Đề ôn tập Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 (Global Success) - Unit 2: The generation gap

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  1. UNIT 2: THE GENERATION GAP (khoảng cách giữa các thế hệ) A. VOCABULARY, GRAMMAR 1. Vocabulary generate (v) = production (n) sản xuất generation (n) thế hệ gap khoảng cách gender gap khoảng cách về giới generation gap khoảng cách về thế hệ wage gap khoảng cách giữa mức lương = pay gap bride the gap thu hẹp khoảng cách = close the gap believe (v) niềm tin belief (n) different from (adj) khác biệt difference in giữa = between make a difference to tạo ra sự khác biệt behave (v) cư xử misbehave (v) cư xử không tốt behaviour (n) cách cư xử well – behaved (adj) cư xử tốt nuclear family gia đình hạt nhân extended family gia đình mở rộng (nhiều thế hệ) argue with tranh cãi, tranh luận với traditional view quan điểm truyền thống gender role vai trò về giới follow one’s drean theo đuổi giấc mơ của một người = realize one’s dream = fullfil one’s dream follow in one’s footstep nối nghiệp ai express one’s opinion bày tỏ ý kiến discuss (v) discussion (n) thảo luận respect kính trọng, tôn trọng show respect for look up to sb respective (adj) tương ứng respecting (pre.p) = regarding xét về khía cạnh regardless of không xét đến = inrespective of live on sống nhờ live up to đạt được = come up to
  2. consist of bao gồm = comprise of = be made up of = compose of common characteristics đặc điểm chung conflict mâu thuẫn = be in conflict with sb = come into/ get into conflict with cultural value giá trị văn hoá influence on ảnh hưởng = affect = impact on treat đối xử treat sth with sth xử lý hoá chất deal with xử lí = handle social and economical condition tình hình kinh tế - xã hội Curious ham hiểu biết, tò mò Honesty Tính trung thực in all honesty Thành thật mà nói Attitude Thái độ View = point of view = viewpoint= perspective Quan điểm Multi-generational Đa thế hệ, nhiều thế hệ Open-minded cởi mở Individualism chủ nghĩa cá nhân Mature = old enough trưởng thành, chín chắn Impose (on sb) áp đặt cái gì vào ai Elegant thanh lịch Flashy hào nhoáng Influence =impact =affect gây ảnh hưởng 2. Grammar: Modal Verbs: Must vs. Have to, Should. * Must và have to Dạng khẳng định ➢ Must: Diễn tả sự cần thiết hay bắt buộc mang tính chủ quan (do người nói quyết định) S+ must + V Ví dụ: I must finish the exercises. (Tôi phải hoàn thành bài tập.) Tình huống: I’m going to have a party. (Tôi có ý định đi dự tiệc.) ➢ Have to: Diễn tả ý bắt buộc mang tính khách quan (do luật lệ, quy tắc hay người khác quyết định) S+ have to/ has to/ had to/ + V Ví dụ: I have to finish the exercises. (Tôi phải hoàn thành bài tập.) Tình huống: Tomorrow is the deadline. (Ngày mai là hạn cuối.) Dạng phủ định ➢ Must not: Diễn tả ý cấm đoán S+ must not (mustn't) + V Ví dụ: You must not eat that. (Bạn không được phép ăn cái đó.) Tình huống: It's already stale. (Nó đã bị thiu rồi.) ➢ Not have to: Diễn tả ý không cần phải làm gì
  3. S+ do not (don't)/ does not (doesn't) did not (didn't)/ will not (won't)/ + have to + V Ví dụ: You do not have to eat that. (Bạn không cần phải ăn thứ đó.) Tình huống: I can see you dislike that. (Mình có thể thấy rằng bạn không thích nó.) * Should 1. Chúng ta dùng should để đưa ra lời đề nghị về một việc nên làm nhất trong trường hợp nào đó thay vì việc khác. (Dùng cho lời khuyến mang tính chủ quan, thể hiện quan điểm cá nhân của người nói) Ví dụ: You shouldn’t close the door that hard (Bạn không nên đóng cửa mạnh như thế). 2. Dạng phủ định: shouldn’t (should not) để nói về việc không nên làm B. EXERCISES I. PHONECTICS Part 1: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of the primary stress in each of the following questions. 1. A. influence B. attitude C. counselor D. decision 2. A. donate B. compare C. campaign D. limit 3. A. experience B. mobility C. independence D. priorities 4. A. generational B. interpersonal C. discriminative D. educational 5. A. protection B. charity C. impairment D. infection Part 2: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. 1. A. focus B. openC. choreD. impose 2. A. manners B. conflictsC. objectsD. viewpoints 3. A. restricted B. obligedC. respectedD. beloved 4. A. cooks B. loves C. joins D. spends 5. A. teacher B. children C. chore D. school II. VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR Part 4: Choose the best answer. 