Bài tập môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 (Global Success) - Unit 1

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  1. REVIEW UNIT 1 GRADE 11 Exercise 1:Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. 1. A. smoked B. called C. photographed D. based 2. A. demanded B. lived C. questioned D. supposed 3. A. sugar B. consume C. muscle D. obesity 4. A. vitamin B. mineral C. diet D. fitness 5. A. medicine B. energy C. exercise D. obesity 6. A. balanced B. yoga C. fatty D. natural 7. A. vegetable B. hygiene C. sugary D. longevity 8. A. naked B. looked C. booked D. hooked 9. A. concerned B. raised C. developed D. maintained 10. A. exactly B. exist C. exhaust D. extinct 11. A. change B. poaching C. chemical D. achievement 12. A. survive B. prohibit C. fertilizer D. environment 13. A. healthy B. mental C. strength D. fitness 14. A. health B. enthusiasm C. strength D. without 15. A. stopped B. stayed C. happened D. changed 16. A. pieces B. muscles C. decades D. labels 17. A. muscle B. suffer C. yoghurt D. instruct 18. A. fresh B. diet C. flesh D. exercise 19. A. yoga B. fatty C. balance D. habit 20. A. ache B. chip C. choose D. cheese Exercise 2:Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. 1. A. forecast B. design C. ignore D. detect 2. A. resident B. occupy C. inhabit D. conference 3. A. ideal B. complete C. alive D. special 4. A. underground B. contrary C. quality D. pollution 5. A. soluble B. emphatic C. excellent D. probable 6. A. discuss B. upgrade C. explain D. decide 7. A. assignment B. attendance C. pollution D. privacy 8. A. sustainable B. optimistic C. pessimistic D. interactive 9. A. impact B. future C. effect D. lightning 10. A. environment B. infrastructure C. inhabitant D. community 11 .A. overcrowded B. renewable C. academic D. optimistic 12. A. habitant B. detector C. harmony D. quality 13. A. infrastructure B. sustainable C. responsible D. renewable 14. A. generate B. understand C. innovate D. maximize 15. A. limitation B. efficiency C. academy D. pedestrian 1. A. nervous B. healthy C. verbal D. polite 2. A. natural B. dangerous C. unhealthy D. regular 3. A. infectious B. essential C. resistant D. properly 4. A. lifestyle B. frequent C. routine D. balance 5. A. device B. treatment C. muscle D. movement 6. A. replace B. proper C. instruct D. routine 7. A. accept B. contain C. return D. treadmill 8. A. regular B. energy C. position D. diagram 9. A. infectious B. attention C. position D. demonstrate 10. A. asleep B. avoid C. formal D. remind 11. A. capture B. discharge C. survive D. exhaust 12. A. nutrient B. vitamin C. mineral D. infection 13. A. expression B. example C. friendliness D. superior 14. A. fertilizer B. development C. environment D. advertisement 15. A. exercise B. prohibit C. operate D. cultivate 16. A. healthy B. problem C. amount D. mental 17. A. acupuncture B. longevity C. environment D. establishment
  2. 18. A. prevent B. injure C. balance D. suffer 19. A. fitness B. disease C. treatment D. headache 20. A. longer B. fatal C. immune D. careful Exercise 3:Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 1. During the COVID ___, residents were advised to stay at home to avoid further spread of the disease. A. pandemic B. complication C. side effects D. enamel 2. There have been great advances in the ___ of cancer. A. treatment B. diet C. celebration D. enthusiasm 3. You can change your eating habits and lead a healthier ___. A. health B. development C. lifestyle D. muscles 4. Computers are now being brought into this career to perform ___ tasks. A. possible B. inactive C. complete D. repetitive 5. The instructions give a balanced ___ and protect against infections. A. physic B. treatment C. diet D. injury 6. You must be very ___ if you do so much running. A. fit B. active C. complete D. infectious 7. Regular exercise will help to strengthen your ___. A. lifestyle B. muscles C. treatment D. development 8. We focus on the importance of ___ participation by elderly people in the life of the community. A. huge B. contagious C. repetitive D. active 9. The doctor told him to ___ on his drinking. A. look at B. cut down C. work out D. suffer from 10. I'm taking ___ for a throat infection. A. antibiotics B. natural remedies C. traditional therapies D. acupressure 11. The screens ___ blued light that can prevent you from sleeping well. A. give away B. give out C. give in D. give off 12. In order to have good ___, you should eat