Đề cương ôn tập tiếng Anh khối 8 đại trà - Học kì I

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Nội dung text: Đề cương ôn tập tiếng Anh khối 8 đại trà - Học kì I

  1. TRƯỜNG THCS PHÚ AN TỔ TIẾNG ANH ĐỀ CƯƠNG ƠN TẬP TIẾNG ANH KHỐI 8 ĐẠI TRÀ - HỌC KÌ I NĂM HỌC 2020-2021 A. LISTENING B. GRAMMAR UNIT 1: LEISURE ACTIVITIES Vocabulary: Window shopping,hanging out, doing DIY, making craft, to be hook on something, tobe addicted to something - Verb of liking + gerunds - Verbs of liking + to-infinitives Buffalo-drawn cart, herd buffaloes/goat/ horses, nomadic, UNIT 2: LIFE IN THE COUNTRYSIDE communal house, cattle, ger, ride a horse, put up a tent, - Comparative forms of adjectives pasture, dairy product - Comparative forms of adverbs UNIT 3: PEOPLES OF VIETNAM Terraced field, ethnic minority, mountainous regions, population, - Types of questions costume, diverse, tradition, traditional, culture, cultural - Question words - Articles (A/an/the) A/ LÝ THUYẾT UNIT1: LEISURE ACTIVITIES I/VERBS OF LIKING (CÁC ĐỘNG TỪ DIỄN ĐẠT SỰ YÊU THÍCH) 1. Verbs of liking + V-ing/ to V Động từ chỉ sự thích thú, ta sử dụng danh động từ (V-ing) hoặc động từ nguyên thể cĩ “to” (to V). a. Verb + V-ing/to V Verbs Verbs + V-ing Verbs + to V like I like skateboarding in my free time. I like to skateboard in my free time. (Tớ thích trượt ván trong thời gian rảnh) Tớ thích trượt ván trong thời gian rảnh. love She loves training her dog. She loves to train her dog. (Cơ ấy yêu thích huấn luyện chú cún (Cơ ấy yêu thích huấn luyện chú cún cưng) cưng) hate He hates eating out. He hates to eat out. (Anh ta ghét việc ăn ngồi hàng quán.) (Anh ta ghét việc ăn ngồi hàng quán.) prefer My mother prefers going jogging. My mother prefers to go jogging. (Mẹ tơi thích đi bộ hơn.) (Mẹ tơi thích đi bộ hơn.) b. Verbs + V-ing
  2. Verbs Verbs + V-ing adore They adore eating ice cream. (Họ cực thích ăn kem.) enjoy We enjoy playing basketball. (Chúng tơi thích chơi bĩng rổ.) fancy Do you fancy making crafts? (Cậu thích làm đồ thủ cơng khơng?) don’t mind I don't mind cooking.(Tơi khơng phiền việc nấu nướng) dislike Does he dislike swimming? (Cĩ phải anh ấy khơng thích bơi lội khơng?) detest I detest doing housework.(Tơi căm ghét việc nhà) UNIT 2: LIFE IN THE COUNTRYSIDE I/COMPARATIVE FORMS OF ADJECTIVES (SO SÁNH HƠN VỚI TÍNH TỪ) 1. Ơn tập so sánh hơn với tính từ (comparative forms of adjectives) -Tính từ ngắn là những tính từ cĩ 1 âm tiết. Ví dụ: tall, high, big, -Tính từ dài là những tính từ cĩ từ 2 âm tiết trở lên. Ví dụ: expensive, intelligent, 2. Cấu trúc câu so sánh hơn Đối với tính từ ngắn Đối với tính từ dài S1 + to be + adj-er + than + S2 S1 + to be + more + adj + than + S2 Với tính từ ngắn, thêm đuơi “er” vào sau tính từ Với tính từ dài, thêm “more” trước tính từ Ví dụ: Lan is shorter than Nam. Ví dụ:Lan is more beautiful than Hoa. (Lan thì thấp hơn Nam). (Lan thì xinh hơn Hoa) * Lưu ý: Để nhấn mạnh ý ta thêm “much” hoặc “far” trước hình thức so sánh. Ví dụ: Her boyfriend is much/far older than her. (Bạn trai của cơ ấy lớn tuổi hơn cơ ấy rất nhiều.) 3. Cách sử dụng tính từ trong câu so sánh hơn Tính từ kết thúc bởi 1 phụ âm => thêm đuơi -er old - older, near - nearer Tính từ kết thúc bởi nguyên âm “e” => chỉ cần têm đuơi “r” nice – nicer Tính từ kết thúc bởi 1 nguyên âm (a,i,e,o,u) + 1 phụ âm => gấp đơi phụ big – bigger, hot – hotter , âm cuối và thêm –er. fat –fatter , fit – fitter Tính từ kết thúc bởi “y”, dù cĩ 2 âm tiết vẫn là tính từ ngắn happy – happier, pretty - prettier * Lưu ý: Một số tính từ cĩ hai âm tiết kết thúc "et, ow, le,er, y" thì áp dụng Quy tắc thêm -er như tính từ ngắn. Ví dụ: quiet => quieter - Một vài tính từ đặc biệt: Tính từ Dạng so sánh hơn good better bad worse
  3. far farther/further much/many more little less old older/elder II/COMPARATIVE FORMS OF ADVERBS (SO SÁNH VỚI TRẠNG TỪ) -Trạng từ ngắn là những từ cĩ 1 âm tiết. Vídụ: hard, fast, near, far, right, wrong, -Trạng từ dài là những từ cĩ 2 âm tiết trở lên. Ví dụ: slowly, responsibly, quickly, interestingly, tiredly, 1. Cấu trúc câu so sánh hơn với trạng từ Đối với trạng từ ngắn Đối với trạng từ dài S1 + V + adv-er + than + S2 S1+ V + more/less + adv + than S2 Với trạng từ ngắn, thường là trạng từ chỉ cách - Với trạng từ dài đuơi “-ly” ta thêm “more” nhiều hơn) thức cĩ hình thức giống tính từ, ta thêm đuơi hoặc “less”(ít hơn) vào trước trạng từ. "er”vào sau trạng từ. - less” là từ phản nghĩa của “more" được dùng để diễn đạt Ví dụ: She runs faster than he does. sự khơng bằng nhau ở mức độ ít hơn. (Cơ ấy chạy nhanh hơn anh ấy) Ví dụ: My friend did the test more carefully than I did, (Bạn tơi làm bài kiểm tra cẩn thận hơn tơi) 2. Một vài trạng từ cĩ dạng đặc biệt Trạng từ Trạng từ so sánh hơn well Better badly Worse far farther/further early earlier (khơng thêm more) Ví dụ: The little boy ran farther than his friends. (Cậu bé chạy xa hơn những người bạn.) UNIT 3: PEOPLES OF VIET NAM I/ WH-QUESTIONS (CÂU HỎI CĨ TỪ ĐỂ HỎI) Khi là câu hỏi thì chúng ta cần đảo trợ động từ (auxiliary verbs) lên trước chủ ngữ. 1. Câu hỏi Yes/No (Yes/No Questions) Câu hỏi dạng Yes/No Questions là dạng câu hỏi chỉ địi hỏi câu trả lời là Yes (Cĩ) hoặc No (khơng) Cấu trúc Ví dụ Trợ động từ (be, do, does, did) + chủ ngữ - Isn't Lan going to school today? (Hơm nay Lan khơng đi học (S) + động từ? phải khơng?) Trả lời: - Yes, S + trợ động từ/ tobe. Yes, she is, (Vâng, đúng vậy.) - No, S + trợ động từ/ tobe + not. Was Hung sick yesterday? (Hơm qua Hưng bị bệnh phải khơng?) No, he was not. (Khơng, anh ấy khơng bị bệnh ) 2. Wh- question