1. I live in a/an ___ with my parents and my elder sister in the coastal area. A. extended familyB. nuclear familyC. extended houseD. nuclear house 2. One advantage of living in a/an ___ is to strengthen relationship between young children and adults. A. nuclear familyB. nuclear houseC. extended familyD. extended house 3. In my opinion, family members are responsible for ___. A. the housework B. the choresC. homeworkD. A and B 4. My grandpa is the most conservative person in my family. He never ___ about way of life. A. gives his opinionB. changes his mindC. gives his viewD. keeps in mind 5. After graduating from university, I want to ___ my father's footsteps. A. follow inB. succeed inC. go afterD. keep up 6. Four generations living in the same roof will have different ___ of lifestyle. A. gaps B. rulesC. manners D. viewpoints 7. Luckily, my parents are always willing to listen to my new ideas. They're very ___. A. narrow-mindedB. open-minded C. elegantD. careful 8. Anna often dresses ___ when going to the parties in order to attract her friends' attention. A. plainly B. properly C. flashily D. soberly 9. Generation ___ is the difference in the thoughts and viewpoints amongst generations living together. A. distance B. gapC. space. D. All are correct 10. All students ___ wear uniforms at school because it is a rule. A. shouldB. have to C. mustn’t D. must 11. The ___ arises when Jack and his parents have considerable disagreement on his choice of university. A. discriminationB. conflict C. agreementD. gap 12. My father used to ___ a lot of challenges before establishing his own insurance company. A. provide B. enjoyC. giveD. face 13. I wish I could do something to reduce financial ___ on my parents.
  4. A. capital B. burdenC. limit D. gap 14. The children ___ spend too much time playing computer games. A. mustn't B. must C . shouldn't D. should 15. It is impossible to avoid daily ___ when you live with your extended family. A. viewsB. attitudes C. characteristicsD. argument 16. My parents are always open to different views. I ___ agree with their opinions. A. must B. have to C. don’t have to D. mustn’t 17. In the peak season, travellers ___ book their accommodation in advance. A. have to B. mustC. should D. ought 18. Jenny’s engagement ring is enormous! It ___ have cost a fortune. A. must B. might C. will D. should 19. In a(n) ___ family consiting of 3 generations: my grandparents, my parents, my sister, and I. A. nuclearB. extendedC. small D. childless 20. In some cultures, women don’t get an education. They ___ stay at home and do all the household chores. A. shouldn’t B. don’t have toC. should D. have to 21. I live in a/an ___ with my parents and my elder sister in the coastal area. A. extended familyB. nuclear familyC. extended house D. nuclear house 22. One advantage of living in a/an ___ is to strengthen relationship between young children and adults. A. nuclear familyB. nuclear houseC. extended familyD. extended house 23. Different people may have different ___ toward clothing because there’re no global standards. A. ways B. attitudesC. thinking D. behaviours Part 5: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSET in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. 1. I discuss with my parents the generation gap. A. mention B. argueC. dispute D. swear 2. We all have cutural value, and they can ìnluence the way we treat other people. A. harm B. offense C. disqualification D. impact 3. My family has a conflict about male jobs and gender roles. A. come into B. get on wellC. scoldings D. understand each other 4. Asian American families often try to force their children to follow their native country’s cultural values, such as the importance of family, respect for the elders and the community. A. rudeB. obey C. look up to D. corrupt 5. I'm mature enough to understand the difference between generations. A. wet behind the earsB. old enoughC. flimsy D. frivolity Part 6: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. 1. If you live in an extended family, you'll have great joy and get support of other members. A.large familyB. traditional family C. nuclear familyD. close family 2. Jane found herself in conflict with her parents over her future career. A. harmonyB. disagreement C. fightingD. controversy 3. We greatly respect my teacher for all of the best things that she brought to us. A. look up to B. look forwards C. look for D. look down on 4. I have the freedom to choose a job because my parents have many views on career and I don’t have to follow their footstep. A. restraint B. multi-choice C. not out of compulsionD. indepentdent 5. Our mother encourages us to be open-minded about new opinions and experiences A. close-knit B. narrow-mindedC. optimisticD. elegant Part 7: Complete the sentences, using the word(s) in the box, there are 2 extra. stressed behave fun safe easier
