Bài tập Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 (Chương trình mới) - Bài 9: English in the world - Năm học 2022-2023 (Có đáp án)

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  1. Unit ENGLISH IN THE WORLD 9 PART 1: GRAMMAR REVIEW I. CONDITIONAL SENTENCE - TYPE 2: PRESENT UNREAL (Diễn tả tình huống không có thật ở biện tại) If + S + V (past subjunctive/ simple past), S + would/ could/ might + V. Ex: I don't win a lot of money, so I can’t spend most of it travelling round the world. → If I won a lot of money, I could spend most of it travelling round the world. II. RELATIVE CLAUSES (MỆNH ĐỂ QUAN HỆ) A. BẢNG TÓM TẮT Relative pronoun Noun replaced Functions (Đại từ quan hệ) (Danh từ được thay thế) (Chức năng) Who Danh từ chỉ người Làm chủ ngữ Whom Danh từ chỉ người Làm tân ngữ Which Danh từ chỉ vật Làm chủ ngữ hoặc tân ngữ Danh từ chỉ người, vật, thay thế cho “who, That Làm chủ ngữ hoặc tân ngữ whom, which” trong mệnh đề hạn định Whose Tính từ sỡ hữu hoặc sỡ hữu cách Làm chủ ngữ hoặc tân ngữ Where Danh từ chỉ nơi chốn Làm tân ngữ When Danh từ chỉ thời gian Làm tân ngữ Why Danh từ chỉ lí do Làm tân ngữ B. RELATIVE PRONOUNS (ĐẠI TỪ QUAN HỆ) 1. Who: dùng để thay thế cho danh từ chỉ người, làm chủ ngữ trong mệnh đề quan hệ Ex: The man is Mr. Pike. He is standing over there. => The man who is standing over there is Mr. Pike. 2. Whom: dùng để thay thế cho danh từ chỉ người, làm tân ngữ trong mệnh đề quan hệ Ex: That is the girl I told you about her. => That is the girl whom I told you about. - Note: Whom làm tân ngữ có thể được bỏ đi trong mệnh đề quan hệ xác định.
  2. 3. Which: which dùng để thay thế cho danh từ chỉ vật, làm chủ ngữ hoặc tân ngữ trong mệnh đề quan hệ. Ex: The dress is very beautiful. I bought it yesterday. => The dress which I bought yesterday is very beautiful. - Note: Which làm tân ngữ có thể được bỏ đi trong mệnh đề quan hệ xác định. 4. That: là đại từ chỉ cả người và vật, đứng sau danh từ để làm chủ ngữ hoặc tân ngữ trong mệnh đề quan hệ. Ex: This is the book. I like it best. => This is the book that I like best. - Note: + Sau dấu phẩy không bao giờ dùng That + That luôn được dùng sau các danh từ hỗn hợp (gồm cả người lẫn vật) everything, something, anything, all little, much, none và sau dạng so sánh nhát 5. Whose: là đại từ quan hệ chỉ sở hữu. Whose đứng trước danh từ chỉ người hoặc vật và thay thế cho tính từ sở hữu hoặc sở hữu cách trước danh tù. Sau whose là danh từ. Ex: John found a cat. Its leg was broken. => John found a cat whose leg was broken. C. RELATIVE ADVERBS (TRẠNG TỪ QUAN HỆ) 1. When: dùng để thay thế cho danh từ chỉ thời gian, When được thay cho at/on/ in + danh từ thời gian hoặc then. Ex: May Day is a day. People hold a meeting on that day. 2. Where: dùng để thay thế cho danh từ chỉ nơi chốn, Where được thay cho at/on/ in + danh từ nơi chốn hoặc there. Ex: Do you know the country? I was born. => Do you know the country where I was born? 3. Why: dùng để thay thế cho danh từ chỉ lí do. Why thay cho for which. Ex: I don’t know the reason. She left him alone. => I don’t know the reason why she left him alone. PART 2: PRACTICE A. PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY I. Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part. 1. A. campus B. practice C. language D. favorite 2. A. qualify B. scenery C. grocery D. academy 3. A. speak B. need C. heart D. read 4. A. practiced B. learned C. asked D. watched 5. A. school B. scholarship C. chemistry D. children
