Bài tập Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 (Global Success) - Unit 2: Generation gap

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Nội dung text: Bài tập Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 (Global Success) - Unit 2: Generation gap

  1. UNIT 2: GENERATION GAP Exercise 1: Circle A. B. C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions 1. Our family is going to travel abroad this summer, so we___get our passport soon. A. ought to B. have to C. must D. should 2. Students___look at their notes during the test. A. don’t have to B. shouldn’t C. mustn’t D. ought not to 3. You___find time for some relaxation every day. A. have to B. must C. should D. might 4. Each generation is likely to have different thoughts about how the family___ interact. A. should B. must C. have to D. could 5. All the students___obey the school rules. A. must B. ought to C. should D. have to 6. My back has been hurting for weeks. I___go to the doctor’s. A. don’t have to B. have to C. mustn’t D. must 7. My family___pay a lot of taxes every year. A. should B. has to C. must D. ought to 8. The local authority is really strict about protecting that piece of lawn. You walk around it. A. mustn’t B. ought not to C. shouldn’t D. don’t have to 9. It is a great party but I___go now. A. should B. have to C. must D. ought to 10. Sometimes parents___be tolerant of their children’s childlike behaviours. A. should B. must C. have to D. mustn’t 11. All students___complete their homework before going to class because it’s a rule. A. ought to B. have to C. must D. should 12. Parents___spend more time talking to their children to enhance family bonding. A. should B. shouldn’t C. must D. have to 13. If you want to be a friend of your children, you___change your mind about modern music and fashion. A. don’t have to B. have to C. ought to D. ought not to 14. The buffet restaurant is free for kids under 5 years olD. so you___pay for your son. A. shouldn’t B. mustn’t C. don’t have to D. ought not to 15. You___tell anyone about what I told you. It’s a secret. A. mustn’t B. don’t have to C. shouldn’t D. ought not to 16. I___stay up late tonight because I have a lot of exercises to do. A. have to B. should C. must D. ought to 17. You___judge other people based on their appearance. A. don’t have to B. ought not to C. shouldn’t D. B & C 18. Spectators___show their tickets before they enter My Dinh stadium. A. must B. have to C. should D. ought to 19. Vietnamese visitors___ought to have a Schengen visa to travel to Spain and Belgium. A. must B. should C. have to D. may 20. When playing in the water park, children___be accompanied by adults. A. should B. must C. have to D. ought to 21. You___drive If you don’t have a driving licence. A. ought not to B. don’t have to C. mustn’t D. shouldn’t 22. We___book a table in advance at this restaurant. Just turn up and we’ll be served right away. A. don’t have to B. shouldn’t C. mustn’t D. ought not to 23. I think you___let your daughter know your financial burden. She is mature enough to share with you. A. have to B. must C. ought to D. might
  2. 24. You___respect your family values. A. must B. mustn’t C. don’t have to D. have to 25. I will give you 5 more minutes to complete your exercise, and you___submit it to me at 10:30 A. must B. have to C. should D. ought to 26. You___have your hair dyed when you are a student. It’s forbidden. A. don’t have to B. shouldn’t C. mustn’t D. ought not to 27. Your children are very sensitive during their teenage years, therefore, you___be rude to them. A. should B. shouldn’t C. must D. mustn’t 28. Teenagers___spend too much time on social networks such as Facebook. A. mustn’t B. ought not to C. shouldn’t D. couldn’t 29. She___attend extracurricular activities because she lives too far from the school. A. mustn’t B. shouldn’t C. doesn’t have to D. ought not to. 30. Everyone thinks that he___follow his father’s footsteps and become a doctor. A. should B. ought C. have to D. must 31. All students ___ wear uniforms at school because it is a rule. A. should B. have to C. ought to D. must 32. You ___ finish your homework before you go to bed. A. must B. have to C. should D. ought to 33. This drink isn't beneficial for health. You ___ drink it too much. A. should B. ought to not C. ought not to D. mustn't 34. This warning sign indicates that you ___ step on the grass. A. shouldn't B. mustn't C. don't have to D. ought not to 35. I think you ___ do exercise regularly in order to keep your body in good shape. A. must B. should C. ought to D. Both B and C 36. I will lend you some money, but you ___ pay it back to me next week. A. should B. have to C. must D. mustn't 37. Hoa ___ feed the cats because her mother has done it already. A. has to B. doesn't have to C. must D. Both A and C 38. Those audiences ___ show their tickets before entering the concert hall. A. have to B. must C. ought to D. don't have to 39. The children ___ spend too much time playing computer games. A. mustn't B. ought to not C . shouldn't D. Both B and C 40. In case you're suffered from the injury, you ___ see the doctor today. A. had better B. must C. ought D. have better 41. Water park is free for kids under 6 years old. so you ___ pay money for your son. A. have to B. mustn't C. should D. don't have to 42. You look totally exhausteD. You ___ take a rest instead of working overtime. A. should B. ought C. must D. has better 43. Anyone ___ have a passport, even a visa when travelling all around the world A. ought to B. must C. should D. has to 44. In the peak season, travellers ___ book their accommodation in advance. A. have to B. must C. should D. ought 45. My car broke down yesterday, so I ___ catch a taxi to the office. A. have to B. had better C. had to D. has to 46. We ___ eat as much fruit as possible in order to get enough vitamins for our bodies. A. had better B. should C. ought to D. All are correct 47. You ___ tell anyone what I've revealed to you. It's still a secret. A. mustn't B. had better not C. ought not to D. don't have to 48. If you still want to maintain this relationship, you ___ behave improperly like that. A. ought to not B. ought not to C. mustn't D. don't have to
