Đề thi chọn học sinh giỏi cấp tỉnh môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 - Sở Giáo dục và Đào tạo Lai Châu

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Nội dung text: Đề thi chọn học sinh giỏi cấp tỉnh môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 - Sở Giáo dục và Đào tạo Lai Châu

  1. UBND TỈNH LAI CHÂU KỲ THI CHỌN HỌC SINH GIỎI CẤP TỈNH SỞ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO NĂM HỌC 20 -20 ĐỀ SỐ 01 Môn thi: Tiếng Anh LỚP 11 (Đề thi gồm 07 trang) Thời gian: 180 phút (không kể thời gian phát đề) Ngày thi: / /20 PART I: PHONETICS Question 1. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others and write your answers on your answer sheet. (1.0 point) 1. A. obey B. oxygen C. operation D. opera 2. A. mortgage0) B. dosageC. massageD. luggage 3. A. fathom B. featherC. anthemD. within 4. A. negotiation B. enlargeC. invent D. think 5. A. agree B. deepen C. committee D. refugee Question 2. Choose the word that has stress pattern from the others in the group and write your answers on your answer sheet (1.0 point) 1. A. cancel B. invent C. enlarge D. reverse 2. A. skyline B. balloon C. playground D. lifestyle 3. A. refugeeB. ambitiousC. understand D. comprehend 4. A. organize B. consider C. recycle D. imagine 5. A. assassinate B. international C. preferential D. differentiate PART II: LEXICO – GRAMMAR Question 3. Choose the best option A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. (2.0 points) 1. She wasn't feeling very well; otherwise, she ___ the meeting so early. A. wouldn’t leave B. didn’t leave C. wouldn’t have left D. hadn’t left 2. ___ to the national park before, Sue was amazed to see the geyser. A. Being not B. Not having been C. Have not been D. Having not been 3. He always did well at school ___ having his early education disrupted by illness. A. on account ofB. in spite of C. in addition toD. even though 4. The material world greatly influences ___ young people ___ old people. A. x/ more than B. far more/ than C. x/ greater thanD. as/ as 5. Here's a photo of the apartment ___ we stayed in when we were in Beijing. A. where B. what C. why D. which 6. If I were in your shoes, ___. A. I will say sony to them B. they would buy them for me Page 1/7
  2. C. I would apologize to them D. they can have them 7. The people in my village cannot earn money for their daily life. They can't ___ this traditional craft. They have to find other jobs. A. help out B. live on C. work on D. set up 8. They're having serious problems. Their relationship is on the ___. A. cliffs B. rocks C. stones D. grass Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best completes each of the following exchanges. 9. Justin and Lisa are talking about volunteering. - Justin: “I think students should do some voluntary work to better their community.” - Lisa: “___. It helps them become more active and understanding.” A. It's very kind of you to say so B. It doesn't matter at all C. I couldn't agree more D. I'm sorry to hear that 10. Jennifer is in a clothes shop. - Cashier: “Keep your receipt and show it to us if you want to exchange any of these items.” - Jennifer: “___” A. OK, I won't use it. B. Thanks. I'll put it in a safe place. C. You're welcome. See you. D. Thank you. I'll keep it for you. Question 4. Write the correct form of each bracketed word on your answer sheet. (2.0 points) 1. A UN force has been sent in to try and ___ the area worst affected by the civil war. (PEACE) 2. During puberty, my children showed increasing signs of mental ___, which raised lots of concern for their parents. (STABLE) 3. In fact, those who practice meditation with any ___ see their doctors less and spend, on average, seventy percent fewer days in the hospital. (REGULAR) 4. There’s been yet another___ of cholera in Delhi. (BREAK) 5. Sarah stood there completely ___, so I had no idea at all what she was thinking. (EXPRESS) 6. The upper layers of Earth’s oceans have cooled ___ over the past two years, even though the planet as a whole is warming up. (SIGNIFY) 7. This soft drink has a very fruity flavor to it and a ___ after-taste. I really like it. (PLEASE) 8. ___ as it may seem, mammoths were alive only five thousand years ago. (CREDIT) 9. The judge was forced to acquit, saying the evidence was wholly ___. (CONCLUDE) 10. Can you think of one ___ reason why I should give you your job back? (SOLITUDE) Page 2/7
  3. Question 5. Each sentence below contains ONE error. Find and correct it and write your answers on your answer sheet. (2.0 points) 1. Gone through the folders one by one, we were able to find the missing invoice in the storage drawer. 2. There are many different ways of comparing the economy of one nation with those of another. 3. He promised he come on time but he forgot about the heavy traffic at that time of the morning. 4. Above 80 percent of the laborers at the construction site are temporary workers. 5. It was Vitus Bering, the Danish sea captain, who discovered Alaska on its voyage to Russia in 1741. 6. There is not equivalent to this word in any other language. 7. I am afraid that your sales performance has fallen shortly of expectations. 8. Bats use echoes of their own high-frequency sounds to detect food and avoiding obstacles. 9. Individuals with chronic liver disease is gravely at risk for premature death, heart seizures, strokes as well as hypertension, jaundice, and malnutrition. 