Bài tập làm thêm Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 (i-Learn Smart World) - Unit 2: Generation gap - Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh

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Nội dung text: Bài tập làm thêm Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 (i-Learn Smart World) - Unit 2: Generation gap - Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh

  1. Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh TIẾNG ANH 11 I-LEARN SMART WORLD UNIT 2: GENERATION GAP VOCABULARY Lesson 1 13. curfew /ˈkɜːrfjuː/ (n) giờ giới nghiêm 1. generation gap /ʤenəˈreɪʃn ˌɡỉp/ (n) khoảng 14. diary /ˈdaɪri/ (n) nhật kí cách thế hệ 15. focus /ˈfoʊkəs/ (v) tập trung 2. hip hop /ˈhɪp hɑːp/ (n) nhạc hip hop 16. ignore /ɪgˈnɔːr/ (v) làm ngơ, bỏ qua 3. leather /ˈleðər/ (n) đồ da, da thuộc 17. influence /ˈɪnfluəns/ (n) sự ảnh hưởng 4. miniskirt /ˈmɪniskɜːrt/ (n) váy ngắn (trên đầu 18. permission /pərˈmɪʃn/ (n) sự cho phép gối) 19. privacy /ˈpraɪvəsi/ (n) sự riêng tư 5. outfit /ˈaʊtfɪt/ (n) trang phục 20. respect /rɪˈspekt/ (v) tơn trọng 6. practical /ˈprỉktɪkl/ (adj) thiết thực 21. several /ˈsevərl/(det) một vài 7. silly /ˈsɪli/ (adj) lố bịch 22. torn /tɔːrn/ (adj) bị rách 8. stylish /ˈstaɪlɪʃ/ (adj) cĩ phong cách, hợp thời trang Lesson 3 9. suitable /ˈsuːtəbl/ (adj) phù hợp 23. adversity /ədˈvɜːrsəti/ (n) nghịch cảnh 10. trend /trend/ (n) xu hướng 24. benefit /ˈbenəfɪt/ (v) giúp ích, cĩ lợi 25. elder /ˈeldər/ (n) người lớn tuổi hơn Lesson 2 26. previously /ˈpriːviəsli/ (adv) trước đây, trước đĩ 11. afford/əˈfɔːrd/ (v) cĩ khả năng mua/ 27. restate /riːˈsteɪt/ (v) thuật lại (theo cách khác) chi trả 28. spear /spɪr/ (n) cây giáo, cái xiên (để đi săn) 12. behavior /bɪˈheɪvjər/ (n) hành vi 29. survival /səˈvaɪvl/ (n) sinh tồn GRAMMAR PHẦN I: TAG QUESTIONS_ CÂU HỎI ĐUƠI I. ĐỊNH NGHĨA Câu hỏi đuơi (tag question) là dạng câu hỏi ngắn ở cuối câu trần thuật. Vị trí: Câu hỏi đuơi được thêm vào cuối câu khẳng định hoặc phủ định, cả hai vế được ngăn cách nhau bằng dấu phẩy. Chức năng: Câu hỏi đuơi được sử dụng khi người nĩi muốn xác minh xem thơng tin là đúng hay khơng hoặc khi muốn người nghe hồi đáp về câu trần thuật đĩ. Ngữ điệu: 1
  2. Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh • Nếu người hỏi xuống giọng ở câu hỏi đuơi thì tức là người nĩi thực sự khơng muốn hỏi, mà muốn người nghe xác nhận điều mình nĩi. • Nếu người hỏi lên giọng ở câu hỏi đuơi thì tức là người nĩi muốn hỏi thêm thơng tin từ người nghe. Ví dụ: She is learning English now, isn't she? (Cơ ấy đang học tiếng Anh bây giờ phải khơng?) Cơng thức chung: S + V + ., trợ động từ + S( ĐẠI TỪ ) -Nếu câu nĩi trước dấu phẩy là khẳng định thì câu hỏi đuơi là phủ định và ngược lại. -Trong câu hỏi đuơi chúng ta luơn luơn dùng các đại từ chủ ngữ (I, he, it, they, ) để đặt câu hỏi. Nếu là câu hỏi đuơi phủ định chúng ta dùng hình thức tỉnh lượt giữa “not” với “to be” hoặc với trợ động từ (isn’t, don’t, doesn’t, haven’t, didn’t, can’t, won’t, ). Ví dụ: Tom was at home, wasn’t he? Khơng nĩi: Wasn’t Tom? hay was not Tom? Bảng tĩm tắt cách thành lập câu hỏi đuơi. Statement Tag questions I am aren’t I ? I am not am I ? Động từ khiếm khuyết Can’t/couldn’t/shouldn’t/won’t + S ? S + can/could/should/will Động từ thường Sử dụng trợ động từ: Do/does/did S + V1 , Don’t + S? S + Vs/es , Doesn’t + S? S + V2/ed , Didn’t + S? S + have/has/had + V3/ed , Haven’t/hasn’t/hadn’t + S ? S + is/are/was/were , Isn’t/aren’t/wasn’t/weren’t + S? S + used to + V , Didn’t + S ? S +’d better/had better + V , Hadn’t + S? S +’d rather/would rather/would like + V , Wouldn’t + S? There + is/are/was/were ., Isn’t/aren’t/wasn’t/weren’t + S? Let’s + V , Shall we+? Chủ từ là : No one/nobody/anyone/anybody/ + they ? everyone/everybody/someone/somebody Chủ từ là: nothing/anything/something/everything + it? Chủ từ là this/that + it? 2
  3. Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh Chủ từ là these/those . + they ? Trong câu cĩ các từ phủ định:no/none/without Câu hỏi đuơi khẳng định, khơng cĩ NOT Neither/hardly/seldom/rarely/little/never/few. S + ought to , Shouldn’t + S? S + wish May + ? Câu mệnh lệnh Will you? Đối với cấu trúc "I think" Khi mệnh đề chính cĩ cấu trúc: I + think/ believe/ suppose/ figure/ assume/ fancy/ imagine/ reckon/ expect/ see/ + mệnh đề phụ Ta dùng động từ trong mệnh đề phụ để xác định động từ cho câu hỏi đuơi. Ví dụ: I think he will come here, won’t he? (Tơi nghĩ anh ấy sẽ đến đây, đúng khơng?) Lưu ý: Dù “not” nằm ở mệnh đề chính, nhưng tính chất phủ định cĩ ảnh hưởng đến cả câu nên vẫn tính như ở mệnh đề phụ. Ví dụ: I don’t believe Mary can do it, can she? (Tơi khơng tin Mary cĩ thể làm điều đĩ, đúng khơng?) Cũng mẫu cấu trúc này nhưng nếu chủ từ khơng phải là “I” thì dùng động từ chính trong câu (think/ believe/ suppose/ ) để xác định động từ cho câu hỏi đuơi. Ví dụ: She thinks he will come, doesn’t she? (Cơ ấy nghĩ anh ta sẽ đến, đúng khơng?) Câu hỏi đuơi với IT SEEMS THAT Câu cĩ cấu trúc IT SEEMS THAT thì mệnh đề chính sẽ là mệnh đề đứng sau THAT, phần câu hỏi đuơi sẽ áp dụng quy tắc như bình thường. Ví dụ: • It seems that it is going to rain, isn’t it? (Hình như trời sắp mưa nhỉ?) • It seems that you don’t want to go with me, do you? (Cĩ vẻ như anh khơng muốn đi cùng tơi nhỉ?) Câu hỏi đuơi của I AM Câu dùng I AM thì câu hỏi đuơi là AREN’T I cịn I AM NOT thì câu hỏi đuơi là AM I. Ví dụ: • I am a translator, aren’t I? (Tơi là biên dịch viên mà nhỉ?) • I am not sick, am I? (Con khơng ốm phải khơng mẹ?) Câu hỏi đuơi với NEVER, SELDOM, HARDLY, LITTLE, FEW 3
  4. Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh Câu chứa các trạng từ phủ định như NEVER, SELDOM, HARDLY, LITTLE, FEW, thì phần câu hỏi đuơi sẽ vẫn ở dạng khẳng định. Ví dụ: She hardly eats bread, does she? (Cơ ấy hầu như khơng ăn bánh mì , phải khơng?) Câu hỏi đuơi với TO V Nếu câu cĩ chủ ngữ là một mệnh đề, một danh ngữ, động từ dạng TO V thì phần câu hỏi đuơi sẽ dùng IT là chủ ngữ. Ví dụ: • What I am hearing is very interesting, isn’t it? (Những gì tơi đang nghe thật thú vị, phải khơng nào?) • Singing helps us reduce stress, doesn’t it? (Hát giúp chúng ta giảm stress nhỉ?) • To play video games doesn’t entertain us much, does it? (Chơi trị chơi điện tử khơng giúp chúng ta giải trí lắm, phải khơng nhỉ?) Câu hỏi đuơi với mệnh đề chính là câu mệnh lệnh Nếu câu ở phần mệnh đề chính là câu mệnh lệnh thì phần câu hỏi đuơi sẽ là “will you?” Ví dụ: • Do sit down, will you? (Anh sẽ ngồi chứ?) • Don’t make noise, will you? (Các em sẽ khơng làm ồn, đúng khơng nhỉ?) Câu hỏi đuơi dạng đặc biệt với ONE Nếu chủ ngữ của mệnh đề chính là ONE thì phần câu hỏi đuơi sẽ cĩ chủ ngữ là ONE/YOU. Ví dụ: • One can play this song, can’t you? (Một bạn nào đĩ cĩ thể chơi bài này, đúng khơng?) II.BÀI TẬP ÁP DỤNG Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 1. Everybody looks tired, ___? A. doesn’t it B. don’t they C. does it D. do they 2. I’m a bad man, ___? A. am not I B. isn’t I C. aren’t I D. am I 3. I think she is a dentist, ___? A. don’t I B. isn’t she C. do I D. is she 4. I don’t think you are an engineer, ___? A. do I B. aren’t you C. are you D. don’t I 5. Let’s turn off the lights before going out, ___? A. shall we B. will you C. shan’t we D. won’t you 6. Don’t be late, ___? 4