  5. encouragement skills closer precious values The benefits of family management also include: - bringing family members ___ together - making it ___ for grown-ups and children to talk - making everyone more organised and less ___ - making the most of ___ time and finances - helping adults deal with the way childrean ___ - providing a way of passing on your family ___ - helping children develop important social ___ for life - helping your fmily find moẻ time to have ___ together. Part 8: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions. 1. I will leave the party early because I must studying for my exam. A B C D 2. I stayed up late last night because I mustn't go to school on Sunday. A B C D 3. We ought to not play football as it's raining outside. A B C D 4. You mustn't to drive a car if you don't have a driving licence. A B C D 5. If you want some useful advice, you have better talk to your parents about your problem. A B C D 6. I had stay at home 3 days due to snowing heavily. A B C D 7. Because of his poverty, he has to struggling to make ends meet. A B C D 8. According to the rules of this game, you had better not drop the ball. A B C D 9. If you want to get a higher mark in the next test, you have better put more effort into vocabulary. A B C D 10. We shouldn't make an appointment with this doctor. You can see him whenever you want. A B C D III. SPEAKING Part 9: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct response to each of the following exchanges. 1. Would you mind if I opened the windows? It's too stuffy in here. A. Yes, of course. B. No, please do. C. I think it is OK.D. You look so tired. 2. Could you show me how to get to the nearest train station from here? A. I'm not certain but it's maybe at the end of the street. B. I totally agree with you. C. Sorry, I never know you. D. I'm busy. now. 3. From my point of view, all family members should share the chores equally. A. It's a breathtaking view. B. You lied to me. C. But you're right. D. There's no doubt about it. 4. I've been awarded a scholarship to Harvard University. A. Just kidding!B. It's up to you. C. Good job! D. Same to you. Thanks! 5. Don't forget to finish your homework before class. A. I'll do it later. B. Not much.
  6. C. It's quite difficult. D. Thank you for reminding me. 6. Thanks a lot for helping me fix the car yesterday. A. I'd love to.B. You're welcome. C. Of course not.D. I like it. 7. I've seen John at the workshop on communication skills. A. I see. I'll call him. B. The workshop was very useful. C. That can't be John because he's in Paris now. D. No, I don't think so. 8. How do I sign up for the psychology course? A. You need to fill in the online application form first. B. It's not yours. C. The course was full. D. Your deadline is May 15. 9. What's about going to the waterpark? A. That's a good idea. B. That's right. C. Of course!D. I'm sorry I can't. 10. Hi, I'd like to buy three tickets for the Lost in Fear. A. How many tickets?B. I'm sorry. They were sold out. C. We don't like this film. D. You should see other interesting films. IV. READING Part 10: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. Stella McCartney was born in 1972, the daughter of pop star Sir Paul McCartney. She is the youngest of three sisters. One sister is a potter and the other sister does the same job as their mother used to do - she works as a photographer. Stella's brother, James, is a musician. Stella first hit the newspaper headlines in 1995 when she graduated in fashion design from art college. At her final show, her clothes were modeled by her friends, Naomi Campbell and Kate Moss, both well-known models. Unsurprisingly, the student show became front-page news around the world. Stella hadn't been in the news before as a fashion designer but she had spent time working in the fashion world since she was fifteen. In March 1997, Stella went to work for the fashion house Chloe. People said the famous fashion house had given her the job because of her surname and her famous parents but Stella soon showed how good she was. She designs clothes which she would like to wear herself, although she's not a model, and many famous models and actors choose to wear them. In 2001 Stella started her own fashion house and has since opened stores around the world and won many prizes. A lifelong vegetarian, McCartney does not use any leather or fur in her design. Instead, she uses silk, wool and other animal-derived fabrics. 1. Which of the following is NOT true about Stella's family? A. She has three sisters. B. One of her sisters is a photographer. C. She is the youngest.D. Her father is a famous singer. 