Bài tập Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 (Chương trình mới) - Bài 3: My friends - Năm học 2022-2023 (Có đáp án)

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Nội dung text: Bài tập Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 (Chương trình mới) - Bài 3: My friends - Năm học 2022-2023 (Có đáp án)

  1. UNIT 3 MY FRIENDS A. PHONETICS I. Write porb to complete the word. Then read the word aloud. 1. iscuit 2. icture 3. lackboard 4. ony 5. anana 6. iano 7. ath 8. icnic 9. ook 10. arty 11. ike 12. ark II. Write the words in part I in the correct column. /b/ /p/ B. VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR I. Fill in each blank to find names of parts of the body.
  2. _y_ n_s_ m_ _th e_r h_ _r t_ _t_ _ac_ h_ _d _h_e_ _r_ s _a_d f_n_e _lb_w _e_ f_ _ t _o_s _n_e n_ _k b_c_ s_o_l_ _rs II. Complete the sentences with the words in part I. 1. You use your to see. 2. You use your to hear. 3. You use your totalk, smile and eat. 4. You have one inthe middleof your face. You use it to smell. 5. Your hair, eyes, nose, mouth and ears are on your . 6. You have two . You use them to walk. 7. You have two . They have your hands at the end. 8. You have five on each hand and five on each foot. 9. If your hurt, you should go to dentist. 10. Put a scarf around your _ when it’s cold. III. Rewrite the sentences, use with verb have or has. Ex: My hair is short and curly. →I have short curly hair . 1. His face is round. → 2. My teeth are small and even. → 3. Her nose is straight. → 4. Their eyes are dark brown. → 5. Our hair is curly and black. → 6. Julia’s mouth is very wide. → IV. Rewrite the sentences, use with verb be (am, is are). Ex: She has blue eyes.→Her eves are blue. 1. Isabel has rosy cheeks.→ 2. I have long blonde hair.→ 3. He has a thin face.→
  3. 4. They have dark skin.→ 5. Her dog has a short tall.→ 6. My sister has long legs.→ V. Use am, is, are, have or has to complete the sentences. 1. I tail and thin. I brown eyes and dark hair. I _ serious and friendly. 2. My father a very hard-working person. He tail and rather fat. He a round face and a cheerful smile. He a moustache. His hair short and curly. 3. My sister beautiful She slim and tall. She rosy cheeks and blue eyes. She blonde wavy hair. Her nose straight and her teeth white and even. She very funny and intelligent. 4. My twin brothers quite short. They short brown hair. Their eyes dark and they glasses. My brothers very active and cheerful. VI. Match the adjectives on the left with their opposites on the right. 1.generous a.rude 2.hard-working b.interesting 3.outgoing c.dishonest 4.intelligent d.unfriendly 5.serious e.mean 6.polite f. lazy 7.friendly g.impatient 8.kind h.stupid 9.careful i.cruel 10.honest j. careless 11.patient k.shy 12.boring l.funny VII. Complete the sentences with the correct adjectives from the box. sporty confident curious cheerful generous shy reliable talkative sensitive outgoing 1. Don’t say unkind things to her – she’s very . 2. Tom is very .He gives money to charity every month. 3. William never stops talking in class. He’s very . 4. The new girl in my class is so . She’s afraid to talk in front of us. 5. You can trust Miller with a secret. He’s a .man. 6. Harry loves partying, meeting people and talking to them. He’s so . 7. Ann is such a girl. She is always laughing and smiling. 8. Jim is always sure of his own abilities. He’s so . 9. My best friend Matt is really . He plays badminton, basketball and football very well.