  5. Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh A. are you B. shall we C. do you D. will you 7. You don’t know him,___ ? A. do you B. don’t you C. are you D. aren’t you 8. Lan speaks Chinese very well, ___? A. does she B. doesn’t she C. is she D. was she 9. John has worked hard, ___? A. does he B. did he C. has he D. hasn’t he 10. They invited him to the party, ___? A. do they B. don’t they C. did they D. didn’t they 11. They are leaving here tomorrow___? A. do they B. are they C. aren’t they D. did they 12. I’m a bit late, ___? A. am not I B. aren’t you C. are you D. aren’t I 13. No one is indifferent to praise, ___? A. is one B. isn’t one C. is he D. are they 14. Somebody has left these socks on the bathroom floor, ___? A. have they B. haven’t they C. has he D. hasn’t he 15. James owns a restaurant, ___? A. does he B. is he C. doesn’t he D. didn’t he 16. You aren’t too busy to talk, ___? A. are you B. have you C. aren’t D. do you 17. The cases of COVID 19 outside China have increased 13 fold,___? A. hasn’t they B. haven’t they C. will they D. don’t they 18. What you have said is wrong,___? A. isn’t it B. haven’t you C. is it D. have you 19. COVID 19 can be characterized as a pandemic, ___? A. can it B. can’t it C. isn’t it D. can’t they 20. The coronavirus had already overwhelmed China, South Korea, Iran and Italy,___? A. hadn’t it B. hasn’t it C. didn’t it D. wasn’t it 21. Health authorities have activated their most serious response level,___? A. haven’t it B. hadn’t they C. have it D. haven’t they 22. Your mother is cooking in the kitchen,___? A. isn’t she B. doesn’t she C. won’t she D. is she 23. Chinese officials quickly shut down Wuhan market,___? 5
  6. Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh A. doesn’t it B. didn’t they C. hadn’t they D. do they 24. There are no easy ways to succeed,___? A. are there B. aren’t there C. aren’t they D. are they 25. No one is a better cook than my sister, ___? A. aren’t they B. is he C. are they D. is it 26. They’ll buy a new apartment, ___? A. will they B. won’t they C. don’t they D. will not they 27. This house is not safe, ___? A. isn’t this B. isn’t it C. is it D. is this 28. Ba rarely goes out at night, ___? A. doesn’t he B. is he C. isn’t he D. does he 29. Someone wants a drink, ___? A. doesn’t it B. don’t they C. do they D. doesn’t he 30. What you have just said is not true, ___? A. is it B. isn’t it C. haven’t you D. has it 31. Lucy has been studying English for 4 years, ___? A. has she B. is she C. hasn’t she D. isn’t she 32. It seems that you are telling me a lie, ___? A. doesn’t it B. does it C. aren’t you D. are you 33. You need take a rest, ___? A. don’t you B. needn’t you C. need you D. A&B 34. Let me take care of you, ___? A. may I B. will I C. shall we D. don’t I 35. Nobody phoned, ___? A. do they B. didn’t they C. will she D. did they 36. I should keep silent, ___? A. shouldn’t I B. don’t I C. should I D. do I 37. He mightn’t get there in time, ___? A. might he B. may he C. mightn’t he D. mayn’t he 38. Everything is fine, ___? A. aren’t they B. isn’t it C. are they D. is it 39. I wish to study English, ___? A. don’t I B. do I C. may I D. mayn’t I 40. What a nice dress, ___? 6
  7. Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh A. is it B. isn’t it C. doesn’t it D. does it 41. One can be one’s master, ___? A. can’t you B. can’t one C. can she D. A&B 42. You’d better stay at home, ___? A. hadn’t you B. had you C. don’t you D. do you 43. You’d rather learn English, ___? A. hadn’t you B. would you C. had you D. wouldn’t you 44. You don’t believe Peter can do it, ___? A. do you B. can’t he C. can he D. don’t you 45. These are 3 oranges you bought yesterday, ___? A. aren’t they B. are they C. are these D. aren’t these 46. He seldom helps her, ___? A. doesn’t he B. does he C. did he D. didn’t he 47. They never go to the library with US, ___? A. do they B. did they C. don’t they D. didn’t they 48. Mary and Peter don’t like English, ___? A. do they B. do Mary and Peter C. are they D. aren’t they 49. I am not a liar, ___? A. am I B. aren’t I C. do I D. don’t I 50. The ticket to London doesn’t cost a lot, ___? A. does it B. isn’t it C. is it D. doesn’t it 51. They must study hard, ___? A. mustn’t they B. need they C. must they D. needn’t they 52. You mustn’t come late, ___? A. need you B. must you C. needn’t you D. mustn’t you 53. She wishes to go to Singapore, ___? A. may she B. doesn’t she C. does she D. mayn’t she 54. Let’s go for a walk, ___? A. shall we B. will you C. shan’t we D. won’t you 55. You must have left your purse at home, ___? A. don’t he B. haven’t you C. doesn’t he D. did they 56. Susan doesn't like oysters, ___? A. did she B. does she C. doesn’t she D. she does 57. We should call Rita, ___? 7
  8. Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh a. should we b. shouldn't we c. shall we d. should not we 58. Monkeys can's sing, ___? a. can they b. can’t they c. can it d. can't it 59. These books aren't yours, ___? a. are these b. aren't these c. are they d. aren’t they 60. They are your friends, ___? a. is that b. isn’t that c. are they d. aren’t they 61. No one died in the accident, ___? (British English) a. didn’t they b. did he c. didn't he d. did they 62. I'm right, ___? a. aren't I b. amn't I c. isn't I d. not I am 63. They never came to class late, and___? a.did they b. didn.t they c. weren’t they d. were they 64. She must have been very happy when you told her the news, ___? A. need she B. mustn’t she C. isn’t she D. hasn’t she 65. You must be tired now, ___? A. needn’t you B. aren’t you C. mustn’t you D. haven’t you 66. You’ve never been to Italy, ___? A. have you B. were you C. haven’t you D. weren’t you 67. This picture is yours, ___? A. is it B. isn’t it C. is this D. isn’t this 68. He ought to be home by seven o’clock, ___? A. shouldn’t he B. mayn’t he C. needn’t he D. mustn’t he 69. No one is better cook than his mother, ___? A. is she B. isn’t she C. are they D. aren’t they 70. Do it right now, ___? A. will you B. shall you C. do you D. don’t you 71. There are no easy ways to learn a foreign language, ___? A. are they B. are there C. aren’t they D. aren’t there 72. He seldom goes to the library, ___? A. doesn’t he B. is he C. does he D. isn’t he 73. Let’s go for a long walk, ___? A. will we B. shall we C .don’t you D. do you 74. I think he will join us, ___? 8