  4. Khi chúng ta cần hỏi rõ ràng và cần cĩ câu trả lời cụ thể, ta dùng câu hỏi với các từ để hỏi (question words). Loại câu hỏi này cịn được gọi là câu hỏi trực tiếp (direct questions). a. Các từ để hỏi trong tiếng Anh Who (ai) chức năng Whom (ai) What (cái gì) Whose (của ai) chủ ngữ Chức năng tân ngữ Where (ở đâu) Which (Cái nào) When (khi nào) Why (tại sao) hỏi về sự lựa chọn How (thế nào) How much (bao nhiêu) How many (bao nhiêu, số How long (Bao lâu) lượng) How far (bao xa) How old (bao nhiêu tuổi) How often (Bao lần) What time (Mấy giờ) b. Các cấu trúc câu hỏi WH thường gặp: 1) Who hoặc What: câu hỏi chủ ngữ Who/What + động từ (V) + ? Ex:-Who opened the door? (Ai đã mở cửa?) 2) Whom hoặc What: câu hỏi tân ngữ Whom/ What + trợ động từ + s + V + ? Ex:Whom did you meet this morning? (Bạn gặp ai sáng nay?) (Whom là tân ngữ của động từ “meet”) 3) When, Where, How và Why: Câu hỏi bổ ngữ When/ Where/ Why/ How + trợ động từ + S + V ? Ex: When did he move to Ha Noi? (Khi nào cậu ấy chuyển đến Hà Nội?) II/ARTICLES (MẠO TỪ) 1. Cách dùng a. - a đứng trước danh từ đếm được số ít. - a đứng trước danh từ bắt đầu bằng một phụ âm (Consonant) hoặc một nguyên âm (vowel) nhưng được phát âm như phụ âm. Ví dụ: a ruler (cây thước), a pencil (cây bút chì), a pig (con heo), a student: (sinh viên), a one-Way Street (đường một chiều) - a được dùng với ý nghĩa “mỗi, bất cứ” Ví dụ: A lion lives in the jungle. (Sư tử sống trong rừng) b, Mạo từ “an” - an đứng trước danh từ bắt đầu bằng một nguyên âm (a, e, i, o, u), Ví dụ: an orange (quả cam), an uncle (chú, cậu) c, Mạo từ “the” - “the” đứng trước trước bất cứ một danh từ nào khi người nĩi và người nghe đều biết về danh từ đang được nĩi tới hoặc được xác định rõ ràng. Ví dụ: Their Literature teacher is old, but the English teacher is young. (Giảng viên mơn Văn của họ thì già rồi nhưng giáo viên tiếng Anh thì trẻ.)
  5. -"the" đứng trước một danh từ chỉ người hay vật duy nhất. -Trong dạng so sánh nhất (superlatives) Với tính từ và trạng từ. This is the youngest student in her class. (Đây là học sinh nhỏ tuổi nhất trong lớp của cơ ấy.) Lưu ý: an hour/ an honest person, a uniform/ a university. B/ BÀI TÂP I)-Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. 1. A. leisure B. eight C. celebrate D. penalty 2. A. fun B. sun C. surf D. cut 3. A. bracelet B. cake C. cake D. hat 4. A. although B. laugh C. paragraph D. enough 5. A. comedy B. novel C. princess D. cinema II)-Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others. 1. A. harmful B. slowly C. cloudy D. unique 2. A. worship B. belong C. enjoy D. behave 3. A. alternate B. entertain C. symbolize D. cultivate 4. A. heritage B. museum C. decorate D. blackberry 5. A. minorities B. populated C. activity D. experience III)-Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences. 1. The Gong Festival is held ___ in the Central Highlands. A. year B. yearly C. annual D. annually 2. ___ does Hoa Ban Festival take place? – In Lai Chau. A. What B. Where C. When D. How 3. It is typical of the cultural life of ___ Thai people A. some B. a C. the D. Ø 4. ___ do the cattle provide for the nomads? – Dairy products, meat, and clothing. A. What B. Where C. Why D. How 5. The crops ___ on the weather. A. depend heavy B. depend heavily C. affect heavy D. affect heavily 6. Mai studies Maths a little bit ___. A. bad B. badly C. good D. smartly 7. During the festival, they fly many ___ kites in different shapes and sizes A. colour B. colourless C. colourful D. colouring 8. An old woman was ___ the goats up the mountainside.
  6. A. riding B. taking C. herding D. running 9. ___ is the festival celebrated? – Every year. A. When B. How often C. How D. What 10. There are no high building to block ___ in our village. A. view B. a view C. some view D. the view 11. Yoga helps us learn ___ to co-ordinate breathing and movement. A. what B. when C. why D. how 12. Teenagers enjoy ___ to music and ___ out with friends. A. listen – hang B. to listen – to C. listening – hang D. listening – hanging hang 13. ___ should children do yoga too? A. Why B. When C. What D. How 14. Don’t worry. It is ___ to travel to that village event at night. A. safe B. unsafe C. difficult D. inconvenient 15. Life in a small town is ___ than that in a big city. A. peaceful B. much peaceful C. less peaceful D. much more peaceful 16. The boys often help their parents to ___ water from the village well. A. gather B. collect C. give D. find 17. In the Central Highlands, the biggest and tallest house in the village is the ___ house. A. communication B. community C. communal D. commune 18. The Viet people have many ___ customs and crafts. A. tradition B. traditional C. culture D. customary 19. ___ month is the Hoa Ban Festival of the Thai people held in? A. When B. Which C. How many D. How often 20. The ___ on display in Da Nang Museum of Cham Sculpture are vert interesting. A. items B. goods C. products D. shows IV)-Complete the conversations with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Mai: I (1. not like/ watch) ___ football. I (2. hate/ stand) ___ around and (3. get) ___ cold. Lan: Me, too. I (4. prefer/ be) ___ indoors. I (5. not mind/ play) ___ football – on my computer! Nick: Ha ha! I know your brother’s really good at football, Mai. ___ (6.he/ like/ play) at the back?
