Ôn tự luận thi giữa kỳ 1 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 (Friends Global)

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Nội dung text: Ôn tự luận thi giữa kỳ 1 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 (Friends Global)

  1. ÔN TỰ LUẬN THI GIỮA KỲ 1 Use the word given to FORM A WORD that fits in the gap of each sentence: 1. People with hobbies may be less likely to experience stress, low mood, and ___. (DEPRESSED) 2. Studies have also shown that individuals that regularly take time off for their hobbies are less likely to feel low or ___. (DEPRESS) 3. Activities that get you out and about can make you feel happier and more ___. (RELAXATION) 4. Like the rest of the world, the ___of streaming services like Netflix means that everyone has access to the latest releases. (POPULAR) 5. Adolescence is the ___ yet stressful time when your child transitions into adulthood. (EXCITEMENT) 6. It would take years of practice and ___ to achieve the correct lines, shapes, and space associated with traditional Japanese calligraphy. (DEDICATE) 7. I wanted to live ___, but until I had saved up enough money. (DEPENDENT) 8. Adolescence is the time when your child becomes more ___ and begins to explore their identity. (DEPEND) 9. I need someone___ to look after the children while I'm at work. (DEPEND) 10. We get on well and I thought we were ___ suited to one another. (IDEAL) 11. The hormones cause your child’s body to ___ change and their sexual organs to mature. (PHYSICAL) 12. The process of emotional development will give your child the opportunity to build their skills and discover their unique ___. (QUALIFY) 13. Leisure activities have wide-ranging ___ for physical and mental health. (BENEFICIAL) 14. Sometimes I get a bit ___ when I have to explain to people. (EMBARRASS) 15. I ___ admit that I was truly scared when I first encountered a US toilet. (EMBARRASS) 16. He was slightly ___ by her forgetfulness. (IRRITATION) 17. The success of this experiment ___ relies on optimal weather. (CRITIC) 18. She has a talent for ___ thinking. (CRITICISM) 19. Why are they always ___? (ARGUMENT) 20. They made a compelling ___ for our participation. (ARGUE) 21. ___ with peers and siblings is a natural part of childhood development. (ARGUMENT) 22. An ___ lifestyle has negative effects on your health. (HEALTH) 23. A healthy lifestyle helps you gain or ___ good physical and mental health. (MAINTENANCE) 24. Different life ___help you grow and learn. (EXPERIENCE) 25. My routine is ___ enough so that I don't get bored. (VARY) 26. She said nothing, barely nodding in response to the ___ greetings. (VARIETY) 27. The poverty of his childhood played a ___ role in his adult life. (DECISION) 28. Harrison had greeted me ___, clearly unhappy at my presence. (ENTHUSIASM) 29. Some children at the show were shouting and behaving ___. (APPROPRIATE) 30. Those who are treated ___ or impatiently in shops simply disregard this behavior. (POLITE) 31. It would be ___ of me not to advise my company to abandon this project. (RESPONSIBLE) 32. Behaviors such as lying, stealing, cheating and breaking promises are all examples of being ___. (HONESTY) 33. I was always getting in trouble for ___ at school. (BEHAVE) 34. The teacher went through the instructions again to clear up any ___. (UNDERSTAND) 35. He was ___ and totally inexperienced. (QUALIFY) 36. Her son is always mischievous and ___, which annoys her very much. (OBEY) 37. I give my personal apology to the victims and their families for this ___ and shameful behavior. (RESPECT) 38. His men acted ___ and betrayed him in the end. (LOYALTY) 1
  2. ÔN TỰ LUẬN THI GIỮA KỲ 1 KEY WORD TRANSFORMATION You must use between TWO and FIVE words, including the word given. 39. His usual habit is going jogging at 5am. (ALWAYS) →He ___at 5am. 40. She has a habit of having dinner with her family every Friday evening. (USUALLY) →She ___ with her family every Friday evening. 41. How long ago did you play basketball? (SINCE) →How long ___ basketball? 42. She finds it uneasy to talk to strangers. (USED) →She is ___ to strangers.→ 43. Tim no longer takes me out for dinner on weekends. (USED) →Tim ___ me out for dinner on weekends. 44. My sister likes following the latest fashions. (KEEP) →My sister likes ___ ___ the latest fashions. 45. Let’s check it in the phone directory. (UP) → Let’s ___. 46. Who do you admire most? (LOOK) →Who do you ___? 47. He finds it difficult to blend in a new environment. (FITTING) →He is not used ___ a new environment. 48. It's been months since I last spoke with Paul. CONTACT →I haven't ___ months. 49. He has never felt so angry before. EVER →It’s ___ angry. 50. She was going to hand in her notice when the boss decided to promote her. POINT →She was ___in her notice when the boss decided to promote her. 51. It is certain that he will compensate you for the damage he has done. MAKE →He is bound to ___ for the damage he has done. 52. Jeremy joined the cricket club a year ago. MEMBER →Jeremy ___ of the cricket club for a year. 53. I met Emily during my stay in New York last summer. (WHILE) →I met Emily ___ in N.Y last summer. 54. How long is it since they went to Maldives? (DID) →___ they go to Maldives. 55. I am sure he will turn up here. (BOUND) →He ___here. 2