10. He was so careless that he leftthe work half doing and went to the cinema. Question 6: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions and write your answers on your answer sheet. (1.0 point) 1. We spent the entire day looking for a new house A. all long day B. day after day C. all day long D. the long day 2. She faces the dilemma of disobeying her father or losing the man she loves. A. quandary B. quarantine C. quantity D. quantum 3. The atomic bomb annihilated the whole city, so nothing was left standing. A. derangedB. metamorphosedC. devastatedD. constructed 4. Maria will take charge of the advertising for the play. A. spend time B. be responsible for C. account for D. spend money 5. Despite the traffic hold-ups, we were able to arrive at the airport in the nick of time just before the check-in counter closed. A. with all our luggage B. in a terrible condition C. at the very last moment D. with much time to spare Question 7: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions and write your answers on your answer sheet. (1.0 point) Page 3/7
  4. 1. About 95 percent of all animals are invertebrates which can live anywhere, but most, like the starfish and crabs, live in the ocean. A. with backbones B. with ribs C. without ribs D. without backbones 2. After five days on trial, the court found him innocent of the crime and he was released. A. innovative B. benevolent C. culpableD. ingenuous 3. Love is supposed to follow marriage, not precede it. A. come after B. take out C. happen D. find out 4. There is an increase in the prevalence of electronic books as more people are turning to digitalised reading materials. A. scarcity B. deficiency C. popularity D. intensity 5. He is over the moon about his examination result. A. perturbedB. melancholic C. exhilaratedD. complacent PART III: READING Question 8. Read the passage and think of the word which best fists each gap. Use only ONE word in each gap. Write your answers on your answer sheet. (2.0 points) THE WAYS WE HAVE CHANGED It is hard for almost everyone, but especially the young, to imagine a world without television. We have (1) ___ to expect that all the important news of the day, worldwide, will be there (2) ___ the touch of a button. In times gone by, (3) ___ the literate knew what was going on in the world, and then only after a long delay. But now it is possible for any of us to watch world events as they occur. (4) ___ has shortened the distance that divides our private lives from the outside world to (5) ___ an extent as television. Time and (6) ___, television transports us to the habitats of rare animals, and we may identify with them. Concern for damage to the environment extends far and (7) ___. We worry about the influence of technology not just in our cities but on us as people. Increasingly, we see (8) ___ as part of the planet rather than in isolation. (9) ___ was once the prerogative of scholars is now accessible to countless people through the medium of television (10) ___ this form of popular education can be regarded as superficial, it represents a broadening of knowledge. Question 9. Read the following passage and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. Write your answer on your answer sheet. (2.0 points) SMART DOG! Dogs are probably much clever than (1) ___ people think, scientists say. They are (2) ___ that dogs can count and that the animals try to (3) ___ different messages through the pitch and pace of their barks. Animal behaviourists used to think their bark was simply a way of (4) ___ attention. Now a new study suggests that individual dogs have Page 4/7
  5. (5) ___ barks with a range of meanings. For example, dogs usually use high-pitched single barks when they are (6) ___ from their owners and a lower, harsher super-bark when strangers (7) ___ towards them or the doorbell rings. Dogs also know when they are receiving fewer treats because they have a basic mathematical ability that (8) ___ them to tell when one pile of objects is bigger than another. But to count, an animal has to recognize that each object in a set (9) ___ to a single number and that the last number in a (10) ___ represents the total number of objects. 1. A. mostly B. most of C. almost D. most 2. A. converted B. persuaded C. determined D. convinced 3. A. transfer B. convey C. bear D. suggest 4. A. paying B. attracting C. causing D. devoting 5. A. specific B. exact C. detailed D. specialized 6. A. split B. detached C. separated D. divided 7. A. approach B. appear C. draw D. move 8. A. assists B. facilitates C. enables D. informs 9. A. corresponds B. ties C. fits D. complements 10. A. sequence B. system C. progression D. succession Question 10. Read the passage and choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) according to the text. (2.0 points) Continents and ocean basins represent the largest identifiable bodies on Earth. On the solid portions of the planet, the second most prominent features are flat plains, elevated plateaus, and large mountain ranges. In geography, the term "continent" refers to the surface of continuous landmasses that together comprise about 29.2% of the planet's surface. On the other hand, another definition is prevalent in the general use of the term that deals with extensive mainlands, such as Europe or Asia, that actually represent one very large landmass. Although all continents are bounded by water bodies or high mountain ranges, isolated mainlands, such as Greenland