  7. Mai: Tuan? No, he (7. prefer/ play) ___ centre forward. He (8. like/ soccer) ___ goals! Lan: Great pass, Tuan! Mai: Lan, do you like football? Nick: No, but she (9. not mind/ watch) ___ Tuan! V)-Complete the sentences, using the comparative form of the adverbs from the correspondent adjectives in the brackets.( sử dụng so sánh hơn để hồn thành các câu sau) 1. It usually rains ___ in Central Viet Nam than in other regions. (heavy) 2. I will have to try a bit ___ than this. (hard) 3. The hall was lighted ___ than the corridors. (bright) 4. The boys were playing the game ___ than the girls. (noisy) 5. This task can be completed ___ than that one. (easy) 6. A tractor can plough ___ than a buffalo or a horse. (good) 7. The countryside is ___ the town. (beautiful) 8. A tractor is ___ a buffalo. (powerful) 9. My new bed is ___ my old bed. (comfortable) 10. The film about my village town is ___ than the book. (interesting) VI)-Complete the sentences with suitable forms of the adverbs given in the brackets. 1.Nick is a careful writer than Phuc. (carefully) Nick writes essays ___. 2 . A snail is slower than a crab. (slowly) A snail moves ___. 3. My father’s explanation about the subject was clearer than my brother’s. (clearly) My father explained the subject___. 4. My cousin is a better singer than I am. (well) My cousin sings ___. 5. Phong is a faster swimmer than Phuc. (fast) Phong swims ___. VII)-Fill in each blank with a, an, or the to complete the following passage. (46)___ history of Da Nang Museum of Cham Sculpture started in 1891 when (47)___ French scientist began to collect Cham sculptures that had been discovered in scattered areas of Quang Nam Province and brought them to Da Nang. (48)___ first museum building was designed by French architects, and construction began in 1915 and was finished by May 1916. (49)___ Museum has played (50)___ important role in preserving sculpture items featuring the cultural, spiritual and ritual lives of the Cham people. They arranged (51)___ displays in order of (52)___ areas where (53)___ objects were found. READING I)-Read the passage carefully, and then answer the questions below. In the 1970s, skateboarding suddenly became very popular. At first, skateboarders moved slowly on flat, smooth areas. Then they began to ride quickly. This is called ‘freestyle’ skateboarding. Soon they were skateboarding skillfully up ramps and doing tricks in the air. This is called ‘ramp’ skateboarding. Then they started skateboarding and doing tricks on the street. This was ‘street-style’ skateboarding – a combination
  8. of freestyle and ramp. For this, the skateboarders needed protective clothing such as knee and elbow pads and helmets. This allowed them to skateboard safely. Today skateboarding is still a very popular sport, and there are lots of competitions. Note: skateboarding (n) = mơn trượt ván 1. When did skateboarding become very popular? ___ 2. What are the three styles of skateboarding? ___ 3. What was ‘street-style’ skateboarding? ___ 4. Why do ‘street-style’ skateboarders need protective clothing? ___ 5. Do you think skateboarding is a very popular sport now? Why or why not? ___ II. Fill in the blank with the words in the box. Advantages of watching television advisers motivate expensive cultures educational l love watching TV and I think watching TV brings lots of benefits. In this busy, (1) life, television is an easy and cheap source of entertainment. By watching international news, we are kept informed and up-to-date with breaking news around the world. Some shows and channels (like PBS and Discovery) offer (2) programs that can increase our knowledge and make us more aware of the world around us. Do-it-yourself shows give us easy access to all kinds of information: Cooking channels offer new recipes and methods, home improvement shows introduce us to many money-saving DIY tips, and financial (3) give advice for managing finances and investing money, for example. Television can also be a good way to help people learn a different language. Some shows can (4) people who are interested in that field and help them to pursue their dreams. TV can expand your mind. Some shows let you travel vicariously and teach you about different people, (5) , ideas, and places you might never encounter in real life. Watching a variety of shows might give us a broader understanding of the world we live in and expose us to things we might otherwise never come across in our own lives. Advantage = benefit (n) lợi íchmotivate (v) động lực culture (n) văn hĩa III. Read the text answer the questions. VIETNAMESE FARMERS
  9. Vietnam is an agricultural country and about 67% of Vietnamese people live in the rural areas. Both men and women work on the fields. Rural women in Vietnam typically do hard outdoor physical labor, which keeps them physically fit and strong. Everyday, they wake up early to get started on their work, normally before the sun comes up. The fields are near their houses, so they often walk to the field. The entire family helps out during planting and harvest. Each family member has certain tasks to do. Men do heavy labor like plowing and digging. Women work around the house, and help with the harvest, planning and weeding. The elderly do light labor. Children, if not going to school, will help the house chores. Girls clean, cook, and work in the vegetable garden; while boys carry water, and help the men in the field. In the countryside, almost every house has a garden to grow vegetables, fruits for family demand or selling for more incomes. Besides growing vegetables, they also keep cattle, pigs and poultry. The day ends up with a family meal together. It’s a great time for all family members to share their stories and get closer to each other. Labor: lao động plow: cày dig: đào, cuốc 1. How many percent (%)of Vietnamese people live in the rural areas? 2. Do the farmers wake up late to get started on their work everyday? 3. How do they often go to their field? 4. How do they divide tasks in their family: tasks of men, women and the elderly? 5. Why does each family often have a garden? 6. When is the time for all family members to share their stories? THE FIRST SEMESTER TEST 1 A. USE OF LANGUAGE: I. Choose the word A, B, C or D which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others. (0.5 pt) 1. A .brave B. dairy C. way D. stay 2. A. generate B. celebrate C. decorate D. describe II. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.(0,5pt) 1. A. harmful B. slowly C. unique D. cloudy 2. A. heritage B. museum C. decorate D. blackberry III. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete each sentence. (2pts) 1. An activity that we do for pleasure when we are not working. A. relax B. leisure C. hobby D. interest 2. I detest so early in the morning. A. get up B. gets up C. to get up D. getting up