  3. 49. When playing or swimming in the pool, children ___ be accompanied by their parents. A. should B. must C. don't have to D. have to 50. We ___ go to work by car. Sky train is a wise choice during rush hour. A. ought to B. mustn't C. shouldn't D. have to Exercise 2: Circle A. B. C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions 1. The ___ refers to the difference in attitudes or behavior between a younger generation and the older one. A. argument B. generation gap C. conflict D. disagreement 2. Living under the same roof with three or four generations can be frustrating because of the lack of space, independence, and the daily ___ A. arguments B. debates C. conflicts D. quarrel 3. He shared his father's ___ that people should work hard for their living. A. belief B. gap C. arguments D. complaint 4. Parents can't always respond effectively to agressive ___ of their children A. generation B. thought C. behaviour D. roles 5. She works in television, following ___ her father's footsteps. A. with B. on C. in D. of 6. My parents ___ us advice, but never force us to do what they want. A. give B. follow C. provide D. take 7. My grandparents encourage me to ___ my dream to become an engineer A. quit B. follow C. improve D. awake 8. I deeply respect David ___ what he has achieved. A. for B. about C. of D. to 9. She found herself ___ conflict with her parents over her future career. A. in B. out C. for D. on 10. Everyone was ___ towards him, listening carefully to his long explanations. A. respected B. respective C. respectable D. respectful 11. Breadwinning and childcare are the ___ roles of men and women in society A. respecting B. respective C. respectable D. respectful 12. Julie and Mark aged 17 and 19 ___ A. respectingly B. respectively C. respectably D. respectfully 13. He ranked first in the public English speaking contest. It was a perfectly ___ result. A. respecting B. respective C. respectable D. respectful 14. Parents are pleased when their children know how to be___ to others. A. frustrating B. responsible C. respectful D. studious 15. If you are a part of a (n) ___, you may live with your grandparents, aunts and uncles. A. generation gap B. extended family C. nuclear family D. blended family 16. Different___in a family often result in interesting debates and occasional disagreements. A. viewpoints B. hairstyles C. burdens D. trends 17. I usually get into ___ with my brother about trivial things. A. differences B. conflicts C. generation gap D. unemployment 18. One disadvantage of living in a/an ___ is that grandparents may see things from different viewpoints. A. extended family B. nuclear family C. small family D. dormitory 19. Some parents may also find their children’s behavior unacceptable and disrespectful to traditional ___ A. customs B. values C. spirits D. standard 20. In order to ___ the gap between the old generation and the younger one, mutual understanding is the vital key. A. bridge B. widen C. lessen D. lower 21. The wisest solution would be for parents and their children to ___ each other as friends
  4. A. cure B. treat C. show D. behave 22. There is no need for gender ___ because men and women can do many of the same tasks. A. issues B. equality C. roles D. gaps 23. I live in a/an ___ with my parents and my elder sister in the coastal area. A. extended family B. nuclear family C. extended house D. nuclear house 24. One advantage of living in a/an ___ is to strengthen relationship between young children and adults. A. nuclear family B. nuclear house C. extended family D. extended house 25. In my opinion, family members are responsible for ___. A. the housework B. the chores C. homework D. A and B 26. After graduating from university, I want to ___ my father's footsteps. A. follow in B. succeed in C. go after D. keep up 27. Four generations living in the same roof will have different ___ of lifestyle. A. gaps B. rules C. manners D. viewpoints 28. Generation ___ is the difference in the thoughts and viewpoints amongst generations living together. A. distance B. gap C. space. D. All are correct 29. My parents don't let me get married until I graduate from university and they never ___ their mind about that. A. keep B. impose C. focus D. change 30. The ___ arises when Jack and his parents have considerable disagreement on his choice of university. A. discrimination B. conflict C. agreement D. gap 31. If you just live with your parents and your siblings, you live in a ___. A. big family B. small family C. extended family D. nuclear family 32. ___ in a multi-generational family are unavoidable. A. advantages B. habits C. conflicts D. punishment 33. I usually get into ___ with my brother about trivial things. A. differences B. conflicts C. generation gap D. unemployment 34. He doesn’t want to follow in his father’s ___ as a doctor. A. attitude B. privacy C. tradition D. footstep 35. Over the past few years, in both the USA and the UK, the number of multi-generational households with three or four ___ living under the same roof has increased A. generations B. generatorsC. generatesD. generation Exercise 3: Rewrite the following sentences as long as the meaning is unchanged using modals 1. It is better for you to talk to your parents about your problem. You ___ 2. If I were you, I would study hard to pass the exam You ___ 3. It is a good idea for us to learn vocabulary every day. We ___ 4. I’d advise you to tell the truth to your family You ___ 5. It is not neccesary for us to wear uniforms every day I ___ 6. We aren’t allowed to drive without wearing a helmet. We ___ 7. It is necessary for young people to plan their future career carefully Young people ___ 8. It is very important to pay attention to the content of the lesson. You ___
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