Đề ôn tập Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 (Global Success) - Unit 1: A long and heathy life

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Nội dung text: Đề ôn tập Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 (Global Success) - Unit 1: A long and heathy life

  1. UNIT 1. A LONG AND HEALTHY LIFE Ex 1. Circle A, B, C or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. 1. A. healthy B. fitness C. strength D. mental 2. A. health B. enthusiasm C. strength D. without 3. A. muscle B. suffer C. yoghurt D. instruct 4. A. fresh B. diet C. flesh D. exercise 5. A. yoga B. fatty C. balance D. habit 6. A. changed B. stayed C. happened D. stopped 7. A. pieces B. muscles C. decades D. labels 8. A. ache B. chip C. choose D. cheese 9. A. flesh B. muscle C. sugar D. fish 10. A. ingredient B. nutrient C. vitamin D. mineral Ex 2. Circle A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of the prim ary stress in each of the following questions. 11. A. healthy B. problem C. mental D. amount 12. A. lifestyle B. frequent C. injure D. balance 13. A. device B. treatment C. muscle D. movement 14. A. replace B. proper C. instruct D. routine 15. A. accept B. contain C. return D. treadmill 16. A. regular B. energy C. position D. diagram 17. A. infectious B. attention C. position D. demonstrate 18. A. asleep B. avoid C. formal D. remind 19. A. recipe B. informal C. mineral D. nutrient 20. A. offer B. provide C. advance D. respond Ex 3. Complete the following sentences using the present perfect forms of the 1. She (learn)___ English for three years. 2. I’m hungry. I (not eat) ___ anything since breakfast. 3. He never (drive) ___ a car before. 4. We (know) ___each other since we were at high school. 5. Everything is going well. We (not have) ___any problem so far. 6. I (drink) ___four cups of coffee today. 7. John (live) ___ in Denver since 2017. 8. - You ever (climb) ___ Mount Everest? - No, I haven’t. But I’m sure I will, if I have a chance. 9. It is nice to see you again. We (not see) ___each other for a long time. 10. I (forget) ___ my key. I can’t unlock the door now. 11. Eric is calling his girlfriend again. That is the third time he (call) ___her this evening. 12. The police (arrest) ___two men in connection with the robbery. 13. Susan really loves that film. She (see) ___ it eight times! 14. You already (read) ___ the book? What do you think?
  2. 15. I (not go) to a zoo before. It is a nice feeling to go somewhere you (never,be) ___before. 16. Over the past few years, Viet Nam (become) ___one of the most popular destinations for foreign visitors in Southeast Asia 17. I (not, sleep) ___ well just lately. I don’t know how to keep balance between work and play. 18. As an avid traveler, I (travel) ___ to more than 30 countries and 4 continents up to now. Ex 4. Complete the following sentences using the past simple forms of the verbs in brackets. 1. People (build) ___ this school in 2001. 2. Last year, my father (promise) to buy my sister a piano. 3. It (be) ___very hot last summer. 4. I (walk) ___ home after the party last night. 5. The Chinese (invent) ___printing. 6. Sam and I (play)___ tennis yesterday. He was much better than I was, so he (win) ___easily 7. My grandpa (die) ___ 30 years ago. 8. - You (go) ___ to the movies last night? - Yes, but it (be) ___ a mistake. The movie (be) ___awful. 9. When I (get) ___ home last night, I (be) ___very tired, so I (go) ___straight to the bed 10. Diane (use) ___ to travel a lot. These days she doesn’t take many trips. 11. - When Joe and Carol (meet) ___each other? They first (meet) ___when they (be) ___ in high school. 12. When Sarah (get) ___ to the party last night, Eric had already gone home. 13. I (ring) ___you up two days ago but I (get) ___ no answer. Where you (be) ___? 14. When I (be) ___small, I often (play) ___with a doll. Ex 5. Complete the following sentences using the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. 1. When I (wait) ___ for the bus, I (see) ___my close friend 2. She (study) ___English since she (be) ___ four years old 3. He (see) ___10 mice when he (come) ___ into the room. 4. When I (go) ___ to the door, the phone (ring) ___. 5. His health (improve) ___ since he (return) ___from the hills. 6. It is the first time he (drive) ___a car. 7. " You (find) ___ the key which you (lose) ___ yesterday?" "Yes. I (find) ___ it in the pocket of my other coat." 8. Sarah (lose) ___ passport again. It is the second time this (happen) ___. 9. When the alarm rang, Jack (jump) ___ out of bed quickly. 10. Yesterday, I (decide) ___ to stop eating animal products to be a vegan. 11. It (be) ___ my birthday last Sunday, so we (meet) ___ up with my friends for a pizza 12. She (be) ___ unwell since last week. She (go) ___ to the hospital three times. 13. I (lose) ___my appetite for sugary food recently. Now I can only eat food with no sugar. 14. They (switch) ___ to having one low-calorie meal for a few months 15. My brother (not, write) ___ his report yet. 16. This is the best book she (read) ___ 17. Until now, the disease (kill) ___ over thirty thousand people worldwide 18. My brother (not, finish) ___ his exercise so far. Ex 6: Rewrite these sentences as directed: 1. Mary began playing the piano 4 years ago Mary has ___ 2. My father hasn’t been to Hanoi for 5 years It’s ___ 3. My father is reading a newspaper. He started 2 hours ago My father has ___ 4. It’s four years since I wrote her I ___