2. Stella, Naomi Campbell and Kate Moss ___. A. met for the first time at her fashion show B. are very famous fashion models C. had been friends before 1995D. all performed at the final show in 1995 3. Which of the following is TRUE about the show? A. Everyone was surprised when Stella's show was successful. B. The models performed clothes designed by Stella. C. The show was the last show of Stella. D. There was no one famous appearing in the show. 4. Stella thinks about the kinds of clothes that ___. A. famous people like to wear B. she likes to wear C. well-known models perform beautifullyD. bring her prizes 5. The word “lifelong” in the passage is closest in meaning to ___. A. permanent B. inconstant C. temporary D. changing Part 11: Read the text the generation gap and answer the questions. THE GENERATION GAP IS DISAPPEARING Despite complaints about the widening generation gap in modern society, in an increasing number of households the generation gap is shrinking or disappearing thanks to changes in parents' attitudes and
  7. behaviour. Parents also want to be closer to their teenage children. A lot of parents have changed their approach to discipline. Instead of forcing their children to do things in a very controlling way, parents try to reason with their children and explain what they expect them to do and why. It is also true that family members have become more open to each other. Topics such as sex and drugs, which used to be avoided in family conversations, are now more common. In addition, parents nowadays are more youthful in appearance and attitudes. It is common to see parents joining in activities such as rollerblading or in-line skating with their children. Moreover, the most important factor is that more and more parents and teenagers have found some common interests. They may share the same tastes in music, films, or other forms of entertainment. Some people worry that when the generation gap is disappearing, children may have less respect for their parents and the older generations. This may happen; that is why parents always need to be alert and interfere if they notice any danger signs. 1. Why is the generation gap disappearing in many families? ___ 2. What do parents often do when asking their children to do something? ___ 3. What is an example that shows more open communication among family members? ___ 4.What is the most important factor for the disappearance of the generation gap? ___ 5. Why do people worry that the generation gap is disappearing? ___ Part 12: Read the text and choose the best answer “Generation gap’’ is a popular term used 10 describe the differences between generations. The young and the old do not (1)___ each other well because of their (2)___ experiences, opinions, habits, and behavior. That is why parents often try to (3)___ their children from doing things that they believe would harm them. On the other hand, children do their best to (4) ___ that they are responsible and can take (5)___ of their own lives. Neither parents nor children are wrong. They are both right on their own (6) ___ . Parents, blinded by their love for their children, would rather have their own experiences (7)___ the experiences of their kids. In contrast, their children are completely (8) ___ that their decisions are right and are based on current situations that their parents may not be aware of. 1. A. accept B. understand C. experience D. respect 2. A. different B. difficult C. similar D. unexpected 3. A. present B. prevent C. encourage D. increase 4. A. send B. encourage C. improve D. prove 5. A. control B. focus C. conflict D. action 6. A. road B. way C. street D. place 7. A change B. stop C. replace D. develop 8. A. decided B. safe C. unsure D. sure V. WRITING Part 13: Complete the sentences without change their meaning 1. I am expected to get home by curfew I should___ 2. It’s important for a family to have rule about safe behaviour, including rules about alcohol use, dating and curfew A family must ___ 3. Perhaps Susan knows the address. Susan___ 4. It is not necessary for young people to go to university. (not have to) Young people ___ university. 5. People are not allowed to post rude comments on the website. (must not)
  8. People ___on the website. 6. It is madatory for all cyclists to wear their helmets. (must) ___ 7. It is compulsory for the students in this school to wear the uniform. (must) ___ Part 14: Use the words and phrases below, and add some words where necessary to make meaningful sentences. Change the verb forms if necessary. 1. my opinion. / living / extended family / best way / bridge / generation gap. ___ 2. When / live / together, / different generations / start / share ideas and values regular basis. ___ 3. Parents / should / explain / children / why / they have r ›job / describe / what / do at work. ___ 4. Living / extended family provide / opportunity for people / get / understand and respect / generational differences. ___ 5. Older people / more likely / accept / behaviour and lifestyle / their children or grandchildren. ___ END