Bài tập Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 (Global Success) - Unit 1: A long and heathy life

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Nội dung text: Bài tập Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 (Global Success) - Unit 1: A long and heathy life

  1. Unit 1: a long and healthy life A- Vocabulary I. Complete the sentences with the words given. muscles diet treatment develop active repetitive life expectancy avoid cut down lifestyle strength fit 1. The instructions give a balanced ___, and protect against infections. 2. You must be very ___ if you do so much running. 3. Regular exercise will help to strengthen your ___. 4. We focus on the importance of ___ participation by elderly people in the life of the community. 5. ___ for both men and women has improved greatly in the past 20 years. 6. Some of the tasks required considerable physical ___. 7. There have been great advances in the ___ of cancer. 8. You can change your eating habits and lead a healthier ___. 9. Computers are now being brought into this career to perform ___ tasks. 10. The doctor told him to ___ on his drinking. 11. Some alcoholics ___ liver cancer when they drink heavily. 12. Pregnant women should ___ certain foods such as raw eggs. II. Complete the sentences with the verbs given in the correct form. fall include ensure treat give up lead help give off work out stay 1. I go jogging every morning and ___ with weights twice a week. 2. Peter has decided to ___ football at the end of this season. 3. My father always ___ a very active life. 4. How do you make this change and ___ a balanced diet? 5. A healthy lifestyle ___ taking exercise and not smoking. 6. The fire doesn’t seem to ___ much heat. 7. One in seven road accidents is caused by drivers ___ asleep at the wheel. 8. Eat right to ___ healthy. 9. It was difficult to ___ patients because of a shortage of medicine. 10. Herbal products can ___ you to relax and sleep well. III. Fill in each blank in the following sentences with the correct word / phrase below. immune system life expectancy ageing workout longevity boosting meditation nutritious 1. ___ takes many forms, but its core is the ability to control the mind and quieten it down. 2. Learning is the most fundamental brain ___ - and the more you do it, the more you’ll benefit. 3. Research for more recent periods shows a surprising and continuing improvement in ___ among those aged 80 or above. 4. Many individuals through the ages realized there was a very important link between health, exercise, fitness, meditation, intelligence and ___. 5. A research suggests that tai chi may also slow down ___ by boosting a certain type of stem cell. 6. Bird’s nest soup brings overall benefit to the ___ and it gives you glowing skin. 7. Widespread gardening provides an opportunity for exercise, sunlight and ___ food for people in Okinawa, Japan. 8. The first step in ___ Nagano's life span was a campaign to reduce salt consumption and promote a healthier diet and lifestyle. IV. Complete the following famous sayings with the words below. cheerfulness nutrition basis fitness cures healthy cleanliness illness disease value
  2. Best Sayings About Health & Nutrition 1. “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man ___, wealthy and wise”, Benjamin Franklin. 2. “Physical ___ is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, but it is also the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity”, John F. Kennedy. 3. “Those who think they have no time for exercise will sooner or later have to find time for ___,” Edward Stanley. 4. “Health is like money, we never have a true idea of its ___ until we lose it,” Josh Billings. 5. “The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with ___,” Thomas Edison. 6. “A good laugh and a long sleep are the best ___ in the doctor’s book,” an Irish proverb. 7. “To ensure good health: eat lightly, breathe deeply, live moderately, cultivate, ___ and maintain an interest in life,” William Londen. 8. “Today, more than 95% of all chronic ___ is caused by food choice, toxic food ingredients, nutritional deficiencies and lack of physical exercise,” Mike Adams. 