  4. 10. My sister is very . She wants to know everything! VIII. Read and circle the right adjectives. 1. Donata is very friendly/ rude. She has a lot of friends. 2. Mona is very reliable/ creative. She always has new ideas. 3. Ann is a bit interesting/ boring. She never has anything interesting to say. 4. Jully is very funny/ shy. She likes telling jokes. 5. Anna is very serious/sensitive. She cries quickly whenever she watches a romance movie. 6. Lucy is very outgoing/ generous. She likes meeting and talking to people. 7. Joana is very hard-working/ lazy. She never helps with the housework. 8. Jane is very nervous/ impatient. She becomes annoyed if she has to wait for something or someone. 9. Mathew is very active/ helpful. He likes to play sport or do physical things. 10. Helen is a quiet/ curious person. She isn’t very talkative. IX. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the box. Use the Present continuous tense. leave do not visit drive meet come give not use have take 1. I to New York tomorrow morning. 2. you your homework after dinner? 3. All my friends to my party next week. 4. I the car tonight. You can borrow it. 5. The company everyone a present for New Year. 6. Sally John at seven o’clock this evening. 7. The train in ten minutes. 8. Dave’s father him to the zoo at the weekend? 9. We our grandparents next Sunday. 10. They a dinner party on Friday and you’re invited. X. Put the verbs in brackets into the present continuous. 1. My mother (bake) a cake in the kitchen at the moment. 2. Where (you/ meet) Tim next week? 3. We (not cook) dinner this evening because we’re eating out. 4. (Tom/ drive) to work right now? 5. I’m sorry. I don’t have time. I (mow) the lawn. 6. David (not fly) to Chicago tomorrow. 7. (they/ give) a party next Sunday? 8. The students (not study) at the moment. It’s break time. 9. The band (visit) Denmark next May.
  5. 10. Which hotel (your family/ stay) at now? XI. Circle the correct form of the verb to complete each sentence. 1. The train arrives/ is arriving at 4 o’clock in the afternoon. 2. My mother comes/ is coming to spend the weekend with us. 3. When do you take/ are you taking your holiday this summer? 4. What time does the film start/ is the film starting? 5. Most shops in Spain don’t open/ aren’t opening until 10. 6. I finish/ am finishing work early today as I have an appointment at the dentist 7. The school finishes/ is finishing at three thirty in the afternoon. 8. I can’t see you tonight, Jane. I go/ am going to the theater with Mike. 9. Quickly children! Class starts/ is starting in five minutes. 10. We fly/ are flying to Spain on a school trip next month. XII. Fill in each blank with a correct preposition. 1. Saturday, I help my parents the field. 2. They are working a milk farm tomorrow. 3. The camp is for kids aged ten and fifteen. 4. Would you like to go to the movies with me Sunday evening? 5. The children are spending a week a summer camp. 6. Nikita likes to read books English. 7. He never takes part team sports. 8. Joana is the phone, chatting her friend. C. SPEAKING I. Choose the best answers to complete the sentences. 1. hold my books for me? ~ No problem. a. Do you b. Should you c. Can you d. May you 2. to come to the cinema tonight? ~ Oh, I’d love to. a. Can you b.Could you please c. Do you like d. Would you like 3. help me with my homework, please? ~ Certainly. a. Do you b.Could you c.Are you d. May you 4. Lorry, please pass me the newspaper? ~ Sure. Here you are. a. can you b.are you c.do you d. should you 5. to go out for dinner? - I’d like to, but I can’t. a. Would you b. Can you c. Would you like d. Do you like 6. Marco, erase the blackboard for me? - Yes, of course, teacher. a. would you please b. would please you c. would you mind d would you like 7. closing that window? - Not at all. a. Would you like b. Could you please
  6. c. Would you mind d. Do you want 8. lend me your book please? ~ No. I’m sorry I need it. a. May I b. Can I c. Will you d. May you II. Complete the conversation, using the sentences in the box. Why do you like her? What does she took like? What’s her name? Can you introduce me to her? Do you have a best friend? Is she beautiful? When and where did you meet her? Tom: (1) Ann: Of course! Tom: (2) Ann: Kate, Kate Johnson. Tom: (3) Ann: She’s tall and slim. She has long blond hair and blue eyes. Tom: (4) Ann: Yes, she is. Tom: (5) Ann: I met her on my first day at primary school. We were in the same class. Tom: (6) Ann: Because she’s nice and very friendly and she has a great sense of humour. She always makes me laugh. Tom: (7) Ann: Of course! D. READING I. Fill in each gap with a word from the box. curly music good subject outgoing well laugh together My name’s Quan. One of my best friends is Phong. He is my classmate and we always go to school (1) . Phong is twelve. He’s tall and rather thin. He has short (2) black hair and brown eyes. Phong is funny and (3) . I like being with him because he always makes me (4) . He is also very sporty and plays football and basketball very (5) . We often play basketball and football at the weekend. He loves music and he plays the guitar. I don’t play any instruments but I love (6) too. Phong doesn’t like computer games. He likes playing with his friends in the street. Phong is a very good student. His favourite (7) is Maths. He’s not (8) at Science but he studies hard to pass it. II. Read the passage again and do the following tasks.