  9. Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh A. doesn’t he B. won’t he C. will he D. don’t I 75. The film is good, ___? A. is it B. are they C. isn’t it D. aren’t they 76. You are going to the party, ___? A. is you B. are you C. aren’t you D. were you 77. He can speak English, ___ ? A. can he B. can’t he C. can’t him D. could he 78. The ticket to London doesn’t cost a lot, ___? A. do they B. does it C. is it D. isn’t it 79. You don’t need me any more, ___? A. do I B. don’t I C. do you D. don’t you 80. Nobody knows who invited the wheel, ___? A. do they B. don’t they C. does it D. doesn’t it 81. Harry was working in Bristol then, ___? A. was Harry B. wasn’t he C. was he D. didn’t he 82. You’ll be home before midnight, ___? A. will you B .won’t you C. are you D. won’t you be 83. David is bringing some wine, ___? A. is he B. isn’t he C. is David D. isn’t David 84. Don’t leave anything behind, ___? A. do you B. don’t you C. will you D. shall we 85. Nobody likes the play, ___? A. do they B. don’t they C. didn’t they D. did they 86. The children can read English, ___? A. can’t they B. can they C. they can D. they can’t 87. Your grandfather was a millionaire, ___? A. was he B. is he C. wasn’t he D. isn’t he 88. Your brother’s here, ___? A. is he B. are he C. isn’t he D. aren’t he 89. That was Ann on the phone, ___? A. was it B. was that C. wasn’t that D. wasn’t it 90. Tom didn't see her, ___? A. did Tom B. did he C. do Tom D. does he 91. Mary wasn't angry, ___? 9
  10. Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh A. was she B. is she C. wasn’t she D. was Mary 92. What I am hearing is very interesting,___ ? A. aren’t I B. isn’t it C. am not I D. don’t I 93. They are studying pronunciation with Mr. Brown, ___? A. are they B. aren’t they C. do they D. don’t they 94. She should have obeyed her parents, ___ she? A. should B. should have C. shouldn't have D. shouldn't 95. We should call Rita, ___? A. should we B. shouldn’t we C. shall we D. should not we 96. Monkeys can’t sing, ___? A. can they B. can it C. can’t they D. can’t it 97. This is the second time she has been to Nha Trang, ___? A. has she B. hasn't she C. isn’t this D. isn't it 98. These books aren’t yours, ___? A. are these B. aren’t these C. are they D. aren’t they 99. That’s Bod’s helmet,___? A. is that B. isn’t it C. isn’t that D. is it 100. He hardly does homework , ___? A. has he B. doesn’t he C. does he D. hasn't she GRAMMAR PHẦN II: PERFECT MODALS I. ĐỊNH NGHĨA Modals và Perfect Modals là gì? Modal verbs là động từ bổ trợ cho các động từ thường và được dùng để biểu thị các ý nghĩa về khả năng, ý kiến và dự định, Cấu trúc chung của các trường hợp sử dụng modal verbs là: Modal verb (not) + Bare infinity Ví dụ: People must not drive after they drink alcohol. (Mọi người khơng được lái xe sau khi đã uống rượu bia.) Nếu như các modal verbs dạng thường được dùng để diễn đạt các ý nghĩa trong hiện tại hoặc tương lai, thì dạng hồn thành của chúng (perfect modals) được dùng để diễn tả ý nghĩa về các sự việc đã diễn ra ở quá khứ. Cấu trúc chung của các trường hợp sử dụng perfect modals là: Perfect modal (not) + have + past participle Ví dụ: I could not find my phone. I must have left it at the office. 10
  11. Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh (Tơi khơng thể tìm thấy điện thoại của mình. Chắc chắn tơi đã để nĩ lại văn phịng rồi.) Phân loại Perfect Modals • Should => Should have • Would => Would have • Must => Must have • Can’t => Can’t have • Could => Could have • Might => Might have • Need not => Needn’t have Cách sử dụng từng loại Perfect Modals 1.Should (not) have + Past participle: + “Should (not) have + past participle” được dùng để diễn tả một việc mà người được nhắc đến LẼ RA NÊN (KHƠNG NÊN) làm trong quá khứ, nhưng người ấy đã thực hiện một hành động khác và hiện tại kết quả đã khơng như mong đợi. Ví dụ: You should have locked the door before you went to sleep! Now the thief has stolen all the valuables in our home. (Đáng lẽ anh phải khĩa cửa trước khi đi ngủ chứ. Giờ tên trộm đã lấy hết đồ giá trị trong nhà rồi.) + “Should (not) have + past participle” cịn được dùng để diễn tả một việc mà người nĩi đang mong đợi sẽ diễn ra. Ví dụ: He should have received the package yesterday. I already sent it 2 weeks ago. (Anh ấy đáng lẽ đã nhận được gĩi hàng vào ngày hơm qua, tơi đã gửi nĩ đi hai tuần trước rồi.) 2. Would (not) have + Past participle: + “Would (not) have + past participle” được dùng để diễn tả một việc sẽ diễn ra trong quá khứ nếu điều kiện dẫn đến việc đĩ được thỏa mãn. Đây cũng chính là cấu trúc câu thường thấy câu điều kiện loại 3. Ví dụ: I would have passed the exam if I had studied harder. (Tơi sẽ vượt qua bài kiểm tra nếu tơi học hành chăm chỉ hơn.) + “Would (not) have + past participle” cịn được dùng để diễn tả một việc mà người nĩi SẴN LỊNG LÀM, nhưng lại khơng làm trong quá khứ. Ví dụ: I would have cleaned the floor, but my mother told me not to do so. (Tơi đáng lẽ sẽ lau sàn nhà rồi nhưng mẹ bảo tơi khơng làm vậy.) 3. Must have + Past participle: + “Must have + past participle” dùng để diễn tả một việc mà người nĩi rất CHẮC CHẮN ĐÃ DIỄN RA (cĩ thật) trong quá khứ. Ví dụ: In 1945, living standard in the Vietnamese countryside must have been very poor. 11