  3. II. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others. 1. A. office B. fluency C. accent D. official 2. A. language B. translate C. speaker D. imitate 3. A. variety B. derivative C. establish D. dialect 4. A. provide B. bilingual C. immersion D. rusty 5. A. simplicity B. American C. obedient D. flexible B. VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR I. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1. If he (clean) his windscreen he‟d be able to see where he was going. 2. If you drove your car into the river, you (be able) to get out? 3. If you (not belong) to a union, you couldn‟t get a job. 4. If I (win) a big prize in a lottery, I‟d give up my job. 5. What you (do) if you found a burglar in your house? 6. I could tell you what this means if I (know) Greek. 7. If everybody (give) I pound we would have enough. 8. He might get fat if he (stop) smoking. 9. If he knew that it was dangerous he (not come) . 10. If you (see) someone drowning, what would you do? II. Make the following using relative clauses. 1. Alice is my friend. Alice‟s mother died last year. 2. The boy will be punished. He threw that stone. 3. Ann is very friendly. She lives next door. 4. The man is a famous actor. You met him at the party last night. 5. There are some words. They are very difficult to translate. 6. I was looking for a book this morning. I‟ve found it now. 7. Is that the car? You want to buy it. 8. Sandra works in advertising. You were talking to her. 9. The little girl ate sweets the whole way. She sat next to me on the coach. 10. Lan is a journalist. Her tape recorder was stolen. III. Complete the sentence with a suitable word. 1. You‟d better learn by all the new words. 2. What of learning English do you find difficult? 3. Most foreign students live in on campus. 4. His novel won the Booker Prize and established his . 5. You can take the exam at intermediate or advanced . 6. If you want to sell your car, why not put an in the daily paper? 7. On the way, we stopped three times to admire mountain . 8. I‟ve never seen this word before. Use a to look it up.
  4. IV. Match the phrases in column A with appropriate information from column B (More than one answer is possible) A B 1. You can improve your English accent a. by doing translation exercises. 2. A good way to learn idioms is b. by talking to native English speakers. 3. You can improve your writing skills c. by reading magazines in English. 4. A good way to learn new vocabulary d. by studying a learner‟s dictionary. 5. You can learn to read faster e. by practicing dialogues with a partner. 6. One way of practicing conversation is f. by watching American movies. 7. You can learn to use grammar correctly g. by having a private tutor. 8. You can develop self-confidence in h.by talking to yourself in the shower speaking English V. Use the correct form of the word given to complete each sentence 1. English speaking presents special for foreign learners. (difficult) 2. The school is performing well, but we recognize the need for further . (improve) 3. Let me introduce you a university. I think it‟s really reliable. (repute) 4. We placed in a number of national newspapers. (advertise) 5. If you want to attend the course, you must pass the examination. (write) 6. The teaching staff are all well . (qualify) 7. We gather our things and run to the bus stop. (hurry) 8. I go hill-walking for . (relax) 9. Students will take an at the end of the year. (examine) 10. The university has an international as a center of excellent. (repute) C. READING I. Read the following passage and fill in the blank with a suitable word. Being able to speak English allows you to (1) effectively in numerous countries, and this opens up lots of possibilities for you in terms of the countries you could choose to seek (2) in one day – not to mention travel to as a tourist. You won‟t have to worry about (3) lost when you travel to an English-speaking country, as you‟ll easily be able to ask for directions, and taking guided tours, ordering food and chatting to the locals will no (4) be a source of stress. What‟s more, careers that involve lots of travel or international exposure, (5) as the airline, tourism and film (6) , use English as their (7) language, and many employers in these sectors are likely to (8) evidence of a certain level of proficiency in English before they will consider (9) you. This means that if you can speak English, you‟ll find that you have a greater number of possible careers to (10) from after you finish at university.