  7. A. Tick () True or False. True False 1. Quan and Phong are studying in the same class. 2. Phong is tall and not fat. 3. Phong’s hair is straight and black. 4. Phong likes playing sport. 5. Quan likes to play the guitar. 6. Phong likes Science most. B. Choose the correct answers. 1. How old is Phong? a. 9 b. 10 c. 11 d. 12 2. What does Phong look like? a. He is tall and thin. b.He is tall and fat. c. He is funny and outgoing. d.He likes to play the guitar. 3. Phong has . a. long black hair and brown eyes b.curly black hair and brown eyes c. black eyes and short hair d. brown eyes and straight black hair 4. What is he like? a. He is tall and thin b.He likes sports. c. He is funny and outgoing. d. His hair is short and curly. 5. What instrument does Phong play? a. football and basketball b.the guitar c. computer games d. Maths and Science 6. What subject is Phong very good at? a. Maths b. Science c. Maths and Science d. Computer E. WRITING I. Order the words to make sentences. 1. going/ on/ we/ to/ the shopping mall/ Saturday/ are. 2. me/ please/ can/ dictionary/ lend/ you/ a? 3. like/ join/ for/ would/ us/ dinner/ you/ tonight/ to? 4. at/ I/ spending/ week/ a/ camp/ am/ a/ summer. 5. mother/ black/ hair/ straight/ has/ my/ long. 6. friendly/ because/ don’t/ I/ Joana/ she/ like/ isn’t.
  8. II. Complete the passage with the correct verbs. This my best friend. Her name Laura. She twelve years old and she in Bristol, England. Laura very pretty. She straight brown hair and dark brown eyes. Her nose straight and her lips rather thin. Laura medium height, slim and very fit because she learns to dance and she _ very well. Laura very friendly and confident and she a great sense of humour. I like being with her because she makes me feel happy and comfortable! TEST FOR UNIT 3 I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others. 1. a. please b. read c. head d. teacher 2. a. ears b. eyes c. hands d. cheeks 3. a. funny b. curious c. chubby d. lunch 4. a. confident b. kind c. nice d. reliable 5. a. shy b. pretty c. curly d. pony II. Tick () the opposites. 1. mean □ generous 5. lazy □ serious □ bright □ hard-working 2. talkative □ helpful 6. clever □ silly □ quiet □ curious 3. rude □ moody 7. depressed □ sad □ polite □ cheerful 4. outgoing □ shy 8. funny □ serious □ reliable □ humorous III. Choose the best answer a, b, c or d to complete the sentence. 1. My kids spend hours chatting the phone their friends. a. at - with b. on - to c.to - with d. in - about 2. Could you turn the television ? I want to watch the news. a. on b. off c.down d. up 3. My best friend a round face and big eyes. a. have b. has c.is d. gets 4. My brother is really . He always does his homework. a. hard-working b. serious c.confident d. patient 5. When eating, most Vietnamese people hold chopsticks in their right . a. arm b. leg c. finger d. hand 6. Which do you prefer, straight hair or hair? a. long b. blonde c. curly d. thick
  9. 7. The kids are their tricycles around the playground. a. playing b. riding c. taking d. driving 8. Norman is very shy, but his brother is . a. easygoing b. calm c.patient d. outgoing 9. explain this grammar for me, please? ~ Sure. a. Can you b. Could you please c. Would you like d. Would you mind 10. Would you like to come for dinner tonight? - a. Yes, certainly. b. I’d love to. Thanks. c. Not at all. d. No, thanks. IV Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. 1. We (have) a staff meeting next Monday. 2. Lisa (wear) her uniform every school day. 3. What time (you/ meet) Mathew tomorrow? 4. Tom and Mary (run) because they’re late for school. 