  10. 3. The girl was crying when a fairy A. appears B. appeared C. was appearing D. is appearing 4. You should buy the blue sweater. It suits you than the red one. A. good B. better C. well D. the best 5. Thach Sanh was so .that he could push back the troops with his magical guitar and rice pot. A. kind B. fast C. hard-working D. clever 6. When you want to express your disagreement politely, you say: A. I am afraid I don’t agree. B. No, I don’t like your idea. C. No, I do not listen to you. D. No, your idea is so bad. 7. They will visit the ___ of a Vietnamese hero. A. house B. mosque C. place D. shrine 8. He is now studying in the USA as an ___ student. A. changeably B. changeable C. exchange D. change 9. Choose the word whose main stress pattern is not the same as that of the others A. examiner B. campus C. dormitory D. institute 10. Susan ___ a lot of photos to show the trip to her friends. A. too B. got C. played D. made B/READING I/ Read the text to answer the question and choose Tor F(1pt) TET holiday is celebrated on the first day of the Lunar New Year in Viet Nam. Some weeks before the New Year, the Vietnamese clean their houses and paint the walls. New clothes are bought for the occasion. One or two days before the festival, people make Banh Chung, which is the traditional cake, and kinds of jam. On the new Year’s Eve, the whole family get together for a reunion dinner. Every member of the family should be present during the dinner in which many different kinds of dishes are served. On the New Year morning, the young member of the family pay their respects to the elders. And the children receive lucky money wrapped in red tiny envelops. Then people go to visit their neighbors, friends and relatives. Anwer the questions: 1. Is TET holiday celebrated on the second day of the Lunar New Year in Viet Nam? - 2. Who do people often visit on TET holiday? - . * Choose T or F: 3.Tet holiday is celebrated on the first day.___ 4. People visited their grandfather.___ 5.They don’t make Chung cake, but they make Pia cake.___ I. Read and complete the passage with words in the box. (1 point) mountain electric visitors earthen I live in a (1) village. My parents often tell me stories about their life in the past. It’s not much like the village I can see nowadays.
  11. Some villagers now live in brick houses instead of (2) ones. Our houses are better equipped with electric fans and TVs. Thanks to the TV, we now know more about life outside our village. We don’t use oil lamps any more. We have (3) lights which are much brighter. More villagers are using motorcycles for transport instead of riding a horse or walking. We – village children - no longer have to walk a long way and cross a stream to get to school, which is dangerous in the rainy season. Now there’s a new school nearby. We also have more (4) from the city. They come to experience our way of life. C. WRITING I/ Verb form /Word form (0.5 point) 1. While Mr Brown (work) . in the garden, his wife was cooking 2. He (be) .very successful in his business since he came here . II/ Rewrite each pair of sentences to make one sentence, using the words given in brackets (0.5pt) 1.Tony couldn’t go to school . He was sick (BECAUSE) 2. A lion can run 100km/hr . A horse can run 80km/hr. (FAST) => A lion can run III/ Write a paragraph (60-80 words) about ethnic group in Viet Nam. (1 point) Your writing must have AT LEAST 2 items based on the suggestions below: +Name of ethnic group +Located. +Population. +Production activities. +Festivals/famous for. THE END UNIT 4: OUR CUSTOMS AND TRADITIONS - Advice: should and shouldn’t Dạng khẳng định: S + should + BE/V-inf Dạng phủ định: S + shouldn’t/ should not + BE/V-inf Dạng nghi vấn: Should+ S + BE/V-inf? Should thường được dùng để đưa ra lời khuyên.=>You look tired. You should go to bed. Ta cũng thường dùng should để đưa ra ý kiến.=> I think she should do exercise more./I don’t think he should work too hard. Shouldn’t thường được dùng để khuyên ai đĩ khơng nên làm gì.=>You shouldn’t talk freely in class./They shouldn’t be lazy. - Obligation: have/has to. Have to được dùng để diễn tả một sự bắt buộc hoặc một sự cần thiết vì một lí do đến từ bên ngồi.
  12. Dạng khẳng định: S + have/ has to + V-inf Dạng phủ định: S + don’t/ doesn’t have to + V-inf Dạng nghi vấn: Do/ does + S + have to + V-inf? Ex: 1.He has to go to school from Monday to Friday. 2. They have to wear uniform on Monday. Vocabulary custom social-society tradition-traditional worship ancestors table manners firework cutlery host/hostess generation type-typical reflect break UNIT 5: FESTIVALS IN VIETNAM - Simple sentence: Câu đơn Câu đơn thường bao gồm một chủ ngữ và một động từ. Câu đơn thể hiện một ý nghĩa đầy đủ. Ngồi ra câu đờn cĩ thể cĩ một hay nhiều chủ từ, một động từ hay nhiều động từ. Các em tham khảo ví dụ dưới đây. Examples: 1. Some students don’t like studying in the => Gồm một chủ từ và 1 động từ morning. 2. Tony and Hugo play football every => gồm 2 chủ từ và một động từ afternoon. 3. Linda goes to the library and studies every => gồm một chủ từ và 2 dộng từ day. - Compound sentences: Câu ghép là câu được tạo nên từ 2 mệnh đề độc lập và được kết hợp với nhau bằng liên từ. BECAUSE S A O B A Y BECAUSE SO (VÌ AND (VÀ) OR BUT(NHƯN ALTHOUGH(MẶ YET(TUY VẬY) (HOẶC) G) C DÙ) VẬY) Examples: 1.Liên từ “and”: Dùng để nối 2 mệnh đề ngang hàng nhau, 2 Từ loại cùng cấp I washed the dishes, and my wife cleaned the house. 2.Liên từ “but”: Dùng để nối 2 mệnh đề cĩ nghĩa tương phản nhau. He doesn’t like this film, but he agrees to go to the cinema to watch it with her. 3.Liên từ “or”: Dùng để nối 2 mệnh đề cĩ tính lựa chọn. We will go to the cinema, or we will visit our grandparents on Sundays.