lightly and laugh cheerfully. A. spirit B. body C. health D. mood 13. Some alcoholics ___ liver cancer when they drink heavily. A. contain B. repeat C. develop D. replace 14. Pregnant women should ___ certain foods such as raw eggs. A. eat B. avoid C. promise D. apologize 15. Some ___ help the human body fight disease. A. animals B. species C. bacteria D. diseases 16. Some unhygienic conditions encourage the ___ of disease. A. development B. increase C. decrease D. spread 17. Foot and mouth disease is caused by a highly ___ virus which animals either eat or inhale. A. infect B. infection C. infectious D. infectiously 18. ___ for both men and women has improved greatly in the past 20 years. A. Life work B. Life force C. Life expectancy D. Life skills 19. The poor boy had a serious chest ___ which had spread into his lungs causing a very painful cough. A. sickness B. indisposition C. infection D. indigestion 20. A well- ___ diet is the key to a happy and healthy life. A. balanced B. informed C. preserved D. mannered 21. The patient is ___ treatment, so there is nothing more we can do. A. resisting B. defying C. refusing D. opposing 22. Some of the tasks required considerable physical ___. A. mineral B. energy C. muscle D. strength 23. They are looking ___ ways to add further value to their products. A. about B. up C. for D. to 24. His back injury may prevent him ___ playing in tomorrow's game. A. in B. at C. with D. from 25. Cut down ___ fatty foods if you want to lose weight. A. for B. with C. at D. on 26. Diseases that were once thought incurable can be treated ___ antibiotics A. with B. under C. in D. about
  3. 27. She suffers ___ a rare bone disease.A. with B. on C. from D. for 28. We ___since we left school. A. don’t meet B. haven’t met C. hasn’t met D. didn’t meet 29. Peter has played football ___ he was a child. A. for B. so C. since D. because 30. She ___ two miles and a half, and now she feels exhausted. A. will have run B. was running C. has run D. has been running 31. I haven’t met him again since we ___ school ten years ago. A. have left B. leave C. left D. had left 32. Ba ___ the cap all day yesterday. A. wear B. wears C. weared D. wore 33. This room ___ since I was born. A. has been painted B. was painted C. painted D. has painted 34. Where___ you___ on the Tet holiday last year? A. do - go B. did - gone C. did – go D. did - went 35. I can’t find my eraser. Have you seen it ___? A. never B. before C. recently D. just 36. He can’t come with us because he has ___ broken his leg. A. ever B. never C. yet D. just 37. ___ people used to read more. A. Twenty years before B. Twenty years ago C. For twenty years D. Since twenty years 38. I ___ there once a long time ago and ___ back since. A. was / have not been B. had been / was not C. would be / had not been D. have been / will not be 39. In the past, people ___ to the beach more often. A. have gone B. used to go C. were going D. had gone 40. Where ___Nam from yesterday? A. am B. is C. was D. Were 41. For the past five years, Iceland ___ in the first rank of educational achievement and improvement in women's economic conditions. A. have been B. has been C. has have being D. had been 42. I haven’t applied for this job ___. A. just B. never C. ever D. yet 43. Has Mary listened to the song ___ 2 hours? A. for B. never C. ever D. yet 44. He has gone to the UK for further education since he ___ upper secondary school. A. finished B. is finishing C. will finish D. finish 45. Since my grandfather learnt to use Facebook, he ___ many interesting stories on it. A. had posted B. is posting C. posted D. has posted 46. Our life ___ significantly since the Internet was invented. A. has changed B. had changed C. is changing D. changes 47. Hung used to go swimming during summer months when he ___ young. A. is B. has been C. had been D. was 48. Our village ___ cleaner since some environmental campaigns were launched. A. has become B. had become C. were D. will be 49. The workers of this factory ___ working since the pandemic broke out. A. had stopped B. stopped C. stop D. have stopped 50. Since Lan moved to Paris, I ___ anything from her. A. didn’t hear B. haven’t heard C. don’t hear D. wasn’t hearing 56. She hasn’t met her family ___ a long time. A. since B. for C. in D. from 57. I have ___ drunk all the milk. A. already B. yet C. since D.so far 58. Some students haven’t done their homework ___. A. before B. yet C. so D. since 59. Men’s plateau in earnings ___ after the 1970s, allowing for the increase in women's wages to close the ratio between incomes A. began B. begin C. begun D. has begun 60. I___ the bus yesterday. A. can’t catch B. didn’t catch C. not catch D. weren’t catch