  12. Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh (Vào năm 1945, điều kiện sống ở vùng quê Việt Nam chắc hẳn rất nghèo nàn.) 4. Can’t have + Past participle: + Để diễn tả một sự việc mà người nĩi CHẮC CHẮN KHƠNG THỂ DIỄN RA ở quá khứ, thay vì sử dụng mustn’t have, “can’t have + past participle” sẽ được sử dụng. Ví dụ: My husband can’t have driven to the office today because I still can see his car in the garage now. (Chồng tơi chắc chắn đã khơng lái xe đi làm hơm nay bởi vì tơi vẫn cịn thấy xe anh ấy ở trong nhà để xe.) 5. Could have + Past participle: + “Could have + past participle” được dùng để diễn tả một việc CĨ THỂ XẢY RA trong quá khứ, nhưng nĩ đã khơng xảy ra. Ví dụ: I could have chosen that hamburger, but I was on diet. (Tơi đã cĩ thể ăn cái bánh bơ-gơ đĩ, nhưng tơi đang ăn kiêng.) + “Could have + past participle” cịn được dùng để diễn tả sự việc mà người nĩi khơng chắc chắn đã diễn ra trong quá khứ (một lời phỏng đốn). Ví dụ: The cake on is no longer on the table. My son could have eaten it. (Cái bánh trên bàn đã khơng cịn nữa. Chắc là con trai tơi đã ăn nĩ.) 6. Might have + Past participle: Tương tự như cách dùng thứ hai của Could have, “might have + past participle” được dùng để diễn tả khi người nĩi khơng chắc chắn về sự việc trong quá khứ được nhắc đến (một lời phỏng đốn). Ví dụ: She couldn’t find her phone. She might have forgotten it at the office. (Cơ ấy khơng thể tìm thấy điện thoại của mình. Chắc là cơ ấy đã bỏ quên nĩ ở văn phịng rồi.) 7.Needn’t have + Past participle: “Needn’t have + past participle” dùng để diễn tả một sự việc đã diễn ra rồi, nhưng nĩ khơng cần thiết và khơng cĩ tác dụng gì. Ví dụ: You needn’t have cleaned the floor because I already did it two hours ago. (Bạn lẽ ra khơng cần lau nhà lần nữa bởi vì tơi đã lau cách đây hai giờ trước rồi.) II.BÀI TẬP ÁP DỤNG Exercise 1: Choose the best option 1. If I had a bicycle, I would/ will ride it every day. 2. George would have gone/would go on a trip to Chicago if he had had time. 3. Marcela didn’t come to class yesterday. She will have had/may have had an accident. 12
  13. Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh 4. John didn’t do his homework, so the teacher became very angry. John must have done/should have done his homework. 5. Sharon was supposed to be here at nine o’clock. She must have forgotten/must forget about our meeting. 6. Where do you think Juan is today? I have no idea. He should have slept/may have slept late. 7. George missed class today. He might have had/might not have had an accident. 8. Robert arrived without his notebook. He could have lost/would have lost it. 9. Thomas received a warning for speeding. He should have driven/shouldn’t have driven so fast. 10. Henry’s car stopped on the highway. It may run/may have run out of gas. 11. That can't have been/shouldn't have been Nick that you saw. 12. You must have given/might have given me a hand! 13. I caught a later train because I had to see/must have seen a client. 14. I suppose Bill should have lost/might have lost his way. 15. I didn't refuse the cake, as it should have been/would have been rude. 16. I don't know who rang, but it could have been/must have been Jim. 17. It was odd that you should have bought/would have bought the same car. 18. It's a pity you didn't ask because I can't help/could have helped you. 19. It's your own fault, you can't have/shouldn't have gone to bed so late. 20.The student should have / could have finished the national test by now. 21. My colleague looks exhausted. She must have / should have worked hard all day. 22. If people had been more aware of environment protection, many animals wouldn’t have / can’t have gone extinct. 23.You might not have / need not have done that assignment today. Our professor already gave us the answer keys for it. 24.Ben can’t have / couldn’t have been at John’s home last night. I was there all the time but I didn’t see Ben. Exercise 2: Use “must + have + Past participle” or “should + have + Past participle” to complete the following sentences 1. Hendry was deported for having an expired visa. He (have)___ his visa renewed. 2. Julietta was absent for the first time yesterday. She (be)___ sick. 3. The photos are black. The X rays at the airport (damage)___ it. 4. Blanca got a parking ticket. She (not, park) ___ in a reserved spot, since she had no permit. 13
  14. Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh 5. Mary did very well on the exam. She (study)___ very hard. 6. She (take) ___ that offer last month so now she won’t have a hard time finding a job 7. German called us as soon as his wife had her baby. He (be)___ must have been _ very proud. 8. John isn’t here yet. He (forget)___ must have forgotten ___ about our meeting. 9. They (leave) ___ earlier so they wouldn’t have missed the plane. Exerci se 3: Matching 1. You look sick today. a. my mother would take me to school every day. 2. I almost failed my test. b.I think you should see a doctor. 3. When I was a child, c. but you didn’t ask me. 4. I would have helped you with your d. but our children preferred cartoons. homework, e. I already bought 2 pizzas. 5. My mother wasn’t at home this morning. f. I should have reviewed my lesson more carefully. 6. My brother can’t have cooked this lunch. g. Could you open the window, please? 7. We could have watched action film last night h. He doesn’t know how to cook. 8. Our teacher has not told us the results yet. i. She must have been at work because today is 9. You needn’t have cooked dinner today. Monday. 10. The room is too hot. j.She might not have finished marking our tests. Exercise 4: Choose the best option to complete the following sentences 1. You ___ out last night. I called several times but nobody answered the phone. A. must be B. must have been C. could have been D. should have been 2. Micheal’s score on the test is the highest in the class; ___ last night. A. he must have studied hard B. he should have studied hard C. he must study hard D. he must had to study hard 3. Look! The yard is wet. It ___ last night. A. must rain B. couldn’t have rained C. must have rained D. should have rained 4. We ___ you more help, but we were too busy. A. might have given B. might give C. should give D. could give 5. You ___ your pass at the entrance unless you are asked to do so. A. mustn’t show B. can show C. haven’t to show D. Both B and C 6. Young people ___ obey their parents. 14
  15. Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh A. must B. may C. will D. ought to 7. Laura, you and the kids just have dinner without waiting for me. I ___ work late today. A. can B. have to C. could D. would 8. I ___ be delighted to show you round the factory. A. ought to B. would C. might D. can 9. Leave early so that you ___ miss the bus. A. didn’t B. won’t C. shouldn’t D. mustn’t 10. Jenny’s engagement ring is enormous! It ___ have cost a fortune. A. must B. might C. will D. should 11. You ___ to write them today. A. should B. must C. had D. ought 12. When ___you come back home? A. will B. may C. might D. maybe 13. You will get up early, ___you? A. may B. must C. will D. could. 14. "Where do you think Rooney is today?". "I have no idea. He ___ late." A. should have left C. would sleep B. would have sleep D. may have slept 15. Berbatov painted his bedroom black. It looks dark and dreary. He ___ a different color. A. had to choose C. must have chosen B. should have chosen D. could have been choosing 16. The children ___ "thank you" to you when you gave them their gifts. A. will have said C. should have said B. must say D. should say 17. If we had known your new address, we ___ to see you. A. came B. would have come C. will come D. would come Exercise 5: Correct the following sentences if necessary 1. You must have be surprised when you heard the news. 2. You needn’t have do all this work. 3. The window must have been broken on purpose. 4. You must tired after working so hard. 5. One of the men may have died on the mountain. 6. You must been driving too fast. 7. The thief must have come in through the window. 15
