Bài tập Tiếng Anh Lớp 4 (Global Success) - Unit 5: Our sports day

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Nội dung text: Bài tập Tiếng Anh Lớp 4 (Global Success) - Unit 5: Our sports day

  1. Unit 5: Our sports day. Exercise 1. How many months are there in a year? Now, look and write the months: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Exercise 2. Write Yes, it is. No, it isn’t. It’s in . 1. 2. 3. Is your sports day in June? Is your sports day in July? Is your sports day in April? No, it isn’t. It’s in May. 4. 5. 6. Is your sports day in October? Is your sports day in Is your sports day in May? December? 7. 8. 9. pg. 1
  2. Unit 5: Our sports day. Is your sports day in Is your sports day in January? Is your sports day in August? September? 10. 11. 12. Is your sports day in April? Is your sports day in Is your sports day in February? November? Exercise 3. Look and write 1. When’s your sports day? 2. When’s your sports day? 3. When’s your sports day? It’s in May. 4. When’s your sports day? 5. When’s your sports day? 6. When’s your sports day? 7. When’s your sports day? 8. When’s your sports day?? 9. When’s your sports day? 10. When’s your sports day? 11. When’s your sports day? 12. When’s your sports day? pg. 2
  3. Unit 5: Our sports day. Exercise 4. Look and tick () or cross ( ) 1. Our sports day is in October. 2. Our sports day is in January. 3. Our sports day is in August. 4. Our sports day is in September. 5. Our sports day is in March. 6. Our sports day is in June. 7. Our sports day is in November. 8. Our sports day is in April. 9. Our sports day is in December. 10. Our sports day is in May. 11. Our sports day is in July. 12. Our sports day is in August. pg. 3
  4. Unit 5: Our sports day. Exercise 5. Match. 1. Our sports day is in April. a. 2. Our sports day is in August. b. 3. Our sports day is in October. c. 4. Our sports day is in January. d. 5. Our sports day is in July. e. 6. Our sports day is in March. f. 7. Our sports day is in June. g. 8. Our sports day is in February . h 9. Our sports day is in December. i. 10. Our sports day is in September. j. 11. Our sports day is in November . k. 12. Our sports day is in May. l. pg. 4
  5. Unit 5: Our sports day. Exercise 6. Look and circle the right sentence. 1 2. 3. a. Our sports day is in May. a. Our sports day is in April. a. Our sports day is in November. b. Our sports day is in June b. Our sports day is in August. b. Our sports day is in December. 4. 5. 6. a. Our sports day is in February. a. Our sports day is in September. a. Our sports day is in July. b. Our sports day is in January. b. Our sports day is in October. b. Our sports day is in May. 7. 8. 9. a. Our sports day is in August. a. Our sports day is in September. a. Our sports day is in March. b. Our sports day is in June. b. Our sports day is in February. b. Our sports day is in June. 10. 11. 12. a. Our sports day is in December. a. Our sports day is in November a. Our sports day is in May. b. Our sports day is in October. b. Our sports day is in April. b. Our sports day is in July. June. pg. 5
  6. Unit 5: Our sports day. Exercise 7. Look and write Yes, it is No, it isn’t. 1. Is your birthday in 2. Is your school in the town? 3. Is it Thursday today? September? Yes, it is. 4. Is your favorite subject art? 5. Is your sports day in July? 6. Is it Saturday today? 7. Is your sports day in April? 8. Is your birthday in May? 9. Is your school in the city? 10. Is your favorite subject 11. Is your sports day in 12. Is your birthday in music? December? October? pg. 6
  7. Unit 5: Our sports day. Exercise 8. Look at the chart: Jenny Jack Kim John Now, make questions and answers about school and sports day: 1. What’s your name? My name is Jenny. 2. Where is your school? . . Jenny 3. When’s your sports day? . 4. What sports do you play in your sports day? . pg. 7
  8. Unit 5: Our sports day. 1. . . . . 2. . . . Jack 3. . . . 4. . . . 1. . . . . 2. . . Kim . 3. . . . 4. . . . 1. . . . . 2. . . John . 3. . . . 4. . . . pg. 8
  9. Unit 5: Our sports day. Exercise 9. Reorder the words to make the correct sentences 1. your/ Is /in /sports /August /day? . 2. sports /in /day /October/ Our /is. . 3. badminton /like /I /playing. . 4. in /sports /Our /isn’t /June/,/ in /July /day /it’s. . 5. your /When /is /day /sports? . 6. in /and /run /our /We /sports /day /swim. . 7. the /school /My /in /is /mountains. . 8. two /are /playgrounds /There /at /school /big /our. . 9. you /What /play /sports /do? . 10. sports /play /We /in /don’t /our /football /day. . 11. play /you /basketball /sports /in /day /Do /your? . 12. like /Do /running /you? . 13. Is /day /November /your /in /or /December /sports? . pg. 9
  10. Unit 5: Our sports day. Exercise 10. Find the mistakes and rewrite the right sentence. 1. Our sports day is on September. . 2. When are your sports day? . 3. We playing football in our sports day. . 4. Is your sports day in July? No, it is. It’s in April. . 5. Are you play badminton in your sports day? . 6. When do you play in your sports day? We run and play football. . 7. What are your favourite sports? It’s badminton and swimming. . 8. Can you swim? Yes, I can’t. . 9. What sports can you playing? . 10. My brother is play football. . 11. What’s your sister doing? He is riding a bike. . 12. What do you play football? We play football in our school playground. . 13. The girls is running. . pg. 10
  11. Unit 5: Our sports day. Exercise 11. Write is or are 1. My sister ___ flying a kite. 2. The boys ___ playing football. 3. The cat ___ climbing. 4. The birds ___ singing. 5. The girls ___ skipping. 6. The parrot ___ counting. 7. ___ the bird flying? 8. The horse ___ running. 9. The teachers ___ playing badminton . 10. The elephant ___ walking. 11. The monkeys ___ climbing the tree. 12. The zebra ___ running. 13. The students ___ swimming. 14. ___ our teacher playing the guitar? Exercise 12. Choose the odd one out 1. a. England b. American c. Japanese d. Vietnamese 2. a. January b. October c. December d. Thursday 3. a. Good morning b. Goodbye c. Good evening d. Good afternoon 4. a. play b. drink c. sport e d. at 5. a. library b. living room c. classroom d. computer room 6. a. elephant b. rabbit c. bird d. chips 7. a. zoo b. school c. book d. house 8. a. play b. kite c. guitar d. piano 9. a. old b. bid c. new d. playground 10. a. when b. September c. where d. what pg. 11
  12. Unit 5: Our sports day. LISTENING Part 1. Listen and match. There is one example. 1 A 2 B 3 C 4 D 5 E 6 F 7 G 8 H 9 I pg. 12
  13. Unit 5: Our sports day. Part 2. Listen and write. The first one is done for you. 1. My name is David. I’m in class (1) 4C. My school is in the (2) . Our sports day is in (3) . There is a (4) at my school. We play (5) in our sports day at the playground. 2. My name is Molly. I’m in class (1) . My school is in the (2) . There is a big(3) at my school. Our sports day is in (4) . My favourite sport is (5) , but we play (6) and (7) in our sports day. pg. 13