Bài tập môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 (Global Success) - Viết lại câu thì hiện tại hoàn thành và quá khứ đơn

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Nội dung text: Bài tập môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 (Global Success) - Viết lại câu thì hiện tại hoàn thành và quá khứ đơn

  1. English 12 Ly Kha Nguyen 2017-2018 Bài tập viết lại câu thì hiện tại hoàn thành và quá khứ đơn 1. Samuel started keeping a diary in 1997.  Samuel has ___ 2. We started leaming English fìve years ago.  We have ___ 3. I began living in Ho Chi Minh City when I was 8.  I have ___ 4. She has taught the children in this remote village for five months.  She started ___ 5. He has written to me since April.  The last time ___ 6. She hasn’t had a swim for five years.  She last ___ 7. They last talked to each other two months ago.  They haven’t ___ 8. The last time she saw her elder sister was in 1999.  She hasn’t ___ 9. She hasn’t written to me for years.  It’s years ___ 10. Robert and Catherine have been married for ten ỵears.  It’s ten years ___ 11. It’s two weeks since they deaned their room.  They ___ 12. It’s over six months since John had his hair cut.  John ___ 13. How long is it since you rode a bicyde?  When ___ 14. How long is it since he wrote to ỵou?  When ___ 15. When did he last talk to you?  How long ___ 16. When did you last telephone him?  Hong long ___ 17. We have never eaten this kind of food before.  It’s the ___ 18. This is the fìrst time I have seen this fìlm.  I have never ___ 19. This is the first time he went abroad.  He hasn’t ___ 20. She started driving 1 month ago.  She has ___ 1
  2. English 12 Ly Kha Nguyen 2017-2018 21. We began eating when it started to rain.  We have ___ 22. I last had my hair cut when I left her.  I haven’t ___ 23. The last time she kissed me was 5 months ago.  She hasn’t___ 24. It is a long time since we last met.  We haven’t___ 25. When did you have it ?  How long___ 26. This is the first time I had such a delicious meal .  I haven’t___ 27. I haven’t seen him for 8 days.  The last___ 28. I haven’t taken a bath since Monday.  It is___ 29. It's 2 years since I had a punture.  I have ___ 30. It's 2 months since he earned any money.  He has ___ 31. He last shaved the day before yesterday.  He hasn’t ___ 32. I last drank champagne at my brother's wedding.  I haven’t ___ 33. It's 2 years since I was last in Rome.  I haven’t ___ 34. I saw Tom last on his wedding day.  I haven’t ___ 35. I last ate raw fish when I was in Japan.  I haven’t ___ 36. It's years since Mary last spoke French.  Mary hasn’t ___ 37. It's ten weeks since since I last had a good night sleep.  I haven’t ___ 38. He last paid taxes in 1970.  He hasn’t ___ 39. I last ate meat 5 years ago.  I haven’t ___ 40. It's 3 months since since the windows were cleaned.  The windows haven’t ___ 41. It's years since I took photographs.  I haven’t ___ 42. I last watched TV on new years's day.  I haven’t ___ 2
  3. English 12 Ly Kha Nguyen 2017-2018 43. It's 3 months since he wrote to me.  He hasn’t ___ 44. The last time I was aboard was in the summer of 1978.  I haven’t ___ 45. It's ten years since that house was lived in.  That house ___ 46. I haven't seen him for 2 months.  I last ___ 47. I haven't been to a concert for over a year.  The last time ___ 48. The last time I really enjoyed myself was your birthday party.  I haven’t ___ 49. It's nearly 20 years since my father saw his brother.  My father hasn’t ___ 50. When did you learn to drive?  How long is it ___ 51. The last time I went swimming was when we were in Spain.  I haven’t ___ 52. You haven't tidied this room for weeks.  It’s weeks ___ 53. We started looking for a flat 2 months ago and we are still looking.  We have ___ 54. This is the first time I've been to a night club  I haven’t ___ 55. They have never heard such a thing before.  This is the first time ___ 56. Noone has challenged his authority before.  This is the first time ___ 57. She left university 2 years ago  It is ___ 58. My mother was the most warm-hearted person I've ever known.  I have ___ 59. I haven't been able to see them for over a year.  It is ___ 60. It stared to rain at 2 o'clock.  It has ___ 61. I have never been to the ballet before.  It is ___ 62. John and Mary moved to Edinburgh twenty years ago.  It is ___ 63. The police started looking for him two months ago.  For two months now the ___ 64. I have never seen a dirtier-looking dog.  This is ___ 3
  4. English 12 Ly Kha Nguyen 2017-2018 65. Mary rang hours and hours ago.  It it hours ___ 66. It is ages since Alan visited his parents.  Alan ___ 67. John has not had his hair cut for over six months.  It is ___ 68. I has never seen such a beautiful building.  It's the most ___ 69. I have never read such a romantic story.  This is the most ___ 70. They had never had such a cold winter.  It was the ___ 71. You will never meet anyone more dangerous than Mrs Jones.  Mr. Jones is the most ___ 72. Man has never had such efficient servants as computer.  Computer is the most ___ 73. I haven't played football since 2000.  The last time ___ 74. I haven't been to HCM city for 2 years.  The last time ___ 75. I 've never met such a famous person before.  It is the first time ___ 76. She hasn't seen that boy here before.  It is the first ___ 77. She hasn't written to us since last year.  The last time ___ 78. She started to learn E 8 years ago.  It’s ___ 79. He hasn't laughed so much for ages.  It’s ___ 80. I haven't enjoyed myself so much for years.  It’s ___ 81. The telephone rang for hours.  It’s hours ___ 82. I haven't seen him for ages.  It’s ___ 83. I have learned English for four years.  We started ___ 84. Ly’s father started to stop smoking last year.  Ly’s father ___ 85. The editor hasn’t written to Mai for a month.  The editor last ___ 86. How long have you learned spanish?  How long ago ___ The end 4