  16. Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh 8. If he is not in the office, he must at home. Exercise 6: Sentence transformation 1. Perhaps Susan knows the address. (may) ⇒ Susan___ 2. It’s possible that Joanna didn’t receive my message. (might) ⇒ Joanna ___ 3. The report must be on my desk tomorrow. (has) ⇒ The report ___ 4. I managed to finish all my work. (able) ⇒ I___ 5. It was not necessary for Nancy to clean the flat. (didn’t) ⇒ Nancy___ Exercise 7: Choose the best answer 1. I . drink a few cups of coffee to stay awake. (need to/ must) 2. We . book in advance. It isn’t much crowded (don’t need to/ need to/ mustn’t/ don’t have to) 3. You . eat less if you want to lose weight. (must/ need to) 4. We have plenty of time. We . hurry. (mustn’t/ needn’t/ don’t have to) 5. I don’t want anyone to know about out plan. You tell anyone. ( mustn’t/ don’t have to/ doesn’t have to). 6. I haven’t been sleep very well recently. (could/ able to/ can) 7. I . get you a chips when I go to the shop, if you want. (can/ could/ able to) 8. After his car crashes, he was so confused that he tell the police who he was or where he was going. (can/ can’t/ could/ couldn’t) Exercise 8: Rewrite the sentence using should/ shouldn’t 1. I’m feeling sick. I ate too much 2. When we went to the restaurant, there were no free tables. We hadn’t reserved one. 3. Laura told me her address, but I didn’t write it down. Now I can’t remember the house number. 4. I wasn’t feeling well yesterday, but I went to work. That was a mistake. Now I feel worse. 16
  17. Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh 5. Tomorrow there is a football match between Team A and team B.Team A members are much better. Exercise 9: Fill in the blanks using MUST, MUSTN’T, DON’T HAVE TO, SHOULD, SHOULDN’T, MIGHT, CAN, CAN’T 1. Rose and Ted ___ be good players. They have won hundreds of cups! 2. You ___ pay to use the library. It’s free. 3. I’m not sure where my wife is at the moment. She ___ be at her dance class. 4. Jerry ___ be working today. He never works on Sundays. 5. You ___ be 18 to see that film. 6. Dad ___ go and see a doctor. His cough is getting worse all the time 7. You don’t have to shout. I ___ hear you very well. 8. It ___ be him. I saw him a week ago, and he didn’t look like that. 9. You look pretty tired. I think you ___ go to bed early tonight. READING COMPREHENSION EXERCISE 1 Digital habits across generations Read an article about how people at different ages use computers and smartphones to practise and improve your reading skills. Do the preparation task first. Then read the text and do the exercises. Match the definitions with the vocabulary. Vocabulary Definitions 1. to miss out on a. websites and apps like Facebook, Twitter and 2. addiction Instagram 3. constantly b. in a funny or strange way because it’s unexpected 4. to be cut off from c. different from 5. unlike d. to not get the benefits of 6. social media e. needing something too much or in an unhealthy 7. ironically way 8. early adopters 17
  18. Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh f. people who are the first to buy or use new technology g. all the time without a break h. to have no access to Reading text: Digital habits across generations Today’s grandparents are joining their grandchildren on social media, but the different generations’ online habits couldn’t be more different. In the UK the over-55s are joining Facebook in increasing numbers, meaning that they will soon be the site’s second biggest user group, with 3.5 million users aged 55–64 and 2.9 million over-65s. Sheila, aged 59, says, ‘I joined to see what my grandchildren are doing, as my daughter posts videos and photos of them. It’s a much better way to see what they’re doing than waiting for letters and photos in the post. That’s how we did it when I was a child, but I think I’m lucky I get to see so much more of their lives than my grandparents did.’ Ironically, Sheila’s grandchildren are less likely to use Facebook themselves. Children under 17 in the UK are leaving the site – only 2.2 million users are under 17 – but they’re not going far from their smartphones. Chloe, aged 15, even sleeps with her phone. ‘It’s my alarm clock so I have to,’ she says. ‘I look at it before I go to sleep and as soon as I wake up.’ Unlike her grandmother’s generation, Chloe’s age group is spending so much time on their phones at home that they are missing out on spending time with their friends in real life. Sheila, on the other hand, has made contact with old friends from school she hasn’t heard from in forty years. ‘We use Facebook to arrange to meet all over the country,’ she says. ‘It’s changed my social life completely.’ Teenagers might have their parents to thank for their smartphone and social media addiction as their parents were the early adopters of the smartphone. Peter, 38 and father of two teenagers, reports that he used to be on his phone or laptop constantly. ‘I was always connected and I felt like I was always working,’ he says. ‘How could I tell my kids to get off their phones if I was always in front of a screen myself?’ So, in the evenings and at weekends, he takes his SIM card out of his smartphone and puts it into an old-style mobile phone that can only make calls and send text messages. ‘I’m not completely cut off from the world in case of emergencies, but the important thing is I’m setting a better example to my kids and spending more quality time with them.’ Is it only a matter of time until the generation above and below Peter catches up with the new trend for a less digital life? Are the sentences True (T) or False (F)? 1. More people aged 55 or more use Facebook than people aged 65 or more. 18