5. My father (not drink) coffee very often. 6. I enjoy (read) books and (play) sports. 7. Would you like (go) to the movies with me? 8. I (not work) today. I’m on holiday. 9. We (not want) to go to the movies tonight. 10. A: What (Tony/ do) this Sunday? B: He (do) the gardening with his Dad. V. Underline the correct form. 1. We stay/ are staying in a lovely hotel near a beach. 2. My Dad reads/ is reading two books every week. 3. Do you know/ Are you knowing my friend Cindy? 4. I see/ am seeing the head teacher after class. 5. What do you do/ are you doing tomorrow afternoon? 6. Our flight lands/ is landing in New York at a quarter to nine. 7. Wait a minute, she speaks/ is speaking to someone on her mobile. 8. A lot of people speak/ are speaking Spanish in the USA. 9. He takes/ is taking Sally out for dinner tonight.
  10. 10. Jaime usually eats/ is eating cold cereal for breakfast, but today he eats/ is eating oatmeal instead. 11. We go/ are going to Spain for our next holiday. 12. The restaurant opens/ is opening at 19.30 tonight. VI. Match the sentences. 1. What are you doing this weekend? a. They are dark brown. 2. What does your English teacher look like? b. It’s Sandra. She is my new friend. 3. What is Mary like? c. I’m visiting my grandparents. 4. Where are the kids? d.She’s slim and has long blond hairand blue eyes. 5. Can you help me with my homework, please? e. Sound great! I’d be happy to. 6. Would you like to Join usata party on Sunday? f. She’s kind, active and sensitive. 7. What colour are his eyes? g. They are playing in the playground. 8. Who is that girl? h. Sorry, I can’t. I’m busy. VII. Choose the word which best fits each gap. Wickedly Wonderful is a small summer (1) _ in the UK for children aged 6 to 13 years old. The children (2) a week outdoors at the camp, making new friends andlearning new activities (3) having a lot of fun. (4) _ the summer camp, they sail, horse ride, kayak, enjoy games on the beach and the beach (5) , swim, surf, go crabbing and ride bikes. Children will enjoy holidays with Wickedly Wonderful, and (6) are holidays that they will remember forever! 1. a. term b.course c.camp d. holiday 2. a. take b.spend c.use d. pass 3. a. which b.what c.where d. while 4. a. At b. In c.On d. During 5. a. firingcamp b. campfire c.firecamp d.firingcamp 6. a. this b.that c.these d. those VIII. Read the passage and answer the questions. Hi, my name’s Mai. And this is a picture of me and my friend Vy. Vy is the girl who has a bow in her hair. She is a pretty girl with dimpled cheeks. She and I first met at primary school and we became great friends. She is kind, jolly and helpful. We are classmates again this year and we go to school together each morning. Vy likes to joke and play games. She lives near my house. In the evenings, we usually meet at my house. We sit in the garden and read story books. Vy is good at Mathematics. So, she often helps me with my Mathematics homework. At the moment, Vy and I are doing our English project in my room. We both like English. This Sunday morning we are going to our school English club. I hope Vy and I will be in the same class again next year. I like her very much and she is my best friend.
  11. 1. Who is the girl on the right of the picture? 2. Are Mai and Vy in different classes now? 3. Where did they first meet? 4. What is Vy like? 5. What does Vy like? 6. What do Vy and Mai usually do in the evenings? 7. Where are they now? 8. What are they doing this Sunday morning? IX. Write on e-mail to a pen friend to tell about your friend(s) and things to do with him/ her/them.