  4. Exercise 4:Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. 1. People can fight infection more effectively if they eat a nutritious diet. A. injection B. disease C. hygiene D. digestion 2. The first step in boosting Nagano’s life span was a campaign to reduce salt consumption and promote a healthier diet and lifestyle. A. decreasing B. reducing C. increasing D. maintaining 3. You should also exercise in the early morning when the weather is not too hot. A. have a rest B. do housework C. do homework D. work out 4. We should do exercise frequently and eat more fruits and vegetables to stay healthy A. regularly B. daily C. rarely D. immediately 5. All living organisms have to adapt to changes in environmental conditions. A. plants B. animals C. creatures D. immediately 6. Research for more recent periods shows a surprising and continuing improvement in life expectancy among those aged 80 or above. A. living standard B. longevity C. life skills D. lifeline 7. Edwin was feeling a little off colour, so he decided to stay in rather than go out for dinner. A. nervous B. ill C. confused D. edited 8. An infectious disease can be passed easily from one person to another, especially through air or water A. serious B. contagious C. mental D. common 9. Lack of sleep can lead to many health problems. We should sleep seven to eight hours a night. A. prevent B. solve C. result from D. cause 10. At school, it was compulsory to attend gym class twice a week in order for the students to get some exercise. A. free of charge B. required C. necessary D. optional Exercise 5: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. 1. That area of the hospital is dangerous and must not be entered by any members of the public or patients without permission. A. vivid B. risky C. dangerous D. secure 2. SARS-CoV-2 is super contagious, and researchers don’t yet know all the reasons why. A. harmless B. infectious C. spreading D. active 3. If you haven't been active, begin slowly but consistently. A. inactive B. impropriate C. inadequate D. indifferent 4. Most of us need to lead more balanced lives to be healthy and happy A. blue B. ill C. down D. upset 5. You risk serious injury or death if you are swimming and lightning strikes. A. trivial B. dreadful C. crucial D. negligible 6. minutes is enough time to use social media because the screens of electronic devices give off blue lights A. release B. absorb C. emit D. discharge 7. After receiving hundreds of job rejections, I decided that I needed to do something about my obesity. A. arrival B. approval C. refusal D. rebuttal 8. Stress may weaken your immune system A. lengthen B. enlarge C. strengthen D. shorten 9. Stretching will relax your muscles and prevent your joints. A. allow B. avoid C. limit D. protest 10. The new drug will be generally available from January. A. in general B. practically C. mostly D. particularly Exercise 6: Choose the correct words. 1. David has been/ was at the beach for hours. I think he's having a great time there. 2. Have your friends bought / Did your friends buy tickets for the concert yesterday? 3. My younger sister has started / started school six months ago. 4. So far this week we've seen / we saw two funny films on TV. 5. I've talked / I talked to my grandparents on the phone last week. 6. What's the noise? Have your neighbours bought/ Did your neighbours buy a new recently'? 7. Have you seen / Did you see Nick this week? 8. We've known/ We knew Ann and Tom for three years. We're really good friends n
  5. Exercise 7: Give the correct forms of the verbs in brackets using simple past or present perfect. 1. I (just / finish) my homework. 2. Mary (already / write) five letters. 3. Tom (move) to this town in 1994. 4. My friend (be) in Canada two years ago. 5. I (not / be) to Canada so far. 6. I (already / travel) have to London a couple of times. 7. Last week, Mary and Paul (go) to the cinema. 8. I can't take any pictures because I (not / buy) a new film yet. 9. (they / spend) their holiday in New Zealand last summer? 10. (you / ever / see) a whale? 11. Last night I (lose) my keys. I had to call my flatmate to let me in. 12. I (lose) my keys. Can you help me look for them? 13. He (live) with his great grandmother for a few years - she died when he was eight. 