Đề ôn tập giữa kì 1 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 (Cánh diều)

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Nội dung text: Đề ôn tập giữa kì 1 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 (Cánh diều)

  1. Part 1 1.Teens usually don’t understand why their grandparents are technology and don’t even want to touch any high-tech gadget. A. afraid of B. interested in C. excited about D. keen on 2 Lots of children say that their parents usually them about chores and studying. A. advise B. nag C. argue D. punish 3. Alana isn’t worried about her school because she’s got many high marks A. performance B. attitude C. behavior D. image 4. Bob: “You look really annoyed. What’s wrong?” Ivan: “ ” A. My dad often gives me enough pocket money. B. My mum hardly ever nags about my studies C. My school performance is quite good D. My grandparents don’t like my close friends at all Part 2 Complete the sentence with the correct forms of the words in brackets 1. If you have schoolw ork problems, talk to your teacher. He’s very . (understand) 2. When teenagers get older, they became more . from their parents. (depend) 3. William doesn’t get on well with his sister. There are often lots of . between them. (argue) Part 3:Rewrite the following sentences as suggested: 1. We enjoyed a picnic near a beautiful lake in the garden . ( cleft sentence, focus on Object) . 2. Trung was driving to the Old Quarter at 10.am yesterday. He saw Jenny then At 10.am yesterday, Trung saw Jenny while 3.Some tourists took a lot of photos during their trip to the One Pillar Pagoda in Hanoi. While 4. The local food was delicious , so they ordered some more food. ( taste) The local food 5. Choosing a suitable job is a huge worry for me. ( worried) I 6. My close friend often complains to her parents about their hard rules. (complaining) My close friend 7. Jack’s parents look upset because he is too lazy to do homework by his own. ( seem) 8. It’s annoying that my parents nag about chores and studies ( annoyed) I am 9. I have an appointment with my dentist at 3.pm ( seeing) . 10. It’s annoying that some students often talk so much in class. ( always) Some students 11. Jason bought some beautiful handmade items in Dong Xuan market during his holiday in Hanoi. ( staying ) . . 12. In the middle of his exploration in Bankok , he stayed in a raft house for the night. ( while ) 13. We walked around the shops during our visit to the Old Quarter. (while) 14. She never stops saying how much she hates learning . (complaining) 15. Mr. Thomas knows the history of the Temple of Literature quite well. ( cleft sentence, focus on object) It . 16. Visiting Ha Long Bay was my great excitement ( excited ) I was 17. It‘s amazing to enjoy games in Suoi Tien (Amazed ) We 18 the result of my entrance exam satisfies my parents ( satisfied) My parents seemed fully 19What interests me most in the Temple of Literature is the traditional Vietnamese architecture (interested) I am
  2. 20Anna lost her purse during her stay at the Old Quarter. (while) 21. Malaysia, Laos and Cambodia were the members of ASEAN. ( Cleft sentence, focus on Subject) 22. She never stops saying how much she dislikes her classmates. (complaining) . 23. The students asked the teacher for his explanation for the problem. (Cleft Sentence, object focus) . 24. The thick fog in many mountainous areas prevented Nam from going to work. (Cleft Sentence, subject focus) . 25. Teachers don’t allow students to use mobile phone in class. (Cleft Sentence, adverb focus) 26. During my dinner, the phone rang. While . 27 In the middle of our sleep, there was a knock at the door. When . 28. The film wasn’t as good as we had expected. (disappointed) We 29 Clare is going to the United States next month. She has never been there before. (excited) Claire is really 30. Mastering a second language takes time and practice. ( Cleft sentences, focus on object) 31 The smoke from the factory chimneys pollutes the air. ( Cleft sentences, focus on subject) 32.The Soviet Union launched the first manned spaceship. . ( Cleft sentences, focus on subject) 33 What I saw at the dance party surprised me. ( Cleft sentences, focus on subject) 34 Why my friend disappeared last week is still a question for us . (Cleft sentences- subject focus) Part 3 The family dynamic evolves as a teen matures and can test the parent-teen relationship. With both sides feeling mixed emotions, this time can be challenging. Puberty brings lots of emotions for teens and is a time of readjustment for the whole family. Parents have a huge influence on a young child’s values and interests, and so it can often feel hard for them to separate from their teen, who wants to develop their own identity and to have new freedoms. This may lead to conflict, as both parents and teens need time to figure out how to adapt the relationship. As teens get older, it is important for them to take on responsibilities. This highlights the valuable contribution each family member makes to a home and teaches teens about what it’s like to be an adult. Setting clear rules about routine and home life helps teens to know what’s expected of them - even if they do complain or resist. Expectations go both ways, however, and so constant communication and flexibility, when necessary, will help avoid conflict. It is important for parents and teens to overcome life’s many distractions in order to spend quality time together. For parents, maintaining a close relationship with a teen who is preprogrammed to separate from them can be tricky, but it helps to be present and willing. Talking about the things that are going well is as helpful as discussing areas of conflict. 1. What is the main idea of the passage? A. Puberty of teenagers B. Teens’ romantic relationship C. Parent-teen relationship D. Teens’ responsibilities 2. According to the passage, who are pointed out to considerably influence young child? A. their peers B. their teachers C. their parents D. famous people