  19. Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh 2. Grandparents typically use Facebook less than their grandchildren. 3. Sheila feels grateful to social media. 4. Peter found his own smartphone use affected how he felt about how much his children used their phones. 5. Peter has changed how much he uses his phone during the working day. 6. Peter feels that the changes make him a better parent. EXERCISE 2 Choose the best answers for the following questions. The generation gap, which refers to a broad difference between one generation and another, especially between young people and their parents, usually leads to numerous conflicts. Such family conflicts can seriously threaten the relationship between parents and children at times. It goes without saying that, however old their children are, parents still regard them as small kids and keep in mind that their offspring are too young to protect themselves cautiously or have wise choices. Therefore, they tend to make a great attempt to help their children to discover the outside world. Nevertheless, they forget that as children grow up, they want to be more independent and develop their own identity by creating their own opinions, thoughts, styles and values about life. One common issue that drives conflicts is the clothes of teenagers. While teens are keen on wearing fashionable clothes which try to catch up with the youth trends, parents who value traditional clothes believe that those kinds of attire violate the rules and the norms of the society. It becomes worse when the expensive brand name clothes teens choose seem to be beyond the financial capacity of parents. Another reason contributing to conflicts is the interest in choosing a career path or education between parents and teenagers. Young people are told that they have the world at their feet and that dazzling future opportunities are just waiting for them to seize. However, their parents try to impose their choices of university or career on them regardless of their children's preference. Indeed, conflicts between parents and children are the everlasting family phenomena. It seems that the best way to solve the matter is open communication to create mutual trust and understanding. Question 1: Why do most parents still treat their teenage children like small kids? A. Because children usually make mistakes B. Because they think that children are too young to live independently. C. Because they think that children can't protect themselves well. D. Because teens are keen on wearing fashionable clothes which try to catch up with the youth trends Question 2: The word “offspring” in the second paragraph refers to___. A. parents B. children C. mind D. spring holiday Question 3: What do parents usually do to help their children as they are young? 19
  20. Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh A. They prepare everything for their children. B. They take care of their children carefully. C. They encourage their children to explore the outside world. D. They try to impose their choices of university or career on their children regardless of their preference. Question 4: Which kinds of clothes do teenagers want to wear? A. latest fashionable clothes B. casual clothes C. shiny trousers and tight tops D. expensive clothes Question 5: According to the passage, what are parents' viewpoints about the teenagers' clothes? A. Teenagers' clothes get the latest teen fashion trends. B. Teenagers' clothes are too short and ripped. C. Teenagers' clothes are contrary to the accepted standards and values of the society D. Teenagers' clothes are too expensive. Question 6: Why do teenagers want to choose their university or career? A. They want to explore the world on their own. B. They want to decide their future by themselves. C. Both A and B are correct. D. They don’t want to study at a local university. Question 7: The word “seize” in the fourth paragraph is closest in meaning to___. A. catch B. choose C. find D. gain EXERCISE 3 Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. In American, although most men still do less housework than their wives, that gap has been halved since the 1960s. Today, 41 per cent of couples say they share childcare equally, compared with 25 percent in 1985. Men's greater involvement at home is good for their relationships with their spouses, and also good for their children. Hands-on fathers make better parents than men who let their wives do all the nurturing and childcare. They raise sons who are more expressive and daughters who are more likely to do well in school - especially in math and science. In 1900, life expectancy in the United States was 47 years, and only four per cent of the population was 65 or older. Today, life expectancy is 76 years, and by 2025, it is estimated about 20 per cent of the U.S. population will be 65 or older. For the first time, a generation of adults must plan for the needs of both their parents and their children. Most Americans are responding with remarkable grace. One in four households gives the equivalent of a full day a week or more in unpaid care to an aging relative, and more than half say they expect 20
  21. Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh to do so in the next 10 years. Older people are less likely to be impoverished or incapacitated by illness than in the past, and have more opportunity to develop a relationship with their grandchildren. Even some of the choices that worry people the most are turning out to be manageable. Divorce rates are likely to remain high, and in many cases marital breakdown causes serious problems for both adults and kids. Yet when parents minimize conflict, family bonds can be maintained. And many families are doing this. More non- custodial parents are staying in touch with their children. Child-support receipts are rising. A lower proportion of children from divorced families are exhibiting problems than in earlier decades. And stepfamilies are learning to maximize children's access to supportive adults rather than cutting them off from one side of the family. Question 8: Which of the following can be the most suitable heading for paragraph 1? A. Men's involvement at home B. Benefits of men's involvement at home C. Drawbacks of men's involvement at home D. Children studying math and science Question 9: Nowadays, ___ of men help take care of children. A. 50% B. 41% C. 25% D. 20% Question 10: According to the writer, old people in the USA ___. A. are experiencing a shorter life expectancy B. receive less care from their children than they used to C. have better relationships with their children and grandchildren D. may live in worst living conditions Question 11: Which of the following is NOT true about divorce rates in the USA? A. They will still be high. B. They can cause problems for both parents and children. C. More problems are caused by children from divorced families. D. Children are encouraged to meet their separate parents. Question 12: The word "equivalent” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ___. A. comparable B. opposed C. dissimilar D . constrasting Question 13: The word "manageable” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ___. A. difficult B. challenging C. demanding D. easy Question 14: The word “this “ in the paragraph 3 refers to ___. A. getting divorced B. minimizing conflict C. causing problems to kids D. maintaining bonds Question 15: According to the writer, the future of American family life can be ___. A. positive B. negative C. unchanged D. unpredictable 21