  12. TEST YOURSELF 1 I. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. 1. a. lamps b. desks c. lights d. legs 2. a. brother b. nose c. sofa d. poster 3. a. careful b. class c. city d.cupboard 4. a. kitchen b. children c. chat d. choir 5. a. subject b. music c. study d. lunch II. Circle the odd one out. 1. a. calculator b. cooker c. rubber d. ruler 2. a. ear b. nose c. mouth d. leg 3. a. bedroom b. kitchen c. villa d. bathroom 4. a. curly b. creative c. friendly d. confident 5. a. cupboard b. television c. sofa d. desk III. Look at the pictures and write. 1. I live in a/ an in Ho Chi Minh City. 2. We have on Tuesday and Friday. 3. Pete and Tim are going _ this weekend. 4. You can reheat the soup in the . 5. Do you play after school? 6. Are there any coats in the ? IV. Choose the correct answers a, b, c, or d. 1. The boy is sitting the computer. He is playing computer games. a. under b. next to c. behind d. in front of 2. The school year in Viet Nam starts September 5th.
  13. a. in b. on c. at d. since 3. Students live and study in a school. They only go home at weekends. a. secondary b. international c. boarding d. private 4. My best friend is very . He plays football and basketball very well. a. friendly b. sporty c. lovely d. funny 5. Jane is healthy because she does every day. a. football b. yoga c. basketball d. badminton 6. There are so many new words in the passage. Can I use a to help me? a. calculator b. ruler c. dictionary d. notebook 7. are your friends coming for the party tonight? ~ About 7 o’clock. a. What b.Where c. What time d. Howoften 8. ‘What are you doing this Saturday?’ ‘I’m camping with some friends. a. having b.going c.doing d. playing 9. ‘How is your first day at school?’ a. By bicycle. b. Five days a week. c. That sounds great. d. Really exciting. 10. ‘Would you like to go for a drink?’ ‘ ’ a. Oh sorry, I can’t. b. No, I wouldn’t. c. Not at all. d. My pleasure. V. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense form. 1. Mark and Sam (train) for the football game next week. 2. Where is Mai? ~ She (skip) with her friends in the schoolyard. 3. (you/ play) football after school? 4. There (be) a bed, a bookcase, a table and two chairs in my room. 5. She (not have) a pretty face, but she (have) beautiful blue eyes. 6. (Tom/ ride) his bike to school tomorrow morning? VI. Supply the correct form of the words in brackets. 1. Ella is very and gets along well with everyone. (friend) 2. Please be with those vases. Don’t break them. (care) 3. Alisa is so . She talks too much in class, (talk) 4. We had a lot of at Sandra’s party. (funny) 5. Keep yourself by eating well and exercising regularly. , (health) 6. We are going to Han River to watch fireworks . (compete) VII. There is one mistake in each sentence. Find and correct it. 1. I live in a apartment on Nguyen Trai Street. 2. Listen! Someone knocks at the door. 3. What do you doing tomorrow? 4. There is some new furnitures in the living room. 5. My mother have short curly hair and big blue eyes.
