3. with 4. into/ at 5. to/ in 6. of 7. for 8. of 9. for 10. at IX. 1. plane 2. called 3. takes 4. fly 5. won’t 6. will 7. than 8. from 9. expensive 10. ready X. 1. a → an 2. a → the 3. such → so 4. are → is 5. many → a lot of 6. more → bỏ “more” 7. does → do 8. is → was 9. getting → to get 10. starts → started