  13. 4.Liên từ “so”: Dùng để nối 2 mệnh đề trong đĩ mệnh đề cĩ chứa “so” thường để chỉ kết quả. She needs some bread, so she goes to the bakery. 5.Liên từ “yet”: Dùng để nối 2 mệnh đề trong đĩ mệnh đề cĩ chứa “yet” thường để chỉ một sự nhượng bộ. I agree with you, yet I can’t let you go out without permission from your father. - Các liên từ khác thường sử dụng là, lưu ý trước các liên từ này là dấu chấm phẩy ; sau chúng là dâu phẩy ‘ ;HOWEVER, ;NEVERTHELESS, ;MOREOVER, ;THEREFORE, ;OTHERWISE, - Complex sentences. Câu phức là câu cĩ một mệnh đề độc lập (independent clause) và một hoặc nhiều hơn một mệnh đề phụ thuộc (dependent clause). Mệnh đề phụ thuộc cĩ thể đứng trước hoặc sau mệnh đề độc lập. Mệnh đề phụ thuộc thường được bắt đầu bằng một liên từ phụ thuộc như: when, while, because, although/ even though hoặc if. Note: Nếu mệnh đề phụ thuộc đứng trước mệnh đề độc lập, ta sử dụng dấu phẩy để ngăn cách hai mệnh đề. Ngược lại nếu mệnh đề độc lập đứng trước mệnh đề phụ thuộc thì ta khơng cần dùng dấu phẩy Ex: I will help her although I don’t like her very much./He gets good marks because he studies very hard. VOCABULARY festival ceremony perform-performance family reunion a five-fruit tray wrestling Buffalo-fighting preserve commemorate ritual overseas = abroad annually=yearly Offering incense procession .UNIT 6: FOLK TALES - PAST SIMPLE: THÌ QUÁ KHỨ ĐƠN 1.1. Cấu trúc Normal V To be Câu khẳng định S + V2/ ed S + was/ were Câu phủ định S + did + not + V S + was/ were + not Các trạngCâu ngữhỏi thường gặp trongDid thời + S quá+ V? khứ đơn. Was/ Were + S? Yesterday, ago, finally, at last, in the last century, in the past, last (week, month, year), in (2013, June), in the (2000,1970s), from (March) to (April) etc. Cách dùng chính A. Thì quá khứ đơn diễn tả một sự việc xảy ra tại một thời điểm cụ thể trong quá khứ và đã kết thúc hồn tồn. Ex: I saw him in the bar club yesterday.
  14. b. Diễn tả một loạt hành động xảy ra kế tiếp nhau trong quá khứ Ex: She came home, switched on the computer and checked her emails. c.Diễn tả một hành động xen vào một hành động khác đang xảy ra trong quá khứ (hành động xen vào ta sử dụng thì quá khứ đơn, hành động đang xảy ra ta dùng thì quá khứ tiếp diễn.) Ex: When I was reading a book, my dad called me. d. Thì quá khứ đơn được dùng trong câu điều kiện loại 2 Ex: If I had a million dollar, I would buy that villa. - PAST CONTINUOUS: THÌ QUÁ KHỨ TIẾP DIỄN Cấu trúc Câu khẳng I/He/She/lt was + V-ing You/We/They were + V-ing định You/We/They weren’t + Câu phủ định I/He/She/It wasn’t + V-ing V-ing Câu hỏi Was l/He/She/lt + V-ing? Were You/We/They + V-ing? Cách sử dụng a. Thì quá khứ tiếp diễn diễn tả một hành động đang diễn ra tại một thời điểm cụ thể trong quá khứ. Ex: When I left the room, my wife was talking with Sanny. b. Hành động đang diễn ra liên tục trong một khoảng thời gian nhằm nhấn mạnh tính liên tục của nĩ. Ex: He was singing all day yesterday. c. Một hành động đang diễn ra trong quá khứ thì cĩ hành động khác xen vào. (Hành động đang diễn ra thì dùng thì quá khứ tiếp diễn, hành động xen vào thì dùng thì quá khứ đơn.) Ex: I was walking in the park when I suddenly fell over. d. Hai hành động xảy ra đồng thời trong quá khứ. Ex: He was typing while his wife was painting. VOCABULARY Legend- legendary folk tale fairy tale fable prince- princess saint fortune tortoise hare Buddha wicked evil greedy EXERCISE Choose the best answer a, b, c or d to complete the sentence. 1. You have to ___ your hat when going inside the main worship area of the temple. a. take off b.put on c. break with d.get out 2. You ___ place your chopsticks on your rice bowl when finished with a meal. Don’t rest them on the table. a. shouldn’t b. don’t have to c. should d. mustn’t 3. In some Vietnamese primary schools, pupils are to write with their left hands. In that case, teachers will ask them to change the hand.