9. “Water, air and ___ are the chief articles in my pharmacopoeia,” Napoleon I. 10. “By cleansing your body on a regular ___ and eliminating as many toxins as possible from your environment, your body can begin to heal itself, prevent disease, and become stronger and more resilient than you ever dreamed possible!” Dr. Edward. V. Complete the sentences with the words given. disease organisms illness infected vaccine antibiotics bacteria spread food poisoning infectious 1. I’m taking ___ for a throat infection. 2. Clean the wound so it doesn’t get ___. 3. Foot and mouth disease is caused by a highly ___ virus which animals either eat or inhale. 4. All living ___ have to adapt to changes in environmental conditions. 5. There is no ___ against HIV infection. 6. ___ is an illness of the stomach caused by eating food that contains harmful bacteria. 7. She sutlers from a rare ___ of the brain. 8. Doctors say that his ___ isn’t life-threatening. 9. Some ___ help the human body fight disease. 10. Some unhygienic conditions encourage the ___ of disease.  Prepositions VI. Complete each sentence with the correct preposition. 1. They are looking ___ ways to add further value ___ their products. 2. He is receiving treatment ___ cancer. 3. I don’t have any sugar so you’ll have to do ___. 4. You can help prevent heart disease ___ changing your lifestyle. 5. His back injury may prevent him ___ playing in tomorrow’s game. 6. The wood gave ___ a sweet, perfumed smell as it burned. 7. Cut down ___ fatty foods if you want to lose weight. 8. He has changed a lot ___ the past decade. 9. Diseases that were once thought incurable can be treated ___ antibiotics. 10. She suffers ___ a rare bone disease. B- GRAMMAR I. Complete the sentences. Use the past simple in one sentence and the present perfect in the other. 1. a Italy ___ the World Cup in 2006. (win) b He’s happy because Manchester United ___ all their matches this year. (win) 2. a ‘Can you tidy your room?’ - ‘I ___ it this morning.’ (tidy) b ‘Can you tidy your room?’ - ‘I ___ it.’ (tidy) 3. a What time ___ you ___ home last night? (arrive)
  3. b ‘___ Ben ___?’ - ‘Yes, he’s in the living room.’ (arrive) 4. a Come on, let’s eat. Dad ___ dinner. (cook) b Who ___ this food? It’s delicious. (cook) 5. a I ___ lots of interesting people since I arrived. (meet) b ___ you ___ anyone interesting while you were on holiday? (meet) II. Complete the text using the present perfect or the past simple form of the verb in brackets. I 1 ___ (meet) Andy on a diving course when I was seventeen. We 2 ___ (be) together since then and in the last six years we 3 ___ (visit) some awesome places on our holidays. Last month, we 4 ___ (decide) to get married. The wedding 5 ___ (be) great, but exhausting because we were underwater and I 6 ___ (have) a big wedding dress on. Since we got married, we 7 ___ (not have) time to think or relax. These last few weeks 8 ___ (go) very fast. Time flies when you’re in love. III. Complete the text about young adventurers with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Young Adventurers Most people 1 ___ (never visit) the North Pole, but Parker Wilson has. Last year, Parker 2 ___ (ski) 130 km across the Arctic in freezing temperatures. In the same year, he also 3 ___ (start) a Facebook page about climate change. It’s amazing because Parker is only sixteen years old and still 4 ___ (not finish) school - he’s a very young adventurer. 5 ___ you (ever be) to the South Pole? Maybe not, but in 2009, Katie Walter 6 ___ (walk) there and back in twenty days. She was only seventeen years old and she 7 ___ (make) a lot of money for charity. Parker and Katie 8 ___ (achieve) great things, but they are both still teenagers. 9 ___ they (do) too much, too young? Some people think so. Some psychologists say that it’s dangerous for teens to take these risks because their brains 10 ___ (not develop) enough. Katie and Parker probably disagree. What do you think? IV. Complete the text about a veteran’s story with the present perfect or past simple form of the verbs below. Add already, just, or yet if necessary. become give have not be not go not produce raise sail study travel work write A Veteran’s Story Anthony Smith is an old-age pensioner from London. He 1 ___ a life full of adventure. When he was young, he 2 ___ biology at university. After that, he 3 ___ a pilot and also 4 ___ as a science correspondent for a newspaper. He 5 ___ more than thirty books, but he 6 ___ any films. In January 2012, he 7 ___ from the Canary Islands to the Bahamas in the Caribbean. He wanted to prove that old people can still have adventures. He 8 ___ alone. Three other old adventurers joined him. He 9 ___ a lot of money for a charity that provides clean water for people in Africa, Asia and Central America. He 10 ___ through seventy countries, but he 11 ___ to the South Pole. He 12 ___ an interview for our newspaper. You can read it in the next issue. C. READING I. Read the statements. Decide if they are true (T), false (F) or not given (NG). A Healthy Lifestyle Some habits might help people live longer. Researchers think that the key is eating well and being active. Having a healthy diet is important. It’s important to eat a good number of fruits and vegetables. Not all foods are good for you, though. Having too many fruits can still be bad for you. You should also avoid junk foods and sweets. A treat once in a while isn’t bad, but don’t let them become a regular part of your diet. Being active is also important. Sometimes it can be hard to find an activity you like. You don’t have to play a sport like rugby. You can walk or run. You can ride a bike or hike. You can do yoga or dance. It doesn’t matter what activity you do. But it is important to do something. With these small changes, you will live a longer, healthier life!
  4. 1. The passage is about rugby. ___ 2. Eating fruits and vegetables is an important part of a healthy diet. ___ 3. The passage says you should not have junk foods and sweets. ___ 4. Being active is important for living a long life. ___ 5. Sports are the best way to stay physically active. ___ 6. Doing yoga or playing rugby can help ensure a healthy lifestyle. ___ II. Read the text, and do the following tasks. In the past, many people died from bacterial diseases because there was no cure for them. Then antibiotics were discovered. These powerful medicines kill the bacteria that cause specific diseases. As a result, people live longer now than half a century ago. However, today, we’re facing a new health risk - bacteria which is resistant to antibiotics. This is because bacteria grow quickly and adapt in order to survive antibiotics. When you have a check-up at the doctor’s, do you think you should always get a prescription for antibiotics? A lot of people do. However, we mustn’t use antibiotics when it isn’t necessary. If you’ve got a cold or flu, you shouldn’t use antibiotics because these illnesses are caused by viruses. Antibiotics can’t kill viruses. To get over these illnesses, you should rest, take a painkiller and drink a lot of water. You should also stay at home to avoid infecting others. When antibiotics is appropriate, you must always make sure you take the complete course. If not, there might be some bacteria left in your body and it can develop resistance. If we use antibiotics correctly and less often, it will help to stop the spread of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and give scientists time to invent new types of antibiotics. If we don’t change our habits, it will become harder to treat diseases and life expectancy might fall. Task 1. Choose the best main idea of the text. A. Be sensible with antibiotics B. Never take antibiotics again C. Antibiotics - the universal treatment D. Antibiotics always make us better Task 2. Match the words in the text and their meanings. 1. cure ___ A. the piece of paper that a doctor gives you to get medicine 2. diseases ___ B. feel better after being ill 3. prescription ___ C. a series of doses of medicine 4. get over (an illness) ___ D. a treatment that makes you completely better 5. course (of antibiotics) ___ E. types of illnesses with certain symptoms Task 3. Choose the correct answers to complete the summary of the text. Our lives are longer nowadays thanks to 1 ___, but if we aren’t careful, it’ll become 2 ___to kill bacteria. The text advises people to 3 ___ when they’re ill with a cold. Antibiotics 4 ___ the viruses that cause a cold. If the doctor gives you antibiotics, you have to 5 ___. The misuse of antibiotics is going to 6 ___for us in the future. 1. A. diseases B. antibiotics C. bacteria 2. A. easier B. more dangerous C. more difficult 3. A. take antibiotics B. go to their doctor C. stay at home 4. A. don’t affect B. produce C. infect 5. A. stop taking them when you’re better B. take all of them C. take them when you want 6. A. cause problems B. create new antibiotics C. be easier