  22. Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh EXERCISE 4 Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks. Fathers in today families are spending more time with their children than at any point in the past 100 years. (16) ___ the number of hours the average woman spends at home with her children has declined since the early 1900s, as more and more women enter the workforce, there has been a decrease in the number of children per family and an increase in (17) ___ attention to each child. As a result, mothers today in the United States, (18) ___ those who work part- or full-time, spend almost twice as much time with each child as mothers did in the 1920s. People (19) ___raised children in the 1940s and 1950s typically report that their own adult children and grandchildren communicate far better with their kids and spend more time (20) ___ with homework than they did. America’s children are also safer today than they’ve (21) ___ been. An infant was four times more likely to die in the 1950s than today. A parent then was 27 per cent more likely to lose an older teen (22) ___ death. If we look back over the last millennium, we can see that families have always been diverse. In each period, families have solved one set of problems only to face new (23) ___ . What works for a family in One economic and cultural setting doesn’t work for a family in another. What’s helpful (24) ___ one stage of a family’s life may be (25) ___at the next stage. If there is one lesson to be (26) ___from the last millennium of family history, it’s that families always have to (27) ___ with a changing world. (Source: Adapted from U.S. Society and Values) 16. A. Although B. However C. Unless D. Besides 17. A. isolated B. individual C. unique D. single 18. A. adding B. counting C. taking D. including 19. A. whom B. which C. who D. when 20. A. helping B. to help C. help D. on help 21.A. never B. already C. ever D. just 22. A. in B. for C. to D. with 23. A. challanger B. challenges C. challenging D. challenged 24. A. at B. for C. in D. by 25. A. destruction B. destroying C. destroyed D. destructive 26. A. drawing B. drawn C. draw D. drew 22
  23. Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh 27. A. put up B. live up C. go up D. catch up EXERCISE 5 Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each blank. Generation Gap Generation gap is a popular (28) ___ used to describe the wide differences between members of younger generation and their older. A generation gap exists when older and younger people don't understand each other (29) ___ their experiences, their opinions, habits, behaviour and life conditions. Generation gap can exist between two, or even three generations in a family, between mature and immature generations. Firstly, there are some different opinions between parents and children of their career, education and love. People live in the old society always think they should (30)___ everything for their children from selections of primary school to job, and then finding a wife or a husband for their children. There are many things children want but their parents think (31)___ are unnecessary. That causes misunderstanding and (32)___ gaps. Secondly, the young generation thinks differently from the old generation does. They can be affected by many new fashion (33)___. Life is more modern now, so fashion like recreation, entertainment, clothes, and hairstyle has to be changed to become more (34)___ for busy life. The young generation likes listening to pop, rock, hip hop music, but the older generation likes listening to classical music, folk songs. There are always gaps between generations. Next, the older generation has more experiences than the younger: they know what is right, what is wrong but the younger will comment, deny everything without any experiences. (35)___ , in some cases, the young generation makes foolish mistakes because of having no experiences. In short, parents seldom listen to their children and children always think parents are so strict and conservative. To shorten these distances or to (36)___this big barrier, parents and children should sit together and talk or discuss like friends. The young generation can learn experiences from the old one, and the old generation needs to refresh their (37) ___to receive the new lifestyle. If everyone can do that, the gaps will be filled. 28. A. name B. term C. description D. way 29. A. owing B. In spite of C. because of D. with 30. A. make B. put C. change D. arrange 31. A. which B. what C. those D. that 32. A. makes B. crosses C. does D. leaves 33. A. situations B. occasions C. modes D. trends 34. A. available B. suitable C. corresponding D. accustomed 35. A. So B. However C. With the result D. As a result 23