and India-Pakistan areas are called subcontinents. In some circles, the distinction between continents and large islands lies almost exclusively in the size of a particular landmass. The analysis of compression and tension in the earth's crust has determined that continental structures are composed of layers that underlie continental shelves. A great deal of disagreement among geologists surrounds the issue of exactly how many layers underlie each landmass because of their distinctive mineral and chemical composition. It is also quite possible that the ocean floor rests on the top of unknown continents that have not yet been explored. The continental crust is believed to have been formed by means of a chemical reaction when, lighter materials separated from heavier ones, thus settling at various levels within the crust. Assisted by the measurements of the specifics within crust formations by means of monitoring earthquakes, geologists can speculate that a chemical Page 5/7
  6. split occurred to form the atmosphere, sea water, and the crust before it solidified many centuries ago. Although each continent has its special features, all consist of various combinations of components that include shields, mountain belts, intracratonic basins, margins, volcanic plateaus, and blockvaulted belts. The basic differences among continents lie in the proportion and the composition of these features relative to the continent size. Climatic zones have a crucial effect on the weathering and formation of the surface features, soil erosion, soil deposition, land formation, vegetation, and human activities. Mountain belts are elongated narrow zones that have a characteristic folded sedimentary organization of layers. They are typically produced during substantial crustal movements, which generate faulting and mountain building. When continental margins collide, the rise of a marginal edge leads to the formation of large mountain ranges, as explained by the plate tectonic theory. This process also accounts for the occurrence of mountain belts in ocean basins and produces evidence for the ongoing continental plate evolution. 1. What does this passage mainly discuss? A. Continental drift and division B. Various definitions of the term "continent" C. Continental structure and crust D. Scientific analyses of continental crusts 2. According to the passage, how do scientists define continents? A. As masses of land without divisions B. As extensive bodies of land C. As the largest identifiable features D. As surficial compositions and ranges 3. In the first paragraph, the word "bounded" is closest in meaning to ___. A. covered B. convened C. delimited D. dominated 4. The author of the passage implies that the disagreement among scientists is based on the fact that ___. A. each continent has several planes and shelves B. continents have various underlying layers of crust C. continents undergo compression and experience tension D. continents have different chemical makeup 5. The word "specifics" in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to ___. A. specialties B. speculations C. exact details D. precise movements 6. The word "it" in paragraph 2 refers to ___. A. sea water B. the atmosphere C. the crust D. a chemical split 7. The author of the passage implies that ___. A. it is not known exactly how the continental crust was formed B. geologists have neglected the exploration of the ocean floor C. scientists have concentrated on monitoring earthquakes. D. the earth's atmosphere split into water and solids 8. According to the passage, what are the differences in the structure of continents? A. The proportional size of continents to one another B. Ratios of major components and their comparative size Page 6/7
  7. C. The distinctive features of their elements D. Climatic zones and their effect on the surface features 9. In the last paragraph, the phrase "This process" refers to ___. A. continental collision B. mountain ranges C. the rise of margins D. plate tectonic theory 10. The author of the passage implies that ___. A. the process of mountain formation has not been accounted for B. mountain ranges on the ocean floor lead to surface mountain building C. faulting and continental margins are parts of plate edges D. the process of continent formation has not been completed PART IV: WRITING Question 11. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence using the word given. DO NOT CHANGE THE WORD GIVEN. (2.0 points) 1. Everyone was surprised that the singer had very little money when he died. -> That ___ 2. I don’t really like her even though I admire her achievement. -> Much ___ 3. When they told the Minister about the strike, he was very angry. -> On ___ 4. The patient recovered more rapidly than expected. -> The patient ___ 5. The world would be much better if all environmental pollution stopped today. -> Were ___ 6. He suddenly thought that he might have misunderstood her. -> It crossed ___ 7. You must concentrate on your study more. -> You must apply ___ 8. If you don’t pay on time, your booking will be cancelled. -> Failure ___ Question 12. (2.0 points) Write an essay of about 180-200 words on the following topic: It is the responsibility of schools to teach children good behaviour in addition to providing formal education. Do you agree or disagree? ___THE END___ - Thí sinh không được sử dụng tài liệu. - Giám thị coi thi không giải thích gì thêm. Page 7/7