  5. II. Read the passage below and do the tasks. Over the past 600 years, English has grown from a language of few speakers to become the dominant language of international communication. English as we know it today emerged around 1350, after having incorporated many elements of French that were introduced following the Norman invasion of 1030. Until the 1600s, English was, for the most part, spoken only in England and had not extended even as far as Wales, Scotland, or Ireland. However, during the course of the next two centuries, English began to spread around the globe as a result of exploration, trade (including slave trade), colonization, and missionary work. Thus, small enclaves of English speakers became established and grew in various parts of the world. As these communities proliferated, English gradually became the primary language of international business, banking, and diplomacy. Currently, about 80 percent of the information stored on computer systems worldwide is in English. Two-thirds of the world‟s science writing is in English, and English is the main language of technology, advertising, media, international airports, and air traffic controllers. Today there are more than 700 million English users in the world, and over half of these are non native speakers, constituting the largest number of non-native users than any other language in the world. 1. What is the main topic of this passage? A. The number of non-native users of English B. The French influence on the English language C. The expansion of English as an international language D. The use of English for science and technology 2. Approximately when did English begin to be used beyond England? A. In 1066 B. Around 1350 C. Before 1600 D. After the 1600s 3. According to the passage, all of the following contributed to the spread of English around the world EXCEPT . A. the slave trade B. the Norman invasion C. missionaries D. colonization 4. The word “enclaves” in the passage could best be replaced by which of the following? A. communities B. organizations C. regions D. countries 5. The word “proliferated” in the passage is closest in meaning to which of the following? A. prospered B. organized C. disbanded D. expanded III. Read the text carefully, then decide whether the following statements are True or False LEARNING ENGLISH It is not easy for adult students of English to improve their accent. Unlike children, who are flexible, adults often find it hard to change the way they speak. This is why even the top, or smartest adult students have difficulty with pronunciation. There are several things that an international student can do to improve his or her pronunciation. One method is to sign up for a pronunciation class. Studying pronunciation can help students to understand the rules of English, but in order to practice speaking, students often need to be exposed to English outside the classroom as well. This is why many students say that studying in an English-speaking country greatly affects their English. Living with native speakers can help students to learn new vocabulary as well as improve their accents. International students can also
  6. learn important cultural information. This can help to prevent misunderstandings that can occur when people from different cultures live together. 1. Adult students of English cannot improve their accents because they are slow to change. 2. Most young students are able to change their pronunciation easily. 3. Attending a pronunciation class can be very helpful to adult learners who have problems with their pronunciation. 4. All that they need to improve their pronunciation is to practice more outside the classroom. 5. To avoid misunderstandings about cultures, students should live with native speakers. D. WRITING I. Rewrite the sentences below as single sentence using relative clauses. 1. I don‟t know the name of the woman. I spoke to her on the phone. → 2. We often go to visit our friends in Bristol. It‟s only 30 miles away. → 3. This is Mr Carter. I was telling you about him. → 4. That is the room. The meeting is held in that room. → 5. I‟ll always remember the day. I first saw that sight on that day. → 6. She was born in Malaysia. Rubber trees grow well there. → 7. No one knows the school. My uncle taught at that school 10 years ago. → 8. Please ask them the time. The train started the trip at that time. → 9. New Year‟s Day is a day. All family members gather and enjoy a family dinner then. → 10. There are many hotels. Tourists can enjoy their holidays there. → II. Rewrite the sentences using the conditional type 2. 1. Keep silent or you‟ll wake the baby up. → 2. Stop talking or you won‟t understand the lesson. →