  3. 5. The last time I went to see them was over a year ago It ___ 6. It is two weeks since it last rained It has ___ 7. Jane started keeping a diary five years ago Jane has ___ 8. I last went swimming in 2001 I have ___ 9. I started to study English when I was 10 years old I’ve ___ 10. We haven’t seen Tom since he moved to London We last ___ 11. My father hasn’t driven a car before It’s ___ 12. She has never been to the ballet dancing before This is ___ 13. I went over my lesson and then went to school Before ___ 14. Before he watched TV, he had done all his exercises After ___ 15. My teacher is the most generous person I’ve ever met I’ve never ___ 16. This is the first time I have ever met such a famous person I’ve ___ 17. How long is it since they bought the house? When ___ 18. I have never read such an interesting novel This is ___ 19. After he had worked hard many years, he retired Before ___ 20. When did you collect stamps? How long ___ IV. Choose the correct answer: 1. She bought this book two weeks ago a. She has had this book for two weeks b. She has had this book since two weeks c. She had this book for two weeks d. She has this book for two weeks 2. We last went to the cinema two months ago. a. We haven’t gone to the cinema for two months. b. We didn’t go to the cinema for two months. c. We didn’t want to go to the cinema any more. d. We stopped going to the cinema. 3. John began playing the organ five years ago. a. John has been playing the organ five years ago. b. John has played the organ since five years . c. John has been playing the organ for five years. d. John used to play the organ five years ago. 4. It’s over ten years since we got married. a. We got married for over ten years b. We have been married for over ten years c. We were married for over ten years d. We have been married since over ten years 5. She began to play the piano three years ago. a. She has played the piano since three years. b. She has played the piano for three years c. She doesn’t play the piano now. d. She stops playing the piano now. 6. It’s two years since he last went home. a. He hasn’t gone home for two years. b. The last time he went home was two years ago. c. He didn’t go home two years ago. d. Both a& b are correct.
  4. 7. We started to write each other three years ago. a. We used to write to each other for two years. b. We used to write to each other in two years. c. We have written to each other for two years. d. We have written to each other since two years. 8. The last time I saw Jim was in 2004 a. I have seen Jim since 2004 b. I haven’t seen Jim since 2004 c. I have seen Jim for 2004 d. Jim has been seen since 2004 9. They have lived here for 6 years now a. They moved here for 6 years b. They moved here 6 years ago c. They are living here for 6 years now d. They were living here since 6 years ago 10. My sister hasn’t rung for hours a. It’s was hours since my sister last rang b. My sister has rung for hours c. It’s hours since my sister last rang d. It’s for hours since my sister last rung 11. The last time she had a swim was 5 years ago. a. She hasn’t had a swim for 5 years b. She last had a swim for 5 years c. She didn’t have a swim 5 years ago d. a & b are correct 12. Ken began working for that company 2 years ago a. Ken has been working for that company for 2 years b. Ken has been working for that company since 2 years c. Ken worked for that company for two years d. Ken was working for that company for two years 13. I have never seen such an interesting film before. a. This is the fisrt time I have seen such an interesting film. b. This film is the best I have ever seen. c. This is the first time I saw such an interesting film. d. This is the best film that I saw. 14. She hasn’t drunk coca-cola before a. It’s time for her to drink coca-cola b. It’s the first time she has drunk coca-cola c. It’s the first time since she drank coca-cola d. It is time she drank coca-cola 15. He had done morning exercises before he had breakfast a. He would do morning exercises before he had breakfast b. After he had done morning exercises, he had breakfast c. After he did morning exercises, he had breakfast d. After he had done morning exercises, he was having breakfast 16. I have never read such a good book before. a. This is the first time I read a good book . b. This is the first time I have read a good book. c. This book is the best I have never read. d. This book is the best I read . 17. We had lunch and then went for a walk a. Before we had lunch, we would go for a walk b. After we had lunch, we went for a walk c. After we had had lunch, we went for a walk d. We went for a walk when we had lunch 18. How long have you learnt English? a. When did you learnt English? b. When did you learn English? c. How long is it since you learnt English? d. b & c are correct 19. I’ve never met such an intelligent woman a. This is the first time I haven’t met such an intelligent woman c. b & c are correct b. It is the first time I’ve ever met such an intelligent woman d. It is the most intelligent woman I’ve ever met 20. I have never read such an interesting novel before. a. This is the first time I have read such an interesting novel b. This novel is the best I have ever read c. This is the first time I read such an interesting novel d. This is the best novel that I read 21. It’s the coldest winter they’ve ever had a. They’ve ever had such a cold winter b. They’ve ever had such cold winter c. They’ve never had such cold winter d. This is the first time they had such cold winter 22. They travelled across India, and then flew on to Japan a. After they had travelled across India, they flew on to Japan b. Before they had flown on to Japan, they travelled across India c. Before they flew on to Japan, they had travelled across India. d. a & c are correct