  15. a. not agreed c. not permitted c. not allowed d. both B & C 4. You can come here either on Monday on Friday. a. or b. nor c. both d. and 5. He had to act immediately; he would have been too late. a. consequently b. nevertheless c. still d. otherwise 6. I did not go to the show I had already seen it. a. but b. and c. because d. while 7. it rains on Sunday, I will not be able to drive. a. When b. At c. Though d. If 8. Elderly people ___ be treated with great respect a. shouldn’t b. should c.aren’t obliged to d. mustn’t 9. He ___ use chopsticks for spring roll. It is finger food. a. must b.has to c.doesn’t have to d. should 10. I don’t think you’ve understood this. ___ look at Unit 12 again. a. If I were you b.You shouldn’t c. I think you should d. you should 11. In the UK, families often celebrate Christmas together, ___ they can watch each other open their presents! a.though b.but c. because d. so 12. ‘We don’t sweep the floor on the first day of Tet.’ ‘___ Why?’ a. What a bad day! b. You’re kidding! c. You’re right. d. Spot on! 13. Mid-Autumn Festival not only recalls the family love, ___ is also a festival for both children and adults in Vietnam. a. and b. but c. yet d.therefore 14. Lim Festival is among the most impressive festivals, ceremonies ___ singing events. a. or b. but c. yet d. and 15. Tran Temple Festival is held ___ the 15th day of the first lunar month. a. in b. for c. at d. on 16. On the 13th day of the first lunar month, the visitors come to Lim Hill to watch ___ of “quan ho”. a. performances b. features c. ceremonies d. processions 17. The tale is about a prince who is turned ___ a frog by his wicked stepmother. a. to b. into c. out d. over 18. A ___ is a story from ancient times about famous people and events that may or may not be true. a. legend b. folktale c. fable d. fairytale 19. Vanessa is interested in reading Vietnamese folktales ___ she can’t read Vietnamese well. a.although b.because c.while d.whereas 20. ‘The film was very exciting, but the ending was unexpected.’ ‘___ I didn’t like its ending.’ a. It’s great! b.Spot on! c. Sounds bad! d. Hold on! C. PHONETICS
  16. I. PRONUNCIATION Clusters: /br/ and /pr/, /bl/ and /cl/, /sk/, /sp/ and/st/, /spr/ and /str/ Stress of words ending in -ion and -ian- : Các từ cĩ đuơi -ion và -ian luơn cĩ trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết trước nĩ. Ví dụ: companion /kəmˈpỉniən/ musician /mjuˈzɪʃən/ competition /kɒmpəˈtɪʃən/ politician /pɒlɪˈtɪʃən/ procession /prəˈseʃən/ historian /hɪˈstɔːriən/ II. Stress Some rules ( Một số quy tắc nhấn âm) - Rule 1: Nhấn trước các đuơi sau: :ic, ical, ity, ety, ial, erous, ular, ious, ative, sure, ture - Rule 2: Nhấn trên các đuơi sau: oo, ee, ese, ette, esque - Rule 3: Trường hợp cĩ các tiền tốm, hậu tố thì nhấn trên âm gốc. Các tiền tố hậu tố thường gặp: a, un, im, ir, re,etc - Rule 4: Đối vơi từ cĩ 2 âm tiết: Hầu hết Danh từ, tính từ, trạng từ nhấn âm 1, động từ nhấn 2. EXERCISE I. PHONETICS. 1. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others. 1. a.sound b. out c. found d. enough 2. a. leisure b. sure c. shopping d. socialise 3. a. trick b. kit c. addict d. virtual 4. a. cattle b. circular c. country d. collect 5. a. generous b. ger c. grassland d. guess 6. a. community b. custom c. costume d. museum 7.a. ethnic b. gather c. though d. clothing 8. a. lantern b. invader c. nation d. race 9. a. carnival b. command c. ceremony d. encourage 10. a. fable b. brave c. dragon d. tale 2. Choose the word that has different stress pattern. 1. a. leisure b. minority c. exciting d. traditional 2. a. congratulation b. procession c. musician d. vegetarian 3. a. preservation b. competition c. politician d. historian 4. a. production b. generation c. tradition d. Canadian 5. a. physician b. pedestrian c. librarian d. communication D. READING I. Gap-fill 1. Read the text and complete the sentences. VIETNAMESE WEDDING representative calendar accordance ceremony covered
  17. marriage suitable gifts habits relationship (1) is one of three most important events in one’s life in Vietnam.Wedding custom in Vietnam is quite complicated. Before an official wedding of a couple, a ceremony of engagement must be held first. In (2) with Vietnamese tradition, engagement ceremony is an official occasion for families of fiancé and fiancée to mark their (3) and to arrange the wedding. Each family need to prepare a (4) who is a family member having a happy life and high-ranking position in the family. In the day of engagement, the representatives of two families will have some announcement about the wedding and exchange (5) . The time of wedding is chosen suitably based on lunar (6) . Gifts which are put in trays are prepared by the family of fiancé a few days before the engagement(7) . The number of trays must be an odd number (5,7,9, etc.) which is (8) to the condition of the fiancé’s family. In Vietnamese(9) , odd numbers are thought to bring luck to the couple. In the trays, there are betel leaves, areca nut fruits, wine, tea, husband-wife and sticky rice. These trays are (10) by papers or cloths in red. 2. Complete each blank in the following passage about Vu Lan Festival with the correct linking word from the box. Some words maybe used more than once. (There may be more than one possibility). and because when then moreover therefore heat first Vu Lan Festival Vu Lan Festival takes place on 15th day of the seventh lunar month. It is also called “Xa toi vong nhan” festival (16)___ this is the day for the death’s souls. Many people believe that on that day, (17)___ the gate of the hell opens, souls of the dead can come back to their home (18)___ gather with their family. (19)___, Vietnamese people consider that it is also the occasion for family gatherings as well as expressing love (20)___ gratitude to ancestors and parents. (21)___, Vu Lan Festival is known as Mother’s Day in Vietnam. (22)___, in the morning of that day, a lavish tray with various delicious dishes set on the altar, and the householder will burn incense and invite ancestor to come back home and celebrate the festival with family. (23)___ at night the Vietnamese hold a ceremony of releasing lighted lanterns on the river, (24)___ Vietnamese people believe by doing that, their wishes for parents will come true. Pagodas are crowded during the festival say (25)___ Buddhist gather for the monk’s lecture. Each Buddhist has a flower (usually rose) in front of their chest: red flower (26)___ their parents are living and white flower (27)___ their parents are dead. II. READ AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS. 1. Read and answer the questions. VIETNAMESE COSTUME The most recognisable traditional garment you’re likely to see in Vietnam today is the ao dai, an item of national dress consisting of a long, tight-fitting, silk tunic worn over loose trousers. The design of the modern ao dai is a variation on more traditional forms of dress, and was perfected in the 1950s. Though it was banned in the late 1970s, the ao dai has since seen a resurgence and many women in Vietnam continue to wear it, often as part of a uniform for schools, universities and public service roles. The male equivalent of the ao dai is called the ao gam, and is a brocade tunic ordinarily worn only on special occasions, such as birthdays or festivals. You are less likely to see the ao gam than the ao dai in a day-to-day setting in Vietnam.
  18. More well-known even than the ao dai, the non la is a style of Vietnamese conical hat that has become symbolic not just of Vietnam but of East Asia in general for many Westerners. The hat, which is usually made from bamboo or straw, appears in Vietnamese art dating from 2,500-3,000 years ago, and is considered part of modern Vietnamese national costume. From the early twentieth century onwards, most Vietnamese have worn Western-style clothing in day-to-day life, while members of minority ethnic groups in the north of country still commonly wear the traditional dress of their own particular locality. 1. What’s the most recognisable traditional garment in Vietnam? 2. When was the “Ao dai” perfected? 3. What is the male equivalent of the “Ao dai”? 4. What is the “non la” made from? 5. What have Vietnamese women worn since the early twentieth century? 2. Read and answer the questions. THE HARE AND THE TORTOISE A Hare was making fun of the Tortoise one day for being so slow. “Do you ever get anywhere?” he asked with a mocking laugh. “Yes,” replied the Tortoise, “and I get there sooner than you think. I’ll run you a race and prove it.” The Hare was much amused at the idea of running a race with the Tortoise, but for the fun of the thing he agreed. So the Fox, who had consented as judge, marked the distance and started the runners off. The Hare was soon far out of sight, and to make the Tortoise feel very deeply how ridiculous it was for him to try a race with a Hare, he lay down beside the course to take a nap until the Tortoise should catch up. The Tortoise meanwhile kept going slowly but steadily, and, after a time, passed the place where the Hare was sleeping. But the Hare slept on very peacefully; and when at last he did wake up, the Tortoise was near the goal. The Hare now ran his swiftest, but he could not overtake the Tortoise in time. Hare : thỏ tortoise: rùa fox: cái ridiculous: buồn cười 1. Why did the Hare make fun of the Tortoise? 2. Did the Hare like the idea of running a race with the Tortoise? 3. Who ran faster for the first stage? 4. How did the Tortoise move?