  7. 3. I don‟t know her number, so I don‟t ring her up. → 4. I don‟t know the answer, so I can‟t tell you. → 5. We will get lost because we don‟t have a map. → PART 3: TEST YOURSELF I. Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern. 1. A. foreign B. practice C. examine D. language 2. A. dormitory B. university C. institute D. college 3. A. academic B. reputation C. experience D. intermediate 4. A. advertise B. express C. remember D. improve 5. A. scenery B. scholarship C. dictionary D. advertisement II. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences. 1. They could understand our conversation if they some English. A. will know B. know C. knew D. would know 2. It‟s an important part of your cultural identity to keep your in speaking English. A. accent B. skill C. vocabulary D. language 3. Trying to use a dictionary less and switching to a monolingual one can help you to stop translating in your head when you are speaking or listening. A. bi-monthly B. bilingual C. biannual D. bicentenary 4. If I had more time I a Business English course. A. take B. took C. will take D. would take 5. Much comes through body language and gesture. A. speech B. communication C. talk D. exchange 6. Are you someone who can read and write well in English but cannot speak ? A. fluency B. a fluency C. fluent D. fluently 7. In a class, this is a great opportunity to learn about different customs and traditions around the world. A. multi-dimensional B. multinational C. multilingual D. multi-disciplinary 8. The children attend that English school receive good education. A. which B. whose C. who D. whom 9. Try to the meaning of words rather than going straight for your dictionary. A. decide B. except C. judge D. guess 10. If you get when speaking, take two deep breaths before you say something. A. pleased B. unwilling C. annoyed D. nervous
  8. 11. Mike comes from a city is located in the southern part of England. A. when B. that C. where D. who 12. Reading is the best way to your vocabulary in any language. A. raise B. put up C. improve D. increase 13. No one ever improves pronunciation and by watching someone else‟s shape of the mouth! You improve English speaking by speaking, not watching. A. accent B. sounds C. rhythm D. tone 14. The picture reminds him of the time he studied in New York. A. where B. why C. which D. when 15. He is not exactly rich but he certainly earns enough to . A. get on B. get up C. get down D. get by 16. The language that you learn to speak from birth is language A. second B. foreign C. official D. first 17. If I taller, I better at basketball. A. be – would be B. were – might be C. am – will be D. were – would have been 18. Reading helps you learn vocabulary easily as you will new words without even realizing it when you read. A. face up B. look up C. pick up D. give up 19. If you in my position, what would you do? A. were B. would be C. are D. will be 20. If you want to improve your speaking skill, you should attend the courses that are taught in a way. A. lexical B. communicative C. traditional D. domestic 21. There was a storm had never experienced before. A. which B. for which C. such as D. as which 22. It is not easy to foreign language without communicating with the native speakers regularly. A. master B. challenge C. translate D. simplify 23. Children always want to know the reason things are as they are. A. which B. who C. why D. whom 24. Is the first of March the day the astronaut will come and give a speech at our school? A. which B. when C. that D. what 25. There are many of English all over the world such as British English, American English and Indian English. A. dialogues B. varieties C. speakers D. terms III. Give the correct form of the verbs. 1. The whole machine would fall to pieces if you (remove) that screw. 2. I (keep) a horse if I could afford it. 3. I‟d go and see him more often if he (live) on a bus route.
  9. 4. If they (ban) the sale of alcohol at football matches, there might be less violence. 5. I (offer) to help if I thought I‟d be any use. 6. What would you do if the lift (get) stuck between two floors? 7. If you (paint) the walls white, the room would be much brighter. 8. If you (change) your job, would it affect your pension? 9. If you knew you had only six weeks to live, how you (spend) those six weeks? 10. I‟d climb over the wall if there (not be) so much broken glass on top of it. IV. Read the passage and choose A, B, C or D that best fits each of the gaps. The country is more beautiful than a town and (1) to live in. Many people think so, and go to the country for the summer holidays (2) they cannot live there all the year round. Some have a cottage (3) in a village so that they can go there whenever they can find the time. English villages are not all alike, but in some ways they are not different (4) one another. Almost every village has a church, the round or square tower of (5) can be seen for many miles around. Surrounding the church is the churchyard, where people are (6) . The village (7) is a wide stretch of grass, and houses or cottages are built round it. Country life is now fairy (8) and many villages have water brought through pipes into each house. Most villages are so (9) some small towns that people can go there to buy (10) they can‟t find in the village shop. 1. A. please B. pleased C. pleasure D. pleasant 2. A. because B. though C. despite D. therefore 3. A. build B. building C. built D. is built 4. A. from B. with C. on D. for 5. A. it B. this C. that D. which 6. A. playing B. rested C. praying D. buried 7. A. entrance B. center C. green D. outskirts 8. A. difficult B. comfortable C. enjoyable D. improved 9. A. far away B. out of C. beyond D. close to 10. A. what B. those C. which D. when V. Fill in the blank with a suitable word in the box. command international governments communication globalization multilingual quality dominant resources disadvantage Did you realize that over a two billion people in the world now speak English? According to a recent report “ three billion people will be speaking or learning English within a decade.” English is the language of (1) . It‟s the language of (2) business and politics. It is the primary language used for most computers and for the inner workings of the Internet.