  24. Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh 36. A. clear away B. clear off C. clear up D. clear out 37. A. brains B. minds C. heads D. bodies EXERCISE 6 Read the passage and choose the best answer. Definition of Generation Gap and Causes Have you ever had the feeling that people older than you are hard to understand? Or, have you felt like people from younger generations just don't get it? Maybe you find it easier to ___ (1) with people who are closer to your age than those who are older or younger than you. You can probably thank the generation gap for these feelings. There are currently six generations living in the United States: the Greatest Generation, Silent Generation, Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials, and Generation Z. Each generation has its own unique set of characteristics and ___ (2). For example, the Greatest Generation (born 1901-1924) is known for its patriotism, hard workers, and loyalty to institutions. The Millennials (born 1980-2000) are characterized by their dependence on technology, detachment from traditional institutions, optimism, and ___ (3). It is no wonder that many people from different generations have a hard time understanding each other. Generation gap ___ (4) to differences in actions, beliefs, interests, and opinions that exist between individuals from different generations. So, what causes these differences? One factor that has heavily influenced generation gaps is the ___ (5) rate of change in society. In the 1800s, developments in society were slow. As a result, two or three generations lived lifestyles that were very___ (6) to each other. There weren't many differences across generations. However, given technological and social advances that have taken place in the 20th and 21st centuries, the lifestyles of individuals even one generation apart are drastically different from each other. Just think about all of the changes in technology that ___ (7) in the past 20 years. Many individuals from older generations are having trouble keeping up ___ (8) the modern technologies that Millennials have become accustomed to. Due to generation gaps, a child may explain to an adult how to use technology, or a young adult will choose to spend his time on public transportation texting, while an older man passes the time reading. Another factor that has influenced the generation gap is the increased mobility of society. In earlier generations, society was not very mobile. Most people stayed in the same area or country. There was ___ (9) contact with people outside of one's general area. Access to information from other cultures was limited. However, with the increasing advances of technology, people began ___ (10) to new things. 1. A. approach B. connect C. concentrate D. relate 2. A. norms B. norm C. normal D. normally 3. A. open-minded B. pessimism C. open-mindedness D. pessimistic 4. A. distract B. focuses C. relate D. refers 24
  25. Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh 5. A. accelerating B. accerlerate C. celeberating D. celebrate 6. A. different B. similar C. same D. relate 7. A. have occurred B. has occurred C. had occurred D. occurred 8. A. with B. for C. to D. from 9. A. a little B. much C. little D. amount of 10. A. to being introduced B. to be introduce C. to be introduced D. to introduce EXERCISE 7 Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 1 to 7 A recent survey into how teenagers in a Southeast Asian country spend their free time has come up with what some people regard as a surprising finding: many of those surveyed reported that they would rather stay at home and do things indoors than go out and experience real-life adventures. One in four teenagers surveyed believed that online experiences were as fulfilling as real life, and more than half were actually afraid of trying new experiences. When asked about their most memorable experience over the previous ten months, nearly 30% of boys said ‘playing a new video game’, while 10% of all teenagers said it was watching a new TV series. On asking for more detailed information, researchers found that 20% of boys and 22% of girls said they had never had a real-life adventure. It would be easy to blame technological advances for these findings. After all, today's teenagers have many more indoor activities to choose from than did their parents. About half a century ago, children were expected to spend more of their free time outside. But researchers do not put the blame wholly on technology. To members of older generations, these findings are worrying, because it means that young people increasingly rely on virtual reality and are consequently missing out on real outdoor activities such as mountain climbing, kayaking, etc., which have always been regarded as both enjoyable and character- building. The surveyed adults said they thought today's youth were more protected than they had been when they were growing up. Giving examples of this protection, more than half said they would not let their teenage children hitchhike or go on holiday without an adult. Seven in ten said they would not even allow teenagers to get into a taxi on their own. It is not clear whether adults believe the world is more dangerous than it used to be or whether they do not trust today's youngsters to look after themselves. (Adapted from Cambridge English First for Schools, Trích đề thi Tốt Nghiệp THPT năm 2023) 25
  26. Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh Question 1: Which of the following can be the main idea of the passage? A. Thorough research on teenagers' online games and outdoor activities B. Viewpoints on teenagers' free-time adventures and online games C. Teenagers' free-time activity preferences and adults' concerns D. Fears and tensions encountered by teenagers and adults' concerns Question 2: The word fulfilling in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to___. A. discouraging B. satisfying C. frightening D. devastating Question 3: The word advances in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to___. A. advantages B. developments C. barriers D. movements Question 4: The word they in paragraph 3 refers to___. A. young people B. surveyed adults C. older generations D. outdoor activities Question 5: According to paragraph 3, the older generations are worried about___. A. the young's lack of indoor activities B. the young's ignorance about virtual reality C. the young's preferences for outdoor activities D. the young's reliance on virtual reality Question 6: Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage? A. One fourth of the surveyed teenagers believed online experiences in their free time were as pleasing as real life. B. Researchers do not put all the blame on technology for causing teenagers' lack of real-life experiences. C. The older generations surveyed thought that today's teenagers were more protected than they had been. D. The majority of teenagers surveyed enjoyed real outdoor activities in their leisure time. Question 7: Which of the following can be inferred from the passage? A. Many adults think that the present world is as dangerous as it used to be. B. Many adults are doubtful about their children's ability to take care of themselves. C. Virtual life is considered to be more and more challenging for teenagers in the present world. D. The majority of teenagers surveyed believed virtual reality was as interesting as the real life. 26