  19. 5. Who win the race in the end? 6. What lesson can you learn from this story? 3. Read the following passage and then answer the questions. Once upon a time, there was a girl called Cinderella who did all the work in the kitchen while her lazy sisters did nothing. One night her sisters went to a ball at the palace, Cinderella was left a home, feeling very sad. After a time her fairy godmother appeared and told Cinderella that she could go to the ball, but she has to return home by midnight. So she went to the ball in a beautiful dress and a wonderful coach. She danced with the prince, but at midnight she ran back home, leaving one of her shoes on the dance floor. The prince wanted to see her again and went to every house in the capital until he found that the shoe was right size for Cinderella. The prince and Cinderella were married and lived happily ever after. 1. Where did Cinderella’s sisters go one night? ___ 2. How was Cinderella when she was left at home? ___ 3. Who appeared and helped Cinderella? ___ 4. What did Cinderella do at the ball? ___ 5. What was the end of the story? III. READ AND CHOOSE THE BEST ANSWER. 1. Choose the item among A, B, C or D that best answer the question about the passage. The thing I liked most when I was small was the change of seasons. Spring, summer, autumn and winter – I could see them all come and go and each one was completely different. Now in the city, you can buy summer flowers in winter ad eat the same vegetables all the year round. Whereas, in the country, I could only eat things at certain times of the year, for example, strawberries in June and turnips in winter. I lived my childhood with the seasons. We also made most of our food and would never eat frozen or tinned food. Everything was fresh, so it must be better than the type of food I am taking now in the city. City people may think people in the country miss a lot of things about modern life. In fact, in my opinion they miss a lot more than people in the country, they miss real life. 1 . What did the writer like most about living in the country? A. Flowers in spring B. Leaves in autumn. C. The wild animals and plants. D. The change of seasons. 2. What does the word “them” in line 2 refer to? A. Four season B. Winter and autumn C. Countryside people D. Plants 3. In the countryside which season can we buy strawberries? A. Spring B. Summer C. Autumn D. Winter 4. Why did the writer never eat tinned food when living in the country?
  20. A. Because it was frozen B. Because it was contaminated C. Because it was very fat D. Because it wasn’t very fresh 5. Which of the following sentences is NOT true? A. People in the city can grow vegetables all year round. B. In the countryside turnips are grown in winter C. The writer often eat frozen and tinned food now. D. Many city people think they live better than those in the country. 2. Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answers. GIFT-GIVING CUSTOMS IN VIETNAM Gift giving is important in Vietnam because of the significance of interpersonal relationships in Vietnamese culture. First and foremost, do not encourage corruption. There is a clear cut between gift-giving and bribery. Nevertheless, it is common in Vietnam for exchanging small gifts on certain occasions such as anniversary, Tet holiday to express your respect, love, appreciation or gratitude. Gift-giving customs depend on the context. If it is a private gift for one Vietnamese partner you should give the gift at a private occasion. If you have a gift for the whole officer company, you should give it after the business meeting with the whole office’s employee. Do not wrap a gift in the black paper because this colour is unlucky and associated with funerals in Vietnam. Gifts that symbolize cutting such as scissors, knives and other sharp objects should be avoided because they mean the cutting of the relationship. Vietnamese may or may not open these gifts when they are received; leave the option to them. You will also receive gifts and should defer to your host as to whether you should open it when received or not. Regardless of when it is opened or what it is, profuse thanks are always appropriate. 1. According to the passage, why is gift giving important in Vietnam? a.Because it helps to establish a friendship. b.Because it’s common in Vietnamese culture. c.Because it’s the best way to build up a stable relationship. d.Because personal relationships play a vital role in Vietnamese culture. 2. Which of the followings should not be a reason for gift giving? a. To show appreciation b. To bribe somebody c. To express gratitude d. To show affection 3. When giving a gift, you should ___. a. wrap it in black or white paper b. give it in the business meeting c.never give sharp objects, such as knives or scissors d.avoid giving it at a private occasion 4. When receiving a gift, you should ___. a. always say “thank you? b. try to find what is it c. open it in front of the giver d. ask your host to open it 5. Which of the following is NOT true about gift giving customs in Vietnam? a.Gift giving is a good way of strengthening relationships. b.Gifts for your partners should be given at private occasions. c.You should avoid giving anything sharp. d.It is considered rude not to open the gift in front of the giver. E. WRITING
  21. I. WRITE THE CORRECT FORM OF THE WORDS IN BRACKETS.( CHO DẠNG ĐÚNG CỦA TỪ TRONG NGOẶC) 1. Many families have three ___, which create unique cultural features. (generate) 2. ___for the Lunar New Year begin weeks before the festival. (prepare) 3. Is The False Grandmother one of the ___ versions of Little Red Riding Hood? (origin) 4. Saint George is one of the most ___ heroes in the western world. (legend) 5. ___, his parents passed away when he was 12 years old. (fortune) II. REWRITE THE SENTENCE USING THE WORD IN BRACKETS. (VIẾT LẠI CÂU SỬ DỤNG TỪ GỢI Ý TRONG NGOẶC) 1. It’s impolite of them to wear hats in the pagoda. (shouldn’t) =>___ 2. It’s good for us to keep our traditional customs. (should) =>___ 3. It’s Saturday tomorrow, so it’s not necessary for Jane to get up early. (have to) =>___ 4. Although Hue is far from Hanoi, Peter often travels to Hanoi by motorbike. (but) => Hue ___ 5. Sebastien is a French, but he plays Vietnamese folk games well. (although) =>Although ___ III. WRITE A PARAGRAPH. 1. Write a paragraph (70-80 word) about your free time/ leisure time. - What do you often do in your free time? - How much leisure time do you have a day? - What is your favorite leisure activity? Why? - Talk about your favorite leisure activity. Example: Reading books is one of my leisure activities. It is both interesting and useful. I can get knowledge of all areas that I need and relax after school. Whenever I have free time, I read books. I like many kinds of book such as novels, comic stories and science books. I really fancy reading science books which my father gave me on my 12th birthday. It helps me know more about the world where I live. In short, reading books not only helps me become smarter but also brings me happiness. 2. Write a paragraph (about 70-80 words) about the advantages/ benefits of the life in the countryside. In my opinion, life in the countryside has many advantages. Firstly, village people are more friendly than the city ones. Village people build their personal relationship with all people and often take care of each other. Secondly, village people live much nearer to the nature and breathe in the fresh air, as well as eat fresh foods, vegetables, fruits collected directly from the garden. Finally, there are lots of traditional activities that they can do in the countryside such as fishing, swimming in the river or kite-flying. For these reasons, I prefer living in the countryside. 3. Write a paragraph (about 70-80 words) about the traditional festival in Viet Nam - What it is. - When/Where is it held? - What activities there are. - What you need/what you need. Example : Tet is one of the most important festival in Viet Nam. It’s held every year at the end of January or early February. Some weeks before Tet, Vietnamese clean their houses and paint their wall. They buy peach blossoms. apricot blossoms and Kumquat trees to decorate their houses. New clothes are bought on the occasion. One or two days before Tet, people make Chung cake - the traditional food, sticky rice, spring rolls and other special food. On the New Year, every family cook a special meals and prepare five fruit tray to worship their ancestors to pray for a better year. On the first day of New Year, people go out. Children receive lucky money wrapped in red envelop. Some people go to the pagoda.