  10. English is the (3) international language in communications, science, aviation, entertainment, radio and diplomacy. English is an important tool for operating on the world stage. The ability to speak and understand English is mandatory in certain fields, professions, and occupations. In fact, English is so widely spoken, it is referred to as, the “lingua franca” of the modern era. With the global spread of English serious economic and political (4) will probably come to those not having a reasonable command of the language. We see a future in which mono lingual English graduates face bleaker economic prospects as qualified (5) graduates prove to have a competitive advantage in global companies and organizations. Given that English has acquired its world-wide reputation due in large part to globalized power relations, those companies and (6) employing well-trained non-native speakers for their international business (7) needs will obviously see the advantage of hiring non-native speakers of the English languages with multilingual talents. The future is in your hands and the future demands a firm (8) of the English language. If you don‟t find what you‟re looking for on this page just enter your term in the rectangular box above labeled - Search the Web: which is at the top right hand comer of each window. You may be surprised at the number of (9) responses you‟ll receive, and I‟ll bet before long you‟ll find exactly what you‟re looking for, all in the comfort and privacy of your own home. So - sit back, put your feet up, and take all the time you want until you find the perfect (10) you‟ll want to work with while learning the English language. VI. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question. Every year, students in many countries learn English. Some of these students are young children. Others are teenagers. Many are adults. Some learn at school, others study by themselves. A few learn English just by hearing the language in films, on television, in the office or among their friends. But not many are lucky enough to do that. Most people must work hard to learn another language. Many boys and girls learn English at school because it is one of their subjects. They study their own language, mathematics, and English. In England, America, or Australia, many boys and girls study their native language, which is English, mathematics, and another language, perhaps French, or German or Spanish. Many adults learn English because it is useful for their work. Teenagers often learn English for their higher studies, because some of their books are in English at college or university. Others learn English because they want to read newspapers or magazines in English. 1. Many adults learn English because . A. most of their books are in English B. it helps them in their work C. English is spoken in their office D. they want to go abroad 2. According to the writer . A. English is useful only for teenagers B. English is popular all over the world C. only adults learn English D. no children like to learn English 3. In America or Australia many school children study . A. such foreign languages as French, German, and Spanish B. their own language and no foreign language C. English as a foreign language
  11. D. English and mathematics only 4. Most people learn English by . A. hearing the languages in the office B. talking with foreigners C. watching videos only D. working hard on their lessons 5. Many boys and girls learn English because . A. they are forced to learn it B. they have to study their own languages C. it is included in their study courses D. English can give them a job VII. Complete the sentence with one preposition 1. You shouldn‟t believe everything you read the newspapers. 2. The course starts 3rd November and ends January. 3. first we didn‟t like each other, but the end we became good friends. 4. I was disappointed the grade I received on my last exam. 5. Are you interested learning foreign languages? 6. We are looking forward new possibilities. 7. We can live a dormitory campus. 8. What aspect learning English do you find difficult? 9. Practice listening English tapes or English programs the radio. 10. The hotel is close the historical district. VIII. Choose the underlined word or phrase (A, B, c or D) that needs correcting. 1. On the way home, we saw a lot of men, women, and dogs which were playing in the park. ABCD 2. The man whom remained in the office was the manager. ABCD 3. This novel, which written by a well known writer, should be read. ABCD 4. My friend George, that arrived late, was not permitted to enter the class. ABCD 5. This is the only place which we can obtain scientific information. ABCD 6. Chemistry is one branch of science on that most of the industries depend. ABCD 7. 1975 is the year in when the revolution took place. ABCD 8. Mr. Brown, that teaches me English, is coming today. ABCD 9. The hotel where we stay in last year was excellent. ABCD 10. At last they found the woman and her cat which were badly injured by the fire. ABCD