  14. 6. Would you like going to the movies tonight? VIII. Match sentences. 1. Where does your brother live? a. Oh I’d love to! 2. What does he look like? b. He’s a bit boring. He reallydoesn’t like anything. 3. What’s he like? c. No, thanks. I’m full. 4.What does he like? d. Orange Juice, please. 5.Would you like something to eat? e.He’s shortish with dark brown hair. 6.Would you like to have dinner with me on Friday? f. Yes, sure. 7.Can you pass me that book, please?g. In Da Nang. 8.What would you like to drink? h. He’s friendly and easy-going. IX. Choose the word which best fits each gap. From: huy@gmail.com To: harrysmith@gmail.com Subject: Hi friend! Hi Harry, Nice to meet you! My name is Huy and I am fifteen years old. I live in Ho Chi Minh City with my parents, my little sister Hanh and a bull dog Rocky. We live in a house on Hung Vuong Street. My house (1) three bedrooms and a small garden. I live (2) my school so I walk to school every day. I like my school and my favorite subjects are Math and Science. I also like to work with computers. What about you? What subject do you like (3) school? My best friends are Nam and Quan and we are in the (4) class. After school I often go to the school canteen with my friends. The canteen has got wi-fi so we can chat (5) while eating or drinking and then usually we go home and do our homework. At the weekend, I play sports with my friends. We play football and basketball and sometimes we go (6) . Write soon and tell me about yourself, your friends and your family. Best wishes, Huy 1. a. have b. has c. is d. are 2. a. next b. in front c. near d. far from 3. a. at b. on c. in d. for 4. a. any b.very c. some d. same 5. a. offline b. online c. inline d. outline 6. a. swim b. to swim c. swimming d. to swimming
  15. X. Read the text and write True (T) or False (F). FIRST YEAR CAMP July 2nd - July 8th for 5th - 6th Graders We have designed a camp for rising 5th and 6th Graders. It’s not only great fun, but a great way to meet new friends! The week is very busy with arts, crafts, music, swimming, hiking, games, adventure, worship and LOTS of fun! ROCK CLIMBING CAMP July 9th - July 16th Minimum age 13 This week will focus primarily on learning how to safely rock climb and rappel. This week will include hiking, camping, outdoor cooking, climbing, and rappelling. ALL climbing and safety equipment is provided. If you have climbing shoes, you are welcome to bring them, but please do not bring any other equipment. Join us for a great week of FUN in the outdoors! ART CAMP July 16th - July 22nd for 7th - 12th Graders The week will be filed with workshops in photography, drawing, pottery, drama, calligraphy, music, painting, and much more All of this is in addition to games, swimming, worship, free time, movies, hikes in the woods and spending time with a great staff! Eat, play, create! 1. The First Year Camp is for kids aged between 10 and 12. 2. Children will rock climb at the First Year Camp. 3. Children must bring climbing shoes when they join the Rock Climbing Camp. 4. Children under 13 can’t join the Rock Climbing Camp. 5. At Art Camp, children learn to write, draw, paint, make pottery and so on. 6. Children at Art Camp learn in workshops all the time. XI. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. 1. Her eyes are brown and big. She 2. My house has a living room, a kitchen, a bathroom and two bedrooms. There 3. Phong likes Maths most. Phong’s 4. James is hard-working and smart. Jame isn’t 5. What is your address? Where 6. Do you want to go for a drink? Would