  22. Some other visit their relatives and family. I love TET so much because it is time for all members of my family gather to chat or have meals together. MODEL THE FIST SEMESTER TEST 2 A. LISTENING I. Listen and complete the text. 1 pt(Track 08) 1. The Cham have lived along the (1) of central Vietnam for a long time. 2. Betel chewing is very (2) to people’s daily life and traditional rituals. 3. (3) wear shirts fastened down the center with buttons. 4. The (4) of Cham live in Ninh Thuan and Binh Thuan. 5. Cham women take the initiative in (5) II. Listen again and write T(true)/F (false)for each statement. 0,5 pt (Track 09) No. Statements T/F 6. Vietnamese people remain their unique cultural identity in spite of the domination of Chinese and other powers. 7. Vietnamese culture is the combination of native culture and Australian culture. 8. Funeral ceremony and long-life ceremony are associated with community of villages and communes. 9. Tet Nguyen Dan is a popular festival in Vietnam. 10. Summer is the season of festival in Vietnam. B. LANGUAGE FOCUS I. Choose the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. (0,5p) 1. A. camel B. buffalo C. cattle D. paddy 2. A. mention B. question C. action D. education II. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others. (0,5p) 3. A. ancestor B. curious C. heritage D. tradition 4. A. reduction B. popular C. financial D. romantic III. Choose the best answer A, B, C OR D to complete the sentence. 1. The ethnic people in the village are very friendly. A. minority B. majority C. minorities D. majorities 2. ethnic group has the largest population in Viet Nam, the Kinh, the Muong, the Tay or the H’mong? A. What B. Which C. Which one D. Both B & C 3. Viet Nam is multicultural country with 54 ethnic groups. A. a B. an C. the D. both A & C 4. Tet is an occasion for family___ in Viet Nam.
  23. A. visitings B. Meeting C. reunions D. seeings 5. You to prepare the meal. I have done for you already. A. don’t have B. have C. haven’t D. must not 6. 1. My mother enjoys___ traditional food for our family, especially at Tet holiday. A. cook B. to cook C. cooking D. cooked 7. He drives more than his brother, so I prefer going with his brother. A. carefully B. careful C. carelessly D. careless 8. In 2010, Ha Noi___ its 1000th anniversary. A. celebrated B. commemorated C. worshipped D. remembered 9. Life in a small town is ___ than that in a big city. A. less peaceful B. much more peaceful C. much peaceful D. peaceful 10. I was not in my classroom between 8 and 10 a.m. yesterday. I in the laboratory during that time. A. study B. studied C. was studying D. had studied C. READING I . Read the fairy tale Cinderella and do the tasks below. Once upon a time there was a young girl called Cinderella. Cinderella was living happily with her family when her mother died. Her father married an evil widow with two daughters. Cinderella's stepmother and two stepsisters mistreated her. She had to wear old clothes and work hard while the sisters wore fancy clothes and had fun. A good witch helped Cinderella. She turned Cinderella's old dress into a beautiful gown. Cinderella went to a party and a handsome prince politely invited her to dance with him. He fell in love with her and wanted to find out who she was. Cinderella left the party in a hurry and didn't tell the prince her name. but she left a glass slipper, and the prince used that to find her. They got married and lived happily ever after. 1. Answer true (T) or false (F). (1 point) True False a. Cinderella was living happily with her family when her mother died. b. Her father married a kind woman. c. Her stepmother and two stepsisters were very kind to her. d. The prince got married to the girl who fitted the left glass slipper. 2. Answer the questions. (1 point) 1. What did Cinderella's father do when his wife died?
  24. 2. How did Cinderella's stepmother and two stepsisters treat her? 3. Who turned Cinderella's old clothes into a beautiful gown? 4. What did the prince use to find Cinderella? 5. What happened in the end? D. WRITING I. WRITE THE CORRECT FORM OF THE WORDS IN BRACKETS. 1. Whenever I listen to this song, I feel so excite 2. Sometimes it may be to live in the countryside because bore it’s hard to find an entertainment center there. 3. Each ethnic minority people has its own features. type 4. An out-going and friendly person often like to and social make friends. 5. Thank you for your Your presence at our party is such a participate great honor for us. II. REWRITE THE SENTENCE USING THE WORD IN BRACKETS. 1. Vinh really loves to hang out with friends. (enjoys) => Vinh___ ___ 2. It’s impolite of them to wear hats in the pagoda. (shouldn’t) 3. =>___The black dress is more expensive than the white one.(cheap) => The white dress___ 4. The Thai live in the stilt houses.(Write questions for the underlined parts. ) =>___ 5. She loves comedies. Her husband is interested in action films. (yet) =>___ III. Write a paragraph (about 70-80 words) about the advantages/ benefits of the life in the countryside. These information may help you: - People: friendly, kind and hospitable. - Atmosphere: peaceful and fresh - Safety: less traffic, fewer means of transport
  25. THE END