  12. IX. Rewrite the following sentence using a relative clause. 1. India is a country. The earthquake occurred in this country last month. → 2. Bac Giang is a city. I was born and grew up there. → 3. We have not decided the day. We‟ll go to London on that day. 4. The man made me sad the most. I love him with all my heart. → 5. The thief was caught. This was really good news. → 6. The gentleman was very young. He was introduced as the most successful businessman. → 7. His book became the best seller. It was punished last year. → 8. Neil Armstrong lived in the USA. He walked on the moon. → 9. Nam is very intelligent. He learns in our class. → 10. Ha Long has grown into a big city over the past few years. I visited the city last year. →
  13. ĐÁP ÁN A. PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY I. 1. D 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. D II. 1. D 2. B 3. D 4. D 5. D B. VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR I. 1. cleaned 2. would you be able 3. didn‟t belong 4. won 5. would you do 6. knew 7. gave 8. stopped 9. wouldn‟t come 10. saw II. 1. Alice, whose mother died last year, is my friend. 2. The boy who threw that stone will be punished. 3. Ann, who lives next door, is very friendly. 4. The man who/that you met at the party last night is a famous actor. 5. There are some words that/ which are very difficult to translate. 6. I‟ve found the book that/which I was looking for this morning. 7. Is that the car that/which you want to buy? 8. Sandra, who you were talking to, works in advertising. 9. The little girl who/ that sat next to me on the coach ate sweets the whole way. 10. Lan, whose tape recorder was stolen, is a journalist. III. 1. heart 2. aspect 3. dormitory 4. reputation 5. level 6. advertisement 7. scenery 8. dictionary IV. 1. h 2. f 3. c 4. d 5. a 6. b 7. g 8. e V. 1. difficulties 2. improvement 3. reputable 4. advertisements 5. written 6. qualified 7. hurriedly 8. relaxation 9. examination 10. reputation C. READING I. 1. communicate 2. work 3. getting 4. longer 5. such 6. industries 7. official 8. require 9. employing 10. choose II. 1. C 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. D III. 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. F D. WRITING I. 1. I don‟t know the name of the woman who / that I spoke to on the phone. 2. We often go to visit our friends in Bristol, which is only 30 miles away. 3. This is Mr Carter, who I was telling you about. 4. That is the room where the meeting is held.
  14. 5. I‟ll always remember the day when I first saw that sight. 6. She was born in Malaysia, where rubber trees grow well. 7. No one knows the school where my uncle taught 10 years ago. 8. Please ask them the time when the train started the trip. 9. New Year‟s Day is the day when all family members gather and enjoy a family dinner. 10. There are many hotels where tourists can enjoy their holidays. II. 1. If you didn‟t keep silent, you would wake the baby up. 2. If you kept talking, you wouldn‟t understand the lesson. 3. If I knew her number, I would ring her up. 4. If I knew the answer, I would tell you. 5. If we had a map, we wouldn‟t get lost. PART 3: TEST YOURSELF I. 1. C 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. D II. 1. C 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. B 6. D 7. B 8. C 9. D 10. D 11. B 12. C 13. A 14. D 15. D 16. D 17. B 18. C 19. A 20. B 21. A 22. A 23. C 24. B 25. B III. 1. removed 2. would keep 3. lived 4. banned 5. would offer 6. got 7. painted 8. changed 9. would you sent 10. weren‟t IV. 1. D 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. D 6. D 7. C 8. B 9. D 10. A V. 1. globalization 2. international 3. dominant 4. disadvantages 5. multilingual 6. governments 7. communication 8. command 9. quality 10. resources VI. 1. B 2. B 3. A 4. D 5. C VII. 1. in 2. on – in 3. At – in 4. with 5. in 6. to 7. in – on 8. of 9. on – to 10. to VIII. 1. C => that 2. B => who 3. A => Bỏ which 4. A => who 5. C => where 6. C => which 7. B => which 8. A => who 9. B => bỏ in 10. C => that IX. 1. India is the country where the earthquake occurred last month. 2. Bac Giang is the city where I was born and grew up. 3. We have not decided the day when we‟ll go to London. 4. The man whom I love with all my heart made me sad the most. 5. The thief was caught, that was really good news. 6. The gentleman who was introduced as the most successful businessman was very young.
  15. 7. His book, which was punished last year, became the best seller. 8. Neil Armstrong, who walked on the moon, lived in the USA. 9. Nam, who learns in our class, is very intelligent. 10. Ha Long, which I visited last week, has grown into a big over the past few years.