  3. 3. The word “this” in paragraph 2 refers to ___. A. Puberty brings lots of emotions for teens B. Parents have a huge influence on a young child’s values and interests C. Both parents and teens need time to adapt the relationship D. Parents cannot separate from their teens who want to be free 4. The word “willing” is CLOSET in meaning to A. shocked B. ready C. strict D. sympathetic 5. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about the solution as teens get older? A. Complain and resist B. Communicate constantly C. Set rules about routine and home life D. Ask teens to take on responsibilities Part 4 IS THERE REALLY A GENERATION GAP? According to the results of a survey in USA WEEKEND Magazine, there isn't really a generation gap. The magazine's "Teens & Parents" survey shows that today's generation of young people generally get along well with their parents and appreciate the way they're being raised. Most feel that their parents understand them, and they believe their parents consider family as the No. 1 priority in their lives. Although more than a third of teens have something in their rooms they would like to keep secret from their parents, it is usually nothing more harmful than a diary or a CD. Such results may seem surprising in the context of the violent events that people hear about in the media. Maybe because of the things they hear, parents worry that their own kids might get out of control once they reach the teenage years. However, the facts in the survey should make us feel better. The survey shows us that today's teens are loving and sensible. They are certainly happier than the angry people in the teenage stereotypes we all know about. True, some teenagers are very angry, and we need to recognize their needs, but the great majority of teens are not like that at all. In contrast to some stereotypes, most teens believe they must be understanding about differences among individuals. Many of them volunteer for community service with disadvantaged people. When they talk about themselves, their friends and their families, they sound positive and proud. Generally, these are very nice kids. Is this spirit of harmony a change from the past? Only a generation ago, parent-child relations were described as the "generation gap". Yet even then, things were not so bad. Most kids in the 1960s and 1970s shared their parents' basic values. Perhaps, however, it is true that American families are growing closer at the beginning of this new millennium. Perhaps there is less to fight about, and the dangers of drug abuse and other unacceptable behavior are now well known. Perhaps, compared to the impersonal world outside the home, a young person's family is like a friendly shelter, not a prison. And perhaps parents are acting more like parents than they did 20 or 30 years ago. 1. What did the survey find out about teenagers in paragraph 1? A. They get along well with their parents. B. They appreciate good CDs. C. They keep secrets from their parents. D. They stay in their rooms. 2. What is the stereotype referred to in paragraph 2? A. Teens are people who recognize their needs. B. Teens are loving and sensible. C. Teens are much happier than we think. D. Teens are angry people.
  4. 3. What does the word 'them’ in paragraph 3 refer to? A. stereotypes B. individuals C. teens D. families 4. What is the main idea of paragraph 3? A. Differences between teens. B. Stereotypes about teens. C. The positive attitude of teens to others. D. Volunteering for disadvantaged people. 5. In the last paragraph, according to the writer, one reason why American families are closer is that A. the dangers of drug abuse are less. B. there is no generation gap. C. parents are friendlier to children. D. the world is an unfriendly place Part 5 WRITING 1: Writing an informal letter describing a visit, using the suggested ideas: When: last summer Where: Hanoi City With whom: my family Things to see: - Visit Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum ( built 1973-1975) which houses Uncle Ho, our greatest political leader. - Visit Temple of Literature , Vietnam’s first national university-> walk around traditional architecture, beautiful gardens and lakes-> take a lot of beautiful pictures - Watch amazing water puppet performances with traditional instruments and dedicate vocals . Things to do: - Visit Hanoi’s historic Old Quarter with 36 streets -> see artisans and craft men trade in their specific merchandize.-> buy hand-made souvenirs . - enjoy unusual delicious traditional food. Feeling: incredible Part 6 Writing an informal letter describing a problem, using the suggested ideas: Reason for writing: have terrible school performance-> need advice Problem: take a lot of extra classes and stay up late every night to study but there is no good school performance-> really worried Description of the problem: - Normally get good grades but lately get bad ones. - Try hard but always fall behind your classmates - Feel really stressed about your grades - Not know what to do - Be afraid that you will not pass the coming exams and have no future