  16. ĐÁP ÁN X. Học sinh tự viết UNIT 3 A. PHONETICS I. 1.biscuit 2. picture 3. blackboard 4. pony 5.banana 6. piano 7. bath 8. picnic 9.book 10. party 11. bike 12. park II. /b/ biscuit, blackboard, banana, bath, book, bike /p/ picture, pony, piano, picnic, party, park B. VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR I. eye nose mouth ear hair teeth face head cheeks arm hand finger elbow leg feet toes knee neck back shoulders II. 1. eyes 2. ears 3. mouth 4.nose 5. face 6.feet 7. arms 8. fingers - toes 9. teeth 10. neck I.1. He has a round face. 2. I have small and even teeth. 3.She has a straight nose. 4.They have dark brown eyes. 5. We have curly and black hair. 6.Julia has a wide mouth. IV. 1. Isabel’s cheeks are rosy. 2.My hair is blonde and long. 3.His face is thin. 4.Their skin is dark. 5. Her dog’s tail is short. 6.My sister’s legs are long. V. 1. am - have - am 2. is - is - has - has - is 3.Is - is - has - has - is - are - is 4. are - have - are - have - are
  17. VI. 1. e 2. f 3. k 4. h 5. l 6. a 7. d 8. i 9. j 10. c 11. g 12. b VII.1. sensitive 2. generous 3. talkative 4.shy 5. reliable 6. outgoing 7. cheerful 8.confident 9.sporty 10. curious VIII. 1. friendly 2. creative 3. boring 4. funny 5. sensitive 6. outgoing 7. lazy 8.impatient 9. active 10. quiet IX. 1. am driving 2. Are doing 3. are coming 4. am not using 5. is giving 6. is meeting 7. is leaving 8. Is taking 9. aren’t visiting 10. are having X. 1. is baking 2. are you meeting 3. aren’t cooking 4. Is Tom driving 5. am mowing 6. isn’t flying 7. Are they giving 8. aren’t studying 9. is visiting 10. is your family staying XI. 1. arrives 2. is coming 3. are you taking 4. does the film start 5. don’t open 6. am finishing 7. finishes 8. am going 9. starts 10. are flying XII.1. On - with 2. on 3.between 4. on 5. on 6. in 7. in 8. on - with/ to C. SPEAKING I. 1. c 2. d 3. b 4. a 5. c 6. a 7. c 8. c II. 1. Do you have a best friend? 2. What’s her name? 3.What does she look like? 4.Is she beautiful? 5.When and where did you meet her? 6.Why do you like her? 7.Can you introduce me to her? D. READING I. 1. together 2. curly 3. outgoing 4. laugh 5. well 6. music 7. subject 8. good II. A. 1. true 2. true 3. false 4. true 5. false 6. false B. 1.d 2. a 3.b 4. c 5. b 6. a E. WRITING I. 1. We are going to the shopping mall on Saturday. 2.Can you please lend me a dictionary? 3.Would you like to join us for dinner tonight? 4. I am spending a week at a summer camp. 5. My mother has long straight black hair.
  18. 6. I don’t like Joana because she isn’t friendly. II. is - is - is - lives - is - has - is - are - is - dances - is - has TEST FOR UNIT 3 I. 1. c 2. d 3. b 4. a 5. a II. 1. generous 2. quiet 3.polite 4. shy 5. hard-working 6. silly 7. cheerful 8. serious III.1. b 2. a 3. b 4. a 5. d 6. c 7. b 8. d 9. a 10. b IV. 1. are having 2. wears 3. are you meeting 4. are running 5. doesn’t drink 6. reading - playing 7. to go 8. am not working 9. don’t want 10. is Tony doing - is doing V. 1. are staying 2. reads 3. Do you know 4. am seeing 5. are you doing 6. lands 7. is speaking 8. speak 9. is taking 10. eats - is eating 11. are going 12. opens VI. 1. c 2. d 3. f 4. g 5. h 6. e 7. a 8. b VII.1. c 2. b 3. d 4. a 5. b 6. c VIII. 1. She’s Mai. 2.Yes, they are. 3.They first met at primary school. 4. She is kind, jolly and helpful. 5. She likes to joke and play games. 6.They sit in the garden and read story books. 7.They are in Mai’s room now. 8. They are going to the school English club. IX. Học sinh tự viết. TEST YOURSELF 1 I. 1. d 2. a 3. c 4. d 5. b II. 1. b 2.d 3. c 4. a 5. b III.1. apartment 2. history 3. hiking 4. microwave 5. basketball 6. wardrobe IV. 1. d 2. b 3. c 4. b 5. b 6. c 7. c 8. b 9. d 10. a V. 1. are training 2. is skipping 3. Do you play 4. is 5. doesn’t have - has 6. Is Tom riding VI. 1. friendly 2. careful 3. talkative 4. fun 5. healthy 6. competition VII. 1.a→an 2. knocks→ is knocking 3. do→ are 4. furnitures→ furniture 5. have→has 6. going→ to go VIII.1. g 2. e 3. h 4. b 5. c 6. a 7. f 8. d
  19. IX.1. b 2. c 3. a 4. d 5. b 6. c X.1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. T 6. F XI. 1. She has big brown eyes. 2.There is a living room, a kitchen, a bathroom and two bedrooms in my house. 3.Phong’sfavourite subject is Maths. 4.James isn’t lazy and stupid. 5.Where do you live? 6.Would you like to go for a drink?