14. She (be) a teacher for ten years, and she still enjoys it. 15. How many times (she/ go) to the cinema last month? 16. The floor looks dirty. I'm sure you (not clean up) . 17. (you/enjoy) the party last night? 18. My bicycle isn't here. I think someone (just take) it. 19. They (know) each other since they were children. 20. They are the most kind-hearted people he (ever meet) . 21. He was late yesterday because he (be) stuck in the traffic jam. 22. Last year, he (donate) 99% of his fortune to charitable organizations. 23. I (be) a member of this non-profit organization since 1996. 24. Last month I (feel) . happy when I cooked a meal for the elderly at a nursing home. 25. She and her best friends (know) each other for over fifteen years. They still get together once a week. Exercise 8: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions. 1. I have sent an email to Jack last week, but he hasn't replied. A B C D 2. I feel at home in this village because we lived here for six years now. A B C D 3. You can help prevent heart disease from changing your lifestyle. A B C D 4. I'm a big football fan, but I have been never the stadium. A B C D 5. He is receiving treatment in cancer. A B C D 6. We need some cholesterols to help our skin, brain, and other organs grow, but too much of it can cause A B C D health problems. 7. People who eat lots of red meat are at risk of develop heart diseases. A B C D 8. Your body may not be able to fights infections naturally if your immune system is weakened. A B C D 9. I told him that if I drank coffee before bedtime, I can't sleep. A B C D 10. Dr Lam said that we'd boost our immune system if we have a healthy lifestyle. A B C D Exercise 9: Circle A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct response to each of the following exchanges. 1. "Do you want me to help you with those suitcases?" - “___” A. Of course, not for me. B. No, I can't help you now. C. No, those are mine. D. No, I can manage them myself. 2. "Let me drive you home." - “___” A. No problem. B. Don't worry. I'm all right.
  6. C. I usually drive home at five. D. It's me. 3. Would you mind sending those flowers to Mr. Brown?" - “___” A. Sure, I'll do it now. B. I would if I were you. C. He wouldn't mind. D. No, I can handle it myself 4. "Do you need any help?" - “___” " A. No, thanks. I'm too weak to lift this box. B. No, thanks. I'm strong enough to lift this box. C. Yes, thanks. I'm too strong to lift this box. D. Yes, thanks. I'm weak enough to lift this box. 5. "Would you like me to get you a taxi?" - “___” A. Well. Let's see. B. Yes, please, if it does not bother. C. Yes, I see. D. That would be delightful. Thanks. 6. "Do you want me to turn up the heater?" - “___” A. It's my pleasure. B. No, go right ahead. C. No, it's quite warm here. D. Thanks. I'll be right back. 7. "Let me give you a lift home." - “___” A. Don't mention it. B. I like lifts. C. If you don't mind. D. You're very welcome. 8. "Can I carry these suitcases into the room for you?" - “___” A. You can't, I think! B. No, you can't. C. Yes, you can. D. Can you? That's very kind. 9. "Shall I wait for you?" - “___” A. Why ask such a question? B. No need to ask. C. No, don't bother. D. No, of course. 10. "Would you like me to send this package for you?" - “___” A. That would be nice. Any problems? B. Yes, please, if you don't mind. C. I’m sorry, but here you are. D. No, thanks. I'm really busy. Exercise 10: Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first one. 1. The company last won a trophy 20 years ago.  The company hasn't 2. The club has been successful for three years.  The club started . 3. The team last won a home game in September.  The team hasn't 4. Peter hasn't scored a goal for 2 months.  Peter last 5. The club started to play in this stadium in 2010.  The club has 6. She started to be the marketing manager 4 months ago.  She has 7. Thành last visited a centre for children with cognitive impairments two weeks ago.  Thành hasn't 8. Mr. Thanh started teaching English in Ho Chi Minh City in 2018.  Mr. Thanh has 9. The last time he met me was 5 months ago.  He hasn’t 10. I haven’t gone to work for a month.  The last 11. I haven’t talked to him for 5 days.  It is . 12. We last celebrated Christmas 2 years ago.  We . 13. Linda hasn’t had her teeth checked since last year.  The last . 14. I haven’t been to